Twelve Hours

By horizonsummer

6.1K 366 377

What if you had twelve hours to stay alive during the hours every crime is illegal? Would you survive? Would... More

it has to be a joke...?
i'm dead serious
lost kittens
the night is still young
she's bleeding
morning trouble


611 37 39
By horizonsummer

Jimin's POV~

"I need her alive and well. If she has one little scratch on her, I will kill your friends without any regret. Got it." His voice was calm but cold at the same time. I could hear a slam and then a second later the phone clicked off. Even though I've never really met this person I already know him all to well. This person was the leader of almost everything in this country. He was the king of South Korea. Your cars, his father own. Your house, his father own. If not his father then him himself. His family was the cold heartless type to throw out a old lady just to build a new castle.

He own almost everything and he needed one last thing before his castle was complete. A queen. The only thing is that his queen was someone I knew. A girl I once found myself liking. A girl I found myself wanting to call my own just because of one day. Because of one milkshake. Because of one song.

But for once I had to sit my heart to the side for my friends are on his list if I don't find her in less then two hours. Before his private plane takes off to Jeju at six I must bring her to him without being harm.

I'm sorry Sori, but for my friends I'm willing to do it. But doesn't mean I won't come back for you. Because I will!

Sori's POV~

I was actually pretty glad I decided to sit beside Jungkook in the van because as we drove passed a group of people killing each other Jungkook covered my ears as I heard the people's scream for help, but I knew stopping to help would be useless. I would stop for one and then find twenty more. And I didn't know if I could keep watching until we saw something. Something that made us all stop. A truck drove passed us dragging behind a bunch of dead bodies. I started crying as I saw a young boy almost skinless dragging behind the truck.

"Don't look darling." Jungkook's voice was calming as he covered my eyes now. But I knew after tonight my eyes, brain, ears, and heart were scarred. Tonight's scenes will forever flash in my vision.

"These people are sick." Jin yelled as the truck drove away. Finally Namjoon started driving down another street as Jungkook pulled his hands away. I looked over at Sehun to see tears in his eyes. But his hands were closed shut. Like me he was filled with hate but knew it was useless. Those people were already dead and problely hundred more are as well. I was about to ask Sehun if he was alright when the whole van came to a stop. Yoongi slung up a little in his seat hitting the back of the other seat causing him to curse out loud.

"Watch it you dumbass we are back here without any seatbelts." Yoongi snapped slamming his fist against Namjoon's car seat. But it seemed like Namjoon wasn't even paying attention to Yoongi as his eyes just stayed glued outside. I peeped my head up only for my heart to skip a beat. In front of the van was a person we were looking for.

"Jimin!" Taehyung jumped out the van first followed by us all. I stayed behind Sehun as we all stood out the van just staring at Jimin. His eyes traveled around a little before they landed on me and Sehun.

"You know them?" Jimin asked Sehun and me. Sehun did most of the talking as I just stood behind him like he was my shield.

"Yeah, you know it's been a long night and we've been trying to look for your ass." Sehun snapped.

"Where's the crazy girl Momo at?" Jimin asked looking around. Oh no.

"Jimin." Namjoon whispered staring at Jimin. And here comes the dark clouds again.

"She's dead. Killed by this gang who we are trying to look for." I spoke up walking out from behind Sehun. It hurts but I'm not going down without looking for Momo's killer or killers. I will stand strong for her no matter what.

"Gang?" For some reason Jimin's voice seemed shaky a little making me wonder has he came in contact with this gang as well.

"You know that gang you were starting to call your friends." Yoongi snapped.

"You weren't right to turn on us like that Jimin." Hoseok calming spoke lowering his head.

Jimin started laughing as he kept staring at his friends. Something about his laugh was telling me he thought this was a joke. He can't be serious. My best friend just died by this gang you are siding with. Do you expect me to just be okay with you laughing? Hell no.

