Oneshots [Finding My Mr. The...

By CuteGirl_7

114 10 19

Every girl dreams of finding her 'Mr. The-Right-One' .. The guy of her dreams.. The guy that will love her tr... More

Oneshots [FMMTRO] Normal Girl+Normal Life = Amazing Love-story?

Oneshots [FMMTRO] Mistakes Help Us Find The Right Person

63 4 8
By CuteGirl_7

Oneshots [Finding My Mr. The-Right-One] Part 1: Mistakes Help Us Find The Right Person





Cassidy Abbey Blair Lopez's P.O.V. 

I was on my way on a coffee shop when I bumped into a strange guy..

Yeah! Strange..

He is wearing a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt inside and a pair of black jeans with a mask on his face and a baseball cap with matching large sun-glasses and he's wearing a high-cut Converse for toes. 




But I don't care! 

Ugh! Doesn't he have eyes? Hell, can't he see me?

Like- DUH! The side-walk is so big! And does he have to walk with the exact same track I'am walking?

Shit! Look what he did to my things! 

I bent down to grab my stuff and LOOK! 

The guy couldn't be so much for a gentle man! -__-

Can't he say 'Sorry'? 

It's just one word 'ya know?

And he has the nerve to just stand there and stare at me! 

Oh crap! He didn't even helped me with my things!

Ugh! >.< 

After picking up my things that HE got MESSED UP... I faced him with an angry expression and oh!..


I just saw his back on me... Walking away!

Oh I won't let him get away with this!

I ran to him and grabbed his shoulder so that he could face me.. He really looks weird! Promise!

"What?" He shouted with an.. Uhh.. How should I say this.. I don't know! I think .. annoyed? Dunno.. Remember.. His face was covered with this weird black mask and large sunglasses.  

I'm thinking.. What's up with his outfit? O.o

Is he a thief? Or maybe a hold-upper! Or maybe even worse! .. Like.. A hostage taker or a killer or what!   

"What what? You bumped into me and got my things messed up then you'll just walk away? Great manners!" I shouted .. REALLY ANNOYED AND ANGRY! 

"Actually its not me who is too dumb and stupid to bump on me and gets her things messed up dude! Its not my fault if you are blind to not see me." -he said .. Flatly.

WHAT THE!!? O____O

>____< UGH! ME? DUMB? STUPID? And what did he just called me? DUDE? 

DO I LOOK LIKE SOME KIND OF GUY? A person with this pretty face? A DUDE? Damn. And what? BLIND??? UGH HE'S IS JUST SO ARROGANT AND.. Ugh! I hate him! >.<

"Well mister! For your CORRECT information! Im not blind! And Im not a dude! Heck, do I look like a guy!? And also! ITS NOT ME WHO ISN'T LOOKING TO WHERE HE'S GOING! Look! Just say sorry. Can't you say that? That's the least thing you can do to make it up to me you know?" 

I crossed my arms and waited for his reply.. But.. I was surprised by what he did afterwards...





MY GHADDDD!!! >_____<

H-he... He ....








But! Sh*t



I slapped him. HARD! On the face.

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT!?" I snapped at him.

"That was my way of saying sorry. Actually you should be thankful I kissed you!" He flatly said then smirked.

"F*ck! THANKFUL? Seriously? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT? Huh? Do you think you're somekind of a star or something? HUH? CRAP! YOU STUPID, ARROGANT, DEVILISH BASTARD! YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS AND YOU'LL SAY THAT? Ugh I can't believe you!" I shrieked. 

Arrgghh!! I can't take this! 

He is such a jerk!

I felt some liquid that tried to scape my eyes.. NO! I CANT CRY IN FRONT OF THIS JERK!

But its just...


I know its cliché but its true! I value my first kiss

I just can't take the idea that.. OF ALL PEOPLE A GUY LIKE THIS COULD HAVE IT!

I can't take it.. My tears fell on my face.. Ugh! Stupid tears! Traitor!  

"Look .. Im sorry okay! I didn't mean to say something like that! And I just kissed you to shut you up! Alright? Stop crying! Im sorry." He seemed.. Sincere. But again.. I DONT CARE! I'm still mad at him. 

