Uncovering the Truth

De PersonSayinStuff

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An AU Pokémon fanfiction. // Contestshipping with some FourthWheelshipping (not so much in the beginning for... Mais

Chapter 1: May and Max Maple
Chapter 2: Meet Up
Chapter 3: Ross
Chapter 4: Café Discussion
Chapter 5: Mission Night
Chapter 6: Sister
Chapter 7: Blacklisted
Chapter 8: Green Hair, Green Eyes
Chapter 10: Flashback and Late Night Discussion
Chapter 11: Face to Face
Chapter 12: Open Up
Chapter 13: Disguises
Chapter 14: Invading the HQ Part 1
Chapter 15: Invading the HQ Part 2
Chapter 16: I Know It's You
Chapter 17: Work Together
Chapter 18: Love is natural
Chapter 19: Meant to Happen
Character Endings + Bonus Stuff

Chapter 9: Drew Hayden

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De PersonSayinStuff

Honestly, this chapter could have just been included in the last one, but I don't wanna make the chapters super long. And I kinda wanted to end the last chapter on a more dramatic note...ya...sure...


"Drew Hayden. Do you know who he is? Is he that cousin you were talking about?!" May frantically asked.

"May, just because he has green hair and green eyes too doesn't mean her cousin is actually Drew. Sure, mutual friend. Maybe they met somewhere else or something." Max commented.

"May? Wait...your name is May?" Milani asked the brunette. "As in...May Maple? As in his girlfriend, May Maple?!"

May exhaled. "That would be me."

Milani covered her face in a shock. Well...it was more of her feeling stupid. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh."

"Wow, Melanie. And you didn't want to talk to them at first. That's a yikes." Jace commented.

"Oh shut up, Facey!" Milani yelled as she looked at Jace. She then takes a deep breath and returns her attention to May. "May, I deeply apologize about the way I acted when we first saw each other. If I had known that you were May Maple, then I would've totally asked for your help right away. Wait...of course. That's why you're here, right? You're here to look for Drew too?"

May wore a sad look on her face. Tears then started falling down on her cheeks.

"May? Are you alright?" Bonnie asked.

"I-I feel bad, okay!" May cried. "I feel bad that I just moped and never did anything to see him again. I just did horrible things to get over him. I feel stupid. I AM stupid, huh?!"

"May, calm down." Clemont said.

"May, you're not stupid." Milani added.

"No. It's okay. I get it. Milani, you're out here literally going far and beyond to go look for Drew. I did not even think of looking for him in this damn place. I didn't even think he'd go to such place. Still...what the hell did I do? Nothing! NOTHING!" May continued.

"May, please." Milani said as she held May's arms. "Drew would not want to see you like this. If anything, it's not your fault. It's his. He didn't tell you about where he went. He didn't tell anyone. He just left notes to me saying that he left."

"Still...I came here because I was forced to do so. I didn't come here looking for him. Heck, maybe I don't even deserve him at this point. Ever since he left, all I became was selfish. He didn't even tell me where he went. He never even gave me a heads up about it. Maybe that shows that he doesn't trust me."

"May, he trusts you completely." Milani assured as she released her hold on May. "Oh wait...of course...I have just the thing to..."

Milani searched her bag and she brought out two things.

"A phone and a piece of paper?" Jace questioned.

"Take these, May." Milani said as she handed the things to May. "It's his phone and a letter that he wrote just for you. I guess he just hoped that our paths will meet. Lucky for him."

"Wait...why would you give me his phone then?" May asked.

"Well...I don't know his passcode. I charged his phone to look for whatever clues I could get, but he had a passcode to go along with it. I just kept on charging it to make sure it remains functional...if that works." Milani replied.

"Wait!" Max suddenly said. "Milani, did Drew's parents really ask money from Ross?"

"Yup. It was some invention made by his dad. I don't have much clue as to what that invention is, though." Milani replied.

"So...I assume that you weren't in the event? Because you're related to Drew's father?" Clemont asked.

"Well...I am on the blacklist, but thanks to Iris and her amazing acting skills, we managed to still be there in the event." Milani replied.

"Her acting skills?" Bonnie said.

"Okay, we wore disguises, had fake I.D.s and everything. I'm pretty sure you've encountered Melanie Silverman and Irene Griffin, right? Yeah...that was us."

"Wow...that disguise totally fooled us. The make-up was really good!" Bonnie commented. "Who did it?"

"Some friend of Iris's. Serena Yvonne." Milani replied.

