Magi: Lost in Time

נכתב על ידי AthanasiaKashimashi

58.3K 1.7K 111

Previously known as Magi: Cinderella's Spell Escapade 1: The Adventures of Sinbad Yrif Kingdom was a prospero... עוד

Prologue - They Met
Escapade 1
Scroll 1: Tison Village
Scroll 2: Napolia, Reim
Scroll 3: Truth, Stars
Scroll 4: Sinbad and Thais
Scroll 5: Sasan and Artemyra
Scroll 6: Pervert and Her Conviction
Scroll 7: Impending Doom
Scroll 8: Sinbad's Mistake
Scroll 9: Epiphany
Scroll 10: Strange
Scroll 11: Heliophat
Scroll 12: Unnerved
Scroll 13: Resolution
Scroll 14: Showdown
Scroll 15: Toran and Judal
Scroll 16: Parthevia
Scroll 17: Shadows Within
Scroll 18: Selendine's Will
Scroll 19: Captive
Scroll 20: Dirtied
Scroll 21: Farewell
Escapade 2
Scroll 1: Alibaba
Scroll 2: Niel
Scroll 3: Gamori
Scroll 4: In the Meantime
Scroll 5: Marbas
Scroll 6: Kouen and Thais
Scroll 7: Balbadd
Scroll 8: She
Scroll 9: End
Scroll 10: Arjwani
Scroll 11: Peril in Paradise
Scroll 12: Progress
Scroll 13: Explanation
Scroll 14: Light in the Darkness
Scroll 15: Precious
Scroll 16: Towards Sindria
Scroll 17: Darkness
Scroll 18: Pain
Scroll 19: Real
Scroll 20: In order
Escapade 3
Scroll 2: Magic Academy
Scroll 3: Reim
Scroll 4: Morgiana and Kaein
Scroll 5: Luna and Al-Thamen
Scroll 6: In Between
Scroll 7: Sky
Scroll 8: Countdown
Scroll 9: Resound
Scroll 10: Reim versus Magnostadt
Scroll 11: She Comes
Scroll 12: Vessels
Scroll 13: Warriors
Scroll 14: He comes
Scroll 15: Wish
Scroll 16: Invitation and Feud
Scroll 17: Play Your Cards Right
Scroll 18: Signs and Past
Scroll 19: Solomon and Demeus
Scroll 20: Broken Time
Scroll 21: Broken Mirror
Scroll 22: Future that Awaits Us
Scroll 23: Comfort
Scroll 24: Internal
Scroll 25: Hope
Scroll 26: Akil
Escapade 4
Scroll 1: According to Plan
Scroll 2: Sun and Rain
Scroll 3: New Light
Scroll 4: Responsibility
Scroll 5: Irony
Scroll 6: Tower of Feelings
Scroll 7: Ray
Scroll 8: Forgiven
Scroll 9: Rose Garden
Scroll 10: Losing It
Scroll 11: Dungeons and Akil
Scroll 12: Solution
Scroll 13: That Hope
Scroll 14: Shards
Scroll 15: Wishes
Character Profile
Bonus Scroll: Maharagan

Scroll 1: Battle of Destiny

518 16 3
נכתב על ידי AthanasiaKashimashi

3rd POV

"ACHOO!" A woman sneezed as she held her clothes tighter. The cloak around the north was not enough to protect her from the storm that got in their way. Glancing behind her, she saw her companion hold his staff tightly. It was not a staff per say, but rather an ordinary stick he found lying on the road.

"Tell me again why I have to go with you when I could stay in your cozy place in front of the fireplace?" She asked annoyed. The man behind her gave a nervous chuckle and explained their goal once more.

"We need to find two certain jewels? Each held by a guardian?" She arched her eyebrow in confusion at that. There was no way that jewels could hold power unless infused by a magician or djinn. She huffed out loud at that and used her powers to 'calm' the storm. Doing it meant delivering it to another part of the area so you really could not call that calming.

