You're What?! (A 5SOS Story.)...

By lilahrose_Fan

310K 8.8K 3.4K

Skyla was drunk one night, the night that changed her life. The night where a drunk Ashton Irwin pulled her u... More

You're What?! (A 5SOS Story.)
#read this.


9.1K 292 129
By lilahrose_Fan

Outfit in external.

Luke's P.O.V

Day before.

I arrived at my house about half an hour after I picked up Rylee, I unlocked the door and pushed her inside, humming to myself. I locked the door and pulled her from the pram, I sat her on the couch and turned the TV to some baby programmes.

"You watch this while daddy does some work yeah?" I asked her, she smiled and I nodded before walking away. I headed upstairs and began packing.

I'm gonna get into so much shit, if I'm caught.

I shrugged it off and threw all my clothes into the suitcase, I grabbed another suitcase and threw all my belongings into it.

I walked downstairs and picked up Rylee.

"You wanna be with Daddy ye?" I asked her, she smiled and I took that as a yes. I packed the nappies, the wet wipes, the baby stuff and baby clothes into my suitcase before I plopped Rylee in her pram, I put a little hat on her and kissed her cheek.

"You're a beautiful little girl you know." I told her, she giggled and I smiled. I grabbed the plane tickets and pulled my hood over my head. I left the keys under the plant pot before walking to the airport.

Why was I doing this you ask.

I'm doing this because...I liked Skyla first. She's mine. But if I can't have her, I'll have her child.

Wait...What am I doing...

I looked at the little girl in the pram, fast asleep. I sighed and sat down on one of the airport chairs. She woke up as soon as the pram stopped moving.

"What should I do Rylee?" I asked her, she looked at me with a straight face and I sighed.

"Should I go?" I asked, people must think I'm weird talking to a 4 day old baby but I couldn't care.

"I suppose you wanna stay with mummy. But I just want someone, you know? I want a daughter, I want a family." I complained, she pouted.

"I love you." I muttered and she smiled, I pressed my lips on her forehead.

"Aw!" I heard someone exclaim, I turned and saw a brunette standing holding a pram, she sat down beside me and smiled. I never believed in love at first sight but now, I think that just changed.

"Jade." She smiled holding out her hand.

"Luke." I smiled back.

"Is this your daughter?" She asked.

"I don't know, it might be but it could also be 3 other boys'. Is that your daughter?" I asked pointing at her pram.

"Yes, her name is Logan, I know, but I really like the name, what about your little girl."

"Rylee." I smiled.

"Beautiful, why are you here?" She asked.

"I was going to run away with her-" She cut me off with a gasp but I grabbed her hand before she left.

"No. I've missed the flight, I'm not going. It was a stupid idea." I muttered. She nodded and didn't removed her hands from mine.

"What about you?" I asked her.

"Logan's dad just left us for some fake blonde slut, it's OK though I was only with him for Logan, I just want a dad that will love her, ya know?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes." I replied.

"So, would Rylee like to come over maybe and she can play with Logan?" Jade suggested and I nodded.

"Sure, can I have your number, she nodded and I smiled, we exchanged phones and she put her number in my phone, while I put mine in hers.

"See you around Luke." She smiled, I nodded before saying goodbye.

We stayed till 9pm, missing our flight, I didn't want to go home. I looked at the tired Rylee and began to walk her home.

We got to mine at about ten, I took her to bed before dropping to sleep next to her.


I woke up around 9am, Rylee was cuddled up against my chest, I sighed and picked her up.

"Lets get you home Perfect." I mumbled and took her home, I knocked on the door and it revealed two angry teens.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" Skyla yelled, rushing towards me, Mike held her back.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep and when I woke up it was midnight, I'm sorry." I lied, Skyla calmed down and nodded.

"It's fine." She replied before taking Rylee from me.

She took her inside and I stood with Michael.

"What really happened? I know you and I know you were lying." Michael said softly.

"I was going to run away with her, but it's OK, It was heat of the moment." I muttered, he nodded and we embraced in a hug.

"Go home and get some rest you look knackered(If you don't know what that means it's extremely tired.)" I nodded and walked away.

Skyla's P.O.V

Trying to get Rylee to settle down was hard. She kept giggling and making weird noises.

"UGH RYLEE!" I screamed, she stopped and froze before she began crying loudly.

"Hey babe, you OK?" Michael said walking in, I looked at the crying baby and began crying myself.

"No, can you sort out Rylee please?" I mumbled before walking out, Mike sorted her out within a few minutes and I sat in the bathroom crying.

"Babe, open the door." Michael said knocking on the door, I opened it and he walked in. He sat in front of me and put his hands on my knees.

"Don't cry, she was a little hyper, you barely got any sleep last night, go get some sleep OK." he told me, I nodded and he smiled, he took me to bed and he sang for me, slowly, I fell asleep.

A/N: Hey!! xx



Thanks! xx

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