Sovereignty [Naomi x Dean Amb...

By Angelicbixch

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Naomi Knight, Queen of the largest Coven in North America. Dean Ambrose, A vampire known for his violent and... More

Let's Party!
Blue Eyes
Daddy Ambrose💕
Their Naughty Witch
Nasty Queenie 👑
A preview
Three Demons and a Witch
Unleashing Athena 1/2

Another Night?

222 11 11
By Angelicbixch

The next morning Naomi woke up with a bright smile on her face she felt like she slept on a cloud that the cloud nymph Nephele herself crafted just for her, she couldn't remember the last she felt so good waking up. She couldn't remember the last time a man was able to fuck her as good as that Vampire Dean did last night.

A pout formed on her face, she literally had some Eros type dick and she's probably never gonna have that type of dick again. Huffing she used her magic to summon her silk robe so she could go out to check if everyone was here and all the guest got home. Just as she was about to swing her legs over the edge of the bed the bedroom door slammed open causing Naomi to let out a rather undignified help as she clutched her robe tighter to her body.

Staggering into her room with a glare on their face was Ember, her eyes narrowing in on Naomi.

“You!” Ember hissed out as she raised an accusatory finger at the Queen who pointed at herself and mouthed ‘me?” a look of complete confusion on her face. What the fuck did she do?

“Yes you!”

Still glaring Ember started to limp towards Naomi, using the wall to help stable herself. Her legs felt like fucking Jello.“You are worst than the Catholicism Devil itself!” Ember hissed out, flopping onto her back once she reached the bed
a sigh of relief escaping her mouth.

“Excuse you!?” Naomi yelled clearly offended

Snapping her head toward the Queen she continued her rant. “Do you know what it like to take not one but three demon dicks?! Do you know how fucking rough three demons are?! Look at all these bite marks!” She pointed to her neck before gesturing at her thighs that were exposed since too was wearing a silk robe. “They were ruthless! Bending me in ways I didn't know I can bend! Should of
“My poor pussy…” She muttered the last part.

“Ember!” Naomi gasped as she let out a small giggle at Ember vulgar mouth. She did had to admit Ember looked all types of fucked up, though she did admit a radiate glow so said demon dicks must've been real good.

“And it's your fault, had to be my wing woman! Now fix me!” Naomi let out a sigh but ultimately she casted a healing spell on the woman and deciding to take precaution casted on one herself.

“At least it was only for one night.” The queen said but was taken back by the short bark of laughter from Ember causing her to raise an eyebrow as she looked at her friend.

“Oh, no, no, no! Those motherfucker made sure I'm gonna see them again.” She said, even going as far to take up a pompous British accent when she said ‘See them again’. “Bastards...still gonna fuck ‘em when I get the chance. Just not all at once.” Or she thought.

Naomi just shook her head as she removed herself from the bed heading towards the bathroom. “Girl you're wild.” She murmured as she walked over to the bathtub drawing her bath. She added a few herbs and oils to help prepare her for the long day ahead. Being accompanied by Ember and Sasha, Naomi was going to meet up with a few other powerful covens, handle some issues. While it should go smoothly, she had to deal with the Wyatt's Coven and that's never fun.

Ember stayed in the bed stretching out on the lush bedding before she realized Naomi fucked on this bed and hopped her ass up real quick, deciding she was going to raid the closet instead. “I’ve always been wild girl.” Ember called back as she let her fingers dance across the delicate lace and silk clothing. And it's true Ember always had a wild side shit, she wouldn't even consider it a wild side, more like it was just her.

As Ember let her fingers rub the fabrics between them she began to think about her past.  If you would've told 18 year old Ember well…’Athena’ as she was known as back then, that she would be one of the young Queen Naomi's most trusted adviser she would've laughed in your face. And probably beat your ass for thinking you can just approach and speak to her! Ember shook her head letting out a small laugh, ‘Athena’ thought she was big and bad.

But yet, here she was with access the finest clothing thanks to Naomi. Ember felt blessed to call Naomi her Queen.

She stopped when she felt material that was pleasing against her fingertips. Pulling the garment off the rack she looked it over. While it looked like a very simple oversized hoodie, the material it was made of was soft as shit! Oh she's stealing this! Dropping her robe she slipped the hoodie on and was pleased that it fell past her mid thigh, and while it felt weird to be naked under the hoodie she like to embrace not wearing underwear. If she had her way her titties would of been out 24/7

Naomi had settled in her bath when Ember emerged out the closet and made herself comfortable at her vanity. Naomi didn't mind, she didn't use all those products anyways.

“Do you know all the covens expected this afternoon?” Ember asked as she grabbed a foundation that matched her skin tone (Goddess bless that Naomi and her were team dark skin)
and applying it, focusing on the bruises and bite marks that she couldn't cover. She bit down on her bottom lip as the memories of last night flash through her mind, she never thought she'd let one demon hit it let alone three at once. Ember felt her cheeks warm up as she remembered everything, she was thankful when Naomi chose to answer her question at that point.

