[C] Time's Running Out || p.jm

By bellaraiss

62.4K 2.7K 804

I was murdered by a serial killer who prowled the grounds of my school's campus. My soul, untethered and rest... More

E P I L O G U E || extra part


684 37 21
By bellaraiss

Just a few seconds I felt myself losing control of my body. My hands were weaker and so does my body and slowly it went limp as I fell into a deep trench of darkness.


I was standing on a place which only have darkness. Everything was pitch black as if I'm in a dream, yet a rather odd dream. I looked around me to find something that is normal because the blackness is making me crazy.

Then I saw a silhouette of a small young girl, walking up to me. When she came near, I finally saw her face and instantly knew who it was. It was the little girl who wanted to help me find Mr. Rose.

"Oh, you again" I exclaimed.

"Aww miss me already?" She chuckled with her long wavy hair jiggles.

"Not really... where am I and why I'm here?"

"You're still unconscious for now so rest assured. This is the time you have act, Soeun. It's now or never. I have helped you this far and this time it's your turn"

"I don't understand.."

"You will, soon but now you have to turn the tables and make the game as yours"

Then I heard an echo of a sound something was sharpening something, almost the same when you hear someone sharpening a knife. The girl also heard the sound too and she looked like.. she was expecting the echo.

"I guess my time is up, I need to go"

"Already??" Then her figure was about to fade so I took the little time to ask for her name.

"It's Aries"

Then everything went pitch black again.


"Wakey wakey.." I heard a ruffle voice right beside my ear and I opened my eyes to be greeted with a quite old dusty small wooden house.

"Where am I.." I muttered. I tried to move my hand but it was tied down with my other hand behind a chair I was sitting on. I tried moving my head to meet the voice.

"You're awake," The voice said with a grin that I saw under his hoodie.

"What.. Wait.." The it hits me like a truck. It was Mr Rose. "Y-You-!"

"Yes me" He said with a grin and stood before me. I could barely make out his figure since my vision was still blurry and with the darkness around us. "Too dark for you, ay?"

As if he knew I was trying so hard to get used to the dark environment, he turned on the one and only source of light in the small house, more like the cabin to me. The light shone above me and I squinted for a moment when I registered the person's face under the hoodie.

I tried moving my hand again and my legs but they were both tied together by the chair. I was starting to freak out.

"Wait.. Please, don't do this to me"

"Do what? I haven't even started yet" He chuckled at the end which sounded pretty creepy.

"Suga, please don't do this to me!" This time I was trying so hard to untie the rope at my hands but it was useless.

"I can do whatever I want remember? After what you did almost a year ago. Don't you remember?"

"What did I do?! I don't even know you back then!" I exclaimed with sweats covering my forehead. "You have, to let me out. Okay fine whatever I did back then, I'm sorry okay? Please, let me go"

I realized it was useless. I thought I'm the one who's gonna get him tied up but it turns out he was leading.

"Sorry?! Is it sorry, you said?!"

I flinched at his uproar voice and felt myself getting small. Before I saw somewhat a grin on his face despite a black hoodie covering half of his face but now all I could see was anger and furious in him.

"You, absolutely have no right to mutter those words! And yes it was a mistake for me to kill you the first time because I should've killed you with a way more painful way" He started walking left and right in a fast pace as if he just cannot stay quiet. "And now when you're back, I had the chance back to kill you!"

"P-Please... Suga..-" Tears was threatening to fall from my eyes.

"So you knew me? I wonder who told you.. is it the spirits?!" He shouted and took off his hoodie in furious and there were the Suga who I had known in a short time, a person who was soft in the inside.

"Yes, please Suga, I know your medical conditions. You have to take the prescriptions!"

"No!! I won't because if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here! If it weren't for you, none of this will happen! So, it's, your, fault!" He shouted in furious. "Because of you, Suga had to go all through this and as my job, I have to make things right for him"

"By killing me? How is that gonna make things right?!"