Clemont's and Bonnie's jaws dropped.

"Don't tell me you guys know who Serena Yvonne is." Milani said.

"Yes! She's our friend too! Clemont also has a huge crush on her!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"Bonnie! You didn't need to say that!" Clemont scolded as a blush formed on his face. "Besides, Serena doesn't like me back. She has Ash Ketchum."

"Ash Ketchum? I don't know. Ash also goes to Cerulean University, and I know he's not with Serena Yvonne." Jace said.

"WAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!" Max yelled. "Guys, I know, I know. It's a small world and all, but let's connect things here! So...do you think it's May and Drew's relationship that caused May to get in that blacklist?"

"Looks like it." Jace replied. "Ross asks his workers to do some research about anyone who crosses him. If Drew really was the guy I saw before, then Ross would definitely ask his people to ban anyone related or close to him."

"I guess that makes sense." Max said. "Wait...just where did May go?"

"I saw her go in her room." Bonnie replied. "I guess after finding all these out, she has a lot in her mind."


While the others discussed about the creatures and also their mutual friends, May went in her room to check the things Milani had handed to her.

First, there was Drew's phone. She saw the lock screen, and it was the picture of the shiny Roselia he got. She remembered the huge smile on his face when she gave the Pokemon to him on his 16th birthday. It wasn't an everyday thing for Drew to wear a huge smile on his face. That was just one of the few moments.

She then inputs the passcode that she knew too well. This revealed his wallpaper – a picture of the two of them.

Drew wasn't really the type of guy who was into taking pictures of himself or the type who would be too public with their relationship. May was the one who was more talkative. She was not afraid to tell anyone how much she loved him. Well, Drew was kinda like that, but only to his closest friend (and he didn't have that much).

May faintly smiles as she scans his phone. She went to the gallery and sees all the photos he took. Surprisingly, he had a lot of pictures. But of course, there wasn't much pictures of him. It was mostly roses, grass and May.

As much as she wanted to look at anything she could with the phone, she locked it and put it in her bag. She then looked at the letter.


I don't know how long it would take before you would receive this letter. I don't even know if you'd even receive it.

But...I just want you to know that I will be leaving for a while. Well...I don't even know how long I'll be gone, but hopefully not so long. See...there's this loan shark who kept on taking my family's money. Heck, I don't even have enough money to keep studying anymore, especially since Mauville High is quite expensive. I could still keep studying somewhere else, but I wouldn't want that.

Anyway...I'm going to deal with this man, Harold Ross, first. I know I should've told you this right away, but I couldn't bear to see you hurt. I feel like telling it via text message would be too cheap.

I don't want anyone else to be involved. I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

However...I want to say...I'm doing this for my family to be free and for me to see you every day.

I know we'll see each other again, May. I love you, and I know nothing can get in our way.

See you soon.

With love, Drew

May kept the letter as she sniffled a little.

She didn't want to keep on crying, though. Instead, she wore a more determined face.

Drew, I don't know where you are or what has happened to you, but I will help you in this fight. I don't care if you say that you didn't want me to get involved. The fact that you're not here with me, or even with your family means that something must be done. Some say you have left us, but I don't believe it. I can feel it. You're still breathing. You're still out there. Somewhere...and I feel that you're not so far away. We'll see each other soon. I know it.



Hey guys. This is a fanfic AU, so yeah. Drew has a shiny Roselia instead of a normal Roselia. Is that important to the plot? Eh.

Also, as to who Jace saw with Ash, just assume it to be anyone who like. I mean...if we're following the Elemeno ships, then it's probably either Misty or Gary. Probably Misty, but still...could be Gary. I've done stuff where I opted for the Palletshipping route instead.

Ash is not actually gonna be in the story. I just felt like mentioning him in this chapter because why the heck not. He's gotta make a cameo somewhere.


Question of the day: What are things you would or would not do if you were Ash Ketchum?

Me? I would probably take on island challenges instead of going to school. I mean...trials work differently in the anime. There's actually a lot of things that are different in the anime as compared to the games. His classmates (except for Lillie) are the trial captains in the games after all.

I would not let go of my good Pokemon. I mean...those episodes where he let go of his Pokemon made me cry (well...most of them). Oh...I would also continue using my good Pokemon. Imagine how much better he would be if he consistently used Charizard, Infernape and Sceptile. Imagine how better he would be if he had kept Greninja and Goodra. Imagine if he actually trained his freaking Gible.

I gotta stop...

See ya in the next chapter :]

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