Finally reaching the mountains they hiked, they saw a temple was erected on it. They looked at each other before entering what they thought was its resting place. Inside was a huge room created out of silver walls. Frozen vines climbed its way to the front where a stone table lied. Above the said table was a book with mirror. She felt a swirling combination of magic behind it.

"This must be it but I don't see the jewels anywhere." The man muttered. She levitated the book and forcefully opened it.

"Fath." A yellowish glow appeared on her hand and the book's pages turned. Words flew out of it as they marveled at its meaning.

"Let's see here." She reached out to her parchment and wrote down the words she could decipher. They were old and a little difficult to understand.

وضمن هذا الكتاب،
الأسرار في الجليد،
سلطته ترتفع،
الزمان والمكان متنكران.
تحدث هذه الكلمة،
معركة مصير تتكشف،

"I think I got what this means. Within this book it lies, the secrets in ice. His power rises as the time and space disguises. Speak this word, the battle of destiny unfolds. Hear me. That was what it meant but we have to figure out the word and—" She was interrupted when he suddenly spoke the word.

"Masir." The book flamed up and the once cold temple became extremely hot as flames danced around their bodies. A touch scorched her arm, but luckily, it did not cause too much damage. Her friend smiled and they were sucked by a vortex. Their destination was not that of beautiful paradise but of hell. With a quick wave of her hand, a swarm of fluttering birds came into their rescue.

"Snap out of it, idiot." She knocked his head upside down and it brought him back to his senses. He was confused at their location and she explained to him what happened. He was taken aback by that since all that he could remember was a soft voice telling him to utter the word 'masir'.

'We are inside a familiar place, are we not?' She thought to herself. A chuckle reverberated inside her mind as if to answer her question.

'You are definitely right, Milady. How about we conquer your next power?' That brought fire to her eyes. She was once lost but now, she will fight for her destiny. It was once taken away but she snipped the strings long before.

"Lend me a hand here. We're in hell and I really do not like being pulled so suddenly by that stunt of yours." She complained.

"No need to be so sour. I know where we are and may the best conqueror wins." They both grinned competitively.

Scanning the area, there was a river of lava and screaming souls. She took hold of her dagger for any possible danger as the man beside her did the same. They were both alerted by the sound of hooves running towards them. What they saw was not some ordinary monster but rather a creature with a bull head and a body of bulky man holding two axes. He attacked them but they dodged and slashed his back. The monster roared in pain, but the wound healed quickly.

"Not an easy opponent, I guess. You want to compete on who could take this monster down?" The man challenged. She huffed and cut off the monster's feet. He whined at her sudden attack. Deeming the monster completely useless, she demolished it with a clap.

"Aikhtafaa." He whistled at the sight of burning ashes floating in the air. She turned behind her to see more creatures waiting to have a taste of their blades.

"You've gotten better at your magic I see. It has been 3 months since you came to my kingdom." He complemented.

"What can I say, I made up my mind after all those ridiculous thoughts circling my mind. I still hate you though for choosing me for that event. Why do I have to participate in your ceremony? I am not a citizen of your country." She asked. He grinned and reasoned out her ability and voice to enrapture the gods.

"Yeah, right. Let's just finish this." She said with a smile. A sigh escaped her lips as they came face to face with an evil looking Manticore and Leannan sidhe, a pretty unusual creature if you ask anybody. They screeched in anger and took the two out. Blades clang around as it hit their claws. Their vision became so distorted and her companion slowly weakened.

"Oh no, you don't. Hifz." A protective shield appeared around the man as it protected him from the energy sucking lady. The Leannan sidhe growled and pounced at her for taking her prey. It did not appreciate her interference. The action ticked her and she slashed her chest open. It did not bother her and continued to rip the enemy's body. Fortunately, she only received a scratch and only her cloak was sent to the boiling river.

"Geez, you don't have to be a sore loser for taking your prey. Now, you have to pay." She gladly brought out the full potential of her sword and cut her to pieces. The man beside her scoffed at her for showing off. He, too, took his own weapon and used its full potential.

"Now, to the next room."

