Full Circle

Od midnight_obsessions

100K 2.5K 423

Alice's life had come full circle. A doctor had decided to save her life by ending it so many years ago to ki... Více

EPILOGUE i guess.............


4.3K 113 12
Od midnight_obsessions

"You taste even better than you smell. You realize that right?" I asked

"Same goes for you" Bella spoke

I unwillingly untangled my arm from her neck, standing to walk to the window

"I'm sorry, the scent gets a little too much for me sometimes" I muttered looking outside "I'll get used to it though, you have nothing to worry about"

"So there'll be more of that then?" Bella asked

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for it" Turning back towards her, I could see her lips turning up into a grin

"You're too cute" She replied happily

"Actually, you're the cute one" I replied shaking my head

"Feeling better?" Bella asked cautiously

"I'm fine" I replied nodding

To prove my point I quickly moved to sit next to Bella on her bed, leaning my head on her shoulder

"If there was no danger in killing me and I allowed you, would you drink my blood?" Bella asked suddenly

"Where did that come from?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows but I kept my head on her shoulder

"Well you said that you have to get used to the scent and I was just wondering, if there weren't consequences, would you do it?"

"No" I answered straight away "I mean, yeah of course I would be overly tempted too but no because I wouldn't want to take any chances on hurting you"

"I don't think you would hurt me" Bella replied as I felt her arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer "I just don't think you could do it"

"Bella I wanted to bite you when we kissed. I wanted your blood" I explained quietly "I can't imagine what it'll be like when we kiss for longer"

"So you intend on kissing me again huh?" Bella asked, chuckling

"As much as I can get away with" I said smirking as I lifted my head from her shoulder to have my lips inches from hers again.

I wanted her to close the gap if she wanted to kiss me

"Let's see" Bella mumbled before she closed the gap between us

Once again our lips greeted each other and I felt as if I was going into a frenzy. If this didn't start my heart beat then nothing would because I had never felt that way before in my life. Bella made me feel alive; she made me feel like I was on fire.

I loved the warmth she brought to my body, it was magical. Something felt familiar when I realized that I had seen this in a vision years ago when I saw us together. Our kiss lasted for a few minutes, our lips were just getting to know each other and my hands were getting tangled in Bella's long hair. I pulled away with reluctance, burying my head into Bella's neck.

She laughed quietly before I felt her lips next to my ear

"You okay?" She asked whispered hoarsely

"Fine" I muttered

"Need some fresh air?" Bella asked

"I think I need more than that" I said as I placed a gentle kiss on her neck which produced a shiver through her body "Am I too cold?"

"That was a good shiver" Bella whispered

I once again untangled myself from Bella, as difficult as it was I needed space. I stood at the foot of her bed, and she turned to face me.

She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs to curl herself into a little ball as she sat in the middle of her mattress.

"You just have to be careful not to let me think it's okay for me to do that all the time" I cautioned "I don't want to accidently hurt you"

"If you were going to bite me then you would have then" Bella shook her head "Alice I want you to be able to kiss me whenever you feel like it"

"It's not even that, it's if I move too fast or too heavily I could crush you" I said "I couldn't forgive myself if I hurt you so I just have to get used to being with a human for now. Just to take it slowly"

"Okay" Bella replied "You okay over there?"

"I think I'm going to need to hunt" I said honestly "It's been a little while and you smell so good and taste even better"

"Your eyes do look a little dark" She agreed

"Do you mind if I leave?" I folded my arms "Once again, I find myself really wanting to stay but I should go get something to eat"

"Sure" Bella said nodding "Will you come back though? I don't want to be alone tonight"

"Of course Bella" I said nodded with a small smile "I'll be back very soon. Leave your window open"

With that I disappeared out the window and ran towards the woods to find some prey. It took me a couple of hours because my focus was completely off, but I managed to get a mountain lion that Edward would have been jealous of.

I went straight back to Bella's, she had left her window open like I had requested so I zipped through, and sat down again on her bed ,while she sat on her computer

"You should probably keep your window closed most nights or vampires will think they can come and go as they please" I spoke cheerfully

She clearly didn't see me come in because she jumped violently. Her laptop almost fell to the floor and her eyes practically popped from their sockets. She sounded like she could have been having a heart attack by the rate that her pulse was going

"Alice!" She exclaimed in an alarmed voice "Don't...don't do that!"