I walked up to Jimin with pure anger in my eyes. Looking at him he could already tell I was about to throw some hate at him. "Listen here you little shithead. I don't know your full story but I know one thing so far. These guys right here, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Yoongi are your real friends. They've been looking for you nonstop since yesterday. They've been nothing but concerned about you since you left them and I don't blame them. You're siding with a killer Jimin. A killer. A horrible gang who just shot down my best friend and her parents. Her innocent parents." I burst.

"Darling!" Jungkook spoke in a cheerful voice. Even from behind I could feel Jungkook's smirk as I knew he would like the badass side of me.

"You don't know-" I cut Jimin off by taking a step closer to him. I was so close I could smell his scent which smelled like sweat, cologne, and gun powder all mixed up.

"Oh but I do. I can tell you still care about your friends and I know it's killing you inside to figure out how you can get out of this gang. Well I know first hand. You give them what they want and leave." I walked over to Yoongi snatching my book bag off his shoulder. He was giving me a weird look at first but then he knew why I was taking it from him.

I slung the book bag over to Jimin as he just gave me a weird expression. I didn't dare speak as I just watched him open the bag. His eyes went wide as he started touching the money inside the bag.

"It's forty grand inside. If you give that to your boss he might let you go." I smiled looking at Namjoon.

"I mean it might work." Namjoon spoke laughing a little. Everyone started smiling as we all thought maybe Jimin might let go of this gang. But something about Jimin's facial expression was telling me it was something other then money.

"It's not money that'll let me go." Jimin spoke in a soft voice. All of a sudden we all went quiet knowing money couldn't let Jimin go. By looking at his eyes I knew it was something he didn't want to say. Something he didn't want to give up just yet. Something he knew would hurt everyone.

"What is it then? Tell us we'll go get it. You know we'll do anything for you Jimin." Taehyung blurted out. Jimin threw Yoongi back my book bag before grabbing my hand. For a second there my heart started to flutter until he raised my hand. Then my heart was pounding.

"If I don't bring Sori in two hours he'll kill you guys." Jimin spoke with nothing but pure guilt.

"NO WAY!" Both Jungkook and Sehun shouted.

"You can't believe that'll be just it Jimin. We drop Sori off and you're a free man. There's always something-" Jin was cut off as a bullet went passed his head. In a flash we were all hiding behind the van wondering who was shooting at us.

"Come on out kids. We already saw you." A deep voice spoke. I was about to whisper something to someone when I felt someone touching me.

"Put your hood on and look down." It was Taehyung whispering to me while pushing my hood over my head. I swung my hair in the back as I did what Taehyung said.

"Don't waist all our time kids. We have a lot of thing to do tonight." Another deep voice spoke.

Namjoon whispered at us to walk out slowly from behind the fan. I was in the middle between Taehyung and Sehun. But Jungkook was right behind Sehun telling him to stay close next to me.

Once we walked out from behind the van my throat went dry. Standing in front of us was a gang of people. Maybe around sixty people and I knew right then for some reason we were dead. Looking around I swear the crowd was getting bigger and bigger. Most of the men were dressed in street clothing but one of them stood out. He wore a nice dress shirt with a gold chain hanging around his next. Around his fingers were many gold rings and even one of them looked familiar to me.

"Keep your head down." Taehyung whispered to me as he poked my side.

"I see eight healthy kids in front of me on purge night. Tell me kids, why are you guys out here?" One of the men asked.

"We were just grabbing a friend over here and then we were going back home." Namjoon spoke loud and clear. Man he's definitely more braver than me.

"You guys are fucking idiots to come out here for a damn friend. It's purge night. Anything can happen to you guys and no one could do anything to stop it." The first guy spoke. So far the one dressed up wasn't saying a word, but for some reason he kept staring at us.

"I said keep your head down." Taehyung whispered once again as he noticed me looking around. Shit I'm going to blow my cover.

