Perfect Pair | Kenneth San Jo...

Bởi alwaysalmay

130K 5.3K 6.6K

What is the "perfect" pair? What even is perfect? Maybe it's Kenneth, or maybe it's Naomi? Or maybe it's just... Xem Thêm

something new
you're so dead
game time
you suck
i need your help
what the heck
what was that
i've missed you
oh god
it's not that easy
i lost Sean
all my fault
puffy eyes
this means war
drifted apart
this can't be happening
pinky promise
first kiss pt. 1
first kiss pt. 2
POV's from recent Chapter
porch lights
you love me
fan accounts
go beat it
get away ft. CONTEST
one day
cha cha
morning voice
janitor's closest
you know
fists ft. BONUS SCENES
don't leave
dark pt.1
dark pt. 2
help her pt. 1 ft. I'M BACK
help her pt. 2
turn of events ft. I'M SORRY
good bye
this is it
he's leaving
Author's Note
Imperfect Pair
Fly high, Tito Cres.

there's no such thing as perfect

383 29 30
Bởi alwaysalmay


Get ready for some feels.




This is the final chapter of Perfect Pair.

It has been a great 2 years (well nearly).

Thank you to all the people who has been with me since the beginning.

I never imagined my story or any of my stories at all to be honest to get this big.

I remember before reading books here on Wattpad and thinking about how much I wanted to write but I knew no one would read them.

Yet here I am, the number one Kenneth Paul San Jose fanfic since 2016.

That is crazy!

I will never stop being grateful for y'all.

You guys motivate me to keep writing and to never stop. I promise this isn't the end of me. There is more to come from me.

I'll end this here and make my author's note for another page but wow. This is really it.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

I love you guys.

And for the last time on Perfect Pair,



Naomi's POV:

"Wha--what do you mean he's leaving?!" Gabe stutters.

"I can't believe he didn't tell you guys. He's leaving for the Philippines." Mat tells us while running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"What?" Was all I could say as I stumble to take a seat on their bench.

Was this really happening?

Was the love of my life really.. leaving me?

Without a goodbye?

Not even a text or anything.

What did I do wrong?

Why would he do this to me?

To us?

"I-is he coming back?" Sean asks, squeezing my hand gently.

"I wish he was.." Mat sighed. "His flight leaves in 40 minutes." He adds after check his phone for the time.

"Wait!" I bolt up. "So he's still here?!"

"Ye-yeah, he was just dropped off early bu--"

"We gotta go now!" I announce and beginning to run to the car.

"Wait!" Sean quickly let's go of my hand and wraps an arm around my waist to stop me.

"The airport is 30 minutes away, we'd never make it." He sadly reminds me.

"Unless.." Gabe suddenly speaks up.

We all look over to him as we wait for his next words.

"Unless we speed over there." He finally says.

"But Naomi wou--"

"Let's do it." I cut off Sean before he could continue.

"Naomi. You could have another attack or worse, faint." He reminds me, while grabbing onto my right hand.

"I don't care. I'll suck it up. I need to stop Kenneth." I tell them.

"But Nao--"

"Sean. I love Kenneth. I can't let him go."

Sean knew in his heart that he couldn't stop me so he just nodded in response.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Let's go!" Mat exclaims.

My line Mathew!

And with that, we all ran for our car but Mat would be our driver since he was more experienced. Gabe and Sean sat on either side of me and both placed their hands on mine. I took deep breaths as Mat began to drive down the street.

He was going about 85 miles an hour but not as fast as the memories that flooded in my brain. I couldn't stop thinking about Kenneth. I wanted this to all just be a dream.

Why couldn't it be?

As Mat was about to reach the 90 mph mark, we were just about 20-15 minutes away from the airport. That was also when I felt the bad memories hitting me in the back of my head.

"Naomi?" I hear April's voice and I flinch but only to see it was just Sean.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I tried my best to hide the fact that my heart was beating in a fast pace, because if they noticed. They would slow down for sure. I will not allow that.

"Hey, sit back." I now heard Grayson's voice from where Gabe should be.

Except I saw him.

I saw his face.

"Grayson?" I nearly whispered.

"What?" Gabe gives me a weird look.

