What Lies Ahead

By fictionwriterjordan

91.1K 2.9K 263

Book #2 in the Unplanned Series. Follow Jo through her journey after she has her twins. Things change, and th... More

What Lies Ahead Chapter 1
What Lies Ahead Chapter 2
What Lies Ahead Chapter 3
What Lies Ahead Chapter 4
What Lies Ahead Chapter 5
What Lies Ahead Chapter 6
What Lies Ahead Chapter 7
What Lies Ahead Chapter 8
What Lies Ahead Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Author's Note
The Choice

Chapter 45

996 37 2
By fictionwriterjordan

"Happy Thanksgiving," Ezra smiles at me as I wake up Thursday morning. 

I give him a kiss, and he grins. 

"Are you excited?" he asks.

"Well, today's probably the last Thanksgiving I'll spend with my mom," I sigh, and my lip starts to quiver.

"Hey, hey," Ezra says, pulling me closer.

I know he doesn't want me to cry, but the tears start flowing anyways. 

"You're mom wouldn't want you to cry. She'd want you to have a good time with her today," Ezra says.

I look at him and he wipes my tears.

"You're right," I say.

"Now, where's your smile?" he asks.

I grunt, and he tickles my side, causing me to laugh uncontrollably. 

"There it is," he grins.

"You're the best," I smile.

"It's so weird not hearing the kids," Ezra says.

"I miss them, but it is peaceful," I smile.

"Are you ready to start cooking?" Ezra asks. 

"Ready if you're ready," I smile.

He kisses my nose, and we slowly get out of bed. 

"I'm staying in my pajamas until we get done," I say.

"I guess I will too," Ezra chuckles.

"I left Jesse a voicemail and invited him," I say.

I haven't spoken to Jesse since he pushed me, and my parents still don't know about it. I left him   a voicemail, and I'm hoping he comes tonight.

"I hope he comes," Ezra says, giving me a small hug.

"Me too," I sigh.

Many hours later, and the food is finally done. 

"I'm going to get ready," I smile.

I walk into our bedroom, slipping off my pajamas and putting together a cute Thanksgiving outfit. 

"You look adorable," Ezra grins, coming up from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Thank you," I blush.

I finish doing my hair and make up while Ezra gets ready himself. We hear the first knock, and I grin big. 

"Someone's here!" I smile.

"I'll set the table if you want to answer that," Ezra says.

I give him a nod and walk to the door. I open it to see Paige and I wrap her in a hug.

"How are you?" she asks.

"Great. I've missed you," I smile. 

"I know. I wish I wasn't so plastered with school," she frowns. 

She steps inside and sees Ezra.

"Hey Ezra," she smiles.

"Paige," he smiles, and he gives her a hug.

"Where are the babies?" she asks.

"Ricky is bringing them," I say.

We hear another knock on the door, and Ezra answers it this time.

"Jo, it's for you," Ezra says.

I look over to see Jesse.

"Hey," I say, walking over to him, wrapping him in a hug.

Jesse and I step outside, and he starts to tear up.

"I am so sorry," he frowns.

"Hey, it's ok," I say, sighing.

"No, it's not. I'm sorry I ever pushed you. I don't know what I was thinking, and I'm sorry you got hurt."

"Wanna stay for dinner?" I ask.

"That sounds fantastic," he smiles.

Over the next 20 minutes, almost everyone arrives. Ricky shows up last, and I run to him and hug my babies.

"I missed you both," I smile, tickling them.

"I brought someone with me. I hope you don't mind," Ricky says.

Professor Clay follows in behind him, and I give him a warm smile. 

"I'm glad you came," I smile, and Ezra shakes his hand.

I introduce professor Clay to everyone, and everyone welcomes him with open arms.

"How are you feeling?" I ask mom.

"I feel great today," she smiles.

"My parents are here," Ezra tells me, looking out the window at them.

"Oh gosh I'm nervous," I say.

"They'll love you," he smiles.

Ezra lets his parents in, and he introduces me.

"She's a doll," Ezra's mom smiles, giving me a hug. 

"Nice to meet you," Ezra's dad smiles. 

"I brought some pie," Ezra's mom smiles, holding up a bag.

"Thank you," I smile, taking it to the kitchen.

After introducing everyone, I set all the food on the counter and open it all up, sticking spoons in the dishes that need them. I then return to the living room.

I look around and can't help but smile. Everyone I love is here, and I couldn't be more thankful.

"Who's ready to eat?" I smile.

"Starving," my dad chuckles.

We all join in the kitchen and grab what we want to eat.

"I guess we'll see how good you can cook," Luke smirks.

"I'm glad you didn't make dinner," Chase says to Luke, and we both laugh.

"I can cook," Luke scowls.

"Yeah, right," Paige chimes in, laughing. 

We all sit in a circle on the living room floor, since the table isn't big enough. I sit down in between Ezra and Luke after putting Chloe and Leon in their playpen. 

"How's everything tasting?" I ask everyone, a few minutes into eating. 

"This is great. You both did so well," my mom smiles.

"Yeah, and thanks for having us," Ezra's mom chimes in. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm glad you all were able to make it," I smile.

I see professor Clay looking a little sad, and I frown. If only he could have Thanksgiving with his daughter. 

"So, how's teaching going Ricky?" Ezra's dad asks.

"Pretty good, but I've considered going back to school," he says.

"What would you go for?" I ask.

"I've always been interested in owning my own company. I may try for a business degree."

"What business would you open?" Chase asks.

"I think I'd like to open a gym," he smiles.

"That's awesome, but don't expect me to be a customer," I say, making everyone laugh.

"You're so lazy," Ezra laughs.

"What are your next plans Jesse?" Ricky asks him.

"I've got an interview with a construction company in a few days," he grins.

"That's great," I smile.

After dinner, Ezra and I collect everyone's plates, taking them to the kitchen. 

"How do you think it's going?" I ask him when we're alone.

"It's going great," he smiles, kissing my cheek.

We dump the plates in the sink and return to the living room.

"That pie was delicious," I smile at Ezra's mom.

"Thank you," she grins. 

"Anyone up for a movie?" Ezra asks.

Everyone chimes in with opinions, and we settle on Home For the Holidays. I lay my head on Ezra's shoulder. I am so, very thankful. 

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