Bewitching -Little witch acad...

By Evo_is_Birdy

7.6K 126 271

So i was looking for a funny, Akko x Andrew fanfic and i couldnt find one that met my needs... (there wasn't... More

Truly Bewitching
When You Reach Your Dream
Letting go of what used to be.
Letting Go of What Used to Be (Part 2)

Crazy Things

462 13 4
By Evo_is_Birdy

                   Soon the day became dimmer.  Akko's voice was exawsted due to her constant showting at possible customers. But nothing could silence Kagari Atsuko!

                  "Oi, Lotte" Akko began to sturt an conversation, "What's the relationship btwn you and dat blonde guy, Anderu's friend,"

                 "Frank?," Lotte paused, "We're friends, we talk alot on the internet,"

               "oooooh, bad Lotte," Akko snickered, "Weren't you tellling us befor not to be using devices at shcool?"

             "Com'on Akko, my communication orb is powered by fairies and can barely even connect to das internet," Lotte explained.

             "Honestly," Sucy said, "I think dis Frank guy is a player,"

             "Really?" Akko said.

             "Well wasn't he hitting on Diana before?" Sushi continueded.

             "Well... what would you know Sucy," Lotte slightly frowned, "I mean He reads Night Farru, so he must be a nice guy,"

              "What if he's just saying dat?" Atsuko speculaeted, "I meen if i wuz a guy, I would say I'm into the stuff the girl is so it seems as if we have more in common,"

             Lotte struggled to find wurds. 

            Akko sighed, "whutever wurks for you..,"



        "So Anderu, " Frank confronted his friend in the wae home frum Appleton Academia, "I was thinking I could message Lotte to have her and her friends, that means Kagari ~san, go with us to some sort of amusement park, maybe?"


                Frank sighed, "whutever wurks fer you,"


             "I mean, how are you gonna see Kagari~san if you dont ask her somewhere?" Frank trys to explain the fundamentals of .. seeing gurls?

              "I'm sure she'll show up where I leest expect it," Andrew mumbled, "weather I liek it or not,"

              "so yer saying you like it when she shows up?"


             "ughn..," Frank groaned, "Yer bad @ dis, Pleeeeeease stop lying to mwah,"

            "I'm not lying to you," Anderu answered 

             "Yeah, yoo r," Frank sighed,"Da way you keep your answers short and curt, tells me that you're  trying not to ellaborate,"

             "uh-huh," Andrew sed in a sarcastic tone.

            "you did it agane,"

            "uh-huh," He repeated.

           "Okay, Okay, Okay, How about dis,"  Franku concludeded, "How  about I do a confession about who I'm in love with and then you!"

          "I couldn't care less about who you're in love with," Andrew grumbled, "It changes on a weekly basis,"

         "It does nawt!"

         "Uh-huh," Anderu said in a sarcastic tone.

         "Besides I'm in luv fer reals this time," Franku explained, "Lotte is a sweet and honest gurl, you rarely find those these days,"

          "That's practically what you said last time,"

        "Whutever," Frank went on, "So whie are you attracted to Kagari~san,"

          "I'm not,"

          "I mean, I can see why you aare," Frank blathered, "She's funnny and optimistic, kinda the opposite of yoo,"

         "What," Anderu groaned, "Do you like her too then?"

          "too?" Franku's eyes widend, "Meaning dat you like hurr?"

         "noooooooooo," Andrew denied his comment, "I meant that you like her along with Lotte,"

          "Are you a fool!" Frank exclaimedd, "No gud man is to bee in luv withe two women at once!"

            "Uh-huh,"  Anderu began to change the subject, "So, why does your bag seem significantly larger?"

           "I went to da Library, " He said simplee


         Frank sighed,

                                                       "Love makes you do crazy things,"


Authors Note.

      I'm sorry. I've been keeping the chapters short so I update more often. Also, I'm bad at making long chapters. 

       I had this idea a while ago but scrapped it. For this fanfiction I had originally planned to make everybody speak 'misspelled' except for Andrew. This was because Andrew had this feeling he was above everyone else. After spending more time with Akko he becomes down to earth and hears everyone more clearly. In this idea Andrew begins to understand that he is human and has dreams just like everyone else. Buuuuuuut I got rid of this idea and just went for a funny aspect. Somebody! make this idea into a fanfiction, I would read it!

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