I blink my eyes rapidly and lean back down on my seat and replying with a "nothing."

C'mon, Naomi. Calm down.

As I give myself a pep talk, I feel someone tighten their grip on my hand and that flipped a switch in me.

"Let me go!" I yelled to who I thought was April.

"Naomi! It's me!" April assured me.

"Don't touch me!" I pushed her away as I leaned more towards Gabe.

"Naomi, breathe." Grayson says behind me.

I let out a yell and cause the car to swerve a bit.

"Naomi! You're scaring me! Guys calm her down!" Dennis commands them.

"No!" I yelled while attempting to climb to the passenger seat.

"Naomi!" I feel arms wrapp around me and pull me back down.

"Let me go!" I wept as more tears left my eyes.

I began flailing my legs but only to be held down my Grayson.

"Naomi. Naomi. Shh." Grayson caresses my cheeks and wipes my tears away.

"It's gonna be okay." He assured me.

"Breathe." I now heard Gabe.

Then in a blink of an eye, Grayson was now Gabe and April was now Sean.

"You okay now?" Sean asks while wiping my sweat off my forehead.

"Ye-yeah." I nodded while sitting back up.

"We're pulling up in the valet. You kids prepare to run in while I give the car, alright?" Mat instructed while we all nodded.

Sean wiped the rest of my tears while I just gave him a weak smile and took one last deep breath in before completely calming down.

"Everyone stay close, alright? We don't need anyone getting lost." Gabe instructed as well.


"Okay, here we are. Go!" Mat says as we pull up.

And with that command, Gabe opens his door and we all bolt out.

Sean grabs my hand instantly and starts running ahead of me as we run together towards the entrance. As we make it inside with only less than 12 minutes to spare. We realize how impossible it would be to find him due to the thousands of people here.

"How are we ever gonna find him?!" I nearly yelled.

"Security!" Sean exclaimed before tugging me with him.

Gabe follows close behind as we approach a black complected woman.

"Hello ma'am?" Sean stopped right infront her, to where she was very concerned.

"Yes?" She studies all our faces.

"We need your help." He tells her.

We tell her all about our situation and the trouble we went through just to get here and how badly we needed to see him. She was sympathetic of us and really cared for what we had to say as she listened.

"That is really sad to hear, but I don't think I can help you." She says in her dismay.

I was in the verge of tears before she could say anything else. We already had 8 minutes remaining before he had to check in to his flight and here we are with no improvement in our situation.

"Ma'am. Please. We can't lose him. She can't lose him." Sean looks down at me and I couldn't help but lose a few more tears as he says that.

She gives us one more sympathetic look before letting out a sigh.

"Alright! I might know a way! But I could get in hella lot of trouble cause of you kids!"

We all look at her with hopeful eyes and she just gives us a small smile before turning around, "Follow me."

We all rush to where she was directing us. She brings us
into a office filled with computers and telephones. On the computer screens were the live security camera footages. Workers there give us questionable looks but she tells them to ignore us.

"Alright, this is an intercom." She begins. "This will help find your friend. Now, what is his name?"

"Kenneth San Jose." We all say in the same time.

"Alright, look over at the computer screens." She motions the male guard to scoot over for us to see.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." She began. "We are looking for a Kenneth San Jose. If you are in the building, please report to the nearest security booth."

We all began to search the screen for Kenneth but there was nothing.

"There you guys are!" Mat suddenly enters the room with a security escourt.

We kind of ignore him to continue the search fo Kenneth.

"What if he's on his plane already?!" I began to lose hope.

"No there's no way." Sean tries to assure me.

"Wa-wait!" Gabe snaps his fingers to get our attention.

"Is that him?!" He points at a person sitting in the waiting area in Gate B.

The lady zooms into him for us and it was. It was him! He has earphones on.

"That's why he didn't hear it!" I jumped.

"Stupid boy." Mat shook his head.

"Wait! He's getting up. He's walking towards the gate!" Gabe exclaims in fright.

"There's no way you guys are gonna make it to him before he reaches that gate." The lady sadly tells us.

"He's taking his headphones off!" Sean points at him.

"Do you think you can make thay announcement again?" I begged her.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. We have a regulation where we can't make the same announcement twice without a 30 minute time difference."