He tried to wipe my tears away but I slapped his hand away and ran away.


I ran to the coffee shop that Shawn and I agreed to meet on. 

Shawn? He's Shawn Zyrel Smith. My suitor.. Yep.. You read it right. My SUITOR. Hes been courting me for almost 7 months already... Why haven't I still answer him? And haven't I love him? That's your question right? Well.. Yes! I love him... The first time I laid my eyes on him.. I had this feeling that .. I thought he was 'the one'. I always wanted to be with him.. In my eyes he is the most perfect guy I've ever met.. And.. He is the only one that makes me smile and blush like a totally red tomato.. And he is the only one that makes my heart beat three times faster whenever I'm with him. And.. I haven't answered him cause ... I .. I just... Its just..... 

Actually I don't know either.

Hehe ^^v  Its just... Even though God gave me all the signs that I'm inlove.. I can't figure out why I can't answer him.. Or maybe .. I still can't figure out how to answer him. Ugh! Its because of that stupid 'tadhana'! >__< Whenever I was about to say that I wanted to be his girlfriend someone would always interrupt me or sometimes I would just fall speechless. See? That's why I still haven't been his girlfriend.  

But actually I'm planning to say 'yes' to him today.. 


As I entered the coffee shop I immediately spotted Shawn in a table with two seats.. He was about to sip his frappé when he noticed me walking towards his direction. He waved and smiled at me..

Oh that smile! T^T It kills me!

I just smiled back at him and once I was in front of our table he stood up a pulled the other chair for me.. Oh such a gentleman. I sat on the chair and looked at him.. God! He is indeed perfect. He stared back at me and smiled and I smiled back at him... He really has this smile that once he flashed it on you, you wouldn't know that you are also smiling and you can't smile away.

"So how was your trip going here? Your face was unexplainable.. I told you I should'v fetch you." He said, breaking the silence.

"Well.. Ugh! When I was walking down the town when I bumped into this strange and arrogant jerk! He got my things messed up but didn't even think about saying sorry!" I stated. Of course I won't tell him the 'kiss' part! I don't think I'd like to see his reaction after he would hear that.

"Tss. Then? What did you do?" He asked.

"Well.. I just slapped him right on his face." I answered then smirked.

"Woah! That's my girl!" He said patting my head then he laughed. 

"Hey! Stop that! I worked hard on my hair! Don't just mess it up!" I said then pouted.. Which he just laughed at.. Yah! Did I say something funny? O.o

"Hey! What're you laughing at?" I asked.

"YOU! Hahahaha!" He replied.. Arghh! Do I got something on face? What's he laughing at? I wiped my face using my hands to confirm if I had something on it.

"Heyy!! STOP LAUGHING! I don't have anything on my face! Right?" I shouted at him! >.< And the jerk just laughed harder! Hmp! -_- Wish he can't breath after that! 

"Ha-hahaha! Haha! Ah.. Ok I'll stop! Hahaha! Alright.. Hah.. You don't have dirt in your face, silly! Its just .. Your so funny!" He said then smiled. Well.. What else can I do? I just smiled back at him and he called for the waiter so that we could say our orders but as I was saying mine to him the door of the coffee shop just bursted open and a guy -all covered up with black- entered the shop.. Wait! I think he is familiar! Hmm.. Where did I saw him? 

Ahah! Wait! WHATTT? 

He's here? THE HELL? IS THIS A SO CALLED 'DESTINY' ?? UGH! >___< I HATE IT! Screw that destiny-thingy! Do you have any idea who entered the shop?? Yes! Its him! THE ARROGANT, STUPID, DEVIL, BASTARD, PRICK SLASH JERK is the one who entered the coffee shop! -__- Sorry, I don't know his name.. And I don't wanna know it! After all, the names I just called him suits him right.

What's he doing here? "Heck, of course his here for a coffee stupid!"  A voice in my head told me. Ugh! Of all coffee shops does he have to be with the same ones I am in? Tss.. 

