Going To Earth (The 100)

By wwxnterr

101K 2K 263

Being terrified out of her 13 year old mind, and the one of the youngest criminals on the ark; Apollo gets se... More

~to earth~
~first day on earth~
~wheres murphy~
~wheres murphy pt 2~
~mount weather~
~bone marrow~
~nice to be home~
~commander pt1~
~commander pt2~
~little heda~
~i missed you~
~lets catch up~
~please read. very important~
~dont say goodbye~
Very important. Please read.
hOly cRap
I need your opinion.
important please read!!
~lets recap~
~final day on earth?~
important question


2.2K 53 4
By wwxnterr

I woke up in my bed across from Bellamys, I assumed once I fell asleep he carried me to my own bed. Bellamy wasn't in his bed so i guess he woke up early to help get ready. I felt the cool air hit my face as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I stood up and my stance was steady so I assumed I didn't need my crutches. I put on my black shirt and my blue pants and walked out of the tent. I was one of the only people up. I saw Marcus and some other men gathering guns for the fight against the mountain.
My stomach was killing me. I felt sick. I walked to medic bay to say goodbye to Abby. I walked in and she was talking to Jackson, her assistant. Apparently I was gonna be stuck with him for a while. "Hey little one, whatcha doing up so early?" She asked, as I sat down on one of the tall medic beds. "My stomach is hurting. But I'm fine, I came to say goodbye." I said smiling up at Abby. She always acted different since my mom died, as if she felt sorrow for me. I don't really know. "Let me see." She said pushing my shirt up to see my stitches from the previous day. "Your stomach is still a little swollen, you shouldn't move too much today." She instructed. "You also have a small fever, you are probably just a little stressed." She said handing me a cup of water.
"Also A, this is Jackson. He will be taking care of you okay?" She said pointing at a tall man with brown eyes and brown hair. "Hi!" I smiled. He waved hi. "Hey, we will have fun ok?" He said kneeling to my height. I nodded and smiled. "Hey Abby.." Bellamys voice carried into the room. "Good morning Bell." I smiled. He walked over and sat next to me. "Good morning little one" he smiled kissing the top of my head. "What did you need Bellamy?" Abby asked. "Oh Marcus said they need the emergency bags." He said. She nodded and grabbed a big box filled with bandaids and things solders would need as if they were in a war.
I felt the worry grow in the pit of my stomach a little bit. I stared at the floor, as the two men talked. I thought about all the terrible things that could occur today. I almost wanted to puke. "Hey little one!" A familiar voice sang through the air, a voice so familiar I didn't even have to guess who it was. And as I knew, Murphy walked through the medic bay entry. I stood up and ran to him, hugging him as tightly as I could, almost falling over. I guess I still wasn't completely stable without the crutches haha.
My blue eyes filled with tears, "I missed you" I said sobbing into his torso. "I missed you more" he said moving my arms and kneeling down so we were eye level. "A-Are you fighting at the mountain?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, but.." he said. My smiled immediately dropped. I knew he wasn't gonna stay. "I have to leave with Emori. We have to find something and then I promise I will come back!" He said cupping my face. I smiled as he held out his cut up hand and smiled at me "pinky promise!" He grinned. "Pinky promise" I giggled, interlocking my pinky finger with his. He kissed my forehead. "I'll see you soon little one." I saw Emori walk behind John, she smiled at him. "May we meet again" I said kissing his cheek and hugging him goodbye. I waved to emori as Murphy stood up. "Goodbye little one." I turned back to Bellamy. He was still sitting on the bed, smiling at me. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and leaned agains him. "I love you little one." He giggled. "I love you more" I mumbled into his chest.
"Bellamy need to leave." Octavia said walking up to medic bay with Finn and Raven. I let go of the man as he stood up. He turned back to me and hugged me as tightly as he could. His hand was playing with my hair. "I love you so much little one. Please be safe." He said. "You be safe!" I giggled. He kissed my cheek and stood up again. I ran and hugged Octavia and the others. They all said goodbye to me and walked with the other 400 or so people going to Mount Weather.
My stomach got worse. I felt as if I would pass out, I didn't tell Jackson. I didn't wanna freak him out. "So, little one, Murphy seems to be pretty special to you.." he said looking at test tubes and putting away some random needles that Abby didn't put away. I shrugged, "yeah, I guess. He's all I got." I said sitting on the bed again. He looked back and smiled at me. "I knew Rosario, she was a great woman." He said. I smiled and nodded. My mother was a great person. We continued talking about various topics and things about the ark. "Have you met Delta?" Jackson smiled. "No, who is that?" I asked tilting my head a little. "She is a girl your age-" he said grabbing my hand lightly taking me inside the 'ark'. "She got cancer on the ark and she is getting better but we are still treating her, she doesn't really have family or friends so maybe you guys can talk?" He said taking me into a small, cute, blue room. "Here, stay out here and I'm gonna ask her." Jackson said, I nodded and he walked in. A few seconds later, he came back out. "Apollo Adrien, meet Delta Travis." He said with his hand on my shoulder, lightly pushing me towards her.
She was very pretty. She had very bright hazel eyes and short blonde hair with the right side shaved. "Hi I'm delta." She giggled holding her hand out. "I-I'm Apollo." I giggled. "Great, I'm gonna go back to the medic bay, please press the button if you need me. Either of you." He said sternly. We exchanged looks and looked at Jackson giggling. We nodded. "Ok" he said laughing as he left the room.
I sat with delta and we talked about her cancer and my mom and how I got arrested. "I'm sorry about your mom." She said as she was braiding my long, brown hair. "It's cool. I'm sorry about your family.." I said fidgeting with my fingers. Delta told me that her mother died after she was born and her father had a heart attack when she was 11. "Its fine. It isn't your fault." She giggled. We talked for what seemed like hours. We laughed, and talked and drawled on papers. "Ah!" I winced in pain after trying to stand to get my dropped pencil. "A-Are you ok??" Delta asked. I nodded, holding my stomach. "Delta!"
Her voice was the last thing I heard until everything turned black.

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