Crazy In Love | j.t. l.p

By jademymom

18.9K 723 200

Leigh-Anne has an anger problem, and Jade is full of surprises. More

The Proposal


3K 75 23
By jademymom

"You know this is what's best for you," Leigh-Anne rolled her eyes at her mothers words. It was a lie. The past few days, the woman had fed lies to her daughter. "Soon, baby. Soon, when you're better, you can come back home.

The hospital wasn't the best looking from the outside, but Leigh-Anne hoped the inside was better. The doctors said this would be better, but he also said she needed to come here, and that was a lie. Everyone seems to be lying.

A man in a white coat came beside Leigh-Anne's mother with a smile that was fake. "We assure you that Leigh-Anne here will be better soon. She will be home in no time."

The doctor wasted no time getting into the hospital, so he could show Leigh-Anne her room. The long halls gave off a creepy feeling, and chills ran down the girls back.

"Here we are," the man in the white coat said. They stopped outside of a room, and the door was closed. On the door was stickers that spelled out Jade Thirlwall.

"Jade Thirlwall," Leigh-Anne raised her eyebrows, looking to the doctor. "Who the hell is Jade Thirwall," the girl prayed it was the last person who stayed in the room. The door had more stickers of animals and flowers scattered all over.

The doctor just smiled and opened the door. A girl sitting on a bed came into view. She was holding a stuffed animal in one hand, and in the other, she wrote down on a piece of colorful paper.

"Leigh-Anne," the doctor glanced at me then back to the girl. "This is your roommate, Jade Thirlwall."

Jade eyes widened as she stared at the visitors at her door. A look of fear was on her face. Her messy ponytail held her brown hair, and an oversized shirt with a pair of fuzzy socks was all she wore.

"Maggie won't like this," Jade's voice came out in a mumble, and Leigh-Anne decided to ignore her. "Not one bit," the girl kept mumbling and shaking her head.

Yes, Leigh-Anne was upset about having to be here, but when it was time, she didn't want her mother to go. She was upset with her mother for making her come here. Leigh-Anne wasn't sick like the rest of the people here were, so she didn't see a need to be here. But, her mother left, and she was left alone with Jade.

Leigh-Anne began to feel angry, so she plopped down on the bed that Jade wasn't on. The girl watched as Jade picked up a green crayon and draw with it. In Leigh-Anne's opinion, this girl seemed a bit odd and childish.

The two sat in silence for a moment, but Jade broke the silence. "I'm Jade," Leigh-Anne jumped, not expecting the girl to talk.

"I know," Leigh-Anne nodded. She noticed how Jade wouldn't look at her. She looked at the ground, and her voice was quiet.

Jade looked up at Leigh-Anne but quickly turned her attention back to the ground. Leigh-Anne almost missed the smile on her face. Maybe Jade was just shy and would warm up to Leigh-Anne.

"I can put your name on the door with stickers like mine," Jade got out of bed and walked over to a bookshelf. She pulled out a stack of stickers and began to look through them.

Leigh-Anne rolled her eyes at the girl who acted so childish. She had to bite her tongue to keep from saying something rude. If she wanted to leave, she needed to stay calm.

"That would be," Leigh-Anne's voice trailed off as she thought of the right word. Jade looked excited to put Leigh-Anne's name on the door. "It would be very nice of you Jade."

Jade rushed over to her bed with the stickers she would need and sat down. "Okay, can you spell your name for me," this was the loudest Jade has talked.

Leigh-Anne began to spell her name out as Jade wrote it down on a piece of paper. Jade waisted no time getting up and putting Leigh-Anne's name on the door with hers.

"Shit," Jade mumbled as she tripped over the rug that was in the middle of the room. She quickly covered her mouth when she realized what she said. "I am so sorry."

"Sorry?" Leigh-Anne was confused on why she was apologizing. Was it because she said shit? Jade was old enough to curse, so she saw no problem.

"I didn't mean to say that word," Jade sat back on her bed, shaking her head. "Maggie taught me the word, and it's not a very nice one."

Leigh-Anne just shook her head once more at this the girls childlike behavior. "It's okay," she reassured the girl. "I say it sometimes."

"Okay," and with that, the two sat in silence. Jade went back to coloring, and Leigh-Anne began to unpack. She only had two bags with her, so she shouldn't take too long.

Maybe, just maybe, this place won't be so bad. Sure, she only has met Jade, but her time would be mostly spent with Jade. As long as the food wasn't bad, she would be content.

Leigh-Anne's mind wondered back to Jade. The girl was an odd one, and she seemed childish. Her bedset was blue and had pink flowers all over it. An elephant stuffed animal was leaned against two pillows, and Jade held onto the teddy bear. Jade's shirt even had Bamboo on it.

"Hey, Leigh-Anne," Jade said, making Leigh-Anne turn to her. Jade wore a ring and twisted it around her fingers. "I just wanted to say sorry."

"You haven't done anything to be sorry for," Leigh-Anne sighed, thinking it was the whole thing where Jade said shit. "I told you, we all say shit sometimes."

Jade's eyes widened at the word that came out of her roommates mouth. "That's not a nice word. Say the S word."

It felt like the hundredth time that Leigh-Anne rolled her eyes since being there. Jade said something every other minute that made Leigh-Anne feel the need to roll her eyes.

"But, it isn't that. It is something else," Jade's words caught Leigh-Anne's attention. She turned to see Jade standing up, a worried expression on the smaller girls face.

"Is everything okay?" Leigh-Anne began to feel worried. She didn't know what was wrong with Jade, making her need to be here.

"I'm sorry in advance for Maggie," Jade played with her fingers, looking at the ground once more. "She can be mean sometimes, and she says mean things to people. I ask her to stop, but she won't."

Leigh-Anne almost felt relieved that it wasn't Jade who was going to do something crazy. Jade was a small girl, but looks can be deceiving at times.

"I can look out for myself. This Maggie girl will stay away from me. " Leigh-Anne smiled at Jade, watching her go back to her coloring. It was kinda sweet that Jade would warn her about this girl.

"Okay," Jade sighed. "But, can you make her stay away from me?"

Okay, first chapter is shit but tell me what you think.

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