
By Love_Bri94

946K 38.7K 13.6K

When she thought she was incapable of being loved correctly.... then she met HIM More

1.| Life
2.| Change Location
3.| Truths
4.| Meeting Him
5.| Getting To Know You
6.| Meeting Brittany
7.| Fixing It
8.| You for Dinner
9.| Issues
10.| Territorial
11.| Misunderstanding
12.| Envy
13.| Controversy
14.| LaLa Land
15.| Who You Belong To
16.| Good Vibes & Good Sex
17.| Happiness Is Temporary
18.| Heart Eyes
19.| Loyalty
20.| Real Lies
21.| Real Lies (2)
22.| Perjury
23.| Weekends
24.| No Remorse
25.| Memories Faded
26.| Luck 🍀
27.| Sleepin
29.| I'll Take Care Of You
30.| Can I Come Over
31.| Y.A.S
32.| Take Care of It
33.| Time Stands Still
34.| Better Off
35.|Cutting Out The Middle Man
36.| Baby 'Long As Im Next To You
37.| We Have An Annoucement
38.| What Are We Gonna Do?
39.| Meeting Kiara
40.| Obstacles
41.| Plottin & Schemin
42.| When It Falls Down
43.| Pained
44.| Jealousy, Jealousy, Jealousy
45.| Fix Your Crown 👑
46.| Brittany 2, Keith&April 0
47.| Thru Good Times & Bad Times
48.| Time Heals All
49.| No Feelings
50.| For Nothing
51.| Lets Talk About It
52.| The Verdict
53.| Oops 🤭
54.| Take Two
55.| Why You Wanna...?
56.| Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
57.| Checkmate
58.| Gold At The End of The Rainbow
59.| It Was All Worth It

28.| Differences

13.5K 646 174
By Love_Bri94

Is it just me or does it seem like Keith is more into Ryan than she's into him?? He's all 😁 and she's just like 🙃idk maybe she's one of the girls that likes to keep everything private...who knows, but I just knew she was dating Quincy


I rushed to my front door as someone repeatedly rung the bell. Exhaling, I pulled it open and there stood my dumb older brother with a bag in his hand and a bunch of flowers in the other.

I stood in the doorway to block him from coming in. "How May I help you?"

He laughed. "Damn that's how you feel?"

"Yup. What do you want?"

"Man April let me in, I'm not about to stand in this door way and talk to you."

Rolling my eyes, I stepped back so that he can walk inside.

"The house is coming along really good." He said while going into the family room and sitting down. "Here, I bought all your favorite snacks and I brought you some flowers." A stupid smile peeled across his face.

"So this is supposed to make me forgive you for being a sneaky as hell and going behind my back to see my ex and on top of that offer him my damn building."

"I'm just trying to help out the both of y'all. He's always talked about owning his own shop and you need to get rid of the building, instead of you having to go through a million people you can just let him take over."

"Why didn't you talk to me before you made this decision though. He's not somebody I want to deal with like that."

"Look April I know you hate him for what he did but you gotta put that to the side. What he did was fucked up but you've been through worse."

"I don't hate him. It's just fucked up because I thought he was different. He told me he'd never do me like Q did. He went to LA ended up spending time with his ex, I guess had some type of epiphany comes back and tells everybody I'm this horrible girlfriend to justify what he did. And the whole time I'm sitting around thinking we're fine."

"And he was wrong and he knows he was wrong April. You need to talk him."

"There's nothing to say. He's where he wants to be, there's not anything for us to discuss. I'm sorry that I couldn't be the girlfriend that he needed. I know my insecurities played a factor in our relationship too. I hope Brittany is making him happy."

Chris sat back on the couch while rubbing his head. "I think y'all should talk man. It wouldn't hurt, it'll probably make shit better for you. You'll be able to finally tell him how you feel about everything."

"I've accepted what happened between me and Keith. I think it all resulted from us moving too fast. We didn't get to know each other before we jumped into a relationship and I didn't really let those wounds from my past heal and that's that."

"But you can't deny that he made you happy."

"We has our good days and we had our bad ones but in his eyes the bad outweighed the good." I shrugged. "There's nothing I can do about that. If he wants my building, he can do the rent to own thing until he gets on his feet. Our relationship is strictly business now and I'm okay with that."

"Its crazy sitting here seeing you try to convince yourself of all the shit you just said. But I'll drop it, I can't make you do something you don't want to do. Keith is a good dude, he just made a fucked up decision."

I nodded. "Maybe we'll talk one day but as of now, I'd rather not."

"Alright. Well let's go to the grocery store so you can cook me dinner."

"Excuse me?" I laughed. "Don't you have a wife at home that is more than happy to cook for you."

