Lion's Den

By rtumblr1

38.9K 842 42

After a failed attempt at living away from the MC world, Roxanna Morrow realises that not much can keep you a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

1.3K 24 0
By rtumblr1

Unfortunately for Juice's jealousy over old boyfriends Roxy was asked by Clay to keep an eye on Lowell. She wasn't 100% on the details but he had relapsed, badly, and needed a lot of attention while they sorted him out. Luckily for Roxy she had some training on drug addictions and her and Lowell had known each other for years so she was able to work with him.

This ate into her and Juice's time a lot and he hadn't had any time with her in a couple of days. He was sitting on the tow truck, messaging her some dirty shit, while Sack hooked up a car and before he knew it Sack was stealing a freaking ambulance.

By the time he got back to the garage all the guys were there and were impressed with both Sack's stupidity and the initiative he had shown.

"Yeah maybe we can start our own little rescue station and get little uniforms." Tig was royally taking the piss outta poor Half Sack. Juice couldn't help but laugh though, for once he wasn't the butt of the joke.

xxx xxx

That night, on the other side of town, Roxy was leaving the hospital with Gemma after finally getting to hold her nephew.

Roxy had visited Abel most days on her lunch break at work but actually getting to touch the tiny baby was amazing.

After Jax took off Tig called and told them to come straight to the clubhouse. So in a panic they sped into the lot.

Roxy looked around for her dad's, Jax's and Juice's bikes hoping everyone was safe. When they made it into the clubhouse the place was a hive of activity and Roxy could hear screaming coming from inside the Chapel. Praying it wasn't any of the guys she made her way over while Gemma talked to Clay.

When she walked in Juice and Chibs were hovering over a bloodied guy, naked ass, attempting to do some sort of first aid.

"I'm afraid to ask really."

"Oh lass! You got a spare pair a hands? I'm dying for a piss." Chibs was dancing around.

"Uh sure what do I do?"

Chibs handed her some fresh towels and got her to help Juice put pressure on the guys ass wound.

Once Chibs was gone Roxy turned and looked up to Juice, she bumped her hip against his seeing as their hands were otherwise occupied.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm whole." He gave her a sweet grin. "When I said I wanted to spend time with you I hadn't really meant like this."

Roxy laughed. "Yeah can't say this is a particularly hot date. We got plenty time though. You'll just have to be patient."

Chibs came running back in and took back over from Roxy. "Clay wants a word."

"Oh sure. Well give us a yell if you need something."

She smiled at the pair before heading back into the bar.

"Roxy. You and your mum are locked down here till I say so alright?" Clay was at the bar with a pissed off Gemma beside him.

She looked between the pair before answering. "Yeah course. What's going on?"

"Nothin for you to worry about sweetheart." Clay passed her a vodka and Coke and walked off to go see Tig.

Feeling like she was in for a long night Roxy wandered round sipping on her drink before flopping on to one of the sofas. She could see Juice through the open doors and every so often he'd glance over in her direction and give her a smile.

After a while Roxy dozed off on the sofa but woke with a start when she heard Chibs yelling.

"What is it?" She rushed into the Chapel.

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you love. Thought one of the guys might be out there. Can you get us some more Whisky?"

"Yeah sure." She returned a minute later with the new bottle. She got a seat for Juice who was uncomfortably leaning over his spot at the Irish guy's ass.

"Thanks Rox. You're a lifesaver." He gave her a smile. "If you want to go to sleep you can borrow my dorm."

Chibs raised his eyebrows but said nothing. This was an interesting development. He knew Juice was fussy about his stuff so for him to let Roxy sleep in his dorm was very interesting indeed.

"Thanks. The sofa is rather uncomfortable." She touched his arm briefly and left for his room.

Chibs noticed the contact but chose to say nothing, he'd just see how this played out.

xxx xxx

By the time Tara got there the next morning Juice was dead on his feet and desperate for a shower to wash all the blood off.

After Tara told him he probably saved Cameron's life he proudly walked down to his room ready for a well deserved shower.

