The Will to Live: A Mystwalke...

By TheMasterofEnvisions

1.2K 31 52

Erza is having more than its share of troubles, an uncompleted will, a looming prophecy, constant attacks fro... More

Labor Day, Harder pays, Old Friend pays (a visit)
Tide's Return
Karaoke Night
The Knight's Past
7 Keys 7 Years
Tide Fare L.
The Icy ACE
The Box in Another Box in a Box That has a Box and in That Box, There's a Box.


150 4 6
By TheMasterofEnvisions

"23 slices of lime cake! Now!" Lieutenant Tide ordered the trembling waiter. 

"Uh-23? Er-KNIGHTWALKER!" Tide shook her head, oblivious to the fainting waiter.

"So, Erza-nee, what's your idea about the current King, eh?" Tide said casually, folding her napkin into a swan absentmindedly. "Our 'Lost Prince Jellal' has come back in the nick of time. I think he has some guts, seizing power like that. You?"

Erza finished her 14th slice before replying, "I can't believe he dared give me orders like that after being gone that long."

Tide chuckled, old times never change.

"I'd like 50 more slices!" Erza demanded, with a fist slammed down on the table and a lot of onlookers.

"Hey! I told you to not make me broke!" Tide yelled at Erza indignantly, "Cancel that order, waiter!"

"Jeez, you're on the verge of being broke?" Erza punched Tide's shoulders hard, "Typical."

"Oh yeah?" Tide back fired, as the two soldiers stood up so quickly their chairs went flying. 

"What's the matter, Tide? You can't even buy lime slices?" Erza grinned evilly.

 "Tide the dull-brained!"

"Erza the Ego!"






"Tough haired!"

"77th failure!"

"Alright then!" Tide declared, "Let's make a  bet."

Erza's eyes narrowed as a smirk crept up her face, "Now I know why you're broke, Tide."

"Laugh all you want, but here's the bet-"

"Captain Knightwalker, Lieutenant Tide, are you disturbing the peace?" A deep voice interrupted them.

"The King's here!" a couple of citizens remarked.

"King Jellal!" Cried the waiter.

"You highness!" Tide said shocked, kneeling down on one knee, "We were just catching up on old times, your highness."

"Wow! He's so hot!" A bunch of waitresses squealed, causing Jellal to blush in embarrassment.

"So muscular!" One of the waitresses said, hearts in her eyes.

Seeing the king was not having fun in this awkward scenario, Erza decided to help the poor guy out.

Silencing the onlookers with her signature death glare, Erza cleared her throat before continuing. "What graces us with your so wanted presence, King," She said sarcastically.

"Can we talk outside?" King Jellal whispered to his red-headed Captain.

Erza stared him down before giving a quick nod, gesturing for Tide to guard the door so they would not be interrupted.

"You like lime-cake?"

"If you have come to talk about my interests in food, I would like to excuse myself. My time is limited, I have a busy schedule, so if you don't mind, please just say what you need to say." Erza retorted.

The King sighed, rubbing his eyes and trying to stifle a yawn, "Very well."

Erza stood by patiently, gazing down at the Blue-haired King. Her dark eyes piercing their prey mercilessly.

"We have recovered what my father wanted to gain out of that mission, he wanted to find the Sword of the Heavens. Because it would have given him the magical power he would need to start the dragon chain cannon, but then after many failed attempts, he gave up. Especially when the last group he sent never came back."

Erza nodded, "I've heard about this Sword, what about the keys?"

Jellal looked startled, "I told Tide not to tell the soldiers about that!" He groaned in frustration and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

The corners of her mouth twitched, Tide's still the rebel she always was.

Jellal shook his head disapprovingly, "I will talk to Tide. Some stuff is secret information."

"Give her a break, she's a high middle class soldier now."

Just then, a mob of fan girls crowded around Jellal and avoided Erza like the plague.

"You're so hot, King Jellal!"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"Wanna go on a date?"

"Wanna go off somewhere, alone?"

Jellal's face got flustered as he tried desperately to get out of the mess her was in.

In the middle of the chaos, Tide slid up beside Erza, and chuckled with a smirk on her face.

"What did you do soldier?" Erza asked in a stoic voice, "Do I want to know?"

Tide snapped into a soldier's position and responded with a "No, sir. You do not."

Erza hit Tide's shoulders, hard.

The newly ranked Lieutenant  stumbled a few steps before answering with a, "But Erza wants to!"

Erza offered her battle buddy a dagger as she signaled for the duo to enter the fray.

Tide grabbed the dagger with no hesitation as she lept into the mob with a hysterical 'Wahoo!'.

Erza merely pushed them aside.

With the feared Fairy Hunter in between their 'love' along with a maniac with a dagger that was laughing hysterically, they dispersed and ran for their lives.

"Cowards! Get outta here ya scumbags!" Tide yelled after them, waving her pointy object menacingly.

Erza, however was too interested in the King's red face.

"Your face color matches my hair now." Erza informed him.

"Sh-Sh-Shut Up!" Jellal responded menacingly, avoiding eye contact.

Erza smiled a little. He looked cute all flustered like that.

Jellal finally lifted his head, he still had a pink tinge on his cheeks but he was looking pretty good besides that.

"Um-Erza... Do you want to-"

He was interrupted by Tide yelling "Kyaaaaaa! I see a ship! I see a ship on the horizon!"

Erza turned towards the lookout towers by the main river, there was, indeed a ship.

"Good eye, Tide." Jellal complimented.

Erza nodded, impressive, though she should have seen it first. 

"Doesn't look like any ships I know, though." Jellal continued.

Tide looked around bewildered, "Why does no one understand me?" she wailed, yelling at the sky.

"We do understand you." Jellal said, "I just said there was a ship on the horizon, just like you said."

Tide only continued to wail louder, "Nobody understands me!"

Erza walked forward and hit Tide in the stomach fiercely, making the soldier limp over.

"Let's go back to the castle." Erza stated, after putting down some jewels for the meal and swing Tide's limp form over her shoulders.

Hey guys.

Just so you know, Tide is my OC. 

And I feel her, I see ships on the horizon too.

Can't you?


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