fan girl // niall horan

By niallskiiwi

450K 9.3K 14.4K

in which a fan girl gets lucky. really, really lucky. More

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o n e

30.5K 501 1.6K
By niallskiiwi

"Next!" The man called out, placing his hand on my lower back while using the other hand to gesture towards Niall. My whole body seemed to freeze and needed a little push from the assistant for it to start moving towards the brunette Irish pop star standing a few feet away from me.

"Hi, darling!" Niall cheered as I made my way towards him.

"Hi" I said shyly, but still smiling wide.

"How are ya?" He asked as he bent down for a hug.

"Absolutely amazing" I gushed, blushing like mad once we pulled away.

"That's great" He smiled, "What's your name?"

"Gabi" I replied simply.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Niall" He introduced himself, "So are you from Connecticut, Gabi?"

"Yep, born and raised!" I said proudly.

"So you must know good places to get some food around here?" He questioned.

"Definitely, I could show you one if you'd like" I joked, slowly gaining confidence.

"Oh yeah?" He rose an eyebrow, "You free after the show?"

"Wait, what?"

"If you're not doin' anything after the show, I'm starved" Niall clarified, making my eyes go wide.

"Oh, um, y-yeah!" Welp. There goes my confidence.

"You sure?" He chuckled.

"Definitely" I agreed quickly.

"Cool," Niall nodded, "Just wait in your seat after the show and a security guard can bring ya backstage once everything clears. Sound good?"


"Alright, now ya ready for a picture? What pose are we thinkin'?" He questioned

"Hmm, just a normal smiling one?" I suggested

"Simple," He grinned, "I like it"

He then snaked his arm around my waist as I positioned myself towards the camera. My arm fell behind his back, bringing me closer to him so that our sides curved into each other.


And just like that, the meet and greet was over.

"Nice to meet you, Gabi! I'll see you at soundcheck in a bit" Niall called as I was led away. I smiled and waved a quick goodbye before he was out of sight.

What the hell just happened?

- - -

"Hey everybody! Welcome to the Flicker World Tour...soundcheck" Niall chuckled into the microphone, arranging the stand as needed all while the crowd of girls erupted into giggles and screams.

"Wow! What a beautiful group we've got here" He cheers, scanning the room. Once his eyes landed on me in the second row, he sent a quick wink, making myself and the girls around me melt.

"Before we get to some questions, do ya mind if I sing a few songs?" Niall asked, already knowing the answer.

He then continued on to perform "Slow Hands", "On the Loose", and "Too Much Too Ask". I assumed that he was saving the newer songs for the actual stage so we could get the full experience.

Niall looked absolutely amazing performing. He was so happy and just completely in his zone. For a fan who has been here from the start of his career, it was such blessing to experience.

Once he finished the three songs, he set his guitar down and went back to the microphone stand.

"So, anyone got any questions? My manger will bring the mic to ya so I can here your pretty voices" Niall said smoothly. Pretty sure every girl's panties were beyond soaked my this point.

Girls hands shot up, waving them all around trying to catch the manager's attention. I on the other hand didn't really bother. I'd get to ask him any question tonight at dinner.

"Hi, Niall!" The first girl greeted excitedly once she was handed the microphone.

"Hey, love! What's your name?" Niall asked.

"Sarah. With an 'H'" She stated with a toothy grin.

"Well Sarah with an 'H', what can I answer for ya?" He smiled.

"What do you look for in a girl?"

"Well, I'm not too picky honestly. Just someone who can make me laugh. Someone who's cute and genuine," Niall pauses, "Yeah, I guess that's the big one. Gotta love a girl who's real with me"

"So have you been with girls who weren't real with you?" Sarah asked.

Niall let out a laugh, "Plenty! But I guess that's a good thing because I got a pretty killer album out of it"

"I agree," She beamed, "Thanks Niall!"

"Not a problem. Who's next?" He asked, looking around at the crowd. He finally pointed at a little girl in one of the further rows.

"Hi!!" She said excitedly as she held the microphone with her two little hands, "I'm Ally"

"Hey Ally!" Niall grinned, "What can I answer for ya, petal?"

"Um," She paused for a moment to think, "Do like Connecticut?"

Niall chuckled, "I absolutely love it so far"

"Me too!" She agreed eagerly. Gosh, this girl was too adorable.

