Minecraft Diaries Oneshots

By KatCanWrite

110K 1.9K 1.5K

This book is filled with lots of MCD ships! This book is very appropriate, not much steamy stuff going on in... More

Laurance x Aphmau - Mystreet
Garroth x Reader- Mystreet
Aphmau x Dante (MCD)
Malachi x Reader (MCD)
Travis x Laurance x Reader (Mystreet)
(A/N and writing order)
Aaron x Aphmau (Mystreet)
Katelyn x Travis (MCD)
Laurance x Aphmau (MCD)
Zane x Reader (MCD)
Laurance x Aphmau (MCD)
Chad x Aphmau (MCD)
Leona x Yip (PDHS)
Saddness to Comfort|Laurance x Reader (MCD)
Musical Duo|Dimitri x Reader (MCD)
Science Partners| Gene x Reader (Mystreet)
Relief|Laurance x Aphmau (Mystreet)
Fireworks|Malachi x Reader (MyStreet)
The Wedding|Laurance x Aphmau (Mystreet)
Scenarios|| Type of Date
Little Help||Nicole x Dante (MiddleSchool)
Confessed||Travis x Katelyn (LLP)
The List||Garroth x Ivy (Mystreet)
Stronger||Vylad x Reader (MCD)
Q&A! (Ask Questions!)
Q&A Answers
「The Meet」Laurance x Reader PT.1 (Mystreet)
「The Meet」Laurance x Reader PT.2 (Mystreet)
Scenarios || Meeting the In-Laws
Travis x Katelyn 「FLUFF」
Garroth x Aphmau (MCD)
Confessions - Ein x Reader (PDH)
Kai x Reader (PDHS)
Memory Lane | Vylad x Reader (Mystreet)
The Dance | Zane x Kawaii~Chan (Mystreet)
Forgotten Series| Nicole x Dante (MCD)
Forgotten Series | Laurance x Sasha (PDHS)
Update/Book Birthday
Updates on This Book and Me.
Travis x Katelyn (PDHS) PART ONE
Katelyn x Travis (PDHS) Part 2
Thank You.
Tell a Friend to Tell a Friend....
Now | Aphmau x Laurance (Diaries)
To New Platforms!!!

Forgotten Series | Vylad x Reader| (PDHS)

1.8K 41 56
By KatCanWrite

   Since we never see our beloved Vylad, Laurence, Nicole, etc. etc. anymore, I have decided to make a mini-series of all of our forgotten or cut characters. Leave a suggestion here for who you would like to see. I will start with Vylad since I have gotten some requests.

Song: Colors - Halsey

   It was a cool September day, and I had just finished up soccer practice and was walking to my car when I saw a group of girls walking out of the school.

   The volleyball girls.

  The same thing would repeat every day: The soccer or football guys would try to go and talk to them, then get shooed off. The only real reason the guys all tried to talk with them, is so they could get a good look at the girls, being that they were wearing practice shorts.

   I wasn't ever a fan of doing this stuff, I was the type of guy to let the ladies come to me if they were interested; since I never really catch an interested in anyone. There has only been one person to catch my eye, and that was (Y/N). She had (H/L) (H/C) hair, and sparkling (E/C) eyes. I haven't noticed if she's shown an interest in me, but I have feelings for her.
  Once, I had run into her in the hallway, causing me to drop my books. (Y/N) had freaked out and began apologizing like crazy. The next day, she insisted on me sitting by her at lunch and letting her reorganize my binder. After that day, we started talking little by little, then exchanged phone numbers. At this time, we talked every day. We always seem to catch another's eye when looking around. This never happens to me with anyone else, but I wouldn't know if it ever happened or still happens to anyone with her.

   "Hey, Vylad! Daydreaming about your stud muffin again?" A voice that I knew very well said coming up behind me. It was my best friend Laurance.

  "Hey, Laurance." I said being caught off guard, a quick blush appearing on my face after thinking about (Y/N).

   "I'll take that as a yes, speaking of the blush on your face; unless you have a secret love for me?" Laurance said playfully hitting my arm as we shared a laugh. 