"What do you want to do boss?" The deep voice guy asked the guy with the chain. I guess he's the boss. I watched with my head down low as he took a step forward making my heart stop for a second.

"Who's under the hood?" I finally heard his voice say. Since I still haven't got a chance to see his face completely clearly I don't know what he looks like. All I know is that this person sounds really familiar. Do I know him?

"Sangki. He doesn't speak, he's also very sick-" Hoseok was cut off as the guy with the chain threw a cigarette at him.

"Stop bullshiting me you idiot. I know it's a girl. You're so stupid. You can hid her hair but you can't hide her breast." The guy snapped. I felt so uncomfortable just standing there. But I could feel around me that I wasn't the only one feeling uncomfortable.

I started to look up a little when my heart started to beat even faster. I quickly looked over at Sehun who looked like he was a second from exploding. I knew I knew that voice. It's one of Sehun's friends. We're fucked.

"What are you hanging out with these people for Sehun. You always seem like the poor type to hang out with the pathetic rich kids. Not these street kids." His friend laughed walking closer. For some reason Sehun grabbed my arm slinging me behind him. I could feel the tightness around my arm as the guy got closer to us.

"Dude what's your problem. I won't bother your new girlfriend if you don't want-" The guy stopped talking as he saw me staring at him. I quickly looked back down knowing I just screwed up.

"Sehun. I know that bitch Sori isn't behind you!" Sehun's friend yelled making me shake a little. Any other day I would jump at him for calling me a bitch but knowing it's purge night. Yeah I'll walk away with my tail between my legs.

"She's not." Sehun's voice was sharp and steading. It's insane how much Sehun can change in a flash.

"Because I swear if that's Sori then I need to know why my buddy is protecting a girl we once said we hated." Sehun's grip around my arm got tighter as his friend go closer to me. I kept my head down but in a flash I heard laughter making me want to look up.

"You're so pathetic." I heard a clicking noise and in a flash I was looking up to see Sehun's friend with a gun to his face. My mouth went dry as I couldn't take in any breaths. "Sori is behind you Sehun. You're protecting a girl we both hated with all our guts. A girl we both wouldn't have gave a shit about in the past dying. You know how rotten Sori is. Always mocking you, us in school thinking she's some bad ass bitch with her friend Momo." I watched slowly as Sehun's friend leaned down for only me and Sehun to hear. "Unless she puts out for you-" In a flash Sehun's friend went down and I was pushed back with my mouth feel open.

I didn't know how to react as saw Sehun beating up his friend. Jungkook and Taehyung quickly grabbed my arms pulling me back as Namjoon and Yoongi helped Sehun. Shit this is going insane.

"You motherfucker!" Sehun screamed as Namjoon pulled him off his friend. Looking around these gang members weren't so happy seeing their boss on the ground with a few cuts on his face. And looking around it's not a good number for us. Sixty vs eight. Yeah, our chances are very low.

"You had your chance to kill that bitch and you're telling me you didn't. And that you are protecting her. I can't believe this shit. This is the same bitch-" Sehun's friend was cut off with Sehun screaming at him.

"Call her a bitch one more time Hongseok!" Sehun cursed.

"I won't call her a bitch if it makes you fell better." Hongseok laughed pointing to his guys. "But I'll kill her." In a flash Hongseok's gang was all around us sending everyone into a panic.

"Jimin!" Namjoon shouted as he noticed two men coming up from behind him. In a flash hundreds of people were knocking us down as I felt my heart start to race. Jungkook and Taehyung still had a tight grip around my wrists but in a flash Taehyung was slung to the side as one of Hongseok's men tried grabbing me.

"Hell no." Taehyung reached down and grabbed his axe before he started swinging it around. A few people went down as we all started to run. Jungkook was still grabbing my hand as I reached over grabbing Sehun's hand. We all started running as we cut down a empty street. Having a group of people running behind you makes you run extreamly fast. I never even new I had this much energy before this. Wait I don't. I'm already out of breath.

