Dear Pen Pal (Lams)

By connormurphys

316K 12.4K 50.7K

(High school AU) "Alright class. Today we will be doing something called pen pals. You'll be writing to the s... More

1. Dear Pen Pal
3. Letters
4. Schuylers
5. Coffee
6. Homework at the Schuylers'
7. Letters (2)
8. Halloween
9. Mullette 1/2
10. Mullette 2/2
11. Theatre Club
12. Sorry
13. Phone Numbers
14. Christmas
15. New Years (texts)
16. The New Guy
17. Letters (3)
18. Texts
19. Bonding
20. Valentines Day
21. Avoidance
22. March Break Road Trip 1/2
23. March Break Road Trip 2/2
24. All the Way from Princeton?!
25. Feelings
26. Broken Hearts
27. A Day in John's Life
28. Prom 1/2
29. Prom 2/2
30. Plans
31. Thomas and Eliza?
32. Time to Change
33. The Meeting 1/2
34. The Meeting 2/2
35. First Date
36. One Last Exam Day
37. Graduation

2. Letter from Princeton High school

15.1K 542 2.8K
By connormurphys

few weeks later..
(^just so it's clear)

Another day of school. I'm walking down the halls, heading to English with a coffee in my right hand. I'm tired as hell. I've been getting a shit load of homework these past few days. I've been staying up till midnight, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am.. I arrive to the classroom and flop down on my seat. The bell rings and Mr. Washington enters the room with a blue bag in his right hand.

"Exciting news class! We got our letters back today from the Princeton-students." He opened the bag to show off the amount of letters in there.

Almost everyone's eyes lit up with excitement. Me? Meh. Just sat there with no emotion. Mr. Washington started to hand out the envelopes one by one. He tossed me the envelope with my name written on it. I yawned. I don't care about this Pen Pal stuff but I'm curious to what the Princeton's kid responded with. I rip open the envelope and unfolded the letter.

Dear Alexander Hamilton,
Wow, why is it so bad to write to someone? If you ask me, I find it pretty cool. Think about it more will you? Wouldn't it be fun to have a friend that doesn't go to your school? Like an outside-of-school friend. It's different, but in a good way. I pretty much met all my friends at school, so I really looked forward to Pen pals. Sure, I done it when I was 7, but when you're that little you don't really remember it. I can't even remember the name of my Pen Pal. Something like Marco. Anyways, speaking of names, I'm John Laurens. He/him. Now, why would you never write to me again? I highly doubt your teacher would forget since you are more likely reading this right now.
Alright, I will now answer your questions:

Q.1) Hobbies?

A: Hmm. Drawing. I love to draw. Especially animals. More specifically turtles. Turtles are cool. I like turtles, like a lot. If you don't like turtles, then this will probably be MY last time writing to you as well.

Q.2) Opinions on school?

A: I mean, school is just... school. We get up, go to school, learn, and then leave. Not much to it. If you expect me to say something like "I hate school so much!!" Or the opposite well then you're wrong. I have no opinions on school. It's not the absolute worst, but it's not the best.

Q.3) Interests?

A: Well of course I already said drawing and turtles but I also like painting. Is that anything different? Hm, let's just say I like to art. A lot. I like musicals. I'd like to be on broadway one day. Not trying to brag but I think I have a pretty decent voice.

Q.4) Opinions on Pen Pals?

A: Read the beginning of my letter again.

Now, time for my questions:
1: Hobbies?
2: About your friends?
3: How you look?
4: Favourite colour?
5: Opinions on turtles?

Alright. I put WAY too much effort into that. Hopefully it was worth it.
Maybe write to you later,

John Laurens.

Wow. It looks like he spent a lot of time and effort into this. I kinda feel bad. Why couldn't I gotten a guy who doesn't care about this crap the same way I do?

"Alright class, please take the time to start writing your response to your Pen pal. Please try to finish this before class ends."Washington announced. He started to walk to every desk, handing out lined paper.

I shook my head. What?
"Wait another letter? But..why?" I held out my arms in confusion and irritation.

"Because this is a good writing exercise." Washington insisted, mocking me.

I groaned. Might as well and try to get this letter done and over with.

Dear John Laurens,
Well, it looks like you're indeed correct about Mr. Washington NOT forgetting about Pen pals. But your opinion doesn't change my mind though. I still find this dumb. I hope you won't try and convince me in your next letter. People are allowed to have different opinions, right? Anyways Mr. Washington will probably remember about this now, but by the time we get near Christmas holiday, we will then stop writing to each other. So, this writing exercise will only be a matter of time. Alright, I guess I'll answer your questions now since I don't know much to say.

1. Hobbies?

: Hmm. I'm not sure. I'm not boring. At least I don't think so. I guess I like to write. I think I'm pretty good at it. I also like hanging out with my best friends. Also reading. I love to read. It's really fun. I don't think people can enjoy it the same way I do.

2. About your friends?

:Well I'm not popular. That's for sure. I'm not even close to popular. But I don't care about popularity. I don't care about how many friends I have. Anyways, my best friends are named Hercules Mulligan and Lafayette. Know them? You probably don't. Anyway, they have been there for since day one in high school. Freshman year. All three of us were lost and couldn't find our home room. But we worked together. Team work is the dream work. I think that's how it goes. We ended up being 15 minutes late to class. But hey, it's better than not showing up at all. And up to this day we are still friends.

3. How you look?

:Hm, it's kinda hard to describe but I'll try my best to give as much detail as I can.
I have long brown hair that goes down to my shoulders. Brown eyes. Facial hair. Light skin.. I kinda look older than I am. And I'm told that I'm short, but I don't think so. I think I'm pretty tall or at least the average hight.

4. Favourite colour?

: Well it's a debate between blue or green. Hm, maybe... green. Yeah, green. I don't know why I like the colour. It suits me I guess. I think I look good in the colour. I wear this one green hoodie almost everyday. It's really comfy. I like it a lot.

5. Opinions on turtles?

: This is a really random question but I guess they're cool. I like the fact that they're green that's for sure. I also like how they can hide in their shell. Like me, I kinda hide under my green hoodie. Hm, I guess I'm more like turtles than I thought. So yeah, turtles are interesting animals.

I don't really know how this works so do we just keep asking questions? Oh well, I'll just ask some questions anyways.

1. Most embarrassing experience.
2. About your friends.
3. Crushes?
4. Family.
5. What you look like.

I realize that most of those aren't questions. More like topics to write about. Till next time,

Alexander Hamilton

Done. Wow, I think I put much more effort into that than my last letter. And I actually kinda.. enjoyed writing it? Oh well. It doesn't matter. This Pen Pal thing will last. I folded my letter 3 times and slid it into the envelope. I tapped my cheek. Maybe I should put his name at the front of the envelope. Like what he did to me. I scribbled the name of my Pen Pal at the top left corner, tiny and neatly.

John Laurens

I grinned. I hopped out of my seat and walked over to Mr. Washington to hand in my letter. I placed it delicately on his desk. He grabbed it and hid it in the same place as last time.

"Thank you Alexander." Mr. Washington smiled.

I nodded and turned around. I started to calmly walk back to my seat. I wonder what he will think of my letter?

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