Ready-Made Family

By Megzcat

742K 23.3K 2.5K

Madison Sweeney was well prepared to spend her life alone with her three children after her hateful relations... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Polaroids & Coffee
The Mix-Up

Chapter One

60.4K 1.1K 198
By Megzcat

The human life is made up of two choices, to live or die. But Madison Sweeney, the local education assistant at North Ridge Elementary School, realized the hard way that there is a third choice – surviving. She also learnt that sometimes the choice isn't always in your hands.

With another school year coming to an end and summer beginning the air of the third grade classroom at North Ridge Elementary School was sticky hot. If one was to look through the window to see the education assistant as she slipped the extra notebooks safely away in a drawer they would expected she would have anything but an adventurous summer. At this time of day the prediction would be correct for the young EA Madison Sweeney had already planned a slow relaxing summer at home with her three children.

Madison sighed softly and tugged her long honey blonde locks back into a high ponytail when the final task in the room had been finished. She was more then ready to go home and climb into bed – a room full of eight year olds on the last day of school certainly can run anyone ragged. However her day wasn't done so soon, she still had her son, Noah's, grade eight graduation to attend. Madison, as a single mother was used to doing things on her own but that didn't make it any easier. There were times – such as today – when Maddie longed to have a partner beside her to share these moments with – someone to smile and laugh with or someone to hold her when she cried.

The grade three classroom's teacher Mrs. Fletcher – or otherwise known as Brooklyn walked over to Maddie with her purse in hand. "Are you ready to go?" Brooke asked her best friend – she also had a thirteen year old and was attending the grad too.

Madison nodded and kneeled down next to one of the desk that had the only two remaining students at it. "Are you girls ready to go?" she smiled softly at her seven-year-old twin daughters Emma and Ella. Although her daughters were identical twins, they shared the same strawberry blonde hair and sea blue eyes but when it came to their personalities they couldn't be more different. Emma took after her father in that sense for she was adventurous and always on the go trying new things. Ella however was content on taking things slow at home like her mother.

"Yes mama" Ella said softly as both girls shoved their coloring books into their matching K.C Undercover backpacks. Madison couldn't resist reaching out and stroking her young girls hair, they were just the sweetest little girls in her eyes – but then again she may be a little bias.

"Can we go for dinner mommy?" Emma asked swinging her bag over her shoulder.

Madison thought about it for a moment as she took her daughters hands and started to walk down the hallway. She wanted to treat her family for it was a special occasion but she also knew she didn't have the funds to spare on an expensive dinner out. Instead of shattering her girl's dreams she tried to meet them halfway "maybe Aunt Brooklyn can come over for dinner".

Brooklyn smiled down sadly at the little girls with hopeful eyes, she wasn't actually their aunt of course but she was the closest thing Madison had to family "I wish I could girls but Hunter and I are having some family over tonight, but next time I promise I'll be there".

"So the in laws are coming over?" Madison glanced over at her friend.

"Yeah, to celebrate Carson's graduation" Brooklyn said with a little sigh "you're lucky that's one thing you never have to worry about".

"Yeah" Maddie agreed "lucky". She may not have voiced it but Madison saw herself as anything but lucky. More often then not Madison found herself lonely for the attention of family members. When holiday's had come and gone she always ended the day wishing that she had a large family to share it with.

Of course her mother – if she were around – would say that there was no one to blame for it but herself. She would tell Maddie that if she had been more mature back when she was twenty she wouldn't have ended up with a drug dealer for a boyfriend or a bun in the oven. Madison, in her mother's words 'was too stubborn' to give up on her boyfriend or the baby, so as a result her parents gave up on her.

When the girls reached the school's auditorium they grabbed a program and started to weave through the rows of chairs trying to find a seat. "I need to save a seat for Hunter, he's running a little late" Brooklyn said looking around.

Madison smiled knowingly, Hunter Fletcher was always running late but Brooke seemed to be blind to that – she supposed that's what it was like being in love.

"So I have this friend," Brooklyn said as the group got settled in their seats.

"Not another 'friend'" Madison groaned shaking her head. She knew by now what Brooke meant by the word friend. Friend had somehow developed into code for boyfriend and Madison had been trying to dodge these friends of Brooke's for years now. On the occasions that she had taken Brooklyn up on her offer for dinner with a 'friend' the evenings had never gone well. There were the dates that talked about nothing but themselves and the ones who expected to get her in his bed on the first date and of course the ones who were so boring Maddie could barely keep her eyes open.

"I swear this guy's a good one" Brooklyn said, "You don't even have to worry about that time he served in jail, that was years ago".