   "Okay, okay, you got me," I said smiling and looking away, "I can't stop thinking of her recently."

   "Awh, my little Vylad is growing up, " Laurance cooed as we got into my car. "When are you going to make your move?"

   "I don't even know if she feels the same back. I think I just feel like a brother or best friend to her." I sighed as I started to back out of the parking lot.

   "Want me to help you out? I'm on fine terms with (Y/N), and we have a group project coming up in a class we have together. I'll partner with her, and ask if she's interested in anything and let you know." 

"Laurance, that would be awesome! I am so glad we are friends." I said giving him a high five as I continued to drive to his house.


Laurance's POV

   It was the next day of school; day one of me and Vylad's plan to get him with (Y/N). I was also now in the class with (Y/N) where we had to work in two-person groups of our choice. Although I was going to ask Dante if I could work with him, but, Vylad's love life was more important. 


   It was after school, and me and (Y/N) were in the school library working on our project- Vylad and mines plan was just starting. Since me and (Y/N) have been mutual since middle school, and we were in our junior year, it's not like she's going to be shy around me or anything. 

   "Hey, (Y/N), let's take a break?" I asked, looking at the clock seeing we had been researching our topic for an hour and a half straight.

   "Please! My eyes are about to burn out." She laughed, closing her laptop and relaxing a bit in her chair. 

   "So, how have you been lately?" I asked (Y/N) while I also closed my laptop and relaxed a bit more.

   "I've been good, how about you? Got another girlfriend yet?" (Y/N) laughed.

   "Haha, I've been good also. And no, no girlfriend. I'm waiting a bit." I laughed back to her, "How about you? You've got to have someone you're interested in by now!" 

   "Haha, no." (Y/N)'s face flushed a small bit. "At least not anyone who'd feel the same way back." She trailed off.

   "What?! Who is it!" I said leaning forward in my chair more, giving (Y/N) my full attention.

   "Keep it down!" She whisper yelled to me. "Can you keep a secret?" 

   "Absolutely," I said holding out my pinky finger. "Pinky promise!" I whisper yelled back, as she took my pinky in hers and leaned a little bit closer.

  "Vylad Ro'Meave."

   I internally gasped. This was too good to be true! "Are you serious? Like, you're not playing? And you're talking about Vylad, my best friend?"

  She laughed. "Yes, silly! Your best friend has taken a small part of my heart unintentionally." 

   And then (Y/N) and I talked for an hour more about Vylad, life, and school before packing up our things and calling it a day since we wasted so much time. 

Vylad's POV

   It had been a few hours since Laurance had texted me saying him and (Y/N) were going to the library to research for their project. He said he would do everything he could, without being weird, to make sure to bring me up somehow. I hope this all just works out.

   Suddenly, my phone let out a quick buzz. I quickly opened it and saw a text from Laurance. 

Laurance Zvahl: So....

Me: Bad news? 

Laurance Zvahl: We got into a conversation about love interests.

Me: And?

Laurance Zvahl: Anddddd....

Me: Laurance! I'm dying here! Does she like me or not!

Laurance Zvahl: Need an ambulance?

Me: Yes. And I can only be cured by receiving a 'yes' or 'no'

Laurance Zvahl: 'yes' or 'no'

Me: I hate you

Dumb: Oh come on! You love me. 

Me: I will love you if you just give me the answer to this question: Does (Y/N) have feelings for me, or not?"

Dumb: "Your best friend has taken a small part of my heart unintentionally."

Me: You're playing with me.

Dumb: Nah. Congrats man. Go get her.




BEST PERSON EVER: Figure that out yourself! I've done enough in this, you can take the wheel now. Also, she said not to tell anyone so I'm breaking a promise :P You're welcome.



   Now, I must come up with how to get the girl...


(Y/N)'s POV

   It's been a week since I've told Laurance about my feelings for Vylad. So far, I haven't been approached about it, so I have trusted he didn't tell anyone. 

   We turned in our project and got an A+. We make a good team, and we decided to work together next project if we could.

    Otherwise, I had just gotten done with the school day, and it was Friday. I opened my locker to find a note taped to the inside:

      Puzzled, I looked around my locker. Who would leave me a note like this? I decided to text my best friend, Nicole about this. I want to see what she thinks. 

