Kiingtongs little secret(will...

By 1boogie

16.3K 414 321

This is a story between two YouTubeers graser10 and kiingtong and they find out they love each other on a vac... More

Un named :P
The hospital
Do they know its a lie?!
The new place
What happens wen couples live together
The park
Grasers leaving!?!
The little mistake....
Away in the woods
The negatives
Back to normal
Ain'T about dat life
Graser you had to go there
Awww graser
Oh no its the cute off!
Will stop it your too cute!
Wedding planning
Shoping i guess.....
Scot is dead?
And the killer was!!!!.....
Mom dad!?!
Dad!!!!! Leave me alone!
Graser....graser wake up!.....graser....
Just chilling
We will be back
We made it!
The plan
Just keep it hiden
All love has a moment
All love is cute
Your perfect to me
I won!?
Just a normal day
A favor?
This is how life should be
Its over
All about will
I need help
She came
No mess ups.........
The wedding?!
Back home
I cant forget it...
You butt snatcher
Shes back...
Somethings there?
Girls night?
Be a good boyfriend
Found him......
Do i really like guys?.
Kiss every inch of him

In eachothers arms

210 7 3
By 1boogie

Grasers pov
Will and I made it home and we were both exhausted so we didn't think much about it but will almost fell and hit the floor because he was so tired so I pick him up bridal style and I lay him on his bed then I put a blanket on him but he wanted something else?.......she grabbed my hand pulling me down holding me tight and I accidentally squeezed him tight cuz it kinda scared me......he had his arms around my stomach and his head laying on mine
And then he kisses me on my forehead then we are both out like a light......

(The next day)

Wills pov
I woke up hugging Graser tightly around his stomach and I had my dead on his and he was hugging me back and he just looked completely comfortable....I want to talk to him about are wedding soon......I know it sounds weird and out there but I truly wnat to be with him my whole life even if people judge us for being "gay" or if I get the comment "you should be with Shelby" or "your to cute for that" or even "Graser should have went with Liam or Shelby instead" and it kinda hurt reading these but it was the truth......I felt Graser move one of his arms lower touching my butt....!!!!!i..I don't know what do!!i felt warm as my face turned a shade of dark red than Shelby walked in......

Shelby:hay guys uh me and the others or going out to get some food and a few other things so do y'all wanna stay or go with us?....

Will:uh Grasers asleep so can't but can you pick me up a tub of ice cream

Shelby:sure what kind?

Will:cookie dough please



Shelby:so what's going on here?


Shelby:your blushing like a school girl and he's you own husband

Will:we aren't married yet.........

Shelby:oh yeah sorry "future" husband


Shelby:so one why are you blushing?two why are y'all asleep beside each other?three just why!?

Will:well last night on my way the the room I literally fell I was so tired and Graser picked me up bridal style then he took me and layer on on my bed and covered me with a blanket and he was going to his bed but I grabbed his hand and pulled him down then this happened........

Shelby:that's answer one and three

Will:uh.....can I skip one.....


Shelby's pov
I could tell Will was uncomfortable cuz he's normally chill but his face way sooooo red and I'm curious why now...I noticed it....Graser had slid one oh his hands down holding it on wills butt and I guess will just didn't know what to do....?i knew will and he would never  let anyone even hug him unless he was good friends with them so will net freaking out or leaving Graser was a huge! Surprise.......

Will:have you noticed yet.......?


Will:and third I mean i just love him and Iv bean getting hate for it but wen it's just me and him it's nice and I guess I was carried away.........

Shelby:heh well thanks for telling me this....

Will:I trust you enough for you to know said getting up leaving Graser alone on the bed)


Wills pov
I knew Shelby cared about me and Graser so I whispered in her ear "I'm planning on living the rest of my life in his arms and I want to talk to him about are wedding so I wanted to know what's it like being  having a wedding" I way this leading over her shoulders and I swear she kinda froze for a second I guess I kinda scared her and she explained some of it she said" it's amazing I mean everyone is there to see you and your husband and just have an amazing time and just standing there saying yes felt magical........" I gave her a hug then she said she had to go then she took off and Graser woke up........

Grasers pov
Will was up first and I was still extremely tired but I needed to get up so I got up out of bed then I was walking over to will until my leg stoped working....I fell on him he already didn't have a shirt cuz he took it off after someone left the room........I see I had fell on him  and he had fallen on a carpet and I was right over him.....I could kiss him...I could slide my hands down his sides.....I could even just stay there......

Wills pov
Graser woke up and I had just taken my shirt off and pants and I had boxers on and thefts basically it cuz I mean I change shirts in pants in front of Graser all of the time so it's normal...he started to walk towards me then he fell......he had possessed himself right over me and my hands were pinned to the ground by his and I don't think he realizes it.....he looked at my body blushing and it made me kinda one was there to stop him from doing anything to me...the door was locked and I was in my boxers and that was it basically........

Will:g...Graser.....(he said looking in grasers eyes)

Graser:I uh.......(he had his whole face red at this point.....)

Will:can I get up......?

Grasers pov
He asked if he could get up but this wasn't my normal chance...I kissed him passionately then I kissed his neck and made kisses down his chest and he went even redder.....I felt bad for this but I can't help myself.......I slowly slid my hands down his sides letting his hands go.....he was so red I felt bad but I have a small problem...if I want something I will try and get it.......I tried to get off after I see will was uncomfortable but he pulled me back down and he kissed me again...and again...each kiss more passion then the last......he kissed me one last time and it was gentle.........I looked at him in disbelief that he actually did that on purpose....he hugged me then he got up and put a shirt and and some blue jeans then me say in his bed

Graser:I'm sorry....'s ok.....(he said uncontrollably blushing)

Graser:c...can we talk about are wedding?........

Will:I uh......s..sure

Graser:what is it going to be like

Will:it's going to be beautiful.....I want it to be almost all I want there to be a big white cake and I want a rainbow banner above us representing us being gay....and I want to everyone to be happy and cheer for us......(he said yawning)

Graser:heh same idea here....I want you to be in my arms in front of everyone so I can show them I am gay and they can't change that.....I want you to be there for me all the way and I want everything just to be perfect.......

Grasers pov
Wills still really tired I guess cuz after we talked for a little bit he had fallen asleep in the floor and I had to pick him up and hold him in my arms,.....I held him like a bride.....he was soft and still blushing some and he even has a little drool going down his face so I used a napkin to dry it off then I just sat there with my one true love in my arms

Sorry I haven't bean updating a lot school has bean hard and I just don't have the time for HW and this so il work on it more but for now just tell me wen you need/what an update and il try to do it but work with me cuz the last thing I need is people asking for updates every day......anyways have a great day/night and I appreciate you existence

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