Silence // (Lashton)

By ItzLukeHemmings

711K 30.5K 8.2K

Ashton lost his vision and hearing. The only thing that makes him smile is touching Luke. More

Silence // (Lashton)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten part 1
chapter ten part 2
chapter ten part 3
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty // finale
Author's Note

chapter nine

16.4K 686 50
By ItzLukeHemmings



If you don't want to read this skip it !

I want to thank everyone who left a supportive comment. I really needed it and I hardly ever receive any like no one even cares. Yes I have family/job issues right now. I try my best to keep to a side if my mom stop bringing it up I know they need money support and I'm trying my hardest to get one, yet, I have school and it stresses me out a lot and I can't do it all of it.. I want my family to bare with me.. That's been happening recently today .next, I don't have any friends, just those classmates you have and you talk to and that's all you ever talk to someone and then they just become strangers at the end of the year just like it all started.

So my life isn't so perfect like everyone else as people mention like "celebrity" and all celebrities struggle. Just because they're "famous" deep down we struggle. Everyone does, and I haven't seen anyone not complaining about something ! It was very thoughtful of you guys sending support comment. VERY THOUGHTFUL AND I ALSO LOVE YOU VERY MUCH !

if you guys want to DM some love picture on Instagram.. Well you don't have to but this is my Instagram user


I barely made it so bare with me now !! Now here's a story because you all deserve it since you all were very nice to me and you love me and I thought you guys didn't at all but I guess we can be wrong at some point (:


Luke Ashton Michael and Calum were in a silent room, but mostly Ashton since he wasn't having any hint or clue what was happening, of course. Luke was biting his lip staring at Ashton who was just sitting, and of course Michael and Calum were explaining the fundraiser they were doing for Ashton's sight. Most important if the money will raise in no time.

Michaels hair was getting nappier every time they get into a meeting night. Maybe is just he's tired of seen Luke getting frustrated and they all get that, it's not easy, and it's the only way to raise that money, it all depended on the fans if they do or not. Calum, on the other hand, wants to tell all the fans on twitter to donate money for something like soccer which was a big lie. It will take whatever they can to get the money.

"So what do you say?" Says Michael looking at Luke. This made Luke think a lot. At first he thought it was wrong to take money away from fans, and how would he repay them? Music? But that's nothing in Luke's opinion and of course that's what fans wants, and it was the perfect repay for fans but Luke thinks that's not enough, once again. He was rubbing his fingertips under his chin as his thinking position. Then he gave in with a answer

"I think that's a great idea, but I have a are we going to repay our fans? Obviously they don't know this is for Ashton.."

"Stop!" Says Michael, as Luke and Calum gave their attention to Michael once again "we don't have to tell them anything, this is a fundraiser silly mofos, so no need explanation !" As Michael rolled his eyes, Calum nodded to Luke but he still felt bad as he nodded

"Fine.. Only because this is for my boyfriend" Luke took Ashton's had as Ashton looked into him directly and smile. He felt Luke's hand and reason why Ashton smile. He felt a little confident in his head that soon his eyes are going to find happiness and hear beautiful sounds again, and he couldn't wait to escape from the darkness.


It was dark and midnight was soon to strike and it was time for both love birds to sleep, and Ashton was exhausted from visiting the clinic today. It's was his second time going in and this could take a while to get used to it. Both boys were in their boxers and it was normal for them. Luke been staring at Ashton most of the time and he's been thinking a lot.

No where near of leaving him, of course that wasn't his intentions of leaving poor Ashton alone on the dark alley. Luke thought about moving into a big house and nice living area with nice garden and make the basement a little bigger for Ashton's equipment for his drum sets like he promised. Staring at Ashton made him dream their future and having so many babies together. He chuckled a little, and that's what they both wanted before the unexpected accident. That made him tear a little afterwards. Sometimes he regrets driving and letting Ashton drive instead because he's always focused on the road


"Can I drive now, Luke?" Says Ashton. He had his hands on his hips with one hand busy holding his college papers.

"No, I'll drive! It's my car eventually?!" Says Luke, hopping on his car as he starts the engine after as Ashton rolls his eyes and hops on his side.

"You're going to crash.."



"Nah," says Luke as Ashton gave up on arguing with him and looks through the file of papers Ashton had to sign to make it to college.

Flashback Ends

Luke will be filled with memories. Luke will always blame himself for this. Luke wants to fix his problem. Ashton is his biggest problem, and that is to get his boyfriends sight and hearing like a fine ticket from a police.


(A/N): 2,000 reads ! I want this story to go huge ! The only favor I'm asking and I don't even beg but I'm begging ! SHARE x

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