Why Don't We imagines

By mianeedsbread

488K 6.3K 1.4K

( NOT SAFE FOR RAMADAN) Why Don't We imagines Just a bunch of imagines a girl can only dream of Please know t... More

rainy days- L.P
inscure- L.P
Nightmare- L.P
Period- D.S
Late night talks- L.P
Treat you better- L.P
Anxiety- D.S
Treat you better- L.P pt 2
Sick- D.S
Tell me- D.S
Morning routines
Dating him includes
Bad mood- L.P
Pianos, guitars and more- D.S
Prefrences- L.P D.S
Las vegas (2-10-17)
Twister- D.S
Twister-D.S pt 2
Dance with me?- L.P
Gone girl- D.S L.P
Gone girl- D.S L.P pt 2
Caught- L.P
Beautiful- D.S
End game- D.S
Nightmare- D.S
Text imagine- D.S
Don't- D.S
Don't-D.S pt 2
Hoodies- D.S
Surprise- D.S
Fangirl- L.P
20 years- why dont we
Middle of the night- L.P
Surprise- D.S pt 2
Text imagine- L.P
Jealous- L.P
Jealous- L.P pt 2
Idiot- D.S
Truth or dare?- D.S
Leave me-L.P
Victoria secret- D.S
Never be alone- D.S
Caught in the act-D.S
Hickeys- J.A
Turn on- D.S
Mornings- D.S
Over you-D.S
Hickeys- D.S
Cheater- D.S
Over you - part 2
Tag- Z.H
Empty- J.M
Ask- J.A
Really? - J.M
Party dress - J.M
Makeup- C.B
Empty- J.M pt 2
Come over- D.S
The girl next door- J.M
Mrs Herron- Z.H
The girl next door- J.M pt 2
Dessert- C.B
Empty- J.M pt 3
Take whats yours- J.A
Empty- J.M pt 4
What're these?- D.S
Empty - J.M pt 5
The girl next door- J.M pt 3
Chocolate- Z.H
Home with you- C.B
Why? - J.M
Pick up lines - J.A
Movie days - D.S
Three words - Z.H
Cooking - C.B
Mornings with you - J.M
Skateboard - J.A
Slip up - D.S
Tour bus - Z.H
Petty fights - C.B
Stood up - J.M
Drunk love - J.A
Save me - D.S
Through the phone - Z.H
Vine - C.B
Drive - J.M
Lucky - J.A
The floor is lava - D.S
Wisdom teeth - Z.H
Pranks - C.B
Bad for you - J.M
Bad for you - J.M pt 2
Memories - J.A
Late - D.S
Mine - Z.H
Helpless - C.B
Dressing rooms - J.M
Beautiful - J.A
Update on me
D.S - promise
Promise pt 2 - D.S
Infinity war - Z.H
Too much - C.B
Not ready - J.M
Tickles - J.A
Cake - Z.H
I'm sorry - C.B
Broken - J.A
Cuddles - C.B
The end

Thunder- D.S

5.1K 64 12
By mianeedsbread


I woke up to the sound of rain crashing against the side of the why don't we house sounding like rocks are being thrown at the house.

I get up careful not to wake my sleeping boyfriend Daniel of two years and look at the clock on my bedside table. 3:26 am

I sigh and get of the bed walking out of the room past the boys bedrooms careful not to wake anyone up and walk down the stairs, into the kitchen turning on the lights to see where I'm going.

I grab a glass and fill it with water before looking outside and watching the storm going on outside.

I finish the glass of water and walk to the fridge to grab an apple because I was hungry. After grabbing the apple I sit down at the island in the kitchen reaching into the pocket of Danny's hoodie to grab my phone but it's not there. "Ugh I left it upstairs" I say to myself.

I get up from the Kitchen table, throw my apple in the bin and walk to the back door watching the wind and all the lightning.

Suddenly there is a big bolt of lightning and a huge crash of thunder causing all the lights to turn off in an instant resulting in me screaming.

"DANIEL!" I scream in complete fear and fall to the floor pushing myself up to the couch not caring if I wake up any of the boys. I sit there in complete fear not aware that I'm crying and shaking.


I'm woken up to a very high pitch scream expecting it to be something outside but soon realise that y/n isn't next to me safe in my arms.

"DANIEL!" I hear y/n scream. I start to panic and jump out of bed running out of the room.

"BABY?!" I yell trying to find her. No response.

"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU BABYGIRL?!" I yell again listening for a response over the big storm going on outside. Still no response.

I run down the stairs into the kitchen still trying to find y/n. "Danny?" I hear a whisper behind me and soft sobbing coming from the living room.

"Y/n? Baby where are you?" I ask trying to stay calm. "Over here" she says, I can hear the fear in her voice only making me worry more.

I walk towards where I heard her and finally see her in a ball with her legs to her chest and her head on her knees crying softly to herself.

I get down on the floor next to her and lightly touch her arm to let her know I'm here.

Once I touch her she lets out another little scream moving away from me clearly terrified.

"Baby it's me. Its Daniel. I'm here" I say comforting her.

Once she knows its me she crawls over to me leaning her head on my shoulder crying and shaking.

I pull her onto my lap holding her and running my fingers through her hair knowing it calms her down and whisper comforting things in her ear.

"Danny?" She says pulling away looking onto my eyes even though we're in complete darkness.

"What is it baby?"

"Thank you for... saving me" she says resting her head back on my chest.

"Anytime princess" I say hugging her.

We sit on The floor for a few more minutes until y/n stops shaking and crying.

"Hey baby, do you wanna go back to bed now?" I ask looking at her. She doesn't say anything just nods her head waiting for me to stand up.

I stand up stretching my hand out for her to take. She gladly accepts it and stands up and pulling herself into me again.

We walk up the stairs hand in hand making sure we didn't wake anyone up, thankfully everyone was asleep.

We walk into our room going over to the bed and lying down.

Y/n cuddles further into my chest wrapping her arms around my neck with her head also against my chest listening to my heart beat while my head is resting on hers with my arms around her waist making sure she doesn't go anywhere.

She looks up at me giving me a quick but passionate kiss then rests her head back down.

"Goodnight beautiful" i say before sleep completely takes over my body with me being extremely happy with where I am and knowing that my beautiful girlfriend is safe in my arms not going anywhere til morning.


A nice little cute one for y'all today 😁

Stay safe my little lions- Mia ❤️

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