Fun at 3am // Mikey Manfs

By localdxlan

20.8K 449 56

*Based off the vlogs and a couple random things from my head.* Everything is alot more fun at three am. Don't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Book 2 coming soon??
Book 2 in progress!!!
sneak peek of bk. 2
Book Two

Chapter 26

358 5 0
By localdxlan

"How about no and say we did." I told Afaff after she said hop off Brandon's dick because Mikey was around, like he's never seen the two of us act like a couple before. Playing nice with her isn't really an option only because she had straight up told me one time that there can only be one girl in Mikey's vlog. Even though me and the boys are a package deal. Since day one, I told her to back the fuck off. "Respect your boyfriend." She rolled her eyes that you can barely see because her fake eyelash. "Tell me who the fuck are you to tell me what to do." The Jeresy side of me was coming out and it wasn't going to be pretty one bit.
Moreno had grabbed me by the waist, trying to hold me back. "Kylie, just let it go." He pulled me back, trying to keep me calm. "What are you gonna do?" She was acting like she was untouchable, sitting there like she was the most prefect girl in California. "Test me and you'll see." And she did but before I was able to even lay a hand on her, all the boys stepped, telling me that I was in the wrong and that I need to leave. "Leave Ell, you obviously can't be here." Mike had got in my face, having everyone locked in seeing what my reaction was going to be.
Instead I just grabbed my phone and sweater off the couch and walked out. "Bye, have a good life." I had reacted fast to her comment, but Jake was faster than me, caught me and had me over his shoulder in seconds.

They had threw me out of the apartment like I was trash. Without thinking I socked the wall, multiply times causing my hand to bleed. I walked over to my apartment and Kristen had looked at me, saying Hi but I just ignored her and walked to the bathroom. Knowing that there was something up, she walked into the bathroom, seeing the bloody water in the sink. "What happened?" Not waiting two minutes to respond I told her everything and she was in shocked that the guys would even treat me like that.

Moreno and Jake had came over, not to ask to see if I was okay but to tell me that I wasn't allowed back at their apartment because they're afraid that I'm going to hurt someone. Just adding more drama to the mix.
"Okay Ell, let's go." Kristen came running from downstairs, grabbing my keys from my counter and handed me a sweater. "Where you going?" Jake asked. "Don't act like you care." I grabbed more paper towels because my hand hasn't stopped bleeding. They both looked at me like I was some crazy person they just saw on the street. "Yes we do." All in my emotions my eyes reacted faster than my voice did. "No you don't! Stop saying you do." I cried, holding the door open with my foot.
Mikey had randomly showed up with Tyler, just in time to see my break down. "What's up? Why you crying?" He placed his hand on the door not letting me out of my house. I leaned my head back, softly hitting it against my door. Everyone was just waiting for me to answer but I couldn't even find the words to say because it was just all too much and I couldn't do it anymore.

My eyes were closed and breathing was soft, hand still bleeding and everyone bothering me like they were my Mom. I shook my head and took off to my room, locking the door and not coming out until I fell mentally fine with coming out on my own and not when everyone wants me too.

Kristen's Pov

Everyone was getting pissed at Ell because she didn't answer a simple question. But nobody once asked her how she was feeling about the whole situation. It was bad enough that she can't get away from the drama going on in Jeresy. That bitch had made it worse and nobody here was making it better, so it was understandable that she had went off and locked herself in her room. Everyone was being assholes and weren't caring for her feelings but once they found out that she managed to literally break her hand now they all want to be her friend.
"Do you guys honestly care for her?" I asked all of them. And of course, they all had to think about it. Mikey didn't even answer without thinking and he claims that he loves her. "She goes past her limits for you guys and you can't even ask why she was in a pissed off mood. But instead you guys come over to tell her basically screw off." They all stayed silent and didn't even try to tell me no. I shook my head at all them, including Tyler. "Such great friends you all are." I had left them alone and went upstairs to try and talk to Ell.

Jake's Pov

"I've never seen someone so pissed in such a calm matter." Moreno had said as we walked back to our apartment. We all agreed. Walking into the house Afaff and Diego were talking about Ellie, basically calling her a bad person. Not wanting to be rude Moreno had said something to the both of them. "Please don't talk about her like that." Afaff had gave him the same look she gave Ell, like she can run him out of the house in a matter of seconds. "What? All I'm saying is the truth." This had pissed him off and they began to aruge. "She's a hoe and was with Mikey while getting with another guys, what's a lie about that." She told Moreno, but Manfs had took it more to heart.
"What are you talking about?" Manfs asked and she nodded her head and started to feed him lies about Ell and things she would never do.

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