"Sorry" I chuckled "I forget that human's are so easily scared. Clearly it's been a while since I have held real human company"

"No that's okay" She shook her head "Just, maybe when you come in next time, give me a signal to let me know you're coming in?"

"I will do my best" I winked at her playfully

"You were gone for a few hours" She said looking at her laptop for a moment before looking back towards me "Your eyes are golden again, you got something?"

"It takes time to hunt, especially when I'm not focused on the task at hand. I got a mountain lion though" I said. Shrugging as I dangled my feet over the side of her bed

"How does that taste?" Bella asked pulling a face of disgust for a moment

"Well not as good as you would" I mumbled jokingly but I paused when I realized what I had said "I didn't mean that Bells, I'm sorry"

"Bells huh?" She asked raising an eyebrow "And don't worry, I knew you were kidding"

"Well everyone else seems to call you Bells. If you don't want me too I can stop" I rushed but she held her hand up to speak

"No it's fine. It sounds better coming from you anyway" Bella replied, a soft smile graced her facial features before she paused "Continue what you were saying"

"I was just saying that we don't hunt for taste. If we drunk human blood than yes, maybe we would hunt for taste but we just hunt to make the pain in our throats disappear for a little while longer" I spoke "That's the case for my family anyway"

"Does it always hurt?" Bella asked

"Yes and no. I mean yes because that's all we are programmed for, blood. From the moment we are turned to the moment we die. Our biggest want is supposed to be blood and no for the reason that for me, blood isn't my biggest concern anymore. It hasn't been my main concern for the past decade" I replied seriously while I looked straight at Bella "Have you heard from Charlie tonight?"

"He might be coming home a little earlier because he has to leave earlier for work in the morning, but other than that he's fine" Bella replied as she shut her laptop quietly "Feel like helping me make dinner?"

"You really want a vampire to help you make dinner?" I raised my eyebrows with a smirk

"Not just any vampire" She mirrored my smirk

"What are you thinking of making?" I asked jumping up from her bed suddenly "You were thinking pasta before but now you're thinking some kind of chicken pie?"

"I can't decide yet but I'm sure as soon as I find out, so will you" She replied

"That is very true" I replied with a smile "I would love to help you make dinner"

We made our way downstairs, I of course zipped down quickly while she walked down normal pace

"Nice to see you decided to join me" I grinned, sitting on the kitchen counter "I thought I would be cooking for you all by myself"

"I wouldn't risk that" She replied teasingly as she pointed to the counter "You know, that's meant for food preparation, not for you to sit on"

"I think you can make an exception" I shrugged "Making pasta?"

"I just think it's easier" She said, pulling out ingredients for her dinner

"So what can I help with?" I asked

"I think we'll be safe with you boiling the water" She said handing me a pot

"You might be surprised with how good of a cook I am" I replied walking to the tap to turn on the water

"I just wouldn't think that vampires would make very good cooks" Bella chuckled

"You'd be surprised. Actually, Esme is a pretty good cook" I paused "Well I wouldn't know from experience but it seems to look like the pictures do so I assume she is a good cook"

I moved to the stove and I tapped my chin thoughtfully

"So, how does this turn on?" I asked turning to Bella

"Maybe I should just do everything" She said furrowing her eyebrows

"So you don't want me to help?" I frowned

"No, I do Alice. I think that you should help by supervising" Bella smiled warmly "I think you'd make a damn cute supervisor"

"You're lucky I think you're right" I glared playfully at her before I took my place again on the counter

"It's not going to be sunny this week is it?" Bella asked quietly

"No, not this week" I said "Maybe tomorrow you could sit with us at lunch?"

"I don't know Alice" She said as she stood by the stove, waiting for the water to boil "I don't want to be rude and just invite myself to your table"

"I just invited you" I said shaking my head "And you're not being rude"

"Maybe later in the week" She shrugged "I want to be introduced to your family first before I intrude. I know it sounds stupid but I just don't feel like they would appreciate me crashing your style"

"We don't have a style, we sit there and pretend to eat" I replied, leaning forward while I dangled my legs childishly "And who said you'd be intruding?"

