Phenomenal Complications

By Poumi_P

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(An Aj Styles-Becky Lynch Fan Fiction) Becky's picture perfect life with perfectly compatible best friend C... More

Rushed to Troubles!
Awkward and Unknown
See Ya Love
New Partner!
Once in a Year!
Party! Picks! and More!
Away, with Him!
It's her...forever!
Worse than the Bermuda Triangle!
The Wrong Turn...!!
Love, Friendship and Sacrifice....!!
Not gonna be easy!
Misunderstandings and More!
Phenomenal Euphoria!
Face off!
And then......

Welcome back...!

401 12 4
By Poumi_P

Few changes in the plan

Natalya's gonna fake an injury and would be declared unfit for the tag team match.

Becky would have to get a new partner, a surprise to the wwe universe.

I sighed reading the creative's message. How can they change the plan at the last moment? There had be plannings, we would have to discuss the moves and moreover, my team is booked to win the match. I don't even know who my partner is! They should've at least informed me an hour before. Fuck!

However, a certain thought invaded my mind and I smiled to walk over to the nearest TV monitor. It was Chris Jericho taking on Aj Styles. Right from my childhood, I've always admired Jericho for his in-ring persona. I love the way he hypes a match and gives his best at all formats of the competition. However, I'd have to admit that today he was in the backseat. Aj was as athletic as ever! The way he threw those right hands, the way he flew from the ropes was awesome. And the final nail in the coffin was that phenomenal forearm soon to be followed by the Styles Clash. One...two and three...Aj won the match. A smirk developed on my lips as the camera closed up on Aj, the referee rising his hand.

I wish I could express my present feelings. It was like a storm rising within, dormant for a long time. I don't know if I wanted an outlet but, the way it is, I kind of liked it. Before my thought could pass, I saw Aj walking backstage in his ring gear. He had a towel hung on his left shoulder. As he looked, I gave him a warm smile. 

'Hey!' Aj walked towards me, a smile formed on his lips.

 As I looked on, my eyes fell on his bare chest. He looked so strong. He seemed to sweat from his match and he looked damn hot. His abs seemed so smooth and the tattoos on his torso made it them look so lickable. Omg! I can't be that cheap! What am I thinking?

Aj brought me back to senses, waving a hand in front of my face. He had a cocky smile on his face, indicating that he caught me staring at his body. Oh no!

'So..Becky..did you like it?' he asked raising an eyebrow, a smile him more mischievous.

'W-what? No..I actually..' I struggled to find the right words out of embarrassment.

Aj clenched his forehead.

'Didn't you like my match tonight?' he asked. Seriously, he was talking about the match! Phew! But, deep down I knew it all.

'O..yes, of course. You were awesome out there. Congrats!' I extended my hand towards him. 

Aj smiled and took the shake.

'Thank you. When's your's?' he asked me.

'I have the slot for some tag team action after this Miz Tv segment.' I replied. Is he gonna watch my match?

'Oh! So, get ready to kick some lass. I'm gonna watch you.' he said smiling.

Really! I am gonna give my best today.

'Okay, I'll see you Becks! Got to take a shower now.' he patted my shoulder and went frr the locker room area.

'Bye Aj! I said.


'Whoa whoa whoa

 whoa whoa whoa

 Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! 

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! 

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! 

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!...' 

...' My music hit and the crowd cheered. I did my signature entrance and reached the ring, clapping a number of hands extended. Naomi and Tamina were already in the ring waiting.

And her partner.....Jojo announced, followed by a nail biting silence. I heart beat fast and I'm sure that was the same for Naomi, Tamina and the wwe universe. After seven long seconds...

'WoooooooOoooooooooo!' and the crowd went nuts!

Can't be! I talked to her this morning too, why didn't she tell me of her return? I was miffed but my the huge smile on my face said other things. Welcome back bestie!

'....and the finger eight locked in by Charlotte. Is Naomi gonna tap?' shouted Michael Cole.

'O..but, Tamina to the rescue of her partner!' said JBL 'Can she..and, Becky Lynch with a spear to Tamina, taking out Tamina.'

'She taps..Naomi taps..Charlotte wins! Becky wins!'

'Here are your winners Charlotte and Becky Lynch.' announced Jojo.

The referee raised our hands. I held Charlotte's hand and the reel-real colliding with an emotional hug.

'I missed you so so much Becks!' Charlotte whispered.

'Me too. Welcome back lass.' I said.

I am feeling like the happiest person in the planet right now.


Heading backstage, a number of wwe superstars congratulated us. Charlotte got a number of welcome hugs before heading to our locker room. Two lioness in their dungeon.

'So..Becks! How has been without me?' asked Charlotte playfully.

'You know it's never the same without you Char. Still, had a quite nice time.' I said honestly, a smile developed on my lips recalling the memories.

