The True Alpha

By HappyFairy13

752K 31.5K 4K

#15 in Werewolf on 3 September 2017 Bring this beautiful world of werewolves in our lives and then talk about... More

Before You Start
Extra: The Packs
#1 The "Mate"
#2 The Deserving Luna
#3 The Commander
#4 The little dive into the past.
#5 The fight.
#6 The Fight For Right.
#7 The Heart brake.
#8 The Club
#9 The Emerging Luna
#10 The Familiar Stranger
#11 The Smell Of Death.
#12 The Tale Of Demise.
#13 The Chosen Alpha.
#14 The Heir
Author's Note
#15 The Visit.
#16 The Danger.
#17 The Fest Part-1
#18 The Fest Part-2
#19 The Plan.
#20 The Kidnapping
#21 The Escape
#22. The Captor's Story
#23 The Disclosure
#24 The Sacred Moon
#25 The Brown Eyed Man.
#26 The Story Behind Ava's Life.
#27 The Story Behind Elias's Life
#28 The Road to Home
#29 The Power Discovered
#30 The Paroxysm
#31 The Revelations
#32 The Countdown - Day Thirteen
#33 The Secret Source
#34 The Countdown - Day Twelve
#35 The Feeling Of Falling In Love
#36 The Countdown- Day Eleven
#37 The Mystery Behind Rachel's Death
#38 The Countdown- Day Ten
#39 The Mark
Kael's Book
#40 The Betrayal of Alphas- Day Nine
#41 The Countdown- Day Eight
#42 The Insight Into Mischa's Life
#43 The First Born
#44 The Countdown- Day Seven
#45 The Sudden Changes
#46 The Countdown- Day Six
#47 The Countdown- Day Five
#49 The Countdown- Day Two (Part I)
#50 The Countdown- Day Two (Part II)
#50 The Creature Borned
#51 The AfterWar
#52 The Monarch

#48 The Countdown- Day Four and Three

5.5K 268 37
By HappyFairy13

Rikon was the first person who shifted alerting the warriors of the opposite end. Rikon's wolf strutted forward ran the length of our territory marking our territory before howling a loud howl that's equivalent to challenging the leader or the opposite side.

The moment he takes a step forward, Aaron's warriors quickly shift in sync. This alerts James, he shifts quickly as others. 

Then it wrecks havoc. 

Aaron's men were skilled and moving with a grace with lighter steps as they maneuvered their way through the crowd towards three different directions. 

The group later separates and breaks into more smaller units. Most of the warriors turned towards their right and moved.

All of those warriors headed and aimed at a single person. 



I had two of my pack warriors with me, Elijah and Melanie. Both of them hidden just like me waiting for my command. 

I motion from my hands, signaling them to look after the two other troops while I help James who had to fight alone against a full troop dead set on killing him. 

James like an Alpha stands right on his place not backing down. 

I see five wolves running towards him and then the number increases to twenty. The little troop of wolves that James had with him, quickly stood along growling and inviting Aaron's warrior to attack them. 

I loved the way James's warriors were so protective of him. 

But the hardest task was in my hands. 

Every wolf was shielding a hunter behind them and from my view I can easily see four arrows pointed right at James. I have only few seconds to act. 

Either the hunters will kill him or they will be killed if I am fast enough. 

I look around to see my troop but Melanie is busy with a hunter quickly hitting him on his head and pulling him behind a tree to grab his arrow and Elijah protecting one of my warriors. 

No help from them. 

I break a thick branch off the tree I was on, right as Aaron's warriors reach to James. 

A loud splash sound and suddenly everyone was away. For a second I stop and look at him in awe. He looked confident and the Alpha he is. James had a dark look in his eyes but his hands were stretched out just like Kael when he is handling fire. 

James water ability looked like it lacked practice. Unstable, would be the right word. Because he can't aim it right. Another demerit of being an elemental; you can create them but never control them the way you want. 

But James did an outstanding job right as Aaron's wolves got up in a fighting stance. 

He raised both of his hands together with his palm stretched out and a wall of water rose following his hand's movement. 

Aaron's warriors were confused but that quickly brought me out of my trance. I saw the four hunters still aiming at James but annoyed as they can't reach him right now. 

The thick branch I held in my hands felt heavy suddenly but I ignored its heaviness and jumped to the nearest tree to get closer to the hunters.

All four of them were standing in forest protected by four warriors who were currently busy fighting James. I had to be discreet about what I do. I can't disclose my presence right now.