"Man she fat and lazy right now. All she wanna do is order pizza. I need a home cooked meal."

"Another slice of pizza ain't gone kill you."

"Yes it is now let's go."

Groaning I climbed off the couch. "Let me go get my shoes."

"And this is why you're my favorite sibling! Don't tell Nique though."

"Blah Blah Blah."

I jogged upstairs to grab my things. As I got ready to pick up my phone it buzzed. It was a dm from Keith.

I wanted to ignore it but didn't.

Keithpowers: I have the money for the down payment...can we meet soon?

Aprilshowers: This Saturday at the shop. Be there @ 4


I overlooked myself in the mirror one last time before I got ready to meet up with April. I was nervous for some odd reason.

Whenever I see her face or come around her I get nervous now. I really wish we could fix things but I might as well put that to rest.

"Keeeith! Baby." Brittany called.

Groaning, I sat on the bed and waited for her to come in my room. She walked in with a bunch of shopping bags, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"Hi baby." She came and kissed me.

"Sup. You did some shopping today. A lot of it."

"I did and I got so much cute stuff. A lot of outfits for your eyes only as well."

"That's what's up. I got somewhere to be, so ima head out."

"Wait where you going?"

"To look at a shop."

Brittany rolled her eyes and sat down. "I thought you gave up on that. Baby I know a guy that's looking for somebody to work in his shop. You'll be perfect there."

"Damn ain't you supposed to support my dreams?! Don't I support everything that you do?"

"I'm just tired of hearing your sob stories about being rejected."

"Well you ain't gotta hear them no more. I'm about to go. Find you something productive do like finding a real job or something." I went and grabbed the duffel bag with the money in it and headed out. I could hear Brittany yelling my name but it ain't much she can say to me right now.

Soon I pulled up to April's shop. I was looking for her truck but I didn't see it. The shop lights were on so I headed in.

"Yo April!" I yelled.

She came out the back. "Hey Keith."

"Wassup." I wanted to hug her but it might be too soon.

"Let's go to the office."

I nodded and followed her. Sitting in the seat in front of her desk I placed the bag in front of her.

"So, what do you plan on naming the place?" She asked.

"I honestly don't know. I'm just excited to get my shop. It'll come to me soon once I set this place up."

"A little business advice, try to keep the beauty part in it. Women spend a lot of money to get their hair done. At least two chairs you can keep as beauty stations."

"That's not a bad idea."

"Of course it's not." She smirked.

"Congratulations on your new building and everything else. Things have been going good for you."

"Yeah, they have. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

It was an awkward silence, we just stared at each other.

"Let's get down to business." She said quickly standing up. She unzipped the bags and started taking the money out. When I seen her eyebrows furrow I sat up.

"Something wrong?"

"Hold on." She counted it again. "This is only 6,000."

I walked over to her and grabbed the money. "That can't be right, I counted this shit like 4 times this morning."

"Maybe some of the money got mixed up."

"Couldn't have. I haven't even touched this bag until since this morning."

"Well something had to happen 4,000 is missing."

"This is cra-....Brittany!"

"What you call me?!"

"No I'm not talking to you. She came in the house earlier with a bunch of shopping bags and I was wondering where she got all that fucking money to buy anything from. She must've found the bag."


"I could kill her ass!"

"Hey, relax."

"That's stopping me from getting my shop! She shouldn't have even touched it without talking to me first."

"Keith, relax. Look, I'll give you a few days to bring the rest of the money to me. Can you get it back by Tuesday?"

"Oh I'll have it before that, she taking all that shit she bought back."

A sly smirk fell across April's face. I already know what she thinking.

"So we can go ahead and sign the lease and I'll give you the keys Tuesday." She said. "That's cool?"

"Yeah...you hated me the last time we talked, Wassup now?"

"In order for me to move on from what happened I have to forgive and like someone recently told me, you aren't a bad guy, maybe it just isn't meant for us to be together."

"I don't know if agree with that. I should've told you how I felt, I really fucked up."

"It's okay Keith....let's sign those papers."


We signed our names and I filled out everything I had to.

"Well congratulations on your building. I'll have everything else moved out by Tuesday."

"Okay." I stood up.

She held out her hand for me to shake, but I couldn't resist I pulled her in my arms.


"You know you wanted me to do this."

Her arms wrapped around my back.

"Thank you for putting our differences aside and letting me get the building." I said.

"No problem."

We pulled back and just looked at each other.

"I think you should head home and strangle your girlfriend."

"Ex, I'm sick of her ass."

"Blah Blah Blah."

I laughed. "I'll see you Tuesday." I kissed her cheek.

"See you Tuesday."

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