The Beta's Mate

By katiefayeb

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What would you do if you found out that everything you were taught as a kid about fairy tales was real? That... More

The Beta's Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Important Note
Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Tewnty-Eight
Chapter Twenty- Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Eight

219 12 0
By katiefayeb

I woke from my sleep in a hot sweat, the bed sheets were soaking. "Babe?" I heard Trey mumble. "Sorry, it's just really hot in here." I said getting up to turn on the fan and removing my sweat pants. By the time I'd crawled back into bed Trey was back asleep, soft snores coming out of his mouth. I laid back down trying to get comfortable again, failing tremendously. It was going to be a long night.

The next time I woke it wasn't because I was hot, it was searing pain in my stomach. I cried out in agony, shooting up from my laying position. "Lyssa?" Trey said worry in his voice. "Fuck. Baby you're in heat. I need you to listen to me okay?" He said bringing his hands to my face wiping my tears and for a moment the pain was dulled. "You need to stay here in our room, don't leave got it? I'll be right back I'm going to go get something to help the pain." "No don't leave please." I begged, I didn't want him to quit touching me. "I know, I know. I'll be right back I swear. Let's get you into the tub with some cool water." He lifted me from our bed my body coming into contact with more of his skin as I cried out from pain. I heard our bedroom door burst open. "Trey what the fuck is going on?" It was Greyson. I felt Treys body shaking from anger as a growl tore out of his body. While I knew it was his wolf I couldn't respond to Greyson. "Get out!" Trey growled. I saw Greyson raise his arms, showing he wasn't going to harm me before he walked out of the room. He calmed down some before stripping me of my clothes and filling the empty tub with cold water sticking me inside, as soon as his touch left me it was as if the pain magnified. I cried out in pain yet again, curling over myself. "I'm so sorry, I'll be right back I promise." Trey said kissing my forehead before leaving despite my protests for him not to. All I could do was cry and I felt so pathetic but my skin felt like it was on fire and my insides felt like they were deteriorating. Trey had been gone for around five minutes when Maranda came into the bathroom. "Oh Mel, I'm sorry." She said coming beside me, reaching into the cabinet she grabbed a rag and wet it running it along my face. I shook my head, "If Trey sees you." I tried to get out, I didn't want him to suffer any more than he had to.  "Its just males, he sent me up here. He's getting some herbs to make it a little better okay? It's still going to hurt like hell." Crying out hurt again, I thought to myself there is no way I would last.

It'd been about four days since I started my heat and while I was still in some pain it wasn't as bad. Trey rolled off of me panting yet again. "Not that I mind all this but I'm starving." He said. I couldn't help but giggle. After the miserableness went away we'd been having sex repeatedly. Like nearly every hour. "I'm sorry. But I could eat too." I replied. Trey leaned over and kissed me softly, "Never apologize for sex, I'll have Randa bring us up something." I frowned, I didn't like the fact that Maranda was acting like a maid to us. "Why can't we go get it?" I whined. "Because as much as you pretend you're not I know you're still in pain,  and I don't want you around anymore males until this is over. Randa doesn't care, she likes being useful. Plus she knows what it's like to go through this, Greyson takes her away to a cabin so they're alone so consider yourself lucky this is all I'm doing." I sighed, "Fine." He grinned kissing the top of my head. "Good girl." Walking to the closet he got me some clothes, my skin now stinging because he wasn't touching me. Quickly getting dressed himself he helped me pull on a tshirt as I winced at the feeling of the clothes on my skin the rest of my naked body covered by the sheets. "Knock knock lovebirds." I heard Maranda say from outside the door. "All clear." Trey said. She'd walked in on us both naked a few days before so now she made her presence very aware. She was smiling when she walked in, carrying a tray of food. "How you feeling?" She asked me. "Better, slowly. Can't wait to get back to normal." I told her honestly. "I brought you some more tea, should be nearly all better tomorrow." She told me sitting the tray of sandwiches on the bed alone with a few bottles of water. "I hate that you're waiting on us." I said. She rolled her eyes, "Oh be quiet. Grey is busy with Alpha and Beta duties currently so I've got nothing better to do. I'll let you guys get back to whatever you were doing." She said winking. Trey laughed as I threw a pillow at her as she walked out the bedroom door laughing herself. I was thankful that this being a werewolf house all the rooms were sound proof so while everyone probably knew what was going on they couldn't hear us. Trey wasted no time taking a huge bite of the sandwich moaning at the taste, the sound going straight to my core. I looked at him licking my lips not even touching my food. My body making its own involuntary sound. "Five minutes okay? I've got to eat baby." Trey said as I blushed madly. I hated the way this heat made me act, I was never this bold any little thing he did made me want him ten times as bad. "You're so hot I swear." He said now almost halfway through. "Shut it." I said now quickly eating as well knowing the quicker we were done eating the faster I'd get what I wanted. I downed the herbal tea that helped the pain, and finished off my sandwich. I sat waiting impatiently for him to be done. Trey shook his head pushing the nearly empty tray to the floor, "Get over here." I wasted no time scrambling onto his lap ripping his shirt off my hands roaming his body as if I didn't know every inch like the back of my hand. "What am I going to do with you?" He asked as I touched him, I wasn't sure I didn't have drool running down my face. I grinned wickedly. "My favorite thing."

"You mind telling me where the hell you're taking me?" Trey asked. My heat was long gone but another issue had found it's way into our lives. "Sush, we're going to our room. I've got a surprise for you." I told him as I pulled him down the hall by his hand. I'd made him wear a blindfold. Once we were inside I made him sit on the bed before I handed him a box. I took off his blindfold and he opened it, I could see his face go white before he looked up at me a questioning look on his face. "Is this?" I nodded. Inside the box was a positive werewolf pregnancy test and a small card that read, 'Hello Daddy, I can't wait to meet you!' "I mean it doesn't surprise me after the last couple of weeks." I said jokingly as he hadn't said anything. He was starting to worry me, I didn't know what he was thinking. Myself? I was ecstatic, after losing our baby all I could think about was being pregnant again, I wanted a family. A few minutes went by, and I was starting to think he wasn't happy about it. "Please say something.  Are you mad?" I nearly begged. Trey looked up at me and I saw his eyes were glossy with unshed tears. "No Lyssa, I'm so happy you have no idea." He said sitting the box aside and pulling me into his arms. "I love you so much." He said kissing me before dropping to his knees kissing my stomach, "And I love you too baby. Our perfect little family."

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