Abnormal Luna (Completed)

By QueenCMk

148K 4.7K 166

Highest ranking: #532 in werewolf #3 in traitor He wanted a submissive Luna She was the opposite S... More

Chapter 1: Birthday Party
Chapter 2: Scars
Chapter 3: Blinding Blue Light
Chapter 4: Shopping
Chapter 5: Long Drive
Chapter 6: The Meeting
Chapter 7: Talk
Chapter 8: Attack
Chapter 9: Vampire
Chapter 10: More Scars
Chapter 11: Weird
Chapter 13: Magic
Chapter 14: Moon's Daughter
Chapter 15: Long Time No See
Chapter 16: Kidnapped
Chapter 17: Answers
Chapter 18: Dead
Chapter 19: Escape
Chapter 20: Protectors
Chapter 21: Back
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 12: Dewend

5K 161 2
By QueenCMk

-Aurora's POV-
After 4 hours or so, we arrived at the pack house. I entered with Alex and was bombarded in a huge hug by Emma
"Can't-b-brea-th..." I said.
"Oh, sorry. But I've missed you" she said
"I missed you too" I said "So how are you?"
"We're all fine. So was there something interesting in the meeting?"
"Yes, so many things happened. We're having a meeting at 5 and I'll tell you everything. For now, I need to eat, I'm starving."
"Oh yes, I asked Jamie to make you your favorite plate and brownies."
"Oh god, I need to eat"
Jamie is the pack's chef, she teaches people how to cook, and she always makes us food, she's more like a mother to me, she took care of me after my parents passed away.

At 5 PM, I went to my office. When I entered, Emma Tyler and Alex were already there.
"I don't want to talk in the office. Let's go to my room." I said then headed to my room with them beside me.

"So, what happened?" Tyler asked
"We were attacked by 50 rogues, by a vampire, Alex found his mate, I found my mate, I had an argument with the master of Alphas, I've got a new scar" I said casually
Emma looked at me with wide eyes. Tyler's jaw dropped to the floor. And Alex started laughing hysterically at their expressions.
"So where are your mates?" Tyler asked
"They have packs to lead" I said with humor
"Wait, I just remembered that you never talked again about the scars" Emma said angrily
"Well, you would have yelled at me to go to the pack doctor" I said sheepishly. She looked at furiously.

"Okay let's begin by talking about the informations that were mentioned in the meeting" Tyler said breaking the tension between me and Emma.

"Well, they talked about rogues, I'm not the only one that has been attacked, my mate and his gamma found a rogue in their territory and he threatened them." I said
"Who's your mate?" Emma said with enthusiasm.
"That's not important, let her contin-" Tyler started.
"Alpha Xavier, Red Blood Pack"
They looked at me with wide eyes.
"THEY Red Blood Pack?" Emma asked
"Yup" I said
I face-palmed myself at her reaction.
"Let's go back to what happened in the meeting" Tyler said
"Yeah, so, the number of rogues has increased. And they are uncontrollable." Alex said
"You said something about vampires?" Emma asked
"Well yes, yesterday when we were coming back here, 50 rogues surrounded the car, we mind-linked Henry to tell him to help us. And I went back to the werehouse with Xavier. On our way back, a vampire appeared behind me and he said that his leader ordered him to kill an Alpha, and if he kills me then Xavier will die too"
"That's weird, like, I know that vampires are our enemies, but we both signed a contract not to kill each other." Tyler said
"I know, that's the weird thing. What do they want" Alex said
"Then, in the morning, I got a scar on my back, so Xavier told Henry. When Henry saw them, he paused for a minute and then said a sentence that 'this is not normal and the last time he heard of that was in discussion with a witch and she said that' and he didn't continue."
"I know, that's why we're gonna search everywhere" I said
"Too bad we don't have a witch" Emma said disappointed
"What about Alex's mate! WHO IS SHEEEE!" Emma yelled with enthusiasm.
Oh God, her mood swings, I'm starting to think that she's bipolar.
"His mate is a beta" I said
"Wow, I never knew you were gay" Tyler said confused
"No, no, I'm not gay, she's a beta" Alex said
"what?" Emma said
"Well, she's a beta. Like Aurora is an Alpha female without a mate, she's a beta female without a mate. Well now she found her mate" Alex explained
"There's actual Beta female without mates?" Emma said with wide eyes
"I think she's the only one" I said "well, anyways, shall we start searching?"
"We shall" Emma said giving me her hands
"Guys, we're going to the library, not the dance floor." Alex said
We started laughing and headed to the library.

I was searching in the prophecies books, Tyler in the werewolves' history section, Alex in the werewolves' miracles and Emma was searching on the internet.

Suddenly, an Omega runs in the room.
"Alpha, th-there's something in the dungeons" She said with panic.

I ran quickly with my Alpha speed to the dungeons. When I arrived, it was cold, and quiet, we could hear the water drops and the sound of the cold breeze. I continued walking till I saw 5 warriors attacking a dewend.

A dewend is the most dangerous creature, it's cruel, it's everyone's enemy, they kill everyone they see, they don't care about anything, they are pretty good at fighting and they are powerful, but they don't use their power to do something good. We fear them, rogues, vampires, mermaids, tigers, ... We all fear the Dewends.

Wait, I have a Dewends on MY territory, in MY Pack house, in MY dungeons, fighting MY warriors, in front of ME
'And you're still standing looking at them' Bella said
I rolled my eyes, ran up to them and shifted to my wolf. The warriors stopped everything and looked at me with wide stunned eyes. I sent them a questioning look. And then started attacking the Dewends that was way stronger than me.
He had red eyes, black lips, very pale face, black hair, black wings, two red horns. He had a defined jaw. Everything in him was black and red. He was quite sexy, but dangerous and cruel.

-To Be Continued-
Heyy my beautiful readers,
How are you?
I just wanted to thank you for your support. Thank you so much guys, really, I love you all.
I'll be uploading another chapter tomorrow.


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