They faced a man and woman barely clothed. The man blushed at the indecency while she clenched her fist in anger. Out of all things that could remind her of sexual things, it just have to be these two inside a dungeon. She released her power and slayed them both. It irritated her to no end when they rose from the ashes.

"Seriously!? Begone you seductive abominations!" They were truly abominations especially after seeing their true forms. The man she was with, recoiled in disgust and eliminated them.

"You really have to be seduced by them now don't you?" She glared at him. He laughed sheepishly and when they thought it was all over, the ashes snaked their way to pleasure them. She gasped in pain when the demon clenched her breast painfully. It licked her breast against her clothed body. It pained her, but pleasure followed through. Her companion was in the same state as it tasted his little friend.

"D-Disgusting! Let go of me!" She squirmed out of her captor's grip, but it changed to form to someone she did not want to remember for a while. It was her beloved. Purplish hair swayed as the heat increased. It touched her woman parts and she screamed in pleasure. She hated the feeling.

"S-Stop! Ngh! Ahh! Let me go now!" Her powers overwhelmed that of the demon. She was unfortunately, stripped off her top. Her anger increased ten fold and killed the two demons. The man ached in pain and pleasure, but was stopped when he felt pain in his stomach.

"And you, don't just stand there and pleasure your damn self. I am going to sell your soul if this continues." He stepped back at his companion's anger. She was right though. He should not be fooling around. The next door was a room of harsh wind filled with women with scaly wings baring sharp claws and long fangs. Side by side, the two of them made their way towards the final door and defeated the winged women.

At last, they reached their final destination where they come face-to-face with the djinn smirking at them. Unlike any djinn, he had blazing red eyes. But like any other djinn, his hair was blue but styled in an unkempt way. His body was adorned in jewelry and black feathers surrounded his body.

"I've been expecting you two. Did you enjoy that lustful experience I gifted you? It was pleasurable wasn't it? Oh, that scowl of yours turns me on." She gave him a deadpan face.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Oh, I am such a bad host. I am Seere of 70th Dungeon. I am the Spirit of Treasure and Dishonor. I welcome you, Thais Demeus and Niel Shajeae of North." He smirked. Thais scoffed at him and asked where the two jewels were.

"Hmm? You are still looking for them I see. They are just behind you. There." They turned around to see a table full of jewels. He was playing with them.

"Choose the right one or you both die. Hahaha!" He was cruel, indeed, but they have to do their job and secure the treasures quickly. Thais was about to use her magic when Seere restricted it.

"No, no, no. You will not use your magic in my domain. Am I understood?" She clenched her fist and glanced at the king beside her. Niel examined the jewels. He always had a good eye for them that he could be dubbed as the Blessed Eye. He grabbed the emerald one with the shade of blue, but had a difficult determining the other partner.

"So it's that one, huh? Then the other must be this one." She grabbed the light brown one with the touch of blue. Seere scowled at their correct answers before giving in.

"You two are no fun." He pouted. Thais stood her ground and explained how he already had fun with them in the second room. The djinn smirked at their red faces. He decided whom to go by then.

"I am interested in what will take away your control, dear. I will go with you at this point." He gave her a headband with blue amulet on it.

"Now isn't that wonderful? I will see you later dear~ Enjoy what I have to offer you." All of the gems around them shone and were wrapped up. They were transported out of the dungeon and stood in the middle of the crated mountains.

"Well, you got a lustful djinn in your care now. Be ready for some unwanted comments." Niel commented. Thais pouted at that and began carrying all of the treasures back in the palace where they could rest.

Thais lounged in her room for two days after experiencing the after effects of having Seere as her djinn. It was definitely painful and pleasurable, but she tried to control herself. Thanks to the help of her other djinn, she was able to control Seere.

"That surely wasn't fun. I must get ready for their ceremony. Hope I do well."

'You will always do well, Milady.' Marbas assured. Suddenly, she heard another voice inside her head. It was Seere.

'Well, little Vega. I must say that you look wonderful in that dress. You plan to enrapture the gods?' He asked. Thais sighed.

