Never Thought That We Would E...

By writerlibra

25.3K 556 132

{#1 - heroesofolympus, 6/1/18} {#3 - demigods, 8/10/18} {#2 - jiper, 11/26/18} **UNDER REVISION** PJO/HOO fan... More

The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter ***
Chapter 17
Chapter **

Chapter 16

376 8 0
By writerlibra

Annabeth's POV

Aggh. Today was. . . I don't know what to say. One moment I sang and enjoyed it. The other I'm ignoring Percy. I don't know why I freaked when he kissed me, I mean he's done it before it's nothing new. I guess things change when you dream. At this point, I don't have time to think about my feelings. I have a busy day starting today and I don't know how I'm going to keep up with it.

I drifted asleep. I was so tired.

The next morning I woke up at 7 and decided to work out and get something to eat after. I had to be back before two in the afternoon and head to where ever I'm meeting the boys' agent.

I decided to go to the gym since it was winter it wasn't really jogging season yet. So I put my winter coat over my workout clothes.

After two hours of exercise, I went to a small café bookstore. It was my favorite place ever. I opened the door and the bell rang. As I walked up to the cashier I could smell the coffee sent and the just baked brownies. I ordered and sat at a table near the window. I took a book from a shelf I read a bit and I stopped at a part that caught my eye.

'Love is weird you know? It can make you do crazy things. It is the most powerful thing that can be dangerous. Why? Because even love can make its mistakes. Bad or good love has a certain power."


I was walking back home and I bummed into Jason, "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's fine. What are you doing out?" he asked me

"Just out doing something. How about you?"

"Thinking. That's what I've been doing a lot lately." he looked down at the ground.

"And why is that?"

"Well after the dance I got a phone call right when I got home." his expression showed sadness, "It was Reyna."

"Oh." I knew that they were having some hard times, "What did she say to you?"

"She said that she had something important to tell me and that she would fly in from California on Wednesday." he looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown.

"Isn't that great, you get to see her, spend time with her, and that something important will maybe be minor?"

"I hope your right Annie."

I lightly hit his arm, "Shut up Grace. Well, I have to go get ready. See you in a bit. Bye"


I got home and got ready. I had a feeling that wearing yellow was going to be good.


"Miss. Annabeth Chase I'm the one and only Apollo but I'm sure you already know that." yeah I knew Apolo he owned one of the biggest music records in the eastern side of the country. Everybody who was anybody knows who he is.

"How could I not? Nice to meet you." I shook his hand.

"Oh I like you already." he gave me a blinding white smile, "Now I agreed to have you but I only agreed 50%. You need to prove to me that you can earn the other 50."

"Of course."

"I don't think you know this about me but when it comes down to the music I am very strict."

Apollo was starting to get scary.

"So that's why you will be impressing me with songs!" wow he went from deadly serious to all happy and excited.

"Ok sure how exactly do you want me to do it?" at this point, I was thinking it shouldn't be that hard. . . right?

"Well first sing a part of a song just you, then you and Jason, then you and Percy, and you'll end with performing with the whole band. How does that sound?" he said

"Good, I guess. But I do have one question." I stepped forward


"Do I choose the songs or you?"

"Oh yes here's a list." he handed me a list, "Just do them in order by the order I told you to sing them."

Song List

1) Love Feels Like Loneliness by Sabrina Carpenter

2) Rare by Selena Gomez

3) Reckless by Madison Beer

4) Out of Love by Alan Walker, Au/Ra

"Are you ready?" Apollo said

"Almost can I-" I got cut off

"Great! Start!" He started the music.

"Excellent Annabeth. Just Amazing, now next song." Apollo clapped.

"Good very good. You can take five." he walked out of the recording studio

I let out a sigh of relief. I was nervous. He was one of the biggest people in the music industry, I knew this was going to be nerve-racking. I sat down and grabbed a water bottle from the coffee table. I looked at my phone and saw that an hour had already passed. All for boys sat with me, two on each side.