"Whenever he sees you, I just.. had to stop killing people and it's hurting him. And as his defense mechanism and as one of the personalities, I will make him stop hurting especially those pain came from you, who had no heart at all!"

"I didn't do anything okay?!" I screamed in despair.

"You're.. erghh.." This time Suga was holding his head as if he was trying to withstand a pain in his head. "No, wait Rose, don't do this to her.. arghh! No! I had to do this for you and I'll make sure she regret after what she did back then!" Like what I read about the Personality Disorder, looks like Suga is changing his personalities right now. Rose screamed and fell to the floor and then he fell quiet. Now I know it's the perfect time to find my. "Well, well, well.. You're going anywhere little mouse"

As I see it, Rose got up and as if he knew what I was thinking. His stare pierced into me and I could feel as if he can even see what is going on in my mind. I breathe heavily and tried to look him in the eye.

"You know what? I'm tired of talking so I'm just gonna start the game. First of all..." This time his face went all-nice but in a creepy way. "...Guess what's the game's name and I'll let you live for a shorter time because I swear I'm gonna make you wish for you to die instantly" His smile was awfully sinister and gave me goosebumps.

I was quite and didn't dare to mutter a word and he still waiting for my answer. I just looked him in the eyes with anger, scared and sad feelings all mixed up.

"30 seconds..." Still no answer from me, "Your time is up. It is called as a I Torture You And You Shut Up" He instantly made his way to a not far table. I took a good look at what was on the table and to my horror, it was full of sharp things that people use to torture someone.

"No no no no.." This time tears were already falling from my eyes and I was scared to death. I pleaded to him and as if he made no doubt of torturing me. "Please! Suga! Please... Don't do this to me.." I sobbed hard.

Suga took the awfully long knife and went towards me. He put the pointy part of the knife below my jaw and trace it alone down on my neck. I didn't dare to move because I was too afraid it might actually pierce into my skin.


"Shh Shh" He shushes me and I fell quiet with a few sobs sounded.

"Ahhh!" I screamed when I felt the pointy part of the knife pierced not too deep into my skin, down to my pulse area until it made a really long cut. I could feel blood was rushing out from it since it's one of the vulnerable areas where I could get killed easily.

Thankfully it was not too deep yet it hurts like hell. And he was right. I really wish I would die sooner.

Then I heard a few footsteps not long from the small cabin and knew someone was there. Suga's head shot behind to look who it was and he grunted.

"Soeun!!" A male voice shouted fro outside but not too far from the cabin.

Instantly I recognized that voice and knew it was Jimin searching for me. "Jimin!!-" Rose put a handful of cloth into my mouth so that no voice would come out from you.

"We got company.." He looked back at me with a sinister smile and said, "Make a sound and I swear you're gonna regret again making it. So shut up and be a good girl okay?" He said and caressed the knife along my cheeks as i nodded multiple times.

I cried but still holding the crucial pain back when he withdrew the knife and put it back on the table. He reached out for a gun not too far from him and slowly walked out of the cabin. All i get to see was a bright green scenery of outside which looked like a garden.

"No no no no.. Jimin.. PLease, not Jimin this time.." Tears streaked down from my eyes and I sobbed hard while trying to spit out the cloth from my voice and tried to get the hell out of here.

With all my might left, I literally pulled my hand from the tight rope, regardless of the pain I felt and I need to get out of there immediately. I opened the rope to my legs and quickly stood up and ran outside of the cabin.

I won't him hurt Jimin. Not when this is all my fault. The amnesia is killing me and I need to know what I've done before I died.


A / N : Dun dun dun !! So please watch out for my last, one and only chapter next and get ready to meet the most complicated and unexpected plot I've set up for you *winks winks* So what did Soeun do that made Rose so furious of her?? It will be revealed in the next chapter!

Vote, comment and add it to your reading list and you get yourself a dedication from me! xD  



































EDITED 26/3/2019

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