Something About You

By merderola

40.8K 1.4K 397

Stef and Lena AU: Stef is a journalist and Lena is an English professor. They've been together for 5 months n... More



1.2K 43 17
By merderola

    I spent 3 days at Kelly and Jenna's, and they had been helpful. Jenna kept pushing me on the matter, asking what happened between Stef and me, but Kelly stayed back, which was nice. I really wasn't ready to talk about it.

    "Where are you, love? I promise I'll leave you alone, but I can't sleep without knowing," Stef texted me on the first day, and I answered back saying I was at Jenna and Kelly's. After that, she said "thank you" and we haven't spoken since.

    I missed her so much. Every time I thought about her, I wanted to be close to her. And I thought about her every minute of every hour. I was in too deep, I knew that; I just needed to know if she was, too.

    I did some thinking and finally came home. I didn't warn Stef, simply made my way back. I had to tell her what I'd decided on.

    "Hey," she smiled. "I've missed you," Stef said softly as I walked through the door at night.

    "Hi. We um, should talk." I started. She and I sat down on the couch, keeping a respectful distance between each other.

    "Len, let me speak first. Please." I nodded, letting her talk. "When you went to Jenna's, I had some time to think too. And I came to a conclusion: you're absolutely right. About everything. I don't show it enough, I don't say it enough... how much I love you. And I'm working on it, on opening up my feelings. I, uh, started seeing a therapist. To work this shit out- these things. I'm sorry. I'll work on swearing less."

    I nodded and smiled. "A therapist?"

    "Yeah, I thought you'd like to know, I had my first session yesterday. Anyway, I'm sorry. And I want kids, I want it all with you. Just not now, but give it time. I'd do anything for you, with you... And I love you. Whatever your decision may be," she said, hesitantly and clearly nervous.

    I looked at her for a while, seeing her run her fingers through her messy short hair, waiting for an answer.

    "Please say something." Stef nearly begged.

    "Okay, I did some thinking and I heard everything you said... I love you, Stef. I think we could have a beautiful future together, filled with professional and personal growth and... every time I think about my future, I see kids. And I don't want to pressure you into anything-"

    "I want children with you. I want a cat, a dog, a freaking horse... I swear it all scares me, but I know I can do it if you're there. With me." She grabbed my hand and brought us a little closer on the couch.

    I nodded. "I'm willing to give this a shot. See how it goes from now on, after our chat. I really love you."

    Stef smiled, clearly relieved. She hugged me and kissed my hair softly. "I thought I'd lost you."

    I didn't reply, just pulled back and stared at her deeply, lovingly. She kissed me softly but firmly and, this time, I kissed her back.

    "I love you, I love you, I love you," she said, planting short kisses on my mouth as she said it.

    "I love you too."

    "God I missed you," my girlfriend said, a few tears falling in her right cheek.

    I grinned, happy with all the love I was receiving. We hugged each other for a while when I had the greatest idea.

    "I'm gonna go get changed and we can cuddle in bed?" I suggested.

    "I'd love that," she said, grinning.

    So I threw my pajamas on, went to bed and lied next to her. She seemed so happy to have me back. I cuddled up against her.

    "This bed's been awfully empty without you here," she said, kissing my neck softly and tracing patterns on my arm.

    "I should hope so," I joked.

    She laughed at my sily remark. "I really missed sleeping with you and waking up next to you."

    "I did too." I smiled and shivered as she ran her hand underneath my T-shirt, gently touching my skin.

    "You know, our anniversary-"

"I haven't forgotten. Tomorrow," I said, grinning and rolling over to kiss her lonely lips.

    We pulled away. "I sort of did something," she said, mysteriously.

    I arched my eyebrows. "What did you do?"

    "I may or may not have something planned."

"What is it, woman? Tell me," I demanded, grinning at her mushiness.

    "Mmhm I love it when you call me that. But I still can't ruin the surprise!" Stef affirmed, kissing my neck.

    She was so adorable. I grabbed her hand and noticed she was wearing my bracelet. I looked at her with a question in my eyes.

    "I wanted to feel close to you, in some way." Stef blushed. "Sorry, it's dumb."

    "Stop apologizing for your feelings. It's like you're saying "sorry I love you". Don't be sorry for that. I think it's cute." I smiled and kissed her hand.

    My girlfriend smiled back. I ran my fingers through Stef's tattoo on her mid-arm. It was an owl, a big one, and although she didn't like to tell people what it meant, she'd told me a while ago.


    Stef and I had finally had sex, three weeks into dating. We went on our first date a week ago, and we were so attracted to each other that, after that, we saw each other almost everyday.

    We went to her place after having dinner, started making out on the couch, and now, we were completely naked in each other's arms.

    Stef kissed my collarbone and I looked at her owl tattoo for a while.

    "Hey, are you ok?" Stef asked.

    "What?" I was a little lost.

    "You seem kinda far away."

    I grinned. "My head's fuzzy from all the sex."

    Stef grinned in return. "I see," she kissed me on the lips, caressing my neck.

    I smiled. "I like your tattoo."

    "Which one, the owl one?"

    I nodded. "I like them all, but this one is my favorite."

    "Mhmm. This was my first one," she added.

    "Yeah?" I showed some interest, but avoided seeming like I wanted to know everything.

    "Yeah. I got it my freshman year in college. I'd finally found my passion in journalism and I was so happy. I never really liked school, you know? The boring assignments, the crazy amount of things we're obligated to learn that simply have no use in the future. But when I got into journalism, I feel like I finally found myself. Everything was new and exciting and I felt this need to learn and absorb everything - it was almost overwhelming, but in a great way. And I decided to mark that on my body, as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, both things I didn't think I had until college."

    I nodded, happy that she shared all this with me. "I love it, specially after knowing what it means."


    "I love you." Stef told me.

    "I love you too. Now I think I'm ready for some sleep." I said, turning the lights off.

    "Mhm me too. I'll finally sleep well, with you in my arms."

    I smiled, Stef cuddled up against me and we drifted off to the best sleep I'd had in days.

AN: I personally think this was pretty cute. As always, thank you for reading, voting, commenting and supporting this story. ❤️

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