' seem to develop a strange glow these days!' Charlotte said with a suspicious look. 'Got a new secret?' she whispered leaning her face towards me.

I actually wish I could tell her what I was feeling but, then I decided to let things obscure as it is.

'Nothing like that Char!' I lied.

'You sure?' she said raising an eyebrow.

'Yep. Now let's get into the catering.I'm damn hungry.' I tried a turn in the topic. Charlotte laughed. 'Ok! let's feed my baby girl.' She held my hands and we headed to the catering area.

We took a plate of spaghetti each and as usual, there was a chicky eating competition. We chocked, eyes rolled the pressures, threw some on each others' plates and finally finished it along with the table.

'There..I clearly won Becks.' claimed Charlotte.

'In you dreams lass. Look at my plate and look at your's' I pointed towards our still-resting plates on the table.

'Yeah..that's because my plate contained ours' food.' she said, folding her hand a ross her chest.

'Well that's...' and both of us bursted laughing, just to be stopped by

'Hey ladies!' I looked around to find Aj waving at us. A certain adrenaline rushed through my body.

'Hello.' Charlotte greeted him. I just smiled.

'Well..hello! Sorry that I couldn't wish you guys earlier..' he scratched the back of his neck. 'I watched your match though!' he smiled, directing his eyes towards me. I remembered that was a part of our last conversation. I smiled by myself.

'Welcome back Charlotte.' he extended his hands towards her. 'You had a great comeback match.' 

Strange enough, I could actually feel Charlotte blushing to some extent. C'mon that's a casual appreciation. She took his hand and smiled. With her other hand, he slid her hairs behind her ears.

'Thank you Aj!' she said shaking his hand.

'My pleasure.' he said as they withdrew, much to my relief. 

'Btw, what are you..' he started saying looking at me, but changed his direction noticing my discomfort. '...girls doing tomorrow?' he finished the last part at Charlotte.

Charlotte looked as surprised at this as I was. How can he ask that? I kind of don't feel alright.  

'Ah..nothing's planned actually.' Charlotte said with a discomfort.

'Right..what about you..Becky?' Aj asked turning towards me. He seemed to suppress a smile badly.

'Nothing special.' I replied.

'Cool then.' he said with a tone of satisfaction, still turned towards me. 'Would you mind joining me for the game zone tomorrow?' he asked looking at both of us.

I don;t know why but, I didn't feel it as a good idea. Still, I didn't want to see Aj sad.

'What time?' I asked.

Aj pretended to look at his absent watch and then blurted,' 10 am to be exact. You okay with it?' he asked looking at me. 

' 10 am's too soon Aj!' I said remembering my gym routine.

'2 pm..okay?' he asked me again.

'Too late. Got to train for the match at Smackdown.'  I mumbled.

'Fine 12 then?' Aj sighed looking at me with a last-hope expression.

As we debated, Charlotte's neck must have been hurt travelling from my direction to Aj's and Aj's to mine.

'Done.' I said with a smile.  

'Cool..' Aj said with a sign of relief as I enjoyed it.

'So, me and Becks are gonna see you at the hotel's parking lot.' Charlotte suggested Aj.

'O Charlotte! good that you're coming too.' Aj said as if he almost forgot her. Charlotte's smile faded a little but soon emerge as a Aj said, 'I would love to have you around.' 

Well, I knew Aj just said this to cover up his previous comment but, I'm not sure if Charlotte thought the same. She kind of blushed heavily. I felt an weird tension within my self.'

'Now, would you excuse us Aj!' I said attempting to pull Charlotte's hand with me.

Aj looked a little down but managed to say, 'Sure! I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Hmm..' I mumbled and started walking away taking Charlotte behind me.

A strange urge within me, however, wanted to look back at him. So, I did and found Aj looking at my direction.As, I looked, a smirk formed on his lips as a victorious one. I smiled back but couldn't have let the third person see it who also attempted to look back. I looked away quickly.

Charlotte looked behind only to see an already smiling Aj. She smiled back and turned towards me, the smile still on her lips. Strange!  


Back in the hotel, I was happy to room with my bestie. But,won't lie. I did remember my last week's rooming a number of times. i was kind

Shall I tell Charlotte about it. No, she's gonna get jealous that I found someone exciting other than her. I mean, we are best friends and we are damn possessive.

'So Becks! I heard you had a trip to Georgia last weekend.' Charlotte asked shocking me. Nattie must've told her.

' was just..a one day trip...' I tried to minimize the impact.

'O...why Georgia? And,who were you with?' asked Charlotte being the curious bestie.

I don't know why telling that I went with Aj to see his family seemed kind of weird thing to say. Moreover, his cousin Jane said he never took any of his friends there. So, what if she ask why? how? and when? of which I don't have a clear least, not for now.

