The Rider

By Leeyanda15

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Taylor Mckenzie is one twisted mysterious woman. Grew up with no love or parents but a ruthless man who turne... More

Fresh Start
The visitor
The Fountain
The Heat
Black and Blue
Red House
Pitch Black
Phone call
The Baiter
Night Time
First Kill
The Estate
Black Aces
Miss Preźton
Mr Stavato
South Carolina
Dead Angels
On The Lookout
An Element
È la donna che
The Only
One Last Time
Author's note
Last one

On the Move

25 2 0
By Leeyanda15

"If anything should happen I wanna that you're alright." - Me

"How far is this place?" I ask Luca after a while of being on the road.

"We're almost there." Luca replies clearly irritated.

"Who's this H2O guy anyways and how does he know about our sister?" Nikolas asks in a frustrated voice and I know he doesn't seem to be on board with this whole thing.

"What if it's a trap?" I ask but I'm answered back with silence.

Luca is acting without thinking this through but no one can say shit when it comes to his sister and I understand maybe I have gone soft.

"How old is she?" I ask him.

"She's seventeen this year. She'll be eighteen in two months time." He says, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

"What's her name?" Nikolas never did tell me her name.

"Evelyn but we used to call her Eve."

"Nice name." I say resting my head onto the car seat.

"Your friend.. Becky said I should give you this." Luca pulls out a small phone that looks old.

"What is it?" I take it from him and open it.

"I don't know, she just said it's yours."

I take the small device and run a finger down the screen. I close the phone again and place it on the side of my seat. Luca looks at me at the corner of his eyes but I ignore him.

After sometime we finally arrive, the place is large, looks mysterious and very guarded. It looks like an old abandoned house but you can hear the sound of people's voice from within the building.

"You guys stay here, I'll be back." Luca says getting out the car.

We watch him walk into the building, his strides long but steady. He runs a hand through his hair and I watch him as he tries to blend in with everyone around him. His jawline is a sharp line that always brings out his intense eyes. I watch him as he disappears into the building.

"Do you think he knows what he's doing?" I ask Nikolas curious about what's about to happen within the next few hours.

"Nope. He's just letting his emotions fuck with him." He says in a tired and irritated voice.

I close my eyes and enjoy the silence that takes over. Something starts buzzing from beneath my thigh. It's Beck's phone, why would she even give me this old thing. I open it the pictures and notice that there's no pictures of her and has a video.

"Nikolas do you have any earphones on you?"

"No but there are if you look in front of you." He says pointing infront of me.

I open the cabinet in front of me and look through it. I find white earphones beneath all the junk and I plug them into the phone. One side of the earphone doesn't work which makes it difficult to hear properly since the phones volume is low.

I press play and the video starts to play.




She's not here. I look around the room and I start to panic. I can hear the male voices in the far distance and heavy footsteps making their way this side. I shut the door behind me and lock it.

"Eve what are yo-" Someone says from behind me and touches my shoulder which causes me to jump in surprise.

"Jesus Claire!" I say putting my hand on my heart and trying to slow down my racing heart.

"And where the fuck were you? I thought you're out there." I say in relief and put my hands around her.

"Evelyn what's going on out there?" She says pulling away from me.

The voices are nearing our side and the gun shots haven't stop being fired.

"Claire we have to get out of here before someone finds us." I say in a rushed town and quickly walk towards my bed to gather all our stuff in a bag.

"Who are those people?" She says from behind me.

"Look Claire I can't explain now but just know that if we don't start moving now we won't make it out here alive." I say to her as I quickly chuck in small clothing outfits and any any food we have left into the bag.

She stands still, unmoving behind me. I stand up, look at her and try to console her.

"Remember all those times we talked about running away from this dump, well this is our chance. We'll start a new life somewhere else where no one will find us. All you have to do is trust me, I promise we'll make it out here alive."

She gives me a light nod and that's all the answer is need right now.

"Remember that basement upstairs?" She says in a hushed tone but I can see the fear in her eyes at what we're about to do.

"The one were not allowed to go in?"

"Yes.. There's stairs there that will lead us outside this place."

"Okay.. the fastest way there will be the stairs but we'll have to be quick Claire before this whole place is surrounded with them."

"Okay.." She says moving towards the door and holding the door knock.

"At the count of three you open the door and you run as fast as you can, I'll be right behind you." My heart is beating out of my chest but I know that if I don't stay calm we probably won't take make it out here alive.


We look at each other then at the door, waiting for the unexpected to appear before us.


She twists the door knob and in that second it all becomes real. Those men out there who might be looking for me are going to kill us. Are we even gonna make it out here alive or will our fate be like Tanya's.


Claire opens the door and we quickly make our way towards the stairs, running as fast as we can and never looking behind. Shouts and screams are heard in the background but I push them away and focus on getting out of here safely.


"Nikolas these don't work properly." I say as I pluck them out and pause the video.

