
By Love_Bri94

946K 38.7K 13.6K

When she thought she was incapable of being loved correctly.... then she met HIM More

1.| Life
2.| Change Location
3.| Truths
4.| Meeting Him
5.| Getting To Know You
6.| Meeting Brittany
7.| Fixing It
8.| You for Dinner
9.| Issues
10.| Territorial
11.| Misunderstanding
12.| Envy
13.| Controversy
14.| LaLa Land
15.| Who You Belong To
16.| Good Vibes & Good Sex
17.| Happiness Is Temporary
18.| Heart Eyes
19.| Loyalty
20.| Real Lies
21.| Real Lies (2)
22.| Perjury
23.| Weekends
24.| No Remorse
25.| Memories Faded
26.| Luck πŸ€
28.| Differences
29.| I'll Take Care Of You
30.| Can I Come Over
31.| Y.A.S
32.| Take Care of It
33.| Time Stands Still
34.| Better Off
35.|Cutting Out The Middle Man
36.| Baby 'Long As Im Next To You
37.| We Have An Annoucement
38.| What Are We Gonna Do?
39.| Meeting Kiara
40.| Obstacles
41.| Plottin & Schemin
42.| When It Falls Down
43.| Pained
44.| Jealousy, Jealousy, Jealousy
45.| Fix Your Crown πŸ‘‘
46.| Brittany 2, Keith&April 0
47.| Thru Good Times & Bad Times
48.| Time Heals All
49.| No Feelings
50.| For Nothing
51.| Lets Talk About It
52.| The Verdict
53.| Oops 🀭
54.| Take Two
55.| Why You Wanna...?
56.| Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
57.| Checkmate
58.| Gold At The End of The Rainbow
59.| It Was All Worth It

27.| Sleepin

13.1K 621 182
By Love_Bri94


I sat at a table in a restaurant downtown, scrolling through my phone waiting for Chris to show up. He agreed to meet with me to discuss how we could possibly get April to sell me her building. I was just hoping we could put the personal shit aside and focus on the money but I forgot who I was a dealing with.

A pat on my shoulder caused me to look up.

"Oh wassup C." I said as he slapped hands.

"Wassup." He sat across from me.

"Thanks for meeting me man and for even telling me about this building."

"Don't mention it. At first I really wanted to bring you back to work with me at my new shop. It's in a separate building from April's shop so I thought that would work but it's still a little too close for comfort and I don't want April being pissed or cause unnecessary drama."

"But I mean, don't you think me offering to buy her building is gonna cause some drama?"

"It might but all she gotta do is sign some papers and that's that."

"Well I have a little issue on my end. I haven't been approved for a loan yet. For some reason I can't get these banks to agree to my business plan so buying the building might take a little while."

"Nigga why not tell me this before having me meet with you?" Chris asked.

"Because I figured something out. I wanted to see if she would be interested in a doing like a rent to own situation."

"A rent to own means that y'all gotta deal with each other more. It's gone be tuff getting her to sell you the building, I know she ain't gone feel the whole rent thing."

"Well I could give the rent money to you."

"What y'all need to do is just sit down and talk shit out. You wanted something different, you went about it the wrong way but that was the past. It's time to move on."

"Yeah." I sat back in my seat while rubbing my freshly cut hair.

"You miss her don't you?"

"I fucked up. It was too much going and I didn't think shit through. I know she hates me, I don't blame her either."

"I don't think she hates you but you most definitely hurt her. Not as bad as her ex but you hurt her."

"I really do want to talk to her. Maybe we can be friends."

"Once you say those 3 words ain't no such thing as being friends bro. Y'all were in too deep. Then you went back to your Ex before April, I know she ain't gone be cool with that 'just friends' bullshit. I say just clear the air, get this building and move on. That's all you can really do at this point."

"You right.........So you'll run everything by her."

"Yeah I'll talk to her. I think she'll put everything to the side so you can get your shop. It's all gonna work out trust me."

"Thanks man. You really don't know how much stress I've been under lately trying to find a building."

"You used to date a great business woman, she would've been the perfect person to help you get on your feet but, shit happens right?"

"I guess."

"But ima head out man, I gotta get back to my wife and kids."

"Alright, thanks again man and congratulations on the little boy, I know you excited."

"Excited ain't even the word. Finally a mini me."

"I'll drop off a gift for him."

"We appreciate that."

We did our handshake.

"I'll hit you up once I talk to April." Chris said before walking away.

Man I hope this all works out.

