Hidden Secrets

By kiraSpirit7new

56 0 0

She was found in a tragedy situation and brought to the Magical Kingdom because of her beauty, uniqueness and... More

Walking Through The Past
Peculiar Familiar
Unfolding Mysteries

An Unknown Visitor

4 0 0
By kiraSpirit7new

After all the work in the Enchanted Forest, Flannit turned into a diamond, a black one the most powerful i have ever seen in my life, then we all returned to our school which became a really bad idea. Why may you ask? Well we were all tired because of the incident and using our magic against that troll. Let me explain, magic uses mana which is the force of power in you therefore, if you use it all your energy will drain in you and that can cause you to be in a magic hospital or even worse.

As we arrived at school someone was standing right in front of one of the classrooms and guess what? It was my classroom, she looked kinda like someone who had lived in the forest all her life, but she seemed the same age as me, 15 years old. We all ignored her presence is if like no one could see her only me, class started and more problems started to appear out of nowhere like my brother, well since the king kind of adopted me well he haves children, surprised? I don't think so. He was so obsess with me and lets not forget that he is so extra. For lunch he came to school, brought a small table for me, then gave me every kind of food that i have eaten at home, well i ate almost all of it i mean it would be mean to say no to people that offer you great things with good heart. But that girl was still there, walking around and sitting on empty chairs in class and looking at me most of the time.

After school me and Seraph, a childhood friend that has been by my side since i was two years old. We went to a store inside the school and bought something for each other, he bought me a ring and i bought him a necklace, they had magic in them that could protect us. We hear a loud sound upstairs but when we ran upstairs he looked around and said he saw nothing while me on the other side saw everything, the unknown girl had murdered three creatures that were suppose to guard the school. 

Girl: "well well what do we have here, the princess and her friend"

Lilyth: "what have you done, coming in the school without authorization then kill three of our most loyal of guards"

Girl: she chuckled "guards you say? Then why were they taken so easily? I guess they weren't doing their job right"

Seraph: "who are you talking to lily?"

Lilyth: "there's a girl in here, she's using some type of magic so you can't see her but i saw through her spell"

Seraph: "oh this will be easy" he says with confidence as he brakes her spell.

Girl: "i must say that was clever" she says as she claps, "i will be taking the princess, now"

The last thing i remember was those words and Seraph's voice screaming my name. When i woke up i was amazed by how i wasn't tied up, i was in a forest that i have never seen before. "Where am i?" I say tiredly, "how much did i slept?" The same girl appears telling me that i slept for four days and that i was in a dark forest, meaning every type of dangerous people and creatures owned this forest and i wasn't welcomed. I could tell because she was a dark wizzard and any creature who passed by was thinking about eating me or taking me away. I wonder why Flannir didn't came to rescue me, he's my familiar he was suppose to protect me at all costs.

Flannir: he appears next to me in human form, "well what happened" he says while scratching his head.

Lilyth: "where were you there was a lot going on!? I could've died, i'm lucky she didn't decided to kill me"

Flannir: "i was sleeping, sorry"

Lilyth: "what!?"

I can't believe he was sleeping while i was getting attacked, well is not like she harmed me in any way but, where is Seraph? And is he ok? What happened to my friends and to the school?

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