"There's a white plastic there with black ones in it."

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place?" I ask him slightly irritated. At this point I don't even care about this stupid video anymore.

I plug the earphones in and both sides work this time. The first video I see has Becky starring on it. I press play and listen to what she says.

"If you're listening to this it means I didn't I didn't make it out alive. It means that she finally killed me and is coming after you Taylor."

I crease my eyebrows in confusion at the mention of my name. What is she talking about and who wants to kill her.

"I know that you must be confused to why I disappeared like that but you'll hear that later in the other videos."

"I've been held captive and I can't escape, it's part of the contract which I'll also explain later."

Contact? What contract, mine?

This is serious than I thought it was. So not only did she fake her own death but she was held captive all this time by some woman who wants to kill her and is now after me?

"She's planning something big and you're the one she's after. The real reason I had to fake my death and the reason why your father is out there looking for you."

Everything seems to stop and her words fade into the background. Numbness consumes my whole body and start feeling feverish.

My father has been looking for me.

I slowly open the door and step outside for some fresh air feeling dizzy, the temperature has just dropped within two seconds. I need a cigarette but I brush the thought away as quickly as it came.

Where's Luca he has been in there for a whole fucking hour. I feel like punching this fucking window or screaming out loud so the world can hear my fucked up cries of misery. Luca was right I have grown weak and I am slowly loosing my shit. The thought of seeing my father again doesn't seem realistic.

You don't have a father Taylor. That man is dead to us. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not..

My mother would always say to me when she was drunk. She would laugh at how pathetic and desperate I was to know my father. I really was. As the years went by I grew sad and angry at him but I finally learned to turn that anger into nothing but dust, he wasn't worth it anymore and never will.

After a few minutes of standing outside I open the door and get in again. I insert the earphones into my ears and take a long breath before continuing with the video.

"He knows you're alive Taylor and has never stopped looking for you ever since Kelly ran away with you as a baby. He's a good man Taylor don't be afraid to love him." She says in a smooth light voice that makes my insides churn.

"There's a gang in Seattle, they're called The Kranes. I need you to go there and look for a guy called Larry, he's the gangleader and my brother. Tell him I sent you there and show him this video if you have to. He'll help you and keep you safe, you won't be able to do this alone."

Do what alone?

The warning sign which shows that the battery is low lights up. The phone dims and I can't see clearly but I'm still able to make out Beck's face.

"There's someone out there who's looking for you. A woman. She's pure evil and has very bad intentions Taylor. Sooner or later she's going to track you down and you'll have to be ready when she finds you. My brother will help you and so will Marco.. he knows her."

"She has connections everywhere and has eyes everywhere which is is why you can't trust anyone Taylor, especially now."

My mind goes to Luca and how after all this time I've finally come to trust him.

"She has these men in suits who work for her. I remember I met her once I thought she was one of us or at least was going to help us. She was nice at first, sweet almost until she watched a girl being raped and killed to death infront of her mother."

"I'll never forget her. She has long enticing red hair and light blue eyes. Her skin is pale and she has an ugly scar across her face which she always tries to hide with the black mask she always has on."

"I'm going to check up on Luca." I hear Nikolas's voice in the background but ignore him.


"I heard you Nikolas.." I say in an irritated voice.

He let's out a sigh and opens the door. I ignore whatever he is saying beneath his breath and continue listening to the rest of the clip.

"Her name is Rose Wäterfal but she goes by the H20.."

My heart stops beating for a second as I stare at the window in confusion. I watch as Nikolas starts walking away from the car and try to register what Becky has said. The mad woman who is currently after me and tried to kill Becky is in this building.

"Shit.." I curse and punch the dashboard infront of me.

This is a fucking trap, I should've known.

Wait Luca..

I quickly open the door and get out of the car as quickly as possible, trying to stop Nikolas from walking any nearer.

"Nikolas stop!" I shout and that's the same moment I notice a black limousine entering an electric gate on our left side.

Nikolas turns around and I quickly pull him back towards the car. I here the car's engine near us and listen to it as it parks next to us. We hide behind our car and I pull Nikolas down and tell him to keep quiet.

"Who are these people?" Nikolas whispers to me as he presses his back towards the car to try not to get noticed.

"It's a trap. These people want us dead." I say in an urgent tone.

I hear a door being opened and a few people come out. Voices of are heard and the sound of footsteps walking away from the car.

"Luca.. we have to get him." Nikolas says looking at me.

Fucking hell..

"We can't go in Nikolas or else we're dead. This place is probably filled with security cameras every."

"I'm not leaving this place without him even if it means going in alone." He says his voice becoming louder and rougher.

"Shhhh..." I shut him up, afraid that we might get caught.

The footsteps start to walk away and we're soon left with silence. I carefully move towards the front of the car to check if there's anyone left.

"They're gone." I say out loud as I stand up and try to come up with some sort of plan.

"Come on.." I say as I walk towards towards the big building.

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