“It's the Wyatt's, Miss Bliss's little coven and I think two more, we are going over reports today.Make sure they are complying with the laws that are set and other supernaturals in their areas aren't causing a havoc.” Naomi said her mind fresh on the bullshit chaos that the “Bullet Club” pulled, that ragtag group of multiple supernaturals caused humans to panic and yet because they didn't fucking murder anyone punishment wasn't necessary. She owed Kenny Omega a swift kick in the balls next time she encountered him.

Ember hummed a bit. “It should be easy then.”

“Let us hope.” Naomi said stepping out the tub and wrapping herself in a soft towel. As she stepped out to get some fresh underwear she noticed her cellphone was on the dresser and it seemed like she had a text. Quickly she opened it thinking it was one of her council members but let out a gasp when she saw it was from Daddy...he wouldn't.

Opening the text the first thing she was greeted with was a shirtless selfie was Dean (which she shamelessly saved. In her defense he has a very nice chest.) after ogling the picture for a moment her eyes dropped to the text and reading it had her heart pounding. So much for it being a one night stand...oh bless the Goddess!

Pulling on a pair of black underwear and a matching bra Naomi slipped on a tight fitting Yeezy dress which she covered by tossing a Fenty sweatshirt over it. She finished the look by pairing it with a pair of thigh high black boots, very Instagram hoe but she rocked it. “Ember hurry!” She called with a large grin on her face. While she waited for Ember she sent Dean one of her nudes just for the fun of it.

“I'm coming.” Ember huffed as she slide on a pair of Naomi’s low heeled boots. Tossing her hair up into a simple bun Ember came running out the bathroom as Naomi opened the door. Now to grab Sasha and head out to the meeting.

The meeting went off without a hitch...unfortunately Ember had gotten a panic call from Liv around 9 pm who was working on some paperwork at Ember's club 'Chariot’. It was her baby and by the call Liv needed her ASAP and Naomi tagged along ready to beat some ass if needed.

Arriving at the club the first thing that hit the women was a strong sense of chaos which didn't sit well with them. Glancing at each other the women nodded and marched into the club from the back. It was the Immediately they met up with Liv who was so thankful to see the two of them.

“Your Majesty.” She greeted Naomi in a rushed fashion before taking hold of Ember's hand. “These fucking Shifters are really trying to cause a fucking riot!” Liv hissed. Ember eyes narrowed when she heard a loud crash coming from the main bar followed by hooting and hollering. Not in her club! Growling she marched out from the back to see that two wolves was scraping in the middle of her bar like this was some backwoods biker bar! Fury flash in Ember’s eyes as she watched one of the wolves toss the other causing him to crash through one of her tables. Oh hell no! Storming out to the bar Ember was going to put an end to this shit show now!

“She pissed...” Naomi murmured debating if she should follow just in case she needed back up. But the way the crowd parted like the red sea, Naomi figured that Ember can handle it. While Naomi watched her loyal adviser march to the brawling wolves with the fury and disposition of a Valkyrie she failed to notice a pair of familiar blue eyes watching her from a table in the back.

Dean knew Naomi was here as soon as she entered the building, his body reacting when he felt the pulse of power from her magic. A side effect of consuming her blood. So he wasn't surprised when he saw her emerge from the back with the blonde and woman who she set up with three demons last night.

Dean let his eyes wander over her body, even with the dress covered by the large sweatshirt he could tell it hugged her body something fierce! While the boots she wore made her legs look like they went on for miles. Dean felt a surge of lust flow through as he continued to leer at the Queen thinking about ditching Seth and Roman to sneak away and fuck her. Ever since last night she had been on his mind and when he woke up this evening to a bunch of very naughty pictures she sent throughout the day while he slept he been wanting to get his hands on her.

While Naomi didn't notice Dean's leering what she did notice was two men who looked vaguely familiar eyeing Ember with vulture like intensity,  it took a moment for Naomi to realize it was 2 of the 3 demons from last night. Since undercut was rocking a snapback she didn't recognize him.

Shifting her eyes back to Ember, Naomi smirked as she watch Naomi grabbed one of the men by the hair and using a bit of her magic to help slammed his head against the bar.

“ENOUGH!” Ember growled out as she narrowed her eyes on the wolf she wasn't holding down. Instantly she recognized him and it caused her temper to flare. “Baron I should fucking beat your ass for this!” She hissed at her...well she wouldn't call him a friend a acquaintance is more like it.

She watched as his eyes focused on her, he was shit faced wonderful. “He fucking started it!” Baron slurred out causing Ember to roll her eyes as she glanced down at the struggling wolf. She didn't recognized this one at all, it must be one passing by. Her attention went back to Baron. “I don’t care if Odin himself started it!” Ember barked out “Go home Cor-” Her words got cut short by the unknown wolf.

“Let me go you fucking cunt!” Ember eyes widen considerably as her head snapped down to stare at the wolf in shock and in her shock the wolf was able to toss her into Baron, teeth bared.

