Twins of kalos (5th place in...

By Frozenbeenie

7.9K 605 52

Rated R Includes the following: Bad language, violence, murder, blood, drugs, black market, gangs, etc. Sin... More

Chapter 1: Arrival.
Chapter 2: Hiding.
Chapter 3: Fear.
Chapter 4: Respect.
Chapter 5: Photography.
Chapter 6: Forest.
Chapter 7: Accessory.
Chapter 8: Skates.
Chapter 9: Battery.
Chapter 10: Skates.
Chapter 11: Lab*
Chapter 12: Sleepover*
Chapter 13: News*
Chapter 14: Elevator*
Chapter 15: Hidden*
Chapter 16: Mirror*
Chapter 17: Prescription*
Chapter 18: Daycare*
Chapter 19: Shell*
Chapter 20: Wind*
Chapter 21: Flare*
Chapter 22: Key*
Chapter 23: Meeting*
Chapter 24: Camo*
Chapter 25: Desert*
Chapter 26: Attack*
Chapter 27: Album*
Chapter 28: Kidnapped*
Chapter 29: Princess*
Chapter 30: Café*
Chapter 31: Palace*
Chapter 32: Streets*
Chapter 33: Freedom*
Chapter 34: Paralyzed*
Chapter 35: Protect*
Chapter 36: Pancakes*
Chapter 37: Disguise*
Chapter 38: Showcase•*
Chapter 39: Stolen*
Chapter 40: Punk*
Chapter 41: Snow*
Chapter 43: Sundile*
Chapter 44: Hospital*
Chapter 45: Labs*
Chapter 46: Cocoon*
Chapter 47: Yveltal*
Chapter 48: Confession*
Chapter 49: Sinnoh*
Chapter 50: Dance*
Chapter 51: Shards*
Chapter 52: Home*
Chapter 53: Future*
Chapter 54: End•
Legend of the Princesses

Chapter 42: War*

95 6 2
By Frozenbeenie

Serena gently made sure the Abomasnow was okay and fed it a few berries to regain its energy "Serena..." I gulped. She pet the Pokémon a bit longer before facing me again "I-I..."

"You were so cool out there, Big sister!" I looked at her surprised "the grunts were after Abomasnow because they detected strong energy from it. You see that chain around its arm?" I looked at the Pokémon arm, seeing a mega stone attached to the chain "that's what they detected. It wasn't Abomasnow itself. This Pokémon belongs to a gym leader, and it wonders here without being bothered. Team Flare had to come here, and I'm so glad you came here on time"

"No problem... I was just looking for you honestly"

"I felt your presence coming! I was so happy that you were around! Thanks for finding me!" I smiled a little

"You know I always want to see you" I looked down "but right now... it's hard looking at you" I turned to the side "I'm so sorry for what I did. I lost something you worked so hard to get, only for me to lose it in one day. I'm so sorry... I really tried. I practiced and everything! I was really bad at battling... I never been that good"

"I find that hard to believe, but listen... it's truly OK because the only reason why I asked you to do that, was just an excuse for me to see you in action!" My eyes widened "being part of this gang, I prepared myself to lose a few things because of how much I put into being here and not telling anyone about it. I was expecting to lose my crown soon, but I turn to you and even if you would win or not, I actually just want to see how you express your talent. I'm not mad at you at the slightest! I'm actually really happy you looked like you were having so much fun and that was pretty much the whole point. I was prepared to lose the crown anyways, and if you won, that would of been great! But since you lost, it's not the end of the world. I love being in showcases so much that I wouldn't mind starting over, so don't look at me like that. The sister I know doesn't look down at herself" if only she knew about the last part "she's confident and doesn't let anyone talk down to her"

"Well, that is true... even your little friend, Aria, was trying to make me feel better, but I wasn't having it"

"I see... but don't look so down just because you think you lost my crown. It was going to happen anyways... no big deal. Your performance was beautiful by the way! And the way you battled here with your Porygon Z levitating the fire to be put in full effect on the opponents was actually really pretty! I'm sure one day if you decide to become a performer to become queen, we'll either have to fight for the crown or share it!" I blushed

"Why would I do that? It's not my style"

"But you were so cool!" I chuckled

"I'm honestly just glad you don't hate me..."

