I Am Pagan - Notes From A Sol...

By SummerFoovay

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I am a solitary, ecletic neopagan witch. The information I share with you here is gathered and distilled from... More

I Am Pagan
What A Long Strange Trip It's Been
Solitary Eclectic Neo-Pagan - What?
Just What DO You Believe In?
Pagan Posers
Giving Thanks
The Fey
I'm a Pixie
One Law
Daffodils For Ostara
Yer Going To Burn In Hell For Eternity
Secrets Are Power
The Apocalypse
Pagans and Astrology
Introduction to Spellcraft
How do spells work - Part One
How Do Spells Work - Part Two
Casting a Circle of Protection
Candle Magic
Color Magic
Love Spells
Introduction to Pagan Holidays
Brighid's Day
Summer Solstice
The Feast of Epona
Lammas & The Green Corn Feast
Listening and Learning

Crafting Spells

124 2 0
By SummerFoovay

As you work with magic, you will learn what rituals and tools hold power for you. Different people have different trigger words, different ways to focus their minds, and because of that spells that you create for yourself to fit the specific situation and witch will always work the best.

Just don't forget – be careful what you wish for, for you may get it.

Think about the situation you are creating the spell for. What is the intended result? Picture it in your mind – if you create what you desire, what will it be like? Really visualize it, tell yourself a story about it like you were telling a friend.

Then think about the tools and symbolism that really speaks to you. Does the beauty of a flickering candle in semi-darkness focus your mind and soothe your spirit? Are you more comfortable spell casting in daytime or night? Are you drawing something you want to you, creating protection or blessings, or sending something away? Keep those things in mind as you create your spell.

Perhaps because I am an artist, I love visual beauty. I like to spell cast at night with a flickering candle, the flames casting a mysterious light over shining silver athame and other spell components. Yet, other spells I like to cast during the day – especially money spells, and some spells draw me out of doors to spell cast on the river bank under the moon or basking in sunlight.

If you do spell work out of doors, just remember to be extra cautious with fire, candles and incense. It is really wonderful at times though, to leave an offering at the foot of a favorite tree, or cast an offering into the flowing waters of the river to float away.

Are you good at creating little poems, chants to state what you desire? I'm envious then! Whether you create a very elaborate ceremony with a beautiful chant to repeat, or just speak as if you were speaking to your best friend, the powers always hear us when we call. A sincere heart is the most important ingredient.

Now – for the very basics.

I always begin by casting a circle. Even if I know I am in the blessed and protected space of my own altar, it serves to focus the mind on the task at hand and shuts away distractions from outside the spell focus.

After the circle is cast, an opening chant to "call the powers" sets the scene. This will vary according to your practice, but I call the Goddess this way:

Beloved Goddess;

Lady of many names that are one name,

The Goddess.

Lady of many shapes that are one shape,

The shape of woman,

Lady of many powers that are one power,

The power of Love.

I repeat this chant three times. Three, six, and nine really are magic numbers, so use them in your spell casting.

Give thanks, in advance, for the blessings you have received in the past, and for the blessings you are requesting now.

"Beloved Goddess;

Thank you for all the wonderful blessings you have so generously shared with me and mine"

Here you might pause and think about your blessings, or even name some of them out loud and feel the gratitude you have for them.

"Please hear my plea this day/night."

I then make the offering, saying:

"Beloved Goddess;

Please accept this (blue candle) as an offering. May it bring peace and serenity to (my friend who is going through some hard times)."


"Beloved Goddess,

Please accept this (sandalwood incense) as an offering. May it bring (security and protection to my home)."

And so on, depending on the purpose of the spell you are casting.

An offering may be many different things, incense, candles, a piece of fruit, flowers, or a libation poured on the ground. I have even danced, or sang a song in offering. Choose your offering to suit the spell. Multiple offerings are great – I often both light a candle and incense in offering.

And now make your plea, your prayer, or your request. Again, if you can write lovely, purposeful poetry, that is fantastic. If not, the Goddess still hears you. Always be careful how you word things. Be sure the words mean exactly what you desire. However, don't be too locked into exactitude either. Concentrate on the result and let the Universe figure out how to get you from here to there. Leaving the process open often allows the Universe to show us a path we might never have thought of, or to create marvelous synchronicities where we meet just the right person or end up at just the right place at the right moment.

As you speak you can also lay out whatever you have chosen as a spell focus, a tarot card, a crystal, photos or words written on paper, what you use for a focus will depend on the spell.

After I have spoken the spell, I sit for a moment and concentrate on the spell focus, leaving my mind open. Often I will get a vision then, or words will come to my mind, or just a warm or expansive feeling.

To close the spell, I like to repeat my opening chant three times again, and this time at the end I thank the Goddess for all the blessings she has generously shared with me. I thank all the spirits for listening to my request. I open the circle; finishing by thanking the spirits again and bidding them carry my request to the Universe.

"Thank you, Beloved Goddess. Thanks to all the spirits who have attended my ritual. May you ever be honored in my home."

Creating your own spells can be marvelously effective. I would suggest first using spells from one of the spell books listed here, or any dependable source, until you are comfortable with ritual and the tools you use for spell casting. As you do this, you will notice that certain spells, certain tools and focuses, work best for you. Then strike out on your own!

I keep a "magic journal", some might call it my Grimore, or Book of Shadows,  where I record details of time, moon phase, and the spell I have cast. Some spells work best if you cast them three times to empower them, rev them up so to speak. I especially like to do this with money or abundance spells. Often I'll also add a note in my journal when my request comes to fulfillment. All these notes will help you learn what works for you and serve as a useful record and reference.

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