"Good! Anything else you wanna ask?"

Ally shook her head, "No thank you"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the cute little girl before the microphone was handed to another lucky fan.

"What's your favorite type of food?" Another girl questioned.

"Oh, that's a tough one," Niall hesitated, "I think I've been pretty into Italian lately. I could definitely go for some after the show"

As soon as he said that, his eyes met mine for a split moment. Alright, Niall. Italian it is.

Once the last question was answered, Niall bid his farewell to the crowd and promised that he would be back soon for the real thing.

I stayed in my seat and chatted with a few girls around me while waiting. I always thought concerts were the best place to make friends. I of course didn't mention that I was meeting Niall for dinner after the show, because let's face it, that's just a díck move if I were to brag about it. But, we did talk about how insanely adorable he is. And maybe a bit about how good he smelled when he hugged him.

The same adrenaline I experienced from every One Direction concert I've been to  coursed through my body when the lights went down. I finally got to see one of the boys in concert again. What more could a One Direction fan girl ask for?

Niall came out all happy and full of energy and I could just see the excitement glimmering in his eyes. It was so contagious. Every girl in the audience was screaming, clapping, and maybe even crying. I don't blame them though, because I was doing the same (minus the crying).

The way he talked to the audience and expressed his gratitude made the experience so much more personal. He was so genuine and it was refreshing to see an artist like him.

I wasn't sure if my voice would still be there once I got to dinner with Niall, but I didn't care. Dancing and singing to his songs in the moment was absolutely worth it.

For the second to last song, Slow Hands, he finally put his guitar down and walked all around the stage, completely owning it. Girls threw their hands up, including me, in hopes to catch his attention. My heart beat increased as he grabbed my hand for a quick moment. The simple things this boy does that makes me feel this way is absolutely insane.

After the concert ended, I waited in my seat, anxious to see Niall again. I still couldn't believe that out of all the fans, he chose me.

"You're Gabi, correct?" The security guard asked once he approached me. By this point, a majority of the crowd cleared the arena.

"Yep, that's me!" I cheered before following him backstage.

"Gabi! Hey!" Niall called out once he caught sight of me.

"Hi," I smiled wide, accepting the big hug from him, "You were so incredible!"

"You think?" He asked, excitement sparkling in his eyes.

"Without a doubt" I reassured.

"Cool," He grinned, "So you ready for dinner? Don't think I can wait another minute"

"Yeah, definitely. Who's driving?" I asked.

"I got it. Me going out into the parking lot right now probably isn't the best decision" He chuckled.

"Makes sense" I agreed.

With that, he led me to his car parked in the secret garage used only by the performing artist and his crew so we were able to avoid all the unnecessary attention. We had minimal conversation, but most of it was directions on how to get to the restaurant. Once we arrived, we immediately got a table because of course, it's Niall Horan.

"So you're how old?" Niall asked after taking a sip from the wine he had just ordered.

"20, turning 21 in a few days!" I cheered excitedly.

"Oh yeah? I was wonderin' why you didn't order a drink" He chuckled.

"Don't worry, you can buy me one at the bar in a few days" I reassured.

"Sounds like a plan to me" Niall smiled before asking another question, "You said in the car you're still undecided at uni, yeah?"

"Yep!" I nodded.

"So you have no idea what you wanna do?" He asked.

"Honestly, no. I mean I have bunch of interests, but none of them fit into one specific major"

"Well what are ya interested in?" 

I hesitated for a moment, "Music, photography, event-planning, and writing"

Niall pondered for a second, "What about music management? I mean my manager, Sarah, is absolutely fantastic and she does all of that!"

"Oh yeah? How so?" I asked.

"Well for one, she listens to all of the songs I make with me and helps me decide what stuff should be on the album and what my next single should be. She's constantly taking pics of me and writing captions for my social media. And most importantly, she planned out this whole tour for me" He explained.

"Shít.." I trailed off, "You may have just found my new major"

"I'm glad to be of your service" Niall chuckled, taking another sip from his glass.

"But until all that happens, I'll be stuck working in a clothing store"

"Don't worry, love. When I was little, I thought I'd be stuck in Ireland my entire life" He reassured, "Look where I am now!"

"Where are you now?" I jokingly asked.

"At an Italian restaurant in Connecticut with a very nice girl" He replied, making me blush.