"Jail!" Maddie gasped turning abruptly to her friend. Several people in front of her turned around to glance her way when she raised her voice. "Sorry" she said softly giving them a small wave.

Brooklyn shook her head and started to laugh, "you should have seen your face! You were like" she made Madison's shocked face and continued to laugh. "Come on Maddie give me a little more credit then that. I wouldn't set you up with someone who served jail time".

Madison shook her head a little and reached into her bag to pull out her journal. Glancing around the room she started to write down descriptions of the people she saw and the pieces of conversation she had picked up. She watched a woman with her hair in a tight bun dressed in a tight mini skirt talk firmly into her cell. She listened to the couple in front of her talking about a trip to their cottage this weekend. Everyone around her had a story and each one was a book just waiting to be written.

"Writing again?" Hunter asked taking the seat next to his wife. They were used to finding Maddie with a journal in hand making notes.

"Isn't she always?" Brooklyn answered with a small chuckle.

"Have you ever considered writing about your own life?" Hunter asked glancing at Maddie.

"No one would want to read about my silly life" Maddie said with a small shrug. She believed that people would enjoy stories of fantasies and magic more then they would about her poor lonesome life.

"It's said that its best to write about things you know" Hunter said "you know your life better then anyone. And I think you'll be surprised by the amount of readers who would want to hear your story".

Her story? What story did she have to tell? How her parents gave up on her when she got pregnant? How her ex fiancé cheated on her with her childhood best friend? How she was left to raise newborn twins and a seven year old on her own? In her eyes none of them seemed like a real good story.

"Hush" Brooklyn said to her friend and husband "it's starting".

Starting it was. The lights in the auditorium dimmed down so the only light that could be seen was from the phone screen of the woman in the mini skirt. One by one the graduates started to file in. North Ridge was one of the cities lower funded schools. They didn't offer much in the lines of sport teams and art was nearly non-existent so as a result the Toronto District School Board didn't pay much attention to them.

But Madison was paying more than enough attention to her son. Noah Sweeney was what girls would call cute – at least in the eyes of thirteen-year-old girls. He was tall for his age and his skin was a creamy tan shade. His shaggy coffee colored hair fell in small wisps over his forehead and framed his chiseled cheekbones perfectly. If there was one thing Maddie couldn't deny it was that Noah looked an awful lot like his father.

Although Noah had his looks going for him he tended to be rather awkward and on the rare occasion could be extremely clumsy.

Today happened to be one of those rare occasions.

Once all the graduates had taken their assigned seats the principal stood up and addressed the audience. It was you typical speech about how hard works pays off and to never give up. It started off to be pretty uneventful, just as any normal graduation ceremony can be. It wasn't until they started to call the names of the students did things seem to take a turn.

The principal got through the majority of the names without any big mishaps, only the occasional misspronouciation of a name here and there. Madison clapped happily as Cameron Fletcher walked across the stage to accept her certificate. But nothing could compare to how loudly Madison clapped and cheered when Noah's name was called and it was announced that he received an award for the highest mark in physical education.

The announcement had clearly taken both Madison and Noah by surprise because when Noah walked onto the stage disaster hit. As he walked up to take his certificate he tripped over his own two feet and fell right off the stage. It wasn't too terrible of a drop but it was still enough to cause the whole audience to gasp – even the woman on her phone stopped talking.

"Oh shit," Hunter gasped when he saw the boy hit the ground.

Madison jumped to her feet in stunned silence and watched as her son pushed himself off the floor. He held his head high as he walked back up the stairs – this time being more careful with his footing.

The previous stunned gasps had now been replaced with snickers and laughter – at least coming from the other thirteen year old boys.

"That's who won the gym award?" one boy said loud enough for the whole audience to hear.

"He loves the gym so much he needed to give it a kiss," a second one added with a low laugh.

The third one to answer laughed outright and loudly "fell head over hells in love".

Madison shot a glare at the principal to shut the laughter down or else she would. Thankfully he got the message and cleared his throat "that is enough of that" he said sternly glancing down at the teenage boys. "Congratulations Noah" he said shaking the young boys hand before presenting him with his award.

Noah swiftly grabbed the certificate and award before bolting off the stage. Unlike the other students who walked back to their seats he walked straight out the gym doors. His face was burning red with embarrassment and he couldn't be there for another minute.

Brooklyn looked up at her friend in stunned silence – in fact the whole room fell into an awkward silence. Madison shook her head at her friend and grabbed the hands of her daughters "come on girls" she ordered softly. Quickly she led them through the crowd of people mumbling an "excuse me" and a "sorry" here or there.

