My Bandmates Girlfriends Sist...

By obsessed_fangirl_

4.9K 106 7

Louis and Eleanor are perfectly happy, Liam and Danielle couldn't love life any more than it is, Zayn and Per... More

My band mates girlfriend sister! (A 1D Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 13

116 3 0
By obsessed_fangirl_


With the banging on the door and the bright sun streaming in from the open curtains I forgot to shut last night, I groan loudly pulling the sheets of the duvet over my head hoping it will ease the dull ache in my head. I hate hangovers. Why does alcohol have to be so satisfying but have a not so great consequence?

I hear clatter of pots and pans come from the kitchen which unfortunately was just next to my room so it was louder than you'd expect especially with a hangover too. Contemplating on getting out of bed or not I quickly get out with one swift movement and regretting it instantly. I ran straight to my en-suite lifting up the toilet seat puking my guts out along with my pride and dignity.

"Lou. You okay? You want a glass of water?" I hear Liam just outside of the bathroom door. I guess my throwing up was a bit louder than I thought.

"Please" I croak out loud enough for him to hear as I'm still clutching the toilet bowel with my head practically in it. Man I feel like death. I hear footsteps leave the room and the kitchen tap run, then footsteps returning to my bedroom.

Liam creaks the bathroom door open and hands me the glass that I take carefully but gratefully. I give him a slight smile showing my appreciation and take shorts sips of the cold water. "Harry's here. He's not so great either, you think you can come to the living room for a bit?"

I so wanted to get back into bed but hearing my best friend isn't good, makes me get up off the floor onto my wobbly legs and make my way into the living room where I see my best friend sitting on the couch, his hair a dishevelled mess and bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days. I suddenly feel even worse seeing him in this state.

"Hey bud. You look as bad as I feel" I say chuckling and my voice a bit hoarse. He doesn't look up or move from his position, head into his hands with his elbows resting on his knees. Something definitely was up. "Harry?" I carefully whisper to the distraught boy. He finally looks up to me and I could tell by the look in his eyes something terrible has happened so without anything said I immediately pull him in for a hug which he accepts. As soon as his arms were wrapped around me his body started shaking uncontrollably with loud sobs leaving his lips.

"She's gone. I loved her and she left without saying goodbye" he cried even harder if that was even possible. I let a few tears astray from my eyes seeing my best friend, no my brother. This way.


I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing and the clatter of pans and pots and mentally cursed at whoever it was. Reaching over to the bedside table with my eyes still shut I grab my phone and answer it not looking at the caller ID.

"Hello" I mumble sleepily into the phone not wanting to be apart of this conversation right now but when they say who they are I'm immediately sat up in my bed instantly awake, running my hands through my hair. "Jenny. Hi, I didn't expect for you to ring so soon. Yeah I can meet you in Starbucks now. I'm on my way" I quickly hang up and get dressed into black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a leather jacket

I walk out of my bedroom and I'm suddenly hearing the sounds of Louis throwing up. I chuckle to myself as that boy cannot handle shots at all. I walk past the living room not looking around and just heading straight to the door making my way outside and to the local Starbucks shop to meet Jenny. For some reason I'm nervous to meet her sober as I'm scared I'll fuck up.


I woke up and felt empty instantly. The blonde head of hair that I normally wake up to wasn't there. Her petite body wasn't cuddled into mine like it usually is. I pull back the covers and wander into the open plan of Becca's apartment, going straight into the living room where I see my girlfriend sat on the couch silently crying to herself, the small whimpers coming from her lips makes my heart shatter.

"Princess?" I softly call out to her trying not to break the crying girl in front of me even more. As soon as she heard my voice she starts wiping her tears away from her face with the back of her hands and stands up immediately.

"I'm okay. I'll be fine don't worry" she says but I can tell she's lying. I know this girl inside and out now, she's the love of my life and seeing her this way breaks my heart into a million pieces.  I make my way to her so we're both now standing in the middle of the living room and I immediately wipe away a tear she let astray again and pulled her into me for a loving comforting hug.

"Brooke left. She's gone back home and all she left me was a text message saying how she was sorry" she whispered into my shoulder where her face dug in letting her tears soak into my grey t-shirt. "I thought I deserved more than a text message, especially from my sister" she now pulls back so I can examine her face. Her eyes glossy and glistening from all the tears, her eyes swollen and red from the amount she has cried and yet to me she still looked perfect as ever.

I didn't know what to say or what to do and seeing her in this mess made me feel worthless in the situation. My eyes started to become glossy now too but I had to be strong for her. I pulled her back into another hug this time lasting longer than the other. I just wanted to hold her so tight that she wouldn't break or leave me.

"What am I going to do now? Brooke has gone home, I haven't got a job. I was meant to be photographing her for my portfolio for college and I can't do that now. I'll have to go home" she softly spoke and by now my tears were down my face and I was shaking my head relentlessly. She couldn't go. She can't leave me.

"No. No. No. No" I repeat still shaking my head frantic. My heart began race and slowly break at the thought of losing my princess. "Becca you can't go. You can't leave me I need you here with me" Now I was the one being comforted and held as I was sobbing uncontrollably in front of the love of my life.

"Please stay. You can't go. If you need someone to photograph then do me and the boys. Heck become our photographer, we'll hire you and you can come on tour with us. You won't even need to go back to college" I plead with her holding her shoulders and staring straight into her blue eyes.

"Niall how am I meant to go on tour with you when I have family back home waiting for me? I can't just pack everything up and leave them" as those words came from her mouth I got angry. 

"The same way you did when you came here to see Brooke and meet me. What about me right now?!" I shouted and she flinched with the harshness of my voice and suddenly burst into tears again right in front of me. Closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around herself she just stood there crying whilst all I did was watch.

"I don't know what to do Niall. I don't want to lose you but I can't leave my family" she sobbed. I instantly felt regret and guilt and pulled her back into me smashing my lips onto hers. She merely kissed back cause of all the crying and as soon as we parted I sat down onto the couch bringing her with me onto my knee.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted, I-I just love you so much I don't want you to leave." I said placing my lips on her forehead giving her a sweet lingering kiss, letting some tears fall again. "I've finally found my princess and I don't want to give that up. You're the only one I want Becca. I mean last night was the best night of my life" I confessed to her.

She looked up at me, tears down her face and placed her lips onto mine once again. "Last night was perfect and I don't want to leave you either" she whispered as she softly caressed my jawline. We sat in silence just soaking up everything that's just happened. Thinking of what's going to happen next "I'll come with you" she finally spoke up after a few minutes and it took me a while to process what she was saying. I smiled so much my cheeks were starting to hurt.

"I love you so much. Oh my god you have no idea how much I love you" I rambled to her and started placing kisses all over her face making her giggle. I stopped and looked right into her eyes and the next sentence she said made me so happy, I jumped up doing a happy dance pulling her up with me to join, shouting yes at the top of my lungs.

"Can you please move in so I'm not alone?"

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