Spit it Out

By GlamourRockClown

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-X Reader- You meet a boy from your childhood, that has been a stranger for too long. Things between you two... More

Spit it Out (Ticci TobyxReader)
Found You
Why Dream a Dream?
Dreaming is for the Sad
Tell Me More?
Pleasure for Pleasure
If You're Hurting
I Will Replace The Noise With Silence Instead
Flushing Out You're Head
If You Like It Violent
We Can Play Rough and Tumble (part 1)
We Can Play Rough And Tumble (Part Two)
Fall Into Bed
I Won't Breathe so You can Recover
When You're in Pieces
Just Follow The Echo Of My Voice

Tune into That Frequency

2.3K 60 87
By GlamourRockClown

Toby left with out sharing another word with you. You preferred it that way. If he stayed and talked to you, who knows what would have been said that wasn't meant to be said in that moment- or at all. If a fight would start or if the word vomit would come up.


Toby enters the cabin angrily, slamming the door. He goes to the lounge area and throws himself onto the small sofa they had and just stares into the tiny fireplace they had running. It was the only thing making sound crackling through the silent darkness before he barged home. His quiet thoughts were interrupted by some soft footsteps coming from the hall.

"Toby? Is that you?" asks Brian. Toby slouches lower into his seat.

"Yes," he calls out.

"You're back kind of soon..." says Brian. Toby rolls his eyes and flips his shaggy bangs from his face.


"Did you get a chance to see her yet?" Brian asks. Toby takes a deep breath and rubs the back of his neck.


"Well, she hasn't been doing well... And-"

"Yeah no shit. It's obvious." Toby cuts him off.

"So she told you?" 

"That she's dying? Yeah." Toby keeps his gaze at the fire. Brian still only keeping his view at the back of Toby's head.

"Did she tell you any other news?" Brain spoke softly and slowly as if he was trying to walk on egg shells with Toby. 

"Nope. She basically told me to 'fuck off'. So I did. I left. Now I'm here. And while I have you here," Says Toby as he turns around to face Brian and rests his arm on the back of the sofa,

"What were you doing with her?" He spat.

"Toby, don't you even go there with me. You left Tim to do your job knowing damn well he can't care less about her. Or you for that matter. How would she feel safe or cared for with him? I'm surprised he even told you he would, and that he was willing! "

Toby tenses up and turns away again.

"Whatever, you're back now. Take more responsibly and own up to this mess you made. Don't go around pointing fingers at the rest of us because you can't help but fall."

Toby stays silent. 

"Go see her again. I'm going to bed." Brian says as he turns away.

"Brian, you have no idea the turmoil I'm feeling right now." Says Toby. 

"Nope. And I'm glad I don't."

"Brian, I do care about her. I wish I could keep her safe myself. I wish I could have her around all the time. But I also know that it's best if she goes back to her old life."

"Well ain't it too late for that now?" Brian asks sarcastically. 

"I know. I know... I'm sorry. I really really fucked up this time didn't I?"

"Pft- man I can't say I care about it myself. And I don't mean to sound cheesy ass corny but, Bro I ain't the one you should be apologizing to. You need to go and talk to her. This should be between you and her. You fucked up today by leaving her especially in the state you left her in."

Toby stays quiet and nods. He knows Brain is right. Brian heads off to bed and leaves Toby with his thoughts.

The fire still crackling throughout the still, silent and cold night. 


This week you got your follow up appointments completed. Toby still not making much of an effort to visit you, you kept a strong friendship with the only two who are there for you at the moment. Brian and Cybil. Ultrasounds, blood tests, nutrition counseling- everything you didn't think you would need this early into this pregnancy situation were getting started already. No Toby to be available.

The chirpy doctor you met when you were first admitted here was your primary doctor. You found out her name was Dr. K. You never found out what K stood for.

"Alright, darlin. I have the results from your ultrasound." She started.

"Now given how you've been handling things, this could be good news or bad news. We never know with you." She says as she takes a seat on the chair besides your bed.

"Would you like to see the photos?" she asks. You shake your head 'no' and she nods in responce to show her understanding. 

"So, looking into the placement of the fetus, this seems to be a high risk pregnancy. We're going to keep monitoring it for a while- unless you've come up with a decision?

"No. I wish this decision was easy. But it isn't. "

"Why is that?"

"I just. I know that I'm young and that I possibly won't be able to handle this under the circumstances I am in. Financially, emotionally... you know?"

She nodded.

"Have you brought this up with the father of the baby?" She asks.

You took a deep breath.

"No. I can't. I have no idea how that conversation would turn out - and I'm scared to find out."

"Will he accept if You don't want a kid?" she asks.

You shrug. You didn't know. You haven't talked to him about it. 

"And we only did it once. That once bringing me into all of this.."

"Well, It's up to you if you want him involved in this decision. If you need help or resources, we have those available and are more than willing to give you what you need.

"I- I don't know..." You said.

"Well, I do have your current 'guardian' here. If you'd like to see him." She suggests. 

"Huh? Who?" you ask anxiously. What guardian? Before she could answer, the faceless creature walks in. You sigh in relief.

"Just me," He says as he places his hand on the counter in the room testing its stability before leaning himself against it.

"I'll leave you two alone. I'll be back in 20 minutes. Call if you need anything." She reassures as she leaves the room and closes the door. 

"Darling, what is really on your mind? What is it you are worried about? What is holding you back on making a sure decision?" He asks.

"Sir, I have no idea what is going on. If anything, I feel like I need to speak to Toby about it. Have you told him yet? Does he know...?" You nearly ramble.

"No... He hasn't a clue. This is something you should tell him yourself."

This hurt you so much. There was so much uncertainty. 
But knowing there was a life in you, that was exciting in a way. You had gained Baby Fever. You wanted to keep this baby. But you didn't know what the future held. Especially since you were in this "Creature" Hospital and Toby not being human. This could go so wrong. 

"I don't think he even wants to see me." You say flat toned.

"Well, that's too bad." says the creature. 

"I can bring him here. If that's what you need." 

"I think... I don't know."

"Well. I brought him. He's here just waiting for his que. I'll leave you both to it."

"Wait! Wait! You brought- He's here?" you exclaim

"This is important. Not just for you but for him as well. He need to understand the severity of this situation." He explains. His tone seemed angry.

Hey if I made a Giveaway! What would yall want in it? Leave a comment below and please vote! Also my birthday passed and I don't mean to be that person but if you could go back and vote on the chapters you didn't vote on, that would like, totally mean like a WHOLE lot to me. <3 Please? As a birfday prezzent! :3

Anyway yea please vote and comment!

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