Once she exited the gymnasium she glanced around trying to find Noah – her motherly worry started kicking in. "He's out there" Emma pointed out the large doors towards the parking lot. Indeed Noah was sitting on curb, his arms wrapped around his legs and his chin rested firmly on his knees.

"Noah" Madison said softly walking up to her son and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Instead of being opened to her comfort Noah shook her hand off and mumbled about how he just wanted to go home.

With a sigh Madison climbed into the car with her kids and drove out of the parking lot. "How about we go out for dinner?" Madison asked trying to lighten the mood. She knew that earlier she told the girls they couldn't go for dinner, but with the look on Noah's face she could tell he needed something to cheer him up. "Maybe we can stop in at the Sloppy Seconds?" The small sports bar located off of no major street and was hard to come by unless you stumbled upon it happened to be Noah's favorite restaurant.

"Yes!" Emma threw her small arms up in excitement and Ella nodded her head excitedly.

Noah just gave a small shrug of his shoulder but his mother could see a faint light reappear in his eyes.

"Okay, dinner out it is" Madison said glancing at her purse on the passengers side floor. She might have to count out every single nickel in change in order to afford it, but she was hopeful she would have enough. She drove through the Toronto bumper to bumper traffic until she reached the side road in the out skirts of the city. She pulled her car to the curb and cut the engine.

The Sloppy Seconds was in need of some good tender, love and car but it was still a hidden gem. Although the sign was slightly slanted, it was still burning bright in the dusky sky. It served some of the best fries in the city and Noah could never refuse one of their cheeseburgers.

Madison climbed out of her old beat up car and opened the door for her daughters. Emma and Ella unbuckled themselves and happily jumped out both girls giggling. Noah shoved the door open and trudged out. He kept his head low and his shoulders hunched as they walked into the bar and grill. As usual for these times of day the majority of the booths were empty – it didn't pick up until the evening crowd came in for drinks.

There was only one other booth taken, seating two young – handsome – men. The first one had young features and seemed to be a few years younger than Madison's ripe old age of thirty-three, his hair was shaggy and brushed to the side of his round baby face. But it was the second man that caught her eye as she passed them by. He was a year or two older than she was. He had dark chocolate brown hair that looked so sweet you just wanted to taste it. His eyes matched his hair, they were warm and welcome and looked as though they could melt any girl's heart. His face, unlike the other mans, was chiseled and his cheekbones could cut butter.

She locked eyes momentarily with the stranger; she hadn't realized she had stopped walking to stare at him. But Emma brought her back to reality when she tugged on her mom's hand "come on mommy. We want to sit over there," Emma said pointing to the window seat across the aisle from the other occupied booth. Madison could hear the man chuckle when she forced herself to look away, something about this man drew her towards him.

The kids sat down in the booth and glanced over the menu. Madison smiled – the kind of smile that only mothers had for her kids – she never understood why the kids always insisted on looking over the menu, they already knew what they were getting. Madison absent mindedly flipped through the menu, her gaze pausing for a moment to glance at the grilled Texas chicken salad sandwich. Once upon a time she had lived for those wraps, they were her guilty pleasure, but now she was able to do no more than dream about them.

When the waitress came to take their orders, as predicted Noah ordered his cheeseburger, Emma got the chicken strips and Ella a grilled cheese. Madison, deciding to play it safe ordered a sweeten ice tea. Her two girls got busy using the crayons to colour the page the waitress had given them and Noah was busy on his phone. Madison let her mind – and ears – drift to the conversation going on with the table next to her. She hadn't intended to ease drop on the conversation but once she started it was hard to stop.

"Look man" the younger guy said, "Madelyn died over ten years ago. You need to get over it and move on".

The other man made a face "one doesn't just move on from losing his wife and unborn child Matt".

The first guy – Matt – sighed a little "I know its hard bro, but listen, you can't spend your whole life hiding away".

"Hiding away?" the other man scoffed a little "I am not hiding".

"Yeah you are" Matt said sternly "you are barely living in fact. Ever since that accident thirteen years ago you have been hiding away from any signs and chances of life. That isn't a way to live".

The other man sighed a little – the saddest of sighs that Madison had ever heard – "it's been hard since Madelyn died. I never thought I would lose her that way, must less lose our son in the process too. I have adjusted well since she passed away but I have been doing better. Look at me now? A few years ago you wouldn't be able to convince me to come out with you".

