The Unmotivated Prodigy | KnB...

By _avocadhoe

537K 15.7K 4.6K

"Why don't you ever take things seriously?" "Why should I?" +++ {BL fanfic! GoM x Male!oc} {7th Member of th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpater 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

30.9K 816 258
By _avocadhoe

Sometimes I just wanna lay down and go to sleep and never wake up, not in a suicidal way but in a lazy way.

Kigamki Natsuru

The next few weeks were pretty tiring, I mean we did like fifteen of every exercise known to man. I got confused every now and then because like why do you need to do ten squats if you're playing basketball?

We were just finishing up practice, thank the llama's, when Aomine ask us if we wanted to hang out and get to know each other. I declined of course seeing I was three steps away from dying, but apparently no wasn't apart of their vocabulary since they all said yes and took it upon themselves to drag me along-and by dragging I mean I was flopped over Murasakibara's shoulder. Not that I mind, it's better than walking. Plus if you ignore the slight bumps that come from moving then it was pretty comfortable.

I felt myself start to drift off, my eyes becoming heavy as I sighed softly. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I was removed from his shoulder and was placed on the ground making me groan.

"Sorry Kigamki-chin, my shoulder started to go numb. Plus we are already here." Murasakibara said pointing at the small fast food shop. I nodded before walking in with the rest, while everyone else ordered a burger and some fries (Murasakibara ordering like ten burgers and six large fries), I ordered two burgers, two boxes of chicken nuggets, three large fries along with a diet coke and salad because yanno gotta stay healthy.

Once we got our food we sat down at one of the tables in the back and dug in. Once I was on my second burger Aomine decided to ask me a question. "So, why the salad?"

"Gotta stay healthy man." Was all I said as I continued to eat my burger.

"But what about the other food you ordered? They're got healthy." Midorima added looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Gotta fill up my stomach don't I?" Was the answer he got.

"But the salad is extra large it should fill you up, you don't look that big." Akashi stated making me look up at him with a glare.

"I have a fast metabolism- you know what instead of attacking me why not attack the purple giant over there. He literally cleared out their hamburger stock." I said pointing at Murasakibara who was now on his last burger, the rest already eaten.

"I have to eat a lot since my height makes me hungry but you're short and you don't seem to be over weight, Kigamki-chin." Murasakibara said joining the 'Bash Natsuru' conversation.

"Yeah, plus you don't seem like the type to exercise daily." Aomine agreed wiping his face with the back of his hand.

I felt my eyebrow twitch in annoyance. "I don't know why I eat so much, nor do I know where the food goes. I've eaten a lot since I was a kid, yet I'm still short nor do I have any trace of fat. Now can we please drop this topic it's tiring and all I want to do is eat my chicken nuggets in peace." I said looking up at them. The five of them just nodded their heads before moving on to talk about something else.

It was shortly after I finished both boxes of chicken nuggets along with the rest of my fries when they asked another question.

"Hey, Kigamki. Did you hear about the ghost in the third gym?" Momi asked me. I noticed Aomine stiffen up beside her.

"You mean the rumor they created because of the basketball sounds that can be heard after everyone had gone home?" I responded to her question with another question.

"Yep! I was gonna check it out but I didn't feel like it." She pouted before looking over at Aomine who's skin color dropped a few shades. "Ah, Aomine, how about you go check it out." Welp, there goes Aomine's soul.

"Hey Momoi, I think you just killed him." I said reaching over and poking Aomine who didn't even flinch.

"He'll be fine." The red haired boy said as he took a sip from his cup.

"How cold Akashi." Aomine mumbled sitting up, not getting a reply from Akashi who was now having a conversation with Midorima. "But since I'm curious I'll check out the gym, be thankful."

After that we continued to talk about random stuff until it became dark outside and everyone decided it was time to go home. We all walled out of the shop, said our goodbyes then headed in different directions.

I was honestly shocked and annoyed on the way home. Shocked because Midorima was my apartment neighbor who lives only two floors below me, and annoyed because he wouldn't stop asking me questions and then bluntly making fun of the answers I gave him. That's why when I saw the apartment up ahead I mentally cheered before speeding up my pace, but not fast enough for Midorima to notice since I didn't want to come off as rude, at least not yet.

"See you tomorrow at the game." Midorima said once the elevator stopped on his floor. I waved back before repushing the number 5 button wishing for the elevator to hurry up, I was dead tired. Once I arrived on my floor I headed to my apartment and unlocked the door.

"I'm home." I said while kicking off my shoes. Not even five seconds later my older brother ran in and wrapped me in a deadly hug, cutting off my air supply.

"Natsu~" We whined dragging out the last part of my name. "Where were you? Usually you're home by six o'clock every day. No later, but it's nine o'clock. Do you know how worried I was?"

Instead of giving him a reply I just tapped his arm signalling him to put me down which he did. Once I felt my feet touch the floor, I headed towards my room waving over my shoulder and telling him goodnight choosing to ignore his questions tonight even though I knew that tomorrow morning his question will increase about five times more. That's a problem for another day.


"I feel liked you all are trying to kill me." I mumbled the next day at practice. The training menu had gone up. Instead of fifteen of everything we have to do forty-five of everything.

"We can't help it, we won the last game but it was only by two points." Akashi said with a hint of a murderous aura around him making us all flinch.

"It was mainly their fault though." I whined pointing at Murasakibara and Midorima. "Throughout the whole second half Murasakibara kept trying to avoid the ball while Midorima tried to see how far his three-pointer can go."

"That's-" The both of them started before deciding not to talk seeing I was right. Akashi nodded his head slightly before turning to look at me.

"It's their fault but it's yours too, you've had the ball stolen from you five times that was just within the first seven minutes of the game. We couldn't even sub you out since the Captain sprained his wrist and Haizaki was playing hooky." I felt my face turn hot before I looked down at my feet. I really couldn't argue since throughout the whole game I didn't feel like playing, except for within the last quarter when I noticed that the other teams points and our points where getting closer and closer and I didn't want to lose.

"Sorry." I whispered just loud enough for them to hear. I heard their arguing stop before feeling their eyes on me making my face grow hotter. "I'll try my best next game." And with those words I rushed over to the basketball's since today we were going to practice our defense.

Grabbing a ball I stood there for a few minutes before looking back up with my usual blank stare. "Cam we hurry this up? I want ice cream."


Heyo people's.

This chapter is longer but crappier since I messed up big time. I forgot that Kise wasn't in it yet and started to write as if he were and then I remembered that Kuroko isn't even on the team yet plus they are still first years so there's no way Kise should be in it yet. But since the chapter was already completed I just erased his name and replaced it with someone else's, so some people are completely out of character.


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