"Will your family hate me if you sit at my table?" Bella asked

"No but your friends may"

"Why?" She asked

"Bella I know what people think of my family" I replied bluntly "I hear their comments and whispers. I heard what Jessica was saying about us on your first day"

"But then you would have heard what Angela said to make up for it" Bella countered

"I would love to sit with you at lunch Bella but I don't know if your friends would appreciate it" I shrugged "We'll see"

"We'll see always means no" She replied

"We'll see means, we'll see to me" I shrugged

Bella soon cooked her pasta and I decided to set the table for her. I set myself a place on the table as well so it wasn't just her sitting for the meal. We sat at the small dinner table, Bella ate her pasta while I just watched or pretended to read the paper

"Good pasta?" I asked looking up from an article that I wasn't even reading properly

"It's okay" She shrugged "You keep staring at me"

"This is going to sound really weird but you're so cute when you chew food" I smiled guiltily

"That does sound weird" She joked

"I want to ask you a question but I'm not sure whether you would be angry or upset with me for asking" I began quietly "I mean I'll know once I ask you the question because you'll decide but I don't know now"

"What did you want to ask?" Bella asked, before continuing to eat

"Well when we were talking before, up in your room, you said you broke up with someone like a year ago?" I asked carefully "Can I ask what happened? I mean you seemed pretty bitter about it all. You didn't go into specifics and I just wanted to know what happened"

Bella wasn't angry, nor was she upset. She was just a little surprised that I was asking the question

"If you really want to know, I'll tell you" She nodded

"I want to know" I nodded back

"Her name was Lauren. We were good friends for a few years, one day we were at her house and she kissed me. I had feelings for her but I didn't intend to act on them because I didn't want to lose her as a friend" Bella replied before exhaling a deep breath "We were together for about 8 months before she began to change. I was falling for her hard when suddenly she was too cool to be seen in public with me, and I was a hinder to her popularity"

"Why would she say that?" I asked narrowing my eyes. Hearing of Bella's pain made my chest feel like it was almost burning

"I don't know" She shrugged thoughtfully "I mean I think...I know she started hanging out with the wrong kind of people. It got to a stage where she wouldn't really acknowledge me and she'd only call me after she'd been at a party, completely wasted, to come and get her"

"Did you?"

"Every damn time" She grumbled "I'm not quite sure why but I always went running back to her. She would still spend time with me when she told people she was doing other things, she got really distant so I knew something was going on. I went to go talk to her at her house, I was going to ask her how I could fix things but instead, I found her with another girl in her room. They weren't doing anything but kissing but that was enough for me"

"Bella, I'm sorry" I replied furrowing my eyebrows

"No, it doesn't even matter" Bella said with a sad smile "I have moved on. I'm over her, I promise I have"

"I know" I whispered

"I guess I just get a little angry about it because she was my best friend and she just threw it away" She shrugged "But not because I still have feelings for her"

"Well her loss in my gain, right?" I asked optimistically

"Exactly" Bella responded with a nod

"So Charlie knows that you're gay?"

"I never actually spoke to him about it. My mom obviously knew but I'm not sure about Charlie. I just think that conversation would be a little awkward. I mean I'm sure he knows but just having a normal conversation with Charlie can be a little awkward" She replied honestly "But with you in the picture, I will have to talk to him about it eventually"

"Well, take your time with it" I responded "No rush sweetie"

"Your family, they obviously know?" Bella turned the question back to me

"Yeah, I mean I'm not a fan of labels. I never thought that the reason for you being my mate was because you were a girl; it was because of who you are. My mate could have been a guy too" I shrugged "But I'd rather have you any day so if I'm considered gay then so be it"

"And I don't suppose you can hide much from your family. A regular family yes, yours not so much" She continued

"You're right" I nodded with a small smile "But I love them anyway"

We spent a few hours talking, she finished eating her dinner and we returned up to her room. When Charlie came home I snuck out the window but when he left, as per Bella's request, I came back inside. She was getting tired and I could see that but I didn't want to leave her.

"You should get to sleep Bells, you must be tired" I reasoned with the human girl who was lying next to me on her bed

"On one condition" Bella said turning her head to look at me

"What is that?" I asked cocking my head slightly at her comment

"Can you stay?" Bella asked hopefully

"Is that such a good idea?" I asked

"Yes" Bella replied quickly

"Okay" I sighed, nodding "I shouldn't pretend to fight it, right?"

"You're powerless against me" Bella replied jokingly

Bella went to brush her teeth and change in the bathroom while I stood by the window, looking outside. The night was peaceful and the sky was clear. I knew that was going to change over night though, Forks was about to experience yet another week of rain.

I heard the bathroom door open behind me, and I felt two warm arms slip around my waist as she rested her chin on my shoulder

"What are you doing?" Bella whispered softly

"Just waiting" I said simply "You ready for bed?"