"Why would I hate you?"

"Trust me... there's so much of a reason why you should hate me" she looked confused before looking over my shoulder and gasped. I quickly turned around to see the scientist that ran away standing there with pure shock on her face

"Why are you still here?!" Serena gasped

"Y-you traitor!" I got Z to grab her before she got the chance to escape "l-let me go!"

"Oh no... my plan! What am I going to do now?"

"Don't worry" I threw B out and threw it towards the woman with Z keeping it on her face "she's not going to remember a thing... if she happens to remember, she can't speak a word of this to anyone" Serena put her hands together

"You can do that..? You're a life saver! How did you find out about this? Where did you get such a Pokémon?"

"I had it when I was little"

"Really?" The woman dropped to the floor face flat, asleep "I-is she okay?"

"Of course, but she might have broken her nose" I took Serena's hands "so... you're not mad at me?" She smiled

"No! You silly girl!" She poked my nose "no matter what, I'm always going to love you! I'm your number one fan after all!" I smiled a bit before feeling cold tears running down my cheeks "I don't think I ever seen you cry" she giggled, ran her fingers in my hair and pressed her forehead on mine "I love you, Big sister" I smiled and hugged her

"I love you too..." I got Z to bring the woman with us outside "Abomasnow really did cause the storm" I looked at Serena looking at me "Be careful on getting to where you need to go" she nodded and I dropped the scientist on the floor again "oops" she giggled

"Wonder what she's going to say when she wakes up" we laughed together "take care" I waved and flew back to the Pokémon center where the nurse was still at the front desk

"Don't say I didn't warn you, young lady" she gave me the warning finger. I ignored her strict self and went back to my room to see Rebecca reading her book. She saw me covered in snow

"Huh? Where did you go?" I removed my coat and jumped on my bed "it's freezing outside" darkness took over me. I was just so relieved that Serena wasn't mad at me... the weight was lifted and I can finally relax. Who would of thought she asked me to do the show just for her to see me perform... she's a strange girl. I smiled to myself and fell into a peaceful sleep

Reopening my eyes, I saw myself standing on the top of a cliff "where am I?" I looked down at myself, not before noticing that my hair suddenly got very short! All the way below my ears and a few thin strands that were longer than the rest. I was wearing a creamy wide crop top with baggy pants and a long shirt over it. A blue pearl rested between my top, and every edge held a light maroon of squares all around

"What am I wearing?" I look like some princess that lives in the middle of a desert. Up ahead below the cliff I stood on was a wide field the size of probably Lumiose city. Two sides of the field had dozens and dozens, if not, hundreds of Pokémon in armor preparing for what looked like a war. I gasped and cupped my mouth

"What is this?" Something felt different on me. I looked back down at myself to see myself wearing a cloak, with a hood, of the same design as my outfit "huh?" For habit reasons, I lifted my hood to hide my head and looked back at the possible war that's about to happen

I didn't want to see any of it and ran off to get away fast as possible. When running away, I suddenly teleported to a old fashioned town filled with people running everywhere and buying things. Walking pass these people, I didn't once see a Pokémon in sight

"Pokémon needed in war!" I looked over at men in strange looking clothing, probably in the same fashion I was wearing, but I couldn't quite understand it, yelling at the crowd. Am I still in Kalos?

Someone was crying from afar. There was a woman being pulled away to prevent her from reaching out to take a strange looking ball back from a man

"Please! Don't take away my Pokémon! It belonged to my husband! I promised to keep it safe!" She sobbed **

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we need to gather as many Pokémon as we can. If your husband's Honedge is strong enough to survive, we will return to you in one piece" the man pulling her away said. Honedge?