"Well, okay.. what if we made a different announcement?" Sean suggested while still keeping an eye on Kenneth.


"Yeah! What if we got her to say something?" We all anticipated her answer.

"I'm sorry but I can't, unauthorized people aren't allowed to speak on the intercom.

"Music." Gabe whispered.

"What?" We all looked at him.

"What about music? You guys play music here right?" He asks.

"Yeah.. we do." She gives him a confused look like we all are.

"Gabe you're a genuis!" Sean jumps and grabs my shoulders for me to face him. "Naomi! You gotta sing!"

"Wha--what?! No!" I push his hands off and shake my head at them.

"Naomi, you would stop him or maybe slow him down." Gabe tries to convince me.

I haven't sang in public or to anyone in years. It was hard for me to since the incident.

No one really knew this but Gabe, but Dennis taught me to sing, so since he did what he did I stopped.

"Ken once told me that you had an amazing voice. He loved it so much. He said it was unique and something he has never heard before. Naomi! He would slow down instinctively!" Sean says convincingly.

"It's true, he always talks about it." Mat adds.


"Naomi, I know how hard this is on you. But you gotta do it." Gabe says.


"Honey, do you want him back?" The lady interrupts me.

"Yeah.." I frowned.

"Then sing." She hands me the intercom mic and smiles.

I almost breakdown as I hold onto it and look over at the screen. He was half way towards the gate.

"You can do it, Naomi." Gabe assures me.

I take one last sigh before turning on the mic and letting my lips take over.

"I'm not surprised, not everything lasts."

This was the song that connect most with Kenneth and I. This was the song he first ever heard me sing and the song he sang to me in the car. This was practically our song...

"I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track."


Kenneth's POV:

As I walked towards my gate, I started to hear something so distinctive. Yet, I couldn't really point it out. Over the chatter of people talking and wheels squeezing along the tiles.

I could distinctly hear "Haven't Met You Yet" being sung in the distance.

"That's weird, I didn't know airports had live seshes." I thought to myself.

However, as I continued to walk along I couldn't help but savor the sounds of the singer. It was weird. I felt the need to keep listening.

As she got to the chorus, it started to seem very familiar. But I was just trying to make myself believe my head is messing with me. Even if that's what I'm trying to believe, I couldn't help but slow down just to finish the song.


Naomi's POV:

"Look! Look!" Gabe whisper yells at us whilst pointing at Kenneth. "He's slowing down!"

"If you guys go now, you guys can get to him before he reaches the gate." The lady tells us.

"What about her singing?" Sean asks for me as I continue to sing on the intercom.

"It's wireless. Go!" She claps her hands and points towards the exit.

"Seth, keep in touch on the talkies for the location of the boy." She instructs another security person.

"Sure thing, Taliya." He responds.

It was then that I realized how much this was just like a movie scene yet it was actually happening to me. A year ago I would have not even imagined singing on an intercom to stop the love of my life from leaving. This seemed like pure imagination.

We begin to race out of the office and down the airport. It was hard to keep my breathing steady as I continued to sing and run. We were 2 gates away from Gate B and I was already half way through the song.

I wasn't gonna give up now.

Kenneth never gave up on me.

As we neared Gate C, the song was already a verse away from ending. It was as if as the song ended, we would to. I will not allow that.


Kenneth's POV:

"And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out" I sang along silently with the song as I smiled at the memory of me singing this to Naomi.

I remember trying to not show so much affection towards her at that time. However, I think I failed at doing that. It doesn't matter anymore anyways.

I was just now 20 feet away from security to check in to my flight and 20 feet away from no return.


Naomi's POV:

I was already a line away from finishing the song when we finally saw Kenneth in sight. He was just about to approach the security personnel when I decided to just drop the mic and make a sprint for him.

"Kenneth!" I grabbed him by the shoulder and slid right in front of him.

I nearly fell over but he managed to hold his arm out just in time to hold me up.

"Wha-what? What are you doing here?!" He was in pure shock as he looked at me from head to toe.

"You-- you thought-- you could-- just leave like that?" I said inbetween my gasps for air.

"Yeah!" Gabe yells at he finally makes it to us followed by Sean and Mat. "We aren't-- allowing you -- to leave this easy."