Me: Niccccccc! We have a major emergency!!!

Nic: what is it?

Me: I got this note in my locker...

Nic: woah woah woah! does somebody have a secret admirer? or is somebody going to get beaten up?

Me: I don't know! I want to go... but I don't want to get kidnapped. :P

Nic: speakin that they decided to meet at school on a Friday in the gym doesn't sound like it would be suspicious.... go!

Me: What if someone IS trying to hurt me? Some crazy people go here.

Nic: ull never know if you don't go!

Me: But still... I don't want to die :P


Me: Fineeee, Ik you're curious, so I'll go. Wait in the car?

Nic: busy. dante and i have a date at the movies. :) <3

Me: bros before hoes :(

Nic: this is the only night we can get together this month.. hes got sports stuff and ive got to get these grades up. 

Me: I respect, have fun girly! Ill text you how it goes.

Nic: dont have too much fun urself, or dont get killed, lol. call me 2nite. 

Me: ttyl! <3


  I walked into the school. It was dark, besides the small trail of tea lights leading towards the gym. 

   This makes me feel like I'm walking into a death trap.

  I can imagine the headlines now: Local Teen Found Dead in Phoenix Drop High Gymnasium- With a Trail of Lights Leading to Death place?

  As I slowly opened the gym door, I saw a silhouette of a person. Somewhat taller than me, wearing a brown jacket and green scarf which bluejeans. I knew that outfit anywhere. 


   I slowly approached him. "Vylad? Is that you?" I said as my face heated up a little bit.

  I was greeted with a smile, "(Y/n), I am so glad you came, and didn't think my note was some death trap." Vylad laughed as I walked closer to him.

  "Vylad, what is this?" I asked lightly. Laurance SO told him something.

  "A confession," He started taking my hands in his. "Ever since that day we met- running into another, you've always stood out to me," He continued, squeezing my hands a little tighter. "You're the one person I'm always looking forward to seeing. Just seeing you makes my day better. Even passing you in the hallway makes everything better." 

  "Vylad," I said, my eyes welling up a small bit.

  "Let me finish," He said. "I could go on for hours about you. But I just want you to know that you've taken a bit of my heart, and I know I've done the same for you, via Laurance."

  "I knew I couldn't trust him," I whisper laughed looking away for a second, Vylad laughed as well.

  "Yeah, I apologize. That was a set up to find out if you had feelings in exchange with me. But," He continued, coming a little closer to me. "I have strong feelings for you. Nothing I've felt before, and if you're not ready, please let me know and we can take our time. Will you possibly go on a date with me?" Vylad said giving me a gleaming smile as he looked into my eyes, his own eyes pleading me to say yes.

   "This is the greatest way to be asked on a date." I laughed. "I would absolutely love to go on a date with you." 

  I was suddenly taken off guard when two hands were placed around my waist, and a pair of soft lips collided with mine. 

   Vylad was kissing me.


  It was now 10 PM. Vylad and I had gone on our first official date, and decided to take things slow just to be positive we both wanted to be with another.

Nic: so. you dead?

Me: I'm living. More than living. I feel like I'm dreaming.

Nic: so it was a secret admirer. who was it? that zane guy that always eyes you up in the hallway? that vylad guy youre friends with? or oooh! is it laurance zvhal, or is it some random boy i haven't heard of.

Me: Vylad Ro'Meave. :)

Nic: i knew it. you talk to greatly of him CONSTANTLY. I saw it coming. congrats chica, yall dating?

  After that, I called Nicole and filled her in on my amazing night. She cooed to me, my first real crush. 

  And that is how I got with the man who I ended up marrying straight out of college. 

Thanks, Laurance. :)


This took me three days and two weeks of thinking to make this, all completed at 1999 words. I hope you all enjoy this, I wrote this instead of studying for two big tests I have tomorrow.  But yeah, anyways make sure to leave a like/vote/follow if you want to see more from here, and comment what other characters you want to see a oneshot from that we never see anymore. Even couples we don't see any more like Dante and Nicole, etc.

Thanks for reading.


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