Not Your Average Fairytale...

By SassyCC

105K 5.3K 3.9K

A Prinxiety Fanfiction. After meeting his opposite, Virgil quickly realizes that he has developed a crush on... More

Prologue (Virgil)
Chapter 1 (Virgil)
Chapter 2 (Roman)
Chapter 3 (Roman)
Chapter 4 (Virgil)
Chapter 5 (Roman)
Chapter 6 (Virgil)
Chapter 8 (Virgil)
Chapter 9 (Roman)
Chapter 10 (Virgil)
Chapter 11 (Roman)
Chapter 12 (Virgil)
Chapter 13 (Roman)
Chapter 14 (Virgil)
Chapter 15 (Roman)
Chapter 16 (Roman)
Chapter 17 (Virgil)
Chapter 18 (Roman)
Chapter 19 (Virgil)
Chapter 20 (Roman)
Chapter 21 (Virgil)
I Met You - An Original Song

Chapter 7 (Roman)

4.5K 236 108
By SassyCC

It had been a few weeks since Anxiety and I had started hanging out. We usually watched movies every weekend, but we recently went to mini golf. It was a lot of fun, except that he won. Aside from that, we had started growing a lot closer. I now knew his favorite animal (cats), his favorite band (Evanescence) and his favorite color (surprisingly, purple). Unfortunately, our new-found friendship did not go unnoticed. Every time we talked, Patton, Thomas, and even Logan at times, would giggle and point. It was extremely embarrassing, but also a little nice. It made Anxiety blush like crazy, which only made my heart beat faster. It was a Saturday, our regular movie day, so I shot Anxiety a text.

    Roman: What time do you want to watch the movie?

I started cleaning up my room, wanting it to look okay for Anxiety. I checked my phone again, but no texts came through.

    Roman: Anxiety?

    Roman: You there?

    Still no response, I thought.

That's odd. Anxiety usually responds to my texts pretty quickly. I blushed at this thought, knowing full well that a sign that someone likes you, is that they'll respond to your texts. After waiting a little longer to see if he would reply, I went to the living room to check if he was there. I popped up and saw only Thomas.

    "Greetings Thomas!" I exclaimed.

    "Hey Princey, what's up?"

    "Have you seen Anxiety around?" I questioned.

    "No, sorry. Why? Are you guys going on a date?" Thomas teased. I blushed a little, and hoped it wasn't noticeable.

    "Uh n-no. Just looking for him." I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. A new habit I had started doing anytime someone mentioned Anxiety's name.

    "Alright, sure," Thomas laughed. "I'm gonna take a nap. Good luck finding your boyfriend!"

    "He's not my boyfriend!" I called after him, but only got a chuckle in response. I looked around, but knew he wasn't there. It was then that I heard a soft sobbing. I tried to pinpoint the sound. It wasn't Thomas, he was asleep. And it couldn't have been Patton or Logan because Patton wanted to go to the park, so Logan had agreed to take him. Then who could it be? I realized, the truth hitting me like a brick.


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