Bella nodded and placed a gentle, warm kiss on my neck before she released me. She walked back to her bed and she held the covers open for me. I paused and looked at her curiously

"Bells I don't think..." I began to say

"Alice, please?" Bella asked interrupting me

I groaned quietly as my self control wavered and moved towards her bed. As soon as I got under her covers, I leaned against the headboard when I felt Bella's warm body against mine as she snuggled up to me. Her legs tangled with mine and she placed her arm around my waist.

"I could get used to this" Bella said mumbled sleepily

"Maybe I shouldn't get used to this" I confessed with a sigh

"Why not?" Bella asked, I felt her smile against my neck

"You're allowing me too much" I said "Maybe we should go slower, maybe I shouldn't stay the night just yet"

"Alice, I don't want you to leave" She gripped my waist a little tighter for dramatic effect

"Well...I'll be gone in the morning, I'll have to go home and change but I'll come and pick you up for school so we can just go straight to my house after" I suggested and I felt Bella nod against me once more

"Sounds like a good idea" Bella replied with a yawn "Good night Alice"

"Goodnight my Bella" I murmured gently as I placed a kiss on the top of her head

She fell asleep sooner than I had anticipated; her breathing was calm and her face peaceful.

I slowly untangled myself from her as dawn broke and snuck home out the window. It actually made me jealous that she could be so peaceful for such a long amount of time.

I arrived home and I heard Jazz upstairs listening to music in my room so I climbed up the tree and entered through the window

"Where have you been?" Jazz asked pausing before raising her eyebrow "And why do you feel so blissfully happy?"

"Because Bella's my mate" I said with a sigh

"Yes she is" Jazz laughed with an amused grin

"She kissed me" I added with an airy reply, my head was way too far in the clouds to actually be aware of what I was saying

"I'm so happy for you Alice" She smiled warmly

"Thank you Jazz" I grinned "I need to go find something to wear today, I'm picking up Bella for school in just a few hours"

"Wait, tell me what happened" Jazz said as she pointed to the spot next to her "I want details"

I obliged, telling her the entire events of the night and she was genuinely happy for me which made me even happier. Jazz had always been so supportive of me, more importantly she was always supportive of my relationship with Bella.

School time came and I changed quickly before I drove to Bella's. I waited outside for Bella who hurried to the car with her book bag over her shoulder. She had jeans, a long sleeved shirt and a thin hoodie on. She wore the hood over her head and she looked really good, not my kind of outfit but it certainly suited her.

She climbed in the car and flashed me a smile before doing her seatbelt up

"Good morning" I greeted happily as I started the car up again "Notice how my car doesn't sound like it's about to explode?"

"Very funny" Bella replied sarcastically as she just looked at me

"What is it?" I asked "Is my outfit too over the top? I have time to get home and change"

"No you look perfect" Bella replied

"Thank you" I replied

I leaned over to place a quick kiss on her lips before I pulled out of her driveway

"Let's go" I said

I began to drive to school and I could see that Bella was a little worried so I slowed down slightly but I kept up my speed for most of the journey. We arrived at school, in what I will add was in record time and I looked to Bella after I turned the car off

"Well" She began as she kept her seat belt buckled shakily

"Sorry" I apologized sheepishly "I guess I'm not used to having a human in the car but I'll learn"

"Do you always drive that fast?" Bella asked wide eyed

"No. Usually, I drive much faster than that" I replied laughing "You should see Edward"

"No thanks, I don't think I want too" Bella said shaking her head frantically "So what are we going to do about school?"

"Well what do you think?" I asked catching on to what she meant straight away

"I think that we should maybe keep us to ourselves just for a little while. Just while we're starting out and still getting to know each other I mean this is a small town" Bella said "I don't think they're going to be that accepting and I don't want anything getting in the way just yet"

"I think you might be surprised but for now I think that's a good idea" I said

"So I guess we'll just have to be sneaky at school" Bella replied with a smirk

"Good thing the window's are so heavily tinted right?" I asked raising my eyebrows

She unbuckled her belt while nodding and she placed a gentle hand on my cheek. Her eyes covering my entire face, taking my appearance in

"You're so beautiful" Bella whispered

"Well so are you" I replied truthfully

She didn't make a comment to my admission which I thought she might have objected too but clearly she had other things on her mind. She leaned a little further to kiss me with a smile on her lips but it quickly disappeared while capturing my lips in hers. After a few minutes I heard Bella's heart pick up so I pulled away slowly

"We have to go inside anyway Bella" I said as she groaned stubbornly

"Just so you know, that was the best kiss I've ever had" Bella said with a slight chuckle but she still looked a little dazed

"Well thank you Bella but that has nothing to do with me and everything to do with being a vampire" I replied shaking my head but Bella mirrored my actions by shaking her own head

"No, that has everything to do with you and nothing to do with the fact that you're a vampire" She said

People noticed that we had come to school together but the only thing they were talking about was the fact that a Cullen was still socializing with Bella.