I give one last look at James who had finally moved from his spot and had grabbed one of Aaron's warriors by his neck. I give a once over at the two other troops of my side. It looks like a fight between equals no one is backing down. 

I sigh quickly hiding behind a tree maintaining safe distance so that the warriors won't smell me. 

One of those four hunters now had clear view of James and he aimed his arrow right at him.

In record time I aim the branch in my hand and throw it hitting it right on the hunters hand. It threw him off guard and he skidded against the rough ground of forest. It distracted him but that was not enough. 

He grabbed it quickly this time aiming it at me but before he could shoot I reach out to him and grab the bow off his hands. He wastes no time and suddenly produces a gun and shoots me. With such close distance and this unexpected attack bought me to the brim of pain. 

Lina clawed inside me to come out. I try to subdue her urges to come out but her will was so strong that it broke through my resistance resulting into partial transformation. 

My clawed hands which were no more in my control and grabbing the hunter I puncture his neck. 

He cries loudly drawing attention towards us and I see the other hunters now aiming at me. 

Not only that, I see the warriors glaring at me and before one could think of anything, I rip hunter's throat and stab him on his heart using my claws before throwing him off. 

My warriors were alerted too as they quickly came to cover me up, protecting me from the Aaron's warriors. 

I climb the nearest tree and jump from one to another as quickly as I can so that I can't be the next aim of the hunters. 

I need to move.

My over confidence beat us over this time. I should have been careful. Killing him that way, I alerted others and put Melanie and Elijah's life in danger too.

A string of arrows passed through me and I dodged them easily, before I realized, that they are not aiming it at me. 

I look back and see that James and Nick were distracted trying to protect me.

The arrow moved swiftly and it passed me with few inches. Before I could react, it hit its target and I fell right off the tree I was standing on. 

The arrow hit Nick's hand giving Aaron's warrior an upper hand. 

I balance my body and shift fully, jumping on the warriors to help Nick. 

I pull Nick as he howls in pain and throw him aside with a force. I take the blow as Aaron's warrior attacked my back.  

I growl loudly stilling their movements for a micro second and without thinking clutch one of the warriors on his leg using my sharp canines and use my lower body strength to throw him off balance. 

That was the time I needed to get a hold of the situation and quickly stand up. 

I easily claw one of them in their neck snap his head. He stills and falls on the ground with blood spitting out of his head. I glare at the other warrior and step back as he jumps at me. 

I too jump grabbing him in mid air, but because of the gunshot wound my movements slow down giving Aaron's warrior a chance and he rips my skin. 

Understanding that I am injured he aims at my wound and drags his sharp canine right on the wound digging his teeth deep in my wound. 

I howl even louder as I try to take hold of the situation. 

With Nick lying on the side, I also have to worry about his life. 

The hunters took the same time to attack me as I see an arrow flying towards me. I sidestep quickly avoiding it and glare at the hunter. That bastard smirks looking at me and quickly draws another arrow, making my blood boil. 

I growl and look at the warrior right in front of him. I calculate the timings in seconds and quickly grab the warrior in my clutches with his canine still digging in my wound and drag him along with me and place him right on time for the hunter’s arrow to pierce him rather than me. I smirk as I look at the hunter who has now paled a little. 

From my hindsight I see James fighting off a wolf, who must be Aaron's head warrior because of his smell and the power radiating of him. 

I click my head and rush towards the hunter in front of me. I grab his bow and break it before giving him a crooked smile.

The hunter huffs and smirks back as he points his chin behind me. 

I narrow my eyes at him but maintain my hold on his body and look behind me.

I see a hunter in the tree opposite mine but his arrow raised and aimed at James. I look to his right and see another hunter with his arrow aimed at James. 

My eye widens and I push the man I had held in my hands and jump towards James but I was late. 

Two arrows released from their bows and hit their target. Before I could react any further another arrow hit James this time on his chest and everything stilled. He stood rooted at his spot for a second before he grabs the arrow on his chest and falls down on the ground. 

I jump down on the ground and growl as I don't feel James's movement and look around to notice the area was cleared. The warriors fighting James were gone and hunters were nowhere in sight. I turn quickly suddenly noticing that sun has gone and it was dark now.

I see Aaron's warriors retreating and momentarily it left me confused but another glance at Nick and then James, I realized this was not the war we were waiting for. 


This was a purposeful attack. This attack was made to kill James. Right from the start James was the target and I should have been more careful.

I look down at James as the two other troops stare at each other and nod in a silent understanding.

“We need to bring them to the healers quickly. Luckily no one else has been shot with poison and can heal here but they need special attention” a cold voice speaks and I realize that it is of Rikon. 