' things.' I lied badly.' 'With a couple of others from the foundation.' I smiled finishing my lie.

'' she said.

Aj's Georgian right?' she asked causing a tremor in my body. Am I getting caught?

'Yeah...that's what I knew..' I replied trying to seem indifferent.

'Hmm.he's know.' she said playing with her fingers.

Don't know why but I felt a knot forming in my stomach on her comment. Am I getting insecured about Aj? But why? he isn't even my for now.  

'Becky!' Charlotte's voice brought me back to the mainland. 'You must be close to him, right?'

I honestly didn't know what to say. Yes or No.

'Not that close actually. We've talked a couple of times before wwe and now, it's just some casual talks.' I lied at her face for no apparent reason.

I don't understand, is she gonna kill me if I say the truth? But, I was too nervous to face it.


'Ha..ha..ha!...' cry like a baby Aj.' I laughed beating him in the round. 

'Fuck! How'z that even possible?' Aj said, scratching his head.

'Hmm..but, all I know is you are eliminated and I'm going to the next round.' I laughed.

Aj murmured something under his breathe. Charlotte, who was eliminated in the first round of this 8 people tournament sat on one corner, still trying to understand the game. I really pity her now. 

'Come on bro...time to play.' I called the guy in green T-shirt ought to be my opponent.

'Whatever...!...'Aj tried to get up and leave. Poor soul.

'See ya..loser..' I taunted. He heard that loud and gave me an angry look. 

'Can I come with you..Aj?' Charlotte asked, 'I actually feel bored.' I bet she was.

I am feeling low as the two people who I came with are trying to leave my side in this crucial moment of the game, but right's more important.

'Sure. Let's get some fresh air and LEAVE THE FILTH.' Aj said the last part loud enough for me to hear.

Charlotte got up and tried leave with Aj by her side.

'Bye Becks..' she said before leaving.

'Bye..' I said concentrating as I was about to miss my shot.


Damn! that's cheating! I lost the final to a young boy with huge glasses who seemed the half brother of Harry Potter. I clenched my fists as he celebrated with his girlfriend. That reminds me, where are Charlotte and Aj? It's been an hour now. A strange fear surrounded my mind and my body felt restless. Just then..

'Hey Becky! Did you win the league? Whee's your trophy?' Aj pretended to search something around me.

'She lost and I won.' announced Mr. Harry potter chickily. Such a moron!

'O..really?!!' I am really sad to hear that!' Aj faked a sad face and tapped my shoulder pretending a condolence.

'C'mon Aj! It's just a game.' Charlotte said laughing from a distance. 'C'mon lass!' she tried to cheer me up.

'Yes Charlotte but...see ya loser!' he said making an L over his forehead. What a child!

I was about to fume but Charlotte came near me and held my hands.

'Enough Becks..let's leave this place now. Plus, we had to take the lunch without you and I don't feel right. Come let's get you something to eat.' she pulled my steps with her.

What! They had the lunch without me! How can h...they do this? Moreover, they had lunch together, leaving me. I don't know but something about this really disappointed me. My face soon went pale and was pretty evident, I guess.

I looked around to see Aj looking at me. His smirk faded too. Did he read my thoughts?

I didn't or rather couldn't talk much on our way back. Aj didn't too and kept himself busy with his phone. But, Charlotte seemed to glow. All the way she kept on poking and pinching me, trying her best to initiate some talk. She looked quite happy though.

Smackdown Tapings:

'....disarmher locked in..' will Tamina tap? Corey Graves said.

'Yes she does...Becky Lynch beats Tamina' Booker T shouted.

Lilian announced me the winner of the match.

End of tapings.

I know I won but actually, my mind was nowhere near the match and I guess Tamina must've realized that and decided to end it quick.

'What's up Becks! Congrats girl..' Charlotte greeted me.

'Thanks Char!' I hugged her lightly.

' don't seem well since we returned. Any problem? I can solve.' Charlotte said standing with her hands on her hips. 'But, don't tell me you're still upset about losing that stupid Rocket league!' she said making a eerie face.

''s just that..' I started to be cut off by her.

'Even Aj says you were little too much into the game.' the very mention of Aj hit my heart bad. 'You know what, he says you're just like a kid.' she smile, perhaps, relishing the memories. 'Anyway, Becky you missed something lass. Aj and I had lot's of fun.' She said blushing a bit, adding fuel to the fire.

'Char! I'll see you later.' I excused myself, leaving her shocked.

I took a quick shower in my locker room and tried to relax myself a bit. Should I tell her about me and Aj? Fuck! What should I tell her...that I had real fun with him last week, well, she had the same too. Hell! I don't know where's the thing leading and I am getting possessive about this guy for no reason! Hate myself right now.

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