A New Love

By novels04

26.1K 647 124

Ever since Shelby moved away from her hometown she has missed everything about it; the feel, the people, her... More

A New Love
Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Authors Note
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Authors note

Chapter Twenty

571 22 1
By novels04

A/N: I going to start out with Shelby's POV and then go into Duke's POV it will be my first time so let's see how it goes.

Chapter Twenty

Shelby's POV

I knew that school was going to be different, awkward, nerve racking and a lot more. I don't know how to act...do I act the same? But he doesn't remember I'm his girlfriend yet. Do I act like I never met him? Be a stranger and introduce myself again? But then I have to pretend nothing ever happened between us. I've decided to ignore him or not talk to him unless I have to until he remembers.

When I get to school everybody is staring at me. All I did was walk in the doors and every single person in view of me is staring at me. What? Do I have something on my face?

I run up the stairs and turn sharply to my locker. Apparently I'm later than normal because Ashley, Kayla, and Skye are already at their lockers. As I'm walking up I see them turn to each other and whisper, even when I'm at my locker they are whispering. I've had enough.

"Okay! What's going on? Why is everyone staring at me and why are you guys whispering...spill." They seemed shocked for a second and then turn to look at each other, I know that look. It's the 'who's going to tell her' look. They telepathically decide on Skye.

"Everybody has heard about the accident...kind of."

"What do you mean 'kind of'?" I ask taking a step closer to her.

"Umm, all they heard was that there was an accident and then you and Duke pretty much disappeared for the weekend. People weren't sure what happened. There are a few rumours going around." Great. I love rumours! I get to figure out things I never knew about myself.

"What rumours? Or what are they? I should say." I ask again walking towards home room with Skye beside me and Ashley and Kayla behind us.

"One said that you got in a car crash and both your parents died."

"Another said that Duke got in a car crash."

"Another one said that Duke crashed his unicycle...but now that I say it out loud, I'm pretty sure I heard that wrong." They all rambled off all these things that people have said about us. All of which are untrue.

"Soooo...?" Kayla questioned, "Which one is true? We also haven't heard from you all weekend and we would kind of like to know what's going on."

I really don't know how to tell them this so I just say it, fast, "Duke was riding his longboard and he crashed it. He hit is head on the cement and was in the hospital all weekend. I was there waiting for him to wake up because he got knocked out. When he woke up he had cuts and scraps that he has to wear gauze over and amnesia but only a slight case of amnesia because he only forgot one part of his life. Me."

They all just stand their shocked. I don't think they know how to react because they aren't doing anything. Well, I do. I feel the tears swell in the bottom of my eyes and I try to blink them back but it doesn't work. They are too strong for my eyelids and I feel one single tear drag down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away, hoping they don't see it. Too late, they did.

Skye steps closer to me and pulls me into a hug while I feel two other arms wrap around me and then two more after that. I was now surrounded by three of my best friends. my mouth and nose get covered by a sweater and I move my head out of the way to breath. They take that as a signal to release and they sat down in their assigned spot, right by me.

"I'm so sorry Shelby, we had no idea."

"I know, it's my fault, I didn't contact anyone all weekend."

"It's okay Shelby, we are always here for you."


Duke's POV

I walked into school and walked to my locker like it was a normal day, regardless of the fact that my head and arms are causing my excruciating pain.

I made it through the annoying part of my day where I had to explain what happened thirty two times, and yes I counted. Everybody just said they were sorry and things like that. Teachers tried to comfort me but they are teachers, it's just weird when they do that.

Finally school was over and I could go home. I walked over to the bottom of the main stairs after grabbing my backpack like we always do and wait for the girls. They always take longer than the boys.

Skye, Ashley and Kayla descend from the stair case and we talk for a while like we do everyday. They eventually said we were leaving and walked out of the school and into the sunlit courtyard.

It wasn't until now that I noticed The girls were walking with another girl today. She turned around once when Josh started talking to her and acts when I saw all her beautiful features. Her hair was dark brown, almost black in color underneath and a light chocolate brown on the top layer. It flowed down just above the small of her back and it bounced with every step she took. I didn't know that green could sparkle until I saw her eyes. She was wearing minimal makeup, which I enjoyed, that made her already beautiful eyes pop even more than they already are. Her body wasn't the skinniest one but she wasn't fat and I liked that about her, she was average, something that most girls don't seem to notice. She was wearing jeans that showed off her curves in all the right ways and a light blue flowy T-shirt that just barely covered her midriff and every time she would raise her arm just a little bit I would get a glimpse of her perfectly tanned skin. I knew all this about her but I didn't even know her name.

"Hey," I said smacking Riley on the arm causing him to give me his attention, "who is she?" I asked pointing at her trying to be secretive about it.

Riley took a second to reply almost as if he was thinking on what he should tell me, "that's Shelby, why?"

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course!"

"Okay then...I think she's beautiful. I want to get to know her more." I admit. I'm almost bashful about it, I mean, I haven't even met the girl and I'm already confessing.

Riley just laughs. At the point where Riley cuts off from the group I see Shelby walk out to Riley and start talking with him. I can't hear what they are saying but I hope he didn't say anything about what I told him earlier today, that would just be embarrassing!

Ashley and Kayla already left the main group so Skye and Shelby were the only girls left. I was talking with all the guys but I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Do you want to come to my house tonight? We are having a fire, your parents can come too."

"Sure, I'll text you when we are on our way over."

It really was just pointless conversation but I had to figure out a way to get closer to her, I want to get to know her better. I slow down just enough to get right in front of them but not so that it seems like I'm stalking them and I get a whiff of her perfume. Vanilla, my favorite. I feel my minded take me on a mini mind walk (kind of like a flashback) and I find myself at the cash register buying that same perfume.

Why did I buy it? Did I buy it for her? I haven't even met her that can't be true!

Have I met her before?


Hey readers!

First time writing in Duke's POV, what did you think? Please comment or tell me in some way what you think.

Second... THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE 5.2K READS!!! You guys actually made my whole day.
So please keep reading.

Love you all <3

~Shelby xoxo

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