My good mood came to a very quick halt though when I noticed Jacob Black standing in the front of the school entrance, with a goofy smile on his face

Jacob made me a little angry before Bella and I were together because of how obvious it was that he liked her but now that she was mine, it made me very angry that he would go after my girl.

It was really strange because I had never felt myself feel so protective in my life. I had always been very protective over my family but I had always managed to keep myself calm. He was eyeing Bella, looking her over which made me want to storm over and rip his limbs off

"Hey beautiful" Jacob greeted smugly

Bella smiled politely, yet awkwardly as she approached him for a friendly hug. Jacob had other intentions though, lingering over her for a little longer than I would have liked.

I was seething inside but I decided that I should try not to kill him...yet anyway...

"Jake, what are you doing here?" Bella asked pulling from the hug

"I had to get a part for my bike so I thought I would swing by and say hello. Nice of me right?" Jacob asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Yeah, you're a real saint" I hissed at Jacob

His eyes left Bella and he glanced to me but only for a moment

"You're still hanging with a Cullen?" Jacob asked looking back to Bella, practically spitting out our name

"Yeah, Alice is really important to me" Bella said emphasizing my actual name "So be polite. You just came here to say hi then? Because we kind of have to get to class"

"And to see if you wanted to go on a ride with me, I borrowed Quill's bike. It goes pretty fast" Jacob said with a smile as he crossed his big arms "You could just skip out for a period right? I haven't seen you since we came to your house"

"You'd love that wouldn't you?" I growled a little too aggressively than what I was hoping to do. I could feel myself ready to fly off the handle so I huffed and stormed off in my rage.

Probably not the best idea for me to leave her with him but if I stayed I would have hurt him. I didn't want to hurt him because clearly he meant something to Bella.

I didn't know what had come over me and I was shocked at myself as I practically threw my books into my locker and shut the door.

"Alice!" I heard Bella from behind me, her heart beat had increased, she was jogging

Turning on my heel I looked to her, waiting with my hands on my hips as she hurried her steps to reach me

"What was that about Al?" Bella asked me with a concerned look on her face

"Did you just call me Al?" I asked as I felt my rage disperse at the sound of my mate's voice

"Well...yeah I mean I can stop if you don't like it" Bella said

"No it's cute" I replied shaking my head

"Well, back to my question" Bella pressed

"I'm sorry for the way I acted. Vampires, when they have their mates...they get very possessive for a lack of a better word" I mumbled "I didn't mean to react like that, something inside me just snapped. I'll speak to someone in my family about it, I promise"

"You didn't do anything wrong" Bella shook her head "You just yelled at Jacob"

"I wanted to rip off his head though"

"But you didn't, and besides, I have no objections to being yours" Bella replied with a small smile "You have nothing to worry about and next time I see Jacob I'll let him down easy"

"Anyway, I have to get to class" I said grumbled "And so do you"

The day went by very quickly, I soon got over the Jacob incident because of Bella's reminders for me not to worry about it. I happily moved on though as I was so excited about Bella finally meeting my family.

I had calmed down from what happened this morning and I even offered to apologize to Jacob but Bella told me that I didn't need too, I had a feeling though I would just take it back when I saw him next time. The last period of the day came; which unfortunately for Bella was gym.

I saw Bella on her way to the locker rooms so I placed my hand over her mouth and pulled her around the corner

"Alice!" Bella exclaimed as I pulled my hand off her mouth "You couldn't have just called me or something? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"What's the fun in calling?" I smirked and looked behind me "So I'm starting the afternoon early, I was hoping that you would want too as well"

"Alice I haven't been here that long, I don't think I should skip so soon" Bella said "As much as I want to spend time with you"

"Oh I've already sorted that out. We've both gone home sick for the day so you have no excuses, get your homework and let's go" I replied with a smile, I wasn't taking no for an answer "We have things to do and don't try and pretend that you're thinking about it because you've already decided, I've seen it"

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