"No! I can't let you have it! It's all I have left of him!" I cupped my mouth, watching everything happening. When I was wanting to help that woman, some stranger walked through my body. This has to be a dream... what else can it be? Being here felt so real though...

"What is this suppose to be? Am I in the past?" I ran off to find some answers. From the corner of my eye, a memory feather from a previous dream floated around in the air, like it was luring me like before. The feathers were a symbol of memory, and when seeing these things in my previous dream, they would lead me to a spot where my next memory would take place. Because I've seen enough of my memories, I knew it wasn't mine.

"What's the point of this anyways?" I had the feeling that I was brought to the time 3000 years ago when the Pokémon war took place. The feather kept leading me through house to house until it disappeared in front of a specific one with a man who oddly looked familiar, next to a Floette, talking to two other men

"Please... don't take Floette away from me..." the man cried. His Floette with the black and red flower frowned at him

"It's under the king's rules, sir. All Pokémon must go" his Floette flew to them, understanding what it had to do and faced its owner

"Floette... don't" Floette frowned and left with the men, leaving the owner sobbing on his knees. Floette kept looking back at him, tearing just as much as he was

"This..." what I'm looking at reminds me of the story I read of the legend of Kalos

"Once a man had a Pokémon he loved very much. A age of war had begun. During the fierce fighting, his Pokémon was sent to the battle field..." I stayed on my spot as time immediately flew by. I walked to his window to see him sobbing to a coffin and on top was it's flower "several years later, he was given a tiny box. No matter what it took, he wanted to bring his Pokémon back" tears formed in my eyes

I watched the man grow into a depressed state, and take his time in a lone field to build something... "so he build a machine to give it life and brought back his beloved Pokémon. The Pokémon lived again through the power of eternal life. However... the man suffered too much, and his rage still had not subsided. He could not forgive the world that hurt the Pokémon he loved... so he took the machine and turned it into the ultimate weapon" I watched the man create chaos and I couldn't do anything about it, neither could had his Floette... "the man became a bringer of destruction..." his ultimate weapon created a ball of light and shot it into the sky, only for it to come back to earth... "he ended the war..."

I cupped my mouth at the deaths of so many Pokémon and even people and looked up at the man standing very high above with his Floette

"The Pokémon that was given life... must have known that the lives of many Pokémon were taken to restore its life" I found myself suddenly behind them. Floette begun flying away from the man... "the Pokémon that returned to life left the man..." time flew before my eyes again, and I watched him roam "now he continues to wonder eternally, still searching for his Pokémon" I sat down, watching him wonder for the pass 3000 years

"Help him..." I quickly stood up to turn around, seeing Floette floating there

"You're the Floette" it transformed into my mirror image wearing a black school girls uniform "you!" My mirror image, the one I've been seeing in my dreams!

"Please..." she gave me her hand. Everything turned black and flowers coming out of nowhere made her disappear "please save him... Save AZ" I gasped and opened my eyes to find myself awake again and incredibly sweaty. I got up and sneezed

"Sophia" I looked at Rebecca getting off her bed to come to me "what's wrong, are you okay-" she reached to feel my head, but I quickly moved away so she wouldn't see. She looked surprised before understanding "oh... I'm sorry. Did you have a bad dream?" I relaxed and sat up, still sweating

"S-sort of..." she showed her hand

"May I..? I promise I'll only analyze the dream you had if that's okay" I frowned and let her feel my forehead. She closed her eyes and removed them so she can sit down and look at me "you're burning up, dear" I felt my cheeks, feeling how hot I felt "you had a very interesting dream. I feel like I thought I knew more about you, but I don't. I seem to find out you have the ability to enter the dream world"

