Meant to Be//Cameron Dallas...

By _smokingsam

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Jasmine and Niki are famous Youtubers/viners along with Jasmine's brother Matthew Espinosa they are all apart... More

Meant to Be
Chapter 2- Airport
Chapter 3- The scare
Chapter 4- Beach
Chapter 5- Best Friends
Chapter 6- I need you.
Chapter 7- But I love you.
Chapter 8- Voice of an Angel
Chapter 9- Taken by surprise
Chapter 10- What just happened?!?!
Chapter 11- Clumsy Kiss
Chapter 12- By my side.
Chapter 13- The Words that hurt.
Chapter 14- Finally Reunited
Chapter 15- What are you up to?
Chapter 16- Emotions
Chapter 17- Why?
Chapter 18- decisions
Chapter 19- You.
Chapter 20- You and I.
Chapter 21- First Date.
Chapter 23- Goodbye.
Chapter 24- Missing You.
Chapter 25- Needing you.
Author's Note (Please Read)
Chapter 26- Sleeping with the enemy.
Chapter 27-What is wrong with you.
Chapter 28- The Unspeakable
Chapter 29- The Regretful, Beautiful Mistake
Chapter 30- No, I'm sorry
Chapter 31- Friendships.
Chapter 32- Sealing the Deal.
Chapter 33- Past.
Chapter 34- There.
Chapter 35- Look.
Chapter 36- Broken.
Chapter 37- Doing Ok, Or.....
Chapter 38- Broken Bones.
Chapter 39- Gone.
Chapter 40- The Funeral.
Chapter 41- Getting there.
Chapter 42- Moving Forward.
Chapter 43- Gaining or Losing?
Chapter 44- The Test.
Chapter 45- The truth
Chapter 46- New Little Spark.
Chapter 47- New Beginnings
Chapter 48- Love In The Air
Chapter 49- Positive or Negative?
Chapter 50- Little Girl.
Chapter 51- Loves
Chapter 52- Happy.

Chapter 22- Family.

6.5K 85 9
By _smokingsam

Jasmine’s POV. 

Today is the day we are all going home. I will miss everyone so much, but I can’t wait to go home to see Emma. I’m gonna miss Shawn the most, we’ve only been together officially for about 12 hours but the fact is that I’m not gonna see him for about 2 weeks until our next Magcon event. Matt, Niki, Taylah and I are all flying back to Orlando (that’s were we live) and everyone else is flying back to their home towns. 

I’ve gotta admit this Magcon event has been the most dramatic one we’ve had yet. A lot has changed and happen since the first time I meet all these guys. I remember the first time I met everyone we were all so nervous.  


Niki, Matt, and I were all in a limo being escorted to an event called Magcon that we have been invited to be apart of. It was brand new to us and we were going to go meet up with everyone else who would be apart of it. It turns out Niki and I were the only girls who are actual viners and youtubers that would be involved with this event. So I guess you could say niki and I were just a little bit nervous. 

We got to the venue that we would be doing our first meet up in Florida. I remembered that Matt was so nervous with meeting all the boys he was shaking to the point that it looked like he was having a seizure. I had to calm him down before we went into the meeting room so that we wouldn’t embarrass himself. We ended up cuddling and walking in the room and all eyes were on us. 

I looked at everyone and thinking damn all the boys are so much more attractive in person. Seriously that’s the first thing that popped in my head and I could tell Niki was too because she gave me the raised eyebrow. We were greeted by Bart we had meet him before anyone else to discuss boring stuff like contracts and stuff. 

“Hello welcome, this is your full Magcon team they will be also attending the shows you guys will be attending you will room with some of them and getting to know them along your journey with us in Magcon.” He smiled to Matt, Niki and I. We all smiled at all of them and went to got sit down. 

I sat down next to Matt and one of the boys he had brown hair, brown eyes, quite muscular by the look of his upper body. He turned to me and smiled “Hi I’m Cameron, Jasmine right?” He said and put his hand out to shake. I accepted “Oh Hi Cameron, It nice to finally meet you, and yeah I’m Jasmine” I said. “Yes I been wanting to meet you and your brother for a while you guys are so funny, actually you and Niki’s is it?” I nodded and let him continue speaking. “Was the first girl viner’s account that I followed!” He said and smiled. “Awww that’s awesome I had no idea, Thank you” I said and smiled. “Your welcome” He replied and then Bart began talking. 

“Ok so Jasmine, Matt and Niki this is Jack and Jack, Shawn, Nash, Cameron, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Hayes” He said pointing to each of them as he said their names. 

I waved and said hello and they also returned the favor. “You will meet the rest of the crew a bit later how about you guys head up to your rooms and get to know each other a bit better.” He suggested we all agreed and made our way up to the rooms. I remember seeing that Matt and Carter already got along great. Then Niki talking with Taylor and I was kinda walking on my own until Jack came up to me and officially greeting me. “Hey I’m Jack Gilinsky I do vines with my best friend also Jack Johnson” He said and pointed to Jack J. “Hey I’m Jasmine, and yeah I know. I absolutely love you guys. Bloody hilarious” 

I said “I was just about to say the same thing about you and Niki, funniest chicks ever” He said and laughed. 

We all pilled up into one room and decided to play truth or dare and it was so fun and super amusing.


Ever since that day which has been about a year now. All of us have just become closer and happier and I couldn’t of wished for better friends but it makes me wonder. What’s happened between all of us will it make us stronger or will it make us fall apart. 

I still don’t know what is wrong with Cameron but I will have to talk to him about if Nash will be so kind in letting me actually talk to him. 

I also want to sort things out with Jack G like I love him as a best friend and what happened yesterday with him and Shawn wasn’t at all what I wanted to happen and I really do want to try and get through all of this so that we can just all be friends again. 

A/N Sorry guys this is kinda a filler I hope you liked it anyways. Sorry for the lack of chapters been really busy with school. Love you guys. Comment, Share, and vote please. 

Jaz xx

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