"Alright, so you've asked a few questions.." I started, "Now it's my turn"

"Sorry love, Q&A was earlier. You missed your chance" He joked.

I playfully rolled my eyes, "Really?"

"I'm kidding. Shoot" He instructed.

"Not that I'm not insanely happy that you did, but how come you asked me to take you out to dinner?" I asked, somewhat nervous about the answer.

"Well, honestly?" Niall paused, "I just really wanted food and didn't know where to go"

"Oh" I slowly nodded, suddenly feeling foolish for thinking there was more to it.

He then smirked and continued, "And I thought you were kinda cute and pretty cool to say the least"

I smiled, "You got all of that from our 30 second conversation?"

"Yeah, I sorta went with my gut on this one" He admitted, slightly blushing.

"Oh yeah?" I smirked, "Well, I'm happy you did"

"Me too" Niall smiled.

The rest of dinner was amazing and it wasn't long before Niall was driving me back to the arena so that I could pick up my car. It was when I was leaning up against my car with him standing closely in front of me when he asked for my number.

"Really?" I rose an eyebrow, "You're not scared I won't share it with the rest of the world?"

Niall chuckled, "I think you've proved to me tonight that you're not some crazed fan girl"

"Going with your gut on that one?"


"Well then," I smiled, taking his phone and putting my number in it, "There ya go!"

"Cool. I'll text ya sometime" He smiled.

"Cool" I agreed, creating an awkward silence between us. I'm guessing neither of us knew how to end the night.

Thankfully, Niall started, "I , er, just wanted to say thanks for tonight. For the first time in a while, you made me feel normal"

"Normal?" I questioned.

"Well not normal, but I guess just not 'famous'. You treated me like a regular human being tonight and I really appreciate that..It's something I don't get too often" He clarified with a sigh.

"Well, I mean I'm not gonna treat you any differently because you play guitar and sing songs for a living," I chuckled softly, "Because you wouldn't treat me differently just because I don't, right?"

"Right" Niall nodded with a smile.

"Good" I grinned. With that, I moved closer to him and stood on my tippy toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek, "Goodnight, Niall"

"Goodnight, Gabi. Get home safe"

On the way home, I blasted Niall's album with the windows down as I tried to make sense of the mess of thoughts flying around him my head.

Did I just go on a date with Niall Horan?

On my way to the concert, I was worried that the $650 I spent on the meet and greet was not going to be worth it considering that I was just going to get a quick hug and picture with him. Turns out I got way more.

I felt beyond lucky that it was me out of all of the girls, but also confused because why was it me?

Once I returned to my cozy apartment, I was greeted by my roommate, Foley who was munching on some cereal while working on a paper at the kitchen counter.

"Hey, Gabs!" He cheered, "How was the concert?!"

I took a swig of milk from the carton that was on the table before answering, "I, uh, I think I went on a date with Niall?"

Foley nearly choked on his cereal, "What?!"

"Well, he asked me if I knew any good food places and I said yeah and joked that I could take him to one but he took he seriously and that's how I ended up kissing his cheek and getting his phone number about an hour ago" I explained quickly, barely taking a breath.

"Holy shít, you are one lucky fan girl" He stated.

I nodded. Right. That's all I am. A fan girl who lucked out.

"You almost done with your paper?" I asked, peering over his shoulder.

He let out a chuckle, "Not even close!"

I shook my head, "Your fault for procrastinating!"

"I know" He agreed.

"Well, Im gonna head to bed. You have fun with you all nighter, ok?" I giggled, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck from behind.

"Ya know, if you squeeze harder, you might choke me to death then I won't have to write this paper" He suggested with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and shouted at him as I went up the stairs, "Write your paper"

Foley laughed, "Will do. Love ya Gabs, goodnight"

"Love yooou" I shouted back.

Before getting into bed after my nightly routine, I remembered to take out my phone from my jacket pocket. I was surprised when there was a message from an unknown number.

To: Gabi
From: Unknown
Thanks for a great night , darlin . I had a blast with you . Hope to see you soon . Niall x

The biggest smile appeared on my face as butterflies filled my tummy. I could barely reply since my hands shook so much as I pressed the keys.

To: Niall
From: Gabi
I could definitely say the same! I'm so happy I got the chance to meet & spend time w you :) Gabi x

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