"What is that suppose to mean..?" She closed her eyes

"Your dreams are very special... your dreams had been trying to tell you something lately. This is the first dream in a long time. You might want to take notes" she raised the blanket and lay me down "I'll go see the nurse to know if you have a fever. Stay here and I'll be back, okay?" I nodded

"Okay..." she left the room, letting in Calem who was already at the door. Telling him to come in, he walked in to see me in bed breathing heavily

"Sophie?" He hurried to feel my forehead "you're really hot, and not in a good way" I snorted, finding him ridiculous to joke at a moment like this

"Shut up..." I moved to my side, not wanting to look at him and admit that that nurse was right about me getting sick. I kept thinking back at my dream and debating whether or not I want to keep the blanket on me

Later on, the nurse came with her equipment and shoved a thermometer under my tongue "hey!" I glared

"If you just listened to me, I wouldn't have to do this" I narrowed my eyes and kept the thing in my mouth and let her do what she needed to do "she doesn't have a fever, but if she continues going out in the snow like that, she's going to get one pretty soon" I rolled my eyes and sat up to take a hot shower "I recommend her taking her vitamins before it gets serious. She's pretty thin"

"Fuck off" I closed the door behind me and ran the hot water to let the steam build up. I leaned on the door to hear the nurse talking more shit to Rebecca before Calem had enough and told her to get out. I sighed in relief and let the steam clear my nose

"Sophie" Calem knocked on my door


"How are you feeling?"

"It's nothing serious. I'll be fine in a bit... it's been awhile since I worked out, not to mention that we've been eating bad lately. We need to get back to that. My body is starting to feel abit heavy"

"Why haven't you said anything?" I got up to turn on the tub to take a bath

"I'm feeling better now" I removed my shirt "How about we start eating healthier? Only if you want to" he didn't respond, though his aura was still there. I looked at the door confused "eating healthy and working will help you not be so tired when you run. Luckily I still don't get as tired, but I better start again" I walked to the sink to the mirror to pull up my hair "wouldn't want either of us getting sick... where is Rebecca?"

"She offered to buy me a coat... so I let her since she was going to make a phone call that might take awhile. I don't know... that's what she said" I moved my bangs from my face, looking at the bags under my eyes

"So I saw Serena last night..."

"Ah, so that's why you left" I sighed, leaning on the sink "what happened?"

"Well... let's just say she's not mad at me. She planned on loosing her crown even if I didn't participate. Shs just wanted me to perform..." he chuckled

"Well, you were pretty good. I think you could had won if you weren't performing as someone else" I didn't say anything "Sophie?"

"I'm just so relieved... it's like a entire weight was lifted off my chest" I shut my eyes, feeling tears raining out and I had no control "I'm so relieved... I want to get this over with. I want to be able to be with her longer. I miss her so much..." I cupped my face "I feel like a different person when I'm with her. I want to be a good trainer and help her with this mission. I'm going to try my best, even if I'm really... really pathetic crying about it" I heard the door unlock and open. I quickly turned around to immediately see Calem coming up to me to grab the side of my face and press his lips into mine. Not expecting this, I gasped, accidentally giving him access to slip his tongue

I groaned at the feeling, trying to push him away. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I was shaking, and strangely had my nails dig into his shoulder, keeping him close to my body

I was able to release myself from his kiss, breathing heavily and watched him move to my neck. His hair was already soaking from all the steam in the room

His tongue gently slid upon my skin, causing moans to escape without command "C-Calem..." I didn't know what was happening. He removed himself from me and rested his forehead on mine, letting us watch each other breathing hard for air

"I'm sorry..." he gripped on my hair "I just... really love you. I don't want to see you sad" sad..? He looked down and released me "I'm sorry..." he gulped and walked out, closing the door behind him. I held my chest, trying to calm down

'He kissed me... He kissed me...' I cupped my face, sitting on the floor and kept repeating the same thing in my head 'he kissed me...'


Whoa! That just happened! Yass!! They kissed! In a very sexy way that made you just wanna scream! Omg!

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