"I guess that's right but-"

Madison hadn't heard the rest of what Matt had said because the waitress had came back with their meals. The kids got their plates and a Texas chicken sandwich was placed in front of her. She looked at the waitress confused "I didn't order this". She tried to push the plate away but the waitress insisted it was for her.

She glanced around more confused then before, first at the kids and than at the other table. The unnamed man flashed her a dazzling, heartwarming smile.

"Y-you?" she stuttered out in complete and utter shock. Had this man, that she had never met before order a meal for her.

The man gave a small nod of his head "I saw you looking at it. Thought you might enjoy it". A small smile formed on Madison's lips, one that the man happily returned. "Brandon Haywood" he reached his hand across the aisle for her.

" Madison" she beamed and took hold of his hand "Madison Sweeney". Brandon's smile faded, as if the spark was gone, but the grip on her hand tightened. Slowly, reluctantly she pulled her hand away "pleasure to meet you".

"Pleasure is all mine," Brandon said with a smile that seemed to be a little forced now. "You better eat up, enjoy it while it's hot".

Madison nodded, a smile still on her face as she turned towards her family and started to eat. Her spirits had truly been lifted by the stranger – Brandon's – kindness. As the saying goes, one good deed deserves another. And although Madison was disappointed to find Brandon had left she was pleasantly surprised to discover that he had paid for their meal.

"So who was that guy?" Noah asked once the family had finished eating and was back on the road again.

"I'm not sure, he said his name was Brandon" Madison replied calmly, acting as though her heart wasn't beating out of her chest.

"So you don't know him?" Noah looked at her suspiciously.

"No I don't" Madison answered, but this time with a frown on her face. She had never enjoyed driving along the city road and always preferred to take the back road – less traveled road. Usually the roads were deserted, and left little chance of an accident. But it appeared as though tonight was different.

Straight ahead on the dark road was a slick, black car, practically wrapped around a light post. There was smoke illuminating from the hood and the horn was blaring. If it weren't for the light shining from the still working post she never would have noticed the lone figure sitting in the front seat.

Madison slammed hard on the brakes, jerking them all forward – thank goodness for seat belts. She was out of the car faster than somebody could blink and was bolting towards the car accident "stay in the car" she ordered her children with just a quick glance back. The girls, frozen in fright did as their mother said, but curious Noah stepped out from the passenger's side and followed after his mother.

She latched her hands onto the handle and tried to yank the door open but it wouldn't budge. She panted a little and gave it another try.

"Let me help" Noah squeezed in beside her. She wanted to deny him, but faced with reality she knew she couldn't open it alone. Noah grabbed on to the handle and Madison tried her hardest to hold on to the side of the door. Together the mother and son worked as a team to pull and yank the door until they were able to get it open enough for Madison to slide in a little for a better view.

"B-Brandon?" Madison couldn't hold back her utter shock as she came face to face with the tall, dark and handsome stranger from the restaurant.

Brandon was slumped forward in his seat, his head resting against his steering wheel. There was a large cut on his head and it was draining his blood. His whole body was limp and unresponsive. Madison pulled out her phone and tried to call for an ambulance, but with her ancient phone and her horrible cheap plan no bars came up. "Damn it" she cursed and glanced back at Noah. "Noah" she shimmied her way out of the tight fit to address her son "I need you to go get help. There's a gas station about a mile back, I need you to run there and have the owner call for an ambulance. Can you do that?"

"Mom" Noah groaned a little "I'm thirteen remember? I'm not a little baby anymore". But he didn't hesitate any longer and wait for an answer; instead he took off running down the side of the road – the gym award already paying off.

Madison moved her body back between the openings of the door and kneeled down to view Brandon. She reached inside to feel for a pulse. It was there but very weak. "Brandon" she said softly in his ear "help is on its way". She gently brushed his hair out of his face and away from the cut "I need you to stay with me. Do you hear me Brandon? I need you to stay with me. Your family needs you to stay with them'. She whispered never ending soothing and loving words. From what she heard at the bar and grill this man had already been through enough pain in his short lifetime, he didn't need any more. But if help didn't arrive soon then she would be out of luck and he would be out of time.

She moved herself closer to him, close enough that she could wrap her arms around his body to support him. Her head slowly rested on top of his, holding him close to her body. Until the wailing sounds and lights of help came over the hill Madison continuously whispered softly "I need you Brandon".

But it appeared as though she wasn't the only one, for Brandon needed her too.

Photo: Madison

A/N please give me a follow on Instagram at It'll allow me to reach out to you guys more, I'll be posting writing tips and quotes, sneak peeks of upcoming books and news on when I'm updating

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