Three Days Later

"Congratulations Bri and Chris!!!" Everybody yelled as they walked into their surprise baby shower. Chris got his little boy and he's so excited so I had to make sure that he gets awesome baby shower.

They thought we were just having a family dinner but nope, I planned them a nice . Him and Sabrina walked around hugging everyone then they finally reached me.

"I know you did all of this." Sabrina said.

"Of course I did! You know I'd do anything for you guys and besides you're finally getting your little boy."

"Yeeeeeah." Chris said doing a little dance.

"Well you guys Can I go mingle and enjoy."

"Babe, let me talk to April for a minute." Chris said before kissing Sabrina's cheek. She nodded and walked away. "So I think I found somebody to buy your building or at least rent it."

"Chris, no business talk today. Can we discuss this later?"

"No we can't. You said you had a limited amount of time to get rid of this building and I'm trying to help."

Exhaling, I rolled my eyes. "Who?"

"Well I know somebody that's trying to own their own barbershop. I think he'd be the perfect person to take this place off your hands. At the moment he's only looking to rent it though because he's having a tuff time getting a huge loan for the bank but once he gets everything situated he's good to go. So I told him I'll talk to you about letting him possibly do like a rent to own type of thing."

"Okay so give him my number and we'll discuss something. You know what, have him come to the shop tomorrow, I have some paperwork to do so I'll be spending most of my day there."

"Alright cool." He got ready to walk away but I grabbed his arm. "Wait, what's his name? I don't need some random person popping up on me."

"Oh yeah it's- Sabrina calling me I'll be right back."

"Don't forget to tell me!"

"I won't, I promise." Chris rushed away

Grabbing a drink, I went and sat next to my mom and sister.

"So when Can I expect my next child to give me a grandchild?" My mom asked.

"Oh my gosh I just sat down and that's what you ask?" I laughed.

"You're not getting younger April."

"Thanks for reminding me Ma. I'm not in a rush to have children and besides I need to find a real man first."

"Why can't you and your ex fix things. You can't deny that you were really happy."

"Ma he doesn't want me, I was too much stress in his life. I thought things were good but I was wrong."

"You'll find the right guy one day April." Nique said.

"I really hope so."

The Next Day

I sat in my office looking over things for my upcoming hair tour. I'm super excited and I can't wait to run all over the country and beautify whoever I can. This was a random idea, that me, Dion and a few of the other stylists came up with. We all get asked to come to different states and do hair but most of us are booked up and don't have time. We decided to do a different state, every weekend for the next couple months.

This should be exciting.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I yelled.

I heard it open then a few seconds later closed, but nobody said anything and that caused me to look up.

"How can I help yo-.....what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Chris told me to meet you here to talk about the building." Keith said.

"So you're the person he's been talking about. No wonder he wouldn't tell me exactly he was talking about."

"I really wanna open my own shop, this is a good spot and most of my clients already know where it is. I was hoping we could work something out."

"It's selling for 75,000 you got that?"

"No and that's why he mentioned the rent to own option."

"Oh you want me to work out some type of deal with you."

"Look April, I know I'm not your favorite person right now but this is a good opportunity for me. I'll give you 10,000 as a down payment and as I work on my business plan I'll pay you something monthly. I need a shop. Don't block my dreams just because you hate me."

I just looked at him. The longer I stared the quicker that hurt returned to my heart.

"I'm sorry for how things ended between us. If I could go back and do it differently I would but I can't. But I really hope that we can move on from it."

I tossed up my hand. "Let's not even talk about that."

"We need to though. I miss you April."

"How's Brittany doing?"

He exhaled. "She's alright."

"Good, now back to the rent to own. I'll talk to my realtor to write something up. I need the 10,000 by next week. No late payments, no half payments, I want everything paid on time. Since you and Chris are still BFFs you can give the money to him because honestly I don't want to do too much communicating with you. Matter of fact you'll do everything through him. I'll send the the lease to him so that he can bring it to you to sign. Any questions?"

"Can you help me with my business plan?"

"Nope, ask Brittany. I'm being nice by letting you get my building, don't push it."

"I still love you April."

Rolling my eyes, I got up from my desk and went over to the door and opened it. "If you'll excuse me I have to finish up some important business."

He held his head down and walked over to me. "Whenever you're ready to talk just call me, my number is still the same."

"Bye Keith."

He kissed my forehead then left out. I slammed the door shut then leaned against it.

I should've told him no and kicked him out the minute he asked about buying my building. But nope, April being April I just had to say yes.

Hopefully this is over fast and I can wash my hands of him completely.

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