"You know you're the first girl Apollo liked in over a year," said Leo

"So does that mean I did well?" I asked

"Pretty much yes. Plus you weren't just good you were excellent Annabeth," said Leo imitating Apollo's voice.

I laughed, "Thanks, Valdez."

"Leo's right-" Percy said

Apollo walked in, "Breaks over, back to singing"

I looked at Percy. I still hadn't talked to him. Now I have to sing with him again. The music started and we started to sing. Percy and I were staring into each other's eyes. I told myself I wouldn't. We were only a few inches away. I could feel him getting closer. I snapped out of it and turned to look at Apollo.

"I loved that. You two have a natural on-stage chemistry. I love it." he had a grin on his face, "Okay last song are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am," I said, the boys got their instruments and set everything up.

"1, 2, 3," said Frank, and the song started.

"Boys could you leave me with Miss. Chase for a moment?" Apollo told them

"Sure thing," said Jason

"So what did you think?"

"You in girl! You've got exactly what the band needs" he said

I tried so hard but the girly side failed me and I screamed, "Thank you, thank you! So what do I do?"

"So this week if I am correct Percy has already to you."

"Yeah, he told me everything about the interview the photo shoot, and all the other stuff that goes on from Monday through Wednesday."

"Okay so on Wednesday the photo shoot we will take pictures of you with them but will bring out the picture to make it look all blurry so people who want to know who you are. We need to soft launch you. Get more interest in what we have to give. so that means you cannot tell anyone or that will ruin our plans the for the record and for you."

"Okay, I got it." I couldn't believe it.

"Also I want to say your contract is going to last all the way through June on the last day of the school year. If then all of the albums have success you will go on a tour with the boys and after your first tour you will be able to either get a record label signed or do whatever you want."

"Ok. Sounds good. Where do I sign?"


After working some stuff out with Apollo, I walked out of the studio. I found the boys talking to each other in the lobby. I told myself to stay under control and not to fangirl again. I walked to them very calmly but I just couldn't contain it.

I ran to the boys screaming bringing all four of them into a hug, "I'm officially on your team!"

"Awesome! We heard a scream and thought Apollo killed you." Leo laughed, "And it's a soundproof booth."

"In that case, we would like to officially welcome you to the Heroes team," Jason gave me a thumbs up.

"Thanks, guys. Never thought I would end up here. It all feels like a dream." I said

"Maybe but keeping you a secret won't." said Frank, "But hey you know this will be a good experience for all of us so I think it's going to take some time to get used to."

"You're right. I have to go home and tell my parents this whole crazy thing so I'll see you guys Monday bye," I said

I was walking towards the door when I heard Percy say my name.

"Hey Percy what do you want? I need to go it's getting late so. . ."

To be honest I don't know how to handle the situation with Percy. I just kind of wanted to leave things as they were and hoped things somehow managed to work themselves out. My brain couldn't come up with a solution fast enough.

"Give me like 5 minutes. I'll make it quick. I just want to talk to you about the whole kiss thing. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry but I also want to know where we stand." he looked into my eyes as if searching for an answer.

"Look I really don't want to talk about this right now. I know what happened happened, it's just right now I can't tell you anything. please I'll tell you when the moment is right and we'll talk about everything. Not right now, I have to go, Percy, bye."

I hailed a taxi and drove home around 6 so early but I need to get out of there. I knew Percy wanted answers but I couldn't give them to him now. When I got home I told my parents the good news they were happy for me, that this made me happy. After I went upstairs to my room to do my homework the project Mr. Brunner told us to do. finish by the time it was that time I was doing a project I have to worry about it. I told the girls how Apollo gave me a record deal but there was still a feeling that didn't let me sleep. I lay there in my bed, in the dark I saw the stars from my windows. Something in the back of my mind kept bugging me it was what Percy had said to me earlier. I knew he wanted answers but I just couldn't give them to him right now. I need to tell him sooner or later and with that, I thought I drifted to sleep

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