Shawn must have noticed my face --which was unexplainable because of mix emotions like: angriness, annoyance, hatred, dissapointment, disgust .. EVERYTHING! Ugh! >.<

"Hey! You alright? Its like you've seen a ghost or something." He snapped his fingers in front of my face. 

"Well I just saw a devil.I whispered. 


"Nevermind. Lets just get out of here." I said to Shawn then got my bag and stood up, ready to leave. 

"Ah-Hey wait! B-but why? How 'bout the coffee-and the date? We're leaving already?" He asked.

"Forget the coffee Shawn! Let's just leave already and find another shop." I said then as I was to walk away .. When I faced the doorway I bumped into him--AGAIN! Who? To Mr. Arrogant-Jerk-Slash-Prick-Guy. -___-" 

"Hey! Its Ms. WHY-THE-HECK-DID-YOU-DO-THAT!--Whoaa! Easy missy." He said as I try to punch him in the face.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU BASTARD! I HATE YOU! Ugh! Come on Shawn!"  I barked at him and grabbed Shawn's arm and stormed out of the coffee shop. 

Meanwhile.. Shawn and I decided to go to a park instead. We sat on a bench while staring at the clouds. Shawn was surprised when I held his hand and intertwined it with mine. He looked at me with a questioning face and I just answered him with a smile.

"Uhm.. Abbey? Is this--your answer?" He asked hopefully. I rested my head on his shoulder then smiled.

"Yes." I answered.

"So--We're official? You're my girlfriend now. Right!?" He asked then I saw his face full of happiness and joy.

"Yes Shawn. I'm your girlfriend now." I said then I looked at him..


And I was shocked by what he said next...


"Sorry Cass.. But--Its just a bet." He smiled and walked away while he dialled something on his phone leaving me speechless.. Is that it? Just like that? Is it really just a bet? I-i can't believe it! I LET MYSELF FALL FOR THE WRONG PERSON! I thought he really loves me.. I thought we're meant for each other.. I thought he's the one I'm looking for.. I-I thought.. *sob* I thought he's my happy ending. AND I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I WAS JUST BEEN PLAYED! 

I'm trembling.. My tears started to fall continuesly and no matter how hard I wipe them away it didn't stop from falling. I was left there helpless.. with a broken heart. I just wanted a happy ending. But then it came to me.. That there's no such thing as a happy ending. Life isn't a fairy tale so we should  not assume that we'll find a 'happy-ever-after' here. 

I just sobbed there.. And I didn't notice that it was raining --not until someone took of his jacket and put it on me then hugged me. I didn't mind who he is 'cause all I need now is a shoulder to cry my eyes out.

As he was rubbing my back he lifted my chin so that I could face him, then he said..

"I love you Blair. Since I met you I had this feeling that you're the one for me. So please. If you'll let me. Just pick me Blair. Please let yourself love me back. Please open your eyes Blair. I promise I'll be by your side all the time and I promised.. I won't hurt you. 'Cause I love you, very, very, very much." The words struck me. It was him. The guy who held me in his arms when I was in so much pain once back then. Matthew. Its him. Why didn't I noticed him when I bumped into him today? 

Suddenly he cupped my face and suddenly ... he kissed me.

And I don't know but.. It just felt so right. I just found myself holding his face and kissing him back.

We shared a slow and passionate kiss.. Under the pouring rain.


Right there and then I proved myself wrong. Happy-ever-afters DO EXIST in the real world. And sometimes you just have to open your eyes to see who is really the right one for you. And sometimes .. MISTAKES DO HELP US FIND THE RIGHT PERSON. 



A/N.: Hello guys.. Sorry for the grammatical errors and typo-graphical errors. ^^V And also.. Pardon for the rainbow-colored words. I hope you like this another oneshot. :) This one is for my Mommita. :D Hi Mommy! That's all.. Update is .. I think Sunday or Monday.  



Kim Shin Yeong as Cassidy Abbey Blair Lopez 

Park Hyung Seok as Matthew Andrew Laurens

Lee Chi Hoon as Shawn Zyrel Smith


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