"You and Niel are on the same track. He also said the same thing. Look, I am not beautiful or anything. I am just average. Now, I must go and perform." She stepped out of her room. Many were captured by her beauty especially at the dress she was wearing. She wore a red top that exposed her abdomen, short skirt with slit on the left, traditional symbols of the North, jewelries and of course, her metal vessels which were perfect matches for her dress. It was cold, but Niel informed her of the large fire pillars that will be provided in the celebration.

Speaking of the devil, the said king was waiting for her outside the palace. He smiled at her beauty and led her to the post where he announced the beginning of their festivities.

"Good evening to you all! We are all gathered here to call forth and serve our gods: Thity, Laramarck, Argani, and Lord Ghuthi. We welcome you to the God's Festivities! Let us clap our hands for our guest tonight, Lady Thais!" Claps erupted from the crowd when she arrived. The drums and strings beat at her steps. Her voice lured everyone in the party.

Eniimashia kk"useiiy rumuna s"akta
Titerna woo s"ek toor nut

Jienii s"umutiseina damukk"unajjia
Mikk"oohi tt"uo ss"ia oo ss"ehr mat

Toki o koete mo nao tsuzuite iru
Itsu no jidai mo sukui motome
Nageku monotachi tatakau monotachi
Subete o kaeru tatakai nara

Eniimashia kk"useiiy rumuna s"akta
Titerna woo s"ek toor nut

Jienii s"umutiseina damukk"unajjia
Mikk"oohi tt"uo ss"ia oo ss"ehr

Kk"aime ww"ankk"at kk"aiw"ar oss"anak
Ss"aknar nonak w"ou

Mirai okaketa hitotsu no kotae
Toki ni hito ni wa kurushimi nagara
Wazuka ni hikaru kibou o tsukamu
Inori ni mo nita tatakai ga aru

Eniimashia kk"useiiy rumuna s"akta
Titerna woo s"ek toor nut

Jienii s"umutiseina damukk"unajjia
Mikk"oohi tt"uo ss"ia oo ss"ehr mat

Jai kanirdak

Eniimashia kk"useiiy rumuna s"akta
Titerna woo s"ek toor nut

Eniimashia kk"useiiy rumuna s"akta
Titerna woo s"ek toor nut

Jienii s"umutiseina damukk"unajjia
Mikk"oohi tt"uo ss"ia oo ss"ehr mat

Jai kanirdak

Jai kanirdak

Kk"aime ww"ankk"at kk"aiw"ar oss"anak
Ss"aknar nonak w"ou oen maw"akk"at

There was pure silence in the air before she brought forth her djinns. She called upon them both for the sake of the party.

"Spirit of Truth and Secrecy, Treasure and Dishonor, I ask thee and thy to show your power upon thee. With the touch of my rukh, make this party a grand one. Bless these people with your wisdom and grant us happiness. Marbas, Seere!" The sky above them changed color and the star shone brightly than ever. Thais' dress changed to her djinn equip but this time, there was an instrument in her hands which was a flute of some sort. She played the music she danced earlier and the rukh around them fluttered. The people were ecstatic at the view and even Niel stood gaping at the sight before him.

"This is amazing." He whispered.

"And for the finale, let us wrap this one up. Taluq aldaw' alkhasu bik!" Each person in the palace shone brightly as the performance ended with a splendid rain of bright lights. She turned to face King Niel and smiled.

"May Solomon bless your country, King Niel Shajaea of North. Prosper and follow what you think is right. I am the Vega and I hereby declare your beloved land blessed! Rise and party for the gods have been enlightened!" She declared. Niel chuckled and let his people enjoy the party. His companion returned to her room and changed to her normal clothes to party.

"Congratulations on that one." He whispered when she came back and sat beside him.

"Really now? Let's just enjoy this. I am leaving this place soon after all." She muttered. He caught up to that and looked up at the sky.

"So soon, huh?" Silence hung in the air, but they enjoyed the festivity despite everything.


המשך קריאה

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