"Why? Why would you-- why would you try and do that to us?" Seans asks, running his fingers through his hair.

"I can't believe you didn't tell them. You said you would. Ken, why would you choose to leave like this?" Mat asks in disappointment.

"Because of this!" He erupted. "This would happen! It's already hard enough for me to leave without seeing you guys!"

"You didn't even care to tell us why you're leaving!" I rebuttaled in heart break.

"Do you know how much it would hurt to wake up the next day and find you had left us without a clue? Without a good bye?" Tears formed as all my emotions started to take over.

"Do you even know what we went through just to find you? What I went through?" A tear had slipped as I cleared my throat.

"I fucking sang just to stop you Ken!"

"Do you even care?" My tears were all rolling down my cheeks at this point.

"Th--that was you?" He gulped.

"Yes! I did that for you!" I shouted, not even caring about the people staring.

"But you said you would never sin--"

"God damn it Ken! I did it because I love you! I can't lose you!" I cried.

He stood there, frozen in his own shoes as he stares tiredly into mine.

"Kenneth Paul San Jose, I can't lose you.. I really can't." I sobbed as I approached him and brought my arms around him.

I felt so weak and tired. His arms never went around me, but I didn't care. I didn't want to let go.

"Naomi, please. We can't happen." He almost whispers the last part in my ear as he gently pushes me off him.

"Wha--what do you mean? Kenneth, I--I thought you loved me?" My heart felt as if it had sunk to the bottom of my stomach.

"I can't." He looked down to the floor before grabbing his suitcase.

"No!" I pulled his suitcase away from him and got closer to him. "Tell me why! What did I do?! Ken I don't understand you! I thought we were doing perfe--"

"That's the thing! Everyone says we're 'perfect'! 'Perfect' for eachother! But in reality we're not!" He yells so loud that the whole building falls silent.

"You know who you're perfect for? Sean! You guys get along so well! You guys even have so much in common! You guys are just perfect okay?!"

I nearly fall over from how broken I felt. It felt as if every ounce of emotions was sucked out of me and I was just left with a hollow shelf.

"All I do is hurt you! All I do is bring problems! Naomi! I fucking love you but we can never be because we aren't perfect! All I ever wanted to be with you was perfect." His eyes turned a dark shade of red as he fought back tears.

I was almost speechless as not only I, but everyone stared at us.

"I'm sorry.." He whispers before grabbing his suitcase.

"Wait." I grab it back which makes him look up at me.

"Kenneth, can't you see? There's no such thing as 'perfect'. All we have is us. We were never meant for perfect. Kenneth, our love is all we need to make things as close to perfect as we want it to." At this point, I had finally stopped crying and brought my strong side out.

"Kenneth. I can't see life with anyone else." I admit while caressing his cheek with my hand.

"I love you." I say before bringing my lips to his.

As I pull us apart, I wipe away a tear that had escaped from him and smiled. However, it was soon wiped away.

"One way flight from LAX TO MANILA. Last call. Please report to your gates now."

"I'm sorry." He grabs my hands and gently slides it down his face. "I have to go."

"No.." I begin to cry again as I began to grip on his hand.

"Sean. Be with Sean. He loves you. He will take care of you."

"No!" I sobbed as I hugged him tight.

"Mat, please." A couple seconds later, I feel a pair of hands pull me away and I start to fight him to let me go.

"Kenneth! Don't leave me! Ken!" I sobbed harder as he walked to the security line.

He looks back and turns to Sean, "Take care of her."

"Ken!" I sobbed as I continued to fight Mat's grip.

"Naomi, please stop." Gabe wept as he tried to calm me.

"Kenneth please don't go!"

He turns to me one last time with a tear slipping once again, "Be with Sean, you guys make the perfect pair."



I'm actually in tears.

Not only because of the ending of this story, but because of the story actually ending.. I wish there were words to explain how grateful I am to have you guys. Thank you for everything. This isn't the end of me. I promise.

This may be the last chapter of Perfect Pair, but there will be a few more bonus chapters to be released, just like an alternative ending chapter and special chapters.






For the last time on Perfect Pair...

Almay. ♡

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