"No matter what don't stop!" Yoongi shouted as we kept running. We ran down another street that had another group of people only this time it was a few girls with extremely revealing clothes on.

"Where's the baby boys going?" One of the girls asked in a flirty tone. I noticed as one of the girls held a giant knife in her hands. What the hell? We kept running until Namjoon said something.

"Down here is a empty apartment building. If we keep running we might can stay there until they leave." Namjoon spoke. I turned around to noticed that only about a dozen were following us now. Namjoon may be right. It looks like Hongseok's gang isn't in the best of shape. We can make it to the apartment.

"Turn down here." Namjoon added as we turned down another empty street. Even though my chest and legs were burning I didn't dare stop running. And neither did anyone else. We kept running until we found the old empty apartment complex. Namjoon was right it did work out. Once we got inside you couldn't hear a thing from outside the apartment.

We all flopped down in the lobby of the apartment taking deep breaths in and out. Hosoek gave everyone a bottle of water but I was the only one who wasn't drinking. Instead I was just staring at the celling of the dusty old apartment.

"Will you take me then?" I spoke softly not looking away from the celling.

"What?" Jin asked in a calming but out of breath voice.

"Sori you can't mean that right?" Jungkook asked in a soft tone.

I turned towards everyone just wondering how this all happen. How did I end up making this many friends in one night? But my question is will I get to keep all of them after tonight. I looked down at the watch on my arm for it to read five in the morning. I jumped up walking slowly towards Jimin who was trying to catch his breath.

"We have one hour until your time is up right?" I spoke in a soft tone staring at Jimin.

"You can't just throw yourself away like that Sori." Sehun whine standing up himself.

"I'm not and yet I am. I'm giving my self up only to finally find out who runs that gang for real. Plus I'm doing this to protect you guys, just like you did me a few seconds ago. I can actually consider you guys my friends after tonight. I've already lost someone close to me tonight. I'm not losing another person. Another friend." I said staring at them all.

This might be my last night alive, so I'm not going to be afraid of what my faith might bring me. If I give up my life to save eight other or even more people than shot me in the head.

"If you do it. Then no matter what I'll come back for you." Jimin's words were full of truth. He stood up and before I could blink he pulled me into a hug. It wasn't a powerful hug like at first I thought. No instead it was soft and warm. I liked being in his arms for some reason. For some reason I felt like I was safe. Like in his arms nothing could harm me. Nothing could make me upset, mad, or even scared.

"Sori, you can't really do this-" I watched as Jin hit Jungkook to shut him up. I pulled out of Jimin's arms and walked over to Jungkook. I pulled Jungkook into a tight hug as I could feel his heart racing. Yeah Jungkook's a little pervert sometimes but he's harmless as can be. Plus no matter what he doesn't want to see me upset. That I care about.

"I'll be fine, okay." I pulled away from the hug smiling at Jungkook.

I then started to walk over to everyone hugging them tightly. I gave them all a hug but it seemed like Taehyung wouldn't let me go for a second there. Hoseok had to pull him off me but it made me laugh a little. The last person I hugged was Sehun. Instead of everyone else Sehun seemed to be very angry at my decision. I mean I don't blame him, but it's for the best.

"You're stupid Sori. I'm telling you, this won't be as easy as you think. I don't really think he'll just let Jimin go after he drops you off. And why does he want you? I mean I know you piss off a lot of people and all but not everyone wants to murder you. Okay maybe one out of a hundred, but we done ran away from that one. Who else wants you?" Sehun let out a large sigh after all that.

"Actually I think I might have a clue who it is, but I'm not saying no names at the moment." I mumbled.

After telling everyone buy and getting a second hug from Jungkook and Taehyung, Jimin finally started to show me where we were going.

And once we started to walk together just me and him, a whole other journey was about to start.

And this night was just about to get started.

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