When he let himself in Roxy was passed out on his bed with one of his tshirts and a pair of his boxers on. He desperately wanted to crawl in bed with her but he had to scrub the blood off first.

A few minutes into his shower he heard the door open and Roxy stepped in. She smirked and pulled her clothes off, stepping into the shower behind him.

"How'd you go?" She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his chest.

"He'll live. The doc came and patched him up."

"That's good." She looked up at him. "How are you?"

"Better now." He pulled her in for a deep kiss and pushed her back against the wall under the stream of water.

xxx xxx

After their shower they both dressed and lay on his bed. Juice reached over to his bedside table and pulled out a joint.

"Want some?" He blew out a long stream of smoke and passed the joint to her.

Roxy normally wouldn't with her job now but given it was the weekend and she was on lockdown she figured why not?

They passed the joint back and forth between them as they lay on his bed holding hands.

"So after last night see you considering a new career path in medicine Dr Ortiz?" She squeezed his hand.

"No way." He stubbed out the roach and turned to face her. "Too messy for me."

She pulled his face towards her for a kiss.

"Well you did a good job."

"Thanks babe."

There was a bang on the door and they sprung apart as if someone would see them.

Chibs' voice rang through the door. "Juicey Boy! Church!"

Juice groaned quietly before yelling he'd be out.

"I wanna sleep." He flopped his head back on the pillow.

"If I was allowed out I'd go get you a red bull."

"Nah s'okay babe. I try avoid that shit. Makes my head race." He smiled and got up to go.

Roxy followed behind him and pulled him in for one last lingering kiss.

"I'll see you later."

xxx xxx

Roxy's day was monotonous to say the least. Being holed up in the clubhouse was not enjoyable. But eventually her and Gemma were allowed to leave to go and get supplies for the party that night.

With some of the other charters hanging around they needed to make sure they had enough food and drink to go round.

Roxy sped back to her apartment with Sack escorting so she could change for the party and grab some clothes for the night.

Roxy settled on the tight black skirt and the silver tank top along with her black pumps. Of course she wore her sexier black lingerie just for Juice. With her make up done and hair straightened she was ready to go. Grabbing Sack off her sofa they left ready for the night.

Roxy and Harley were enjoying catching up and having a few drinks at the bar. The guys were busy outside discussing some business so Roxy hadn't had a chance to get Juice on his own yet.

Eventually Roxy and Harley made their way over under the guise of watching the fight. Roxy just wanted to see Juice so they stood not far from the table.

Chibs caught Juice eyeing Roxy, his eyes lingering on her ass which was highlighted in the tight skirt.

Juice wasn't the only one eyeing her however and one of the Utah members sidled up to her and slid his hand across her ass and pulled her into him.

Chibs definitely noticed Juice's hand fist up and his jaw clench but Roxy pulled away shaking her head.

Yep there was definitely something going on between those two and he couldn't help but think it'd be an OK pairing.

xxx xxx

"I think we should tell people soon."

Juice's hands were on Roxy's waist, pinning her against his closed door.

She pulled her lips off his neck. "And whys that?"

Juice nipped at her neck as his hand ran over her ass. "Coz people gotta know you're mine. Can't watch other guys tryin to push up on you all night."

She giggled and ran her hands down his mohawk, pulling him in for a kiss. "Now you know how I feel watching the crow eaters push up on you."

He sighed. "Ain't gunna happen babe." He cupped her breasts. "Not when I got you in here waiting for me."

She pushed him backwards towards the bed. "So that's all you like about me is these?"

He smirked. "You do have pretty perfect tots. But-" he moved his hands to her ass and gave it a squeeze- "this is pretty good too."

She laughed. "That's ok. I'm only with you coz of this anyway."

She rubbed his crotch before pushing him back on the bed.

xxx xxx

Waking up the next morning was not fun, her head was pounding and she could already feel her muscles aching thanks to Juice's enthusiasm in bed last night.