Ember was immediately filled with rage. Not only did this bastard touch her but he called her a cunt, and that shit isn't gonna fly with her! Eyes flaring red Ember pushed herself off of Baron and tackled the wolf on to the floor, she had gather a bit of magic to her fingertips and pressed them against the wolf's forehead causing a pain to shoot throughout his body. A twisted grin spread across the witch's face as she listened to him scream before she was being shoved away...more like yanked causing Ember to whirl around her magic still at the ends of her fingertips. In her blind fury she lunged forward ready to attack only for her wrist to be grabbed and held above her head in a way that made sure she wouldn't come in contact with them. Immediately Ember started to struggle until she heard a growl in front of her causing her to stop struggling and open her eyes. It took a moment for her eyes to focus and when they do Ember was surprised to be greeted by a snarling Pete.

Across the room Liv and Naomi watched the chaos unfold, neither heard what the wolf said but when he shoved Ember they both knew hell was about to break loose and when they saw her eyes flash red they knew shit was serious. Ember while not as powerful as Naomi was still a very powerful witch and in her youth developed an ability that was rather dangerous. Naomi never really got her to divulge on it much what she did know was the Ember somehow was able to manipulate her magic where she could concentrate it to the tips of her fingers and send surges of it throughout a person's body. It's immensely painful. And it was some even Naomi couldn't do because while there are spells to send pain through someone as far as Naomi knew it wasn't a spell when Ember did it.

Naomi was about to march over and put a stop to all of this bullshit but was halted when she saw the two demons barreling through the crowd. She watched as the two of them worked, unfortunately the one with the undercut had to task of removing Ember from the wolf and when he grabbed her he almost was a victim himself if he hadn't grab and held her wrist above her head.

“Alright...time to damage control.” Naomi murmured to Liv who nodded her head in agreement. “Shut it down?” The blond asked her liege who nodded her head.

Marching over to the bar Liv helped Naomi climb on top of the bar.

“Alright! Everyone get the fuck out of here!” Naomi yelled. Of course that didn't work, only a handful of folks got up and left (Most of those people being witches and knew who was on the bar) everyone else eyes was glued on Ember and Pete who was glaring at each other while Trent looked on with a unimpressed look on his face. The whole club was ready to see another fight, especially between a witch and a demon but unfortunately for them that wasn't going to happen tonight.

Dean smirked to himself as he watched Naomi on top of the bar, he watched as her face twisted in annoyance. He found it adorable the way her brown eyes narrowed and her cheeks puffed out a bit and he swore she even stomped her foot.

Did Naomi ever mention how much she hated being ignored? She guess growing up as royalty kind of gave her a complex, which one would understand, so when almost no one listened to her a small brattiness in her started to show. Sending out a wave of magic that shook the foundation to the core Naomi once again repeated herself, this time with a saccharine sweet smile on her face.

Her display of power must of gotten her point across because not even 10 minutes later Naomi, Liv, Ember and the two Demons were the only ones left in the club. Naomi and Liv were sitting on the bar while Ember argued with the demon who grabbed her (who the two other women learn goes by the name Pete and the other was Trent) both of them angry for no good reason if you asked the young queen. By this point it was well past midnight and Naomi really wanted to go to a 24 hour drive thru, get some cheap ass food and go home. Maybe open a bottle of Dean. She liked that idea. A lot.

“Alright!” Liv said hopping off the bar. “Since I know Ember isn't gonna let up anytime soon I'm gonna head home, let her ass lock up.” She told Naomi as she stretched her body. Naomi followed suit, turning her head to look at Trent.

“Yeah, you want me…” She started gesturing at Ember who was literally in Pete face, her eyes narrowed and her breathing was rugged from her very passionate arguing. Trent shook his head sending Naomi a dazzling smile. “Don't worry your Majesty, we'll make sure she gets home safe.” There was a devious look in his eye but it didn't send off any warning bells so she just nodded and headed towards the back door grabbing her phone out her hoodie pocket to call her driver.

Just as she stepped foot outside and was about to make the call she noticed a figure from the corner of her eye approaching her.

“I'm surprised you haven't noticed me all night, Naomi.” His husky tone causing a shiver to roll down Naomi back.

Dean was taking his time with making his way over to her, allowing Naomi the time to properly check him out. In a look that fit him much better than the suit from the night before, he wore a black muscle shirt and a pair of dark boot cut jeans. To finish off his look he wore black boots and a leather jacket.

Fuck a snack this man was looking like a whole thanksgiving feast!

A smirk spread across his face as he watched a look of lust fill Naomi's dark eyes. Good, they were already on the same page.

Clearing her throat Naomi pushed a piece of her hair out her face. “Sorry, shit was wild.” She chuckled and Dean nodded his head in agreement as he finished closing the distance between the two of them.

“Why don't I take you home, your Majesty.” Dean said giving Naomi a seductive look causing said woman to bite her bottom lip nodding her head.

“Please do.” She murmured as she pressed herself against him. Dean let out a small growl before grabbing her hand leading her to his car.

{A/N and im wrapping this chapter up lmao next two chapters probably gonna be smut with nao/dean and im probably gonna write trent/ember/pete bc

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