BtoB: Hidden Affair

By Yinx72

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What if BtoB one day receives a new member and a new maknae but they don't know the true identity of the new... More

♪ 1 - Request ♪
♪ 2 - Arrival ♪
♪ 3 - Ice-Breaking ♪
♪ 4 - Night Practice ♪
♪ 6 - Song Completed ♪
♪ 7 - Insane ♪
♪ 8 - Childhood ♪
♪ 9 - Jin Young and Seo Woo ♪
♪ 10 - Recording ♪
♪ 11 - Ryu Ae Jin ♪
♪ 12 - Birthday ♪
♪ 13 - Ae Jin and Jin Young ♪
♪ 14 - Twins' Meet ♪
♪ 15 - Epilogue I ♪
♪ 16 - Epilogue II ♪
♪ Author's Note ♪

♪ 5 - The Song ♪

147 2 2
By Yinx72

You as Nam Ye Jin/Nam Jin Young
Lee Jong Suk as Nam Jin Young
BtoB as themselves
Krystal Jung as Jin Seo Woo
Bae Suzy as Ryu Ae Jin

Nam Ye Jin

Ughh, time check it's 3am and I haven't slept since we came back to the dorm. Our night practice ended at 11pm and we reach back to the dorm around 11:30pm. The members went back to sleep but me I headed for the living room to work on the lyrics. I didn't want to disturb Sung Jae hyung.

After 20 minutes, I decide to make myself coffee to keep myself awake. I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight. I made myself Kopi-O (Sg Coffee) and it really kept me awake.

"Who's there?" Ask a voice from the dark. Who is up at this hour? Other than me. "W-w-who's there?" I ask. "NYoung?" Ask the voice and soon the figure came to view and holy, it was Hyun Sik hyung?! "Hyun Sik hyung?! Why are you up at this hour?" I ask.

"I should be the one asking you that you know?" Said Hyun Sik hyung. "Well, I'm working on the song for our comeback. Now your turn to speak." I said. "Seriously? How long have you been awake?" He ask. "Umm, since we came back from practice?" I said in a questioning voice.

"Yah neo michyeoseo?! (Are you crazy) What are you thinking staying up the entire night? We have practice at 7am you know?!" Hyun Sik hyung. I bet if I am in my girls clothes, he wouldn't dare to scold me like this. "Mian, I'm just thinking... Our comeback is coming soon so..." My voice trailed off for unknown reason.

"Aishh, well you still have about 4 hours so go to sleep. I'll think of the lyrics." Said Hyun Sik hyung.

Im Hyun Sik

*Sniff* *sniff* I wonder what in the world is that smell? I woke up and carefully tip toed past Peniel. I headed towards the smell and wow who's up at this hour? "Who's there?" I ask, hoping it isn't a ghost.

W-w-who's there?" That sounded like... "NYoung?" I called out. I slowly walk towards the lighted location and realise it was only NYoung but what's he doing in he middle of the night? "Hyun Sik hyung?! Why are you up at this hour?" He ask. I mentally facepalm myself and ask, " should be the one asking you that you know?"

"Well, I'm working on the song for our comeback. Now your turn to speak." Said NYoung and I mentally rolled my eyes. "Seriously? How long have you been awake?" I ask him. "Umm, since we came back from practice?" He said in a questioning voice.

"Yah neo michyeoseo?! (Are you crazy) What are you thinking staying up the entire night? We have practice at 7am you know?!" I scolded. "Mian, I'm just thinking... Our comeback is coming soon so..." Mumbled NYoung. Was it just me or does NYoung sound like a girl now? I mean his singing voice is already sounding like a girl!

"Aishh, well you still have about 4 hours so go to sleep. I'll think of the lyrics." I told her. Though it's been 2 years since I last write lyrics. "Aniya, I rather be the one thinking of the ly-" "Look don't be like a girl and go to bed. I'll think of the lyrics arraseo?" I cut him off. "*sigh* arraseo, whatever you say hyung. I'll see you later?" He said. "Yeah, see you later" I said and he went to his room.

Now, what lyrics is suitable for our choreography? Hmm, this is a hard one. As I was thinking, I glance over to see a blue notebook. Curiously, I took it to my hand and hesitating whether to read what's inside. "Should I read it?" I ask myself. After hesitation I decided to read whatever is written inside. Hold on, this seems like a diary!

Dear Diary,
This is entry number 1, the first diary entry for the year. Annyeong, I'm Nam Ye Jin, a 18 year old girl who lives in Tongyeong Love House. It's an orphanage located in Tongyeong. I live here with my best friend Jin Seo Woo and we're leaving the House once we turn 19 and we get to be independent!

I gasp. Why does NYoung have her diary? Is he... No way, that's just crazy! Wait, Nam Ye Jin... Could it be the name of his sister? Well he did say he has a sister who watches a lot of Korean dramas. So Ye Jin is her name huh... I skept the pages and came across one that really interests me.

Dear Diary,
Annyeong, this is the 50th entry for the year and today is also 5 days to my birthday. Earlier on something amusing happened and that is a manager, Seo Dae Young, from Cube Entertainment came to me and ask me to pretend to be a guy called Nam Jin Young who's stage name is NYoung. I was shock at first because why would he ask me to be someone? Then he said because this guy called Jin Young looks a lot like me. I don't remember having a twin brother though Mother Superior told me that on the day I came to the House, a boy my age and same face as me was with me. Could this Jij Young guy possibly be my twin brother? Well I wouldn't know.

I gasp once again. All this time, he has been lying to us! He's actually a 'she' and pretending to be NYoung. We've been fooled by her and Manager hyung! Aishh, no wonder his singing voice sounds like a girl and he knows f(x)'s Hot Summer as well. I can't believe it! Should I tell the others? I flip to the next page and read he, or should I say her, next diary entry.

Dear Diary,
Annyeong it's me again Nam Ye Jin but now writing as Nam Jin Young, aka NYoung and this is the 51st entry. Now I'm part of BtoB. They have 7 members who are Seo Eun Kwang (leader), Lee Min Hyuk (Quiet), Lee Chang Sub (Goofy at times), Im Hyun Sik (Cute), Peniel Shin (Korean-American), Jung Il Hoon (Bubbly) and Yook Sung Jae (Awesome). Sung Jae was their original maknae until I came in as NYoung. They treat me quite well and I'm honoured to be part of them on behalf of the real NYoung. I just hope they won't be too mad when they find out that I've been lying to them.

Did... Did she just wrote down I'm cute? I can't help but to grin to myself. Maybe she's not as bad as I think but... She shouldn't be sleeping in Sung Jae's room now that I know she's a girl! Something bad could happen and I don't want to imagine! I tip toed to Sung Jae's room and opened the door. Phew, at least their sleeping with their backs facing each other.

Wait, hold on a second that's bad because they could end up sleeping facing to each other! I move Sung Jae's body onto the floor so NYoung, I mean Ye Jin can have almost half the bed to herself. Phew, now that that's done, I look at the time. "4am huh?" I mumbled to myself and headed for my room and start wracking my brain for the lyrics.

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