I nod at him before we make our way towards our territory. 


“Why would they attack James?” Elias growls as he slams his hand down on the table making it shake hard on its support.

“We also have another important question in hand. How did they know about our war plans? They were divided just like us. They knew about our plan, how?” I question glaring at the window in my office and looking at the moon outside. 

James and Nick both are being treated right now and in the end, I had to give my blood before it was too late. 

Nick was badly injured because he had poison for longer time in his body. James had his Alpha strength and being an elemental gave him some leverage over poison. But nothing can be said as of now.

“What do you mean to say? You think one of us is a mole? Are you accusing us?” Xander glares at me as he stands up from his chair and runs his hand through his hair.

“Calm down Xander she does not mean it that way” Elias mumbles and frowns. “But what we need to know is how did the information leak out?” He whispers looking down at the ground and then out of the window. 

“Regina of course” Xander says and looks towards me accusingly. 

“Stop it Xander. Stop blaming each other” Elias growls out fisting his hand but Xander huffs and walks out of the room slamming the door hard as he leaves. 

“Don't mind him. He is just worried about everything.” Elias then says to me, his eyes softens as he looks at me and walks forward.

“He could be right Ava. We can't trust Regina”

“I cannot help it. She did help me and I kept track on her. Christie was with her all the time and I trust Christie with my life. She can't Elias” I bust as I fall down on my seat feeling helpless. I can't help but blame everything on me.

Today's loss is also because of me. Only if I was more careful I may have avoided everything. Nick won't have been injured and hell what about James? That poor guy gave me his support and I can't even help him. 

“Ava you know I can hear your thoughts right?” Elias claims as he sighs and pulls me up in his arms. 

“Relax sweetheart. It's not your fault” he runs his hand through my hair and softly pats it down. 

“We are safe. No one is badly injured. James is alive and he will make it out, I know it. He is a strong headed male and He won't give up like that and I'm sure Nick is strong too. You told me once that he earned his position isn't it?”

“I know they will make it. Today's loss is not on you. Nothing is your fault. You hear me? Flush this thought out of your pretty head. Okay?” He mumbles against my head and places a soft kiss there.

I nod as he pulls me closer and cups my face, “Lets go to sleep. It's late and we need you to figure out things.”


“Is he up?” 

“Not yet Alpha. We are trying but his body shows no movement. He has been shot three times. It must be more vicious than earlier” my pack doctor answers as we both stand in James's room looking at him resting in his bed. 

“What about Nick?” 

The doctor nods before replying, “He's reacting to your blood and looks like he is healing.”

“Exactly what I have been thinking, it means they knew about my presence already and they shot Nick just to deviate my mind.” I whisper softly looking back at James. 

They meant to shoot down James all along. Nick was a distraction created for me. Everything was planned. 

Now we have two questions, who could it be? And why did they aim James?

‘Ava we have a visitor here. Ron informs through mind link and I answer him to wait for me as I make my way towards my office.

My steps falter as a squeal escapes from my mouth when I see Dia standing there. Dia is Rachel's only daughter and we are practically sisters.

I run and throw my arms around her as she snuggles close to me.

“Hey Ava, long time no see”

“Dia, oh my god! That's the best surprise I have received in a while” I shriek pulling her in my arms.  She hugs me back smiling softly before my forehead creases. 

“Why do you smell like a Rogue?” I question and look down at her. 

She smiles awkwardly waving her hand and sits down on the couch. 

“I can't fight against you and Alpha Ren was not favoring you. So..”

“So you left the pack? Are you Insane Dia? Who does that?” I question not believing this stupid girl will do this. 

“It's fine Ava. I am here. Mom would want me to be with you and I am doing exactly that” she says and I nod before placing my hand under my locket.

“This always reminds me of Rachel. I took our revenge Dia. The guy who killed her is now dead."

A fire ignited in her eyes just with these words as she suddenly stands alerted than before. 

“What is it?” I question frowning and she shakes her head.

“Nothing I just ran all the way here.”

“Alright you should rest. We don't have many guest rooms here. I hope you don't mind sharing a room?”  I raise a brow and she shakes her head smiling again. 

“Okay” I say eyeing her and a thought crosses my mind ‘Why is everything so weird today?’

There's something wrong with Wattpad App in my Phone and I usually operate Wattpad through my phone.
I can't login and I've tried it from so long. Finally I managed to log in and here's the double update!
I apologise for the delay but I'll make sure to upload the remaining chapters on time.

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