Roxy enjoyed his dominant side, but perhaps they got too carried away last night.

Groaning she rolled out of his bed and went for a shower. Coming out in a towel she raked through her bag for her change of clothes for today.

"Morning babe." Juice had finally come round and stretched himself out on the bed.

"Morning." She offered him a sweet smile as she pulled her jeans up.

Finished packing her clothes up she searched through her bag.

"Ah shit."

"What's wrong?"

"Ran out of my heart meds. I gotta go home and get my prescription and go pick more up."

"Oh right. You be ok?" Juice hadn't noticed her taking anything before but figured she just did it discreetly.

"Yeah, yeah. Just need to do it soon. Supposed to take them every day." She smiled and pulled her tshirt on.

Juice sighed as her top hid her tattoo from view. It really was pretty sexy.

"How come you gotta take them?"

"Same heart problem as my mum. Well not as bad I've only had one little op. Went in through the vein in my leg and all the way up to my heart. Super gross. But seemed to do the job. Just gotta take these blood thinners and diuretics to keep things moving."


She moved across the room and gave him a quick kiss.

"I gotta go but I'll be back later."

"Sure thing." He watched her slip out into the hall and decided to go back to sleep.

xxx xxx

A few days later Roxy was back at the clubhouse. She'd been paid a visit that morning by some ATF agent wanting info about SAMCRO. As if she would turn rat on her brother and father.

But it worried her what the agent implied. She had nothing on Roxy but apparently had something on Jax so soon as work was done she made it over to go and see him.

She pulled him into the dorm hallway. "So I got pulled up at work today by some ATF bitch. Asking me all kinds of shit about the club?"

"What she say to you? Does she have anything on you? She's been after Luann and Cherry too, had them in holding since yesterday."

"She has shit all on me. I'm a good girl." She smirked at her brother. "You on the other hand. She was dropping hints about that dude from the ATF who was sniffing round here? Who's now vanished? Apparently he had a thing for Tara and now he's gone."

Jax shifted uncomfortably under his sister's gaze. "Look I'm not gunna ask what happened. I don't wanna know. But you better be careful. Coz if you've done something she seems to be on to you."

"Don't worry bout it Rox. Ai'ight? We got this sorted." He squeezed her shoulders.

"Ok Jax. But just be careful."

"Always am, come have a drink. You'll need it after a run in with her."

She laughed and followed him out to the bar. She hopped up on the stool next to Juice to nosy at his laptop.

"What ya doing?"

"None of your business nosy."

She nudged him and accepted the drink Jax had poured her.

"I wouldn't look too closely sis. Knowing him it'll be some freaky porn." He moved back to the other end of the bar.

Roxy smirked, knowing exactly what sort of porn got Juice off. She ran a hand up Juice's thigh where no one could see.

"Surely not watching porn without me Juicey Boy?"

He was about to say something back to her when he noticed movement on the security screens.

"Clay! Cops!"

Just as he shouted it the front and back doors were caved in and some SWAT team looking ATF agents stormed the clubhouse, guns out, yelling for everyone to get on the ground.

Roxy was almost off her stool when the nearest agent slammed her to the floor, her mum getting the same rough treatment. Juice was already on the ground at this point but he swore at the agent and made a move to get up but was met with a boot to the side.

Roxy slid closer to him and told him she was fine but he could see the panic on her face.

"It's ok Rox. We'll be right."

She nodded and closed her eyes as Bobby was arrested and her mum kicked up a fuss.

Eventually the agents left, but not before the one who had Roxy roughly shoved her into the bar to get past her. Jax and Juice made to go after him but Agent Stahl stood in the way.

"Now now boys. Play nice." She waved a finger at them and pushed her way past.

Jax swore. "You alright Rox."

She had her hands on the bar and was taking deep breaths. Juice got her some water and waited eagerly for her response.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just gave me a fright." She straightened up and gave them both a smile.

The guys all went to Clay to figure out what the next move would be leaving Roxy and Gemma at the bar with some vodka.

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