She Designed The Life She Lov...

By AnumitaRoyChowdhary

295 25 12

When she was convinced that her life had nowhere to develop further, fate flipped another page of the book n... More

Author's Note
Friend Or Foe?
The Warning!
A Closer Look
Author's Note

The Return

55 3 3
By AnumitaRoyChowdhary


Anushree nervously fiddled with her slightly chubby fingers as she pressed her head further to the material of her seat. She waited nervously for the flight to take off. She was finally returning to Delhi, the place where her childhood was built and ruined in. After spending three awful years in Kathmandu (Nepal) she had no hopes led to but survival and now, she was no longer that ten year old dumb kid who would let anybody take advantage of her naivety, experience and life had taught her to become strong, she possessed a warrior's soul now, one who knew very well to defend herself. Yet, though she would hate to admit it, she was still too naive for her own good. Her chain of thoughts broke due to the slight jerk she felt as the flight began to move That is it! she thought excitedly as she relaxed her shoulders and awaited the flight's separation from the ground.
"Anushree! Wake up, we are about to land!" Anushree lazily opened her reluctant eyes as her mother nudged her slightly , her mouth and lips felt somewhat dry, it was only then when she realised that she had been sleeping with her mouth open, as always. Sleeping with her mouth open was only one of the many similar embarrassing yet cute habits of Anushree, gulping down some water from the plastic bottle provided, she turned her eyes turned towards the view of the city outside, to be precise, below. She wondered how well-planned the city appeared from such a height, while when she would actually be in the city, it seems to be annoyingly haphazard at times, but undeniably beautiful most of the times, almost always.
The flight landed on Delhi international airport followed by a brief announcement and thank you. Hanging her bag in her shoulders and taking another small bag, Anushree made her way out of the plane, passing a polite smile to the air hostess at the exit. She let her father lead the way while she and her mother followed him a bit sluggishly. Though the flight journey was no more than two and a half hours, Anushree found herself exhausted, more of mentally exhausted, so many thoughts running in her mind while Anushree's mother was more of missing Kathmandu already. As soon as they booked a pre-paid taxi, they got in with the huge amount of luggage they had, changing places was tiring, their furniture pieces were yet to arrive, they were to be delivered to them within a week.

As the taxi drove them through the busy roads of Delhi, Anushree could not help but let her mind wandered it on the lane of memories she had been failing to push away all those years. Not all memories were bad though, a few moments of happiness still had touched her childhood, but darkness won over there barely warm light.
The taxi took them to the Government Guesthouse in Noida ,near Delhi. The place was warm and beautiful, it felt familiar, it felt homely, she felt at home there. Perhaps finally some good memories be created. Sighing, she put down the bag she had been carrying all her way. Life was mysterious yet beautiful to her, mysterious because one would never know what was to happen in the very next moment of life and beautiful because, life was precious, no matter how tough or rough it could be, but it was precious, it would prove one with beautiful experiences, emotions, people and of course relations. At times she would wonder how was she this optimistic, even after so much, somehow, she felt proud of herself. The new life in an old city had finally begun.
Anushree's walked into the school gates, clutching her bag tightly. She was going to step into the school after years, three years to be precise and at the moment, her eyes searched for only one person, Reha Sen,  her childhood best friend. She and Reha had been best friends for years, from Anushree's first day at the school in fact and Anushree could not wait to embrace and meet her best friend after so many years.

As Anushree made her way into her classroom, she was surprised to find it almost empty, it was early morning, thus, quiet dark there "Oh my God Anushree!I can't believe it." Anushree was startled by the sudden loud voice that echoed in the otherwise silent classroom, she was suddenly engulfed into a bear hug, she could vaguely remember some moments with the girl who was hugging her at the moment, her voice sounded faintly familiar too, but she couldn't put a pin on it, the darkness wasn't helping either, finally letting her go, the girl stood in front of her "Eh..You are...." Anushree tried her best to remember  the person in front of her, she knew the person, she knew he her very well  "It's me, Prerna. How could you forget darling? " Prerna beamed while realisation hit Anushree "Oh....Oh my God Prerna!I have missed you." this time, it was Anushree who was hugging her, Prerna had always been a good friend of her, since first standard in fact, "Where is Reha and others?" Anushree asked, pressing to her curiosity "It's a bit too early Anushree,  but you see there, that's Reha's seat, put your bag beside her seat." Prerna replied,  pointing towards the third beach of the middle row of the class to which Anushree only nodded before following.
Content. That was what Anushree was all feeling while she awaited her best friend's arrival along with Prerna and Riya, another friend of hers, Riya had been her friend since second standard itself. A wide grin appeared on Anushree's chubby face as soon as her eyes caught the sight of a familiar yet quite different figure, Reha had finally arrived, she cried out for her best friend "REHA!" her voice caught many ears including Reha of course.
Reha's eyes turned towards Anushree and as soon as they did, her feet were already rushing towards her best friend "Anushree! " the name came out of the girl's name with overflowing excitement and contentment as the two finally welcome each other into a tight, love-filled embrace.
No words could describe Anushree's contentment, those were the people she actually belonged with, her friends. That was the place she actually belonged to, Delhi.

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