
By kai960

1.4K 49 18

Raven Carnell is a beautiful sociopathic murder with a fetish for killing any one that crosses her path. The... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

67 7 3
By kai960


Show me how to kill" he said and after those words left his trembling lips there was no wasting time. Three days could go by an instant and she would be damned if she didn't take the opportunity show him everything he needed to know.

She left him for a minute to return to the house to fetch the key for his chains from Jax who was lounging on the bed staring at the ceiling. She barged in without knocking then stared at him; something was on his mind but now was not the time for his problems.

"Come here to kill me?" he asked sarcastically sitting up and rubbing the bruise on his cheek that was already fading away. Her cheek was still throbbing but she easily ignored it.

"No I came to get the keys and tell you to get off your ass because Hunter wants to learn how to kill" she smiled in triumph and he blinked taken aback.

"Your lying?"

"Nope so give me the damn key, get Billy and let's get to teaching we're wasting time" she said then waited for him to get over his apparent shock. After a few minutes he did, walking over to the dresser, pulling out the key then tossing it over to her. She caught it and quickly rushed out excited to get back to Hunter who was in for his first lesson in killing.



When Raven disappeared from the shack he instantly began regretting his own words. He wouldn't be able to do it but he was willing to try at least for her sake because in the end if he couldn't do it then at least he wouldn't have to live with the knowledge of having killed someone with his own hands. He swallowed the dry salvia in his mouth as he waited nerve wrenchingly for Raven to return.

When she did, she undid the chains and touched a hand to his face. She wiped away some of the dried blood that clung to his cracked lips then put it to her mouth. His eyes went wide as she sucked on her bloody finger and it was strangely...erotic for him to watch. He watched her plush pink lips wrap around her slender pale finger. She let out a shaky moan that was followed by a quiver which made his eyes go wider. She caught him staring and blushing he cast his eyes to the floor in embarrassment. He had felt something that was completely foreign to him...lust maybe?

The door creaked open as Jax and Billy entered and Jax tossed him a shirt. He caught it then hurried to remove the blood stained shirt for the clean black t-shirt. He was thankful for the shirt but he secretly wished he would have brought him clean pants because his were also stained from being shoved onto the blood covered floor but he remained quiet.

"Welcome to killing 101" Jax said with an amused smirk.

"Your first lesson is the basics, daggers or in this case, knives" Jax said walking past him and grabbing a duffel bag which was full of different types of knives. Some were stained with dried blood, others rusted, while others looked brand new. He cringed inside at the sight but managed to hide it very well. Jax motioned him to come closer, he cast a worried glance at Raven who motioned him with a gentle smile to get closer so he did.

"The difference between a knife and a dagger all depends on weight. The smaller the knife the easier to throw, but it won't cause as much damage. The larger the knife is likely to kill, but throwing would mean using more weight then you could always miss. Daggers are easier because most are usually weightless but in this situation we like to use knives" he picked up one of the knives, inspected it then put it back into the bag.

"Pick the knife you want to learn with then if you become skilled we'll get you a better one"

Hunter gazed over the many weapons which had likely been used to kill many and for a minute he thought he would vomit yet he strongly held it back. His eyes wandered over the knives hesitatingly for a few more minutes until one caught his attention. There was something strangely different about it; it stood with a jagged sharp point with a design carved into the handle. He reached out timidly, picked it up, and twirled it between his fingers. It was much lighter than he thought it would be but he had never held a knife with the intention of killing someone.

"Good choice" Jax said closing up the bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Now that you have a weapon lets go" Jax walked out of the shack along with Billy right behind him. He stood there holding a knife in his hands for the first time in his life; he was feeling a little uneasy. Raven laced her fingers in his giving him a reassuring squeeze that made him relax as they walked out of the shack.


Somewhere in his mind he always thought killing would be easy like they made it seem on television, but he was dead wrong. The morning sun was beating down brightly on his face almost blinding him but the others didn't seem to mind. They were in a deeper part of the forest away from the shack but close to a clearing that provided the most sunlight. There was only a few large trees that provided shade but those were his targets.

"The first thing you need to know is how to throw a knife. In case your victim tries to run and you don't have a gun, you have to make sure to get to them before they make noise" Jax said then demonstrated with a rusted knife from the duffel bag. He didn't hesitate as he tossed the knife forward and it struck the bark of the tree making a sickening thud sound. He cringed clutching the knife tightly in his hand as Raven stepped up to demonstrate. Her knife slammed into the trunk right above Jax's. His eyes went wide as she turned to flash him a smile then motioned him to try.

He was nervous of course; his hands were trembling and sweat was dripping down his face. He pushed his shaggy hair behind his ears and adjusted the cracked glasses on his face. He timidly tossed the knife and it hit the ground quickly missing the target. Billy snickered from behind him then silenced when Raven shot him a killing glare.

"Try again Hunter" she coaxed and he nodded picking up the knife and trying it again. He tried again and again and after the tenth time, he became disappointed in himself.

"Is he even trying?" Billy yelled loudly.

"Shut up!" Jax snarled.

"Hunter listen to me you have to want it. You have to want the knife to hit the target, you have to want to kill your victim and I can tell from that look on your face that you don't want it enough" Raven told him gently walking up to push his hair out of his face. He really was pathetic he couldn't even do something simple as throw a knife; it really showed how weak he was. He sniffled once more trying to hold back tears that managed to flow down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled apologetically as he felt her hand stroke his cheek.

"Don't be you just need to want it" she said then thought about it for a moment then smiled and stepped on the side of him, grabbed the hand that was holding the knife and aimed it at the tree.

"Tell me who you hate in this world more than anyone?" she asked and he stiffened; he hated almost everyone in his life. His older brothers for treating him like crap every chance they got. They belittled him, yelled at him and treated him like he was nothing. He hated the so called friends that abandon him when they began to notice the bruises and didn't even have the courage to get help for him. He hated his mother someone who was suppose to protect her own child but couldn't even do that. Someone who was so weak that she would allow a little boy to grow up his whole life being abused and then there was his father.

The grip on the knife tightened; he hated his father the most. The nights he spent cleaning his wounds, crying while coughing up blood; the victim of constant abuse from a drunk bastard. He hated him!

"My father!" he snarled.

"Do you want him dead?" she asked and he thought about it. He had suffered through so much. He had always been alone. The one person in the world who had caused him the most pain.

"Say it!"

"I want him dead" he growled.

"Now imagine he is the tree, your target. If you want him dead then you kill him" she growled and something inside of him snapped setting off an anger he didn't recognize.

"I want him to die!" he yelled viscously tossing the knife with all his strength as it struck the base of the tree splitting the thick wood in half making a loud crunching sound. Breathing heavily he felt Raven step away wide eyed as she stared at the tree. Even Billy stopped snickering to stare while Jax nodded.

"Damn I guess the boy does have it in him after all".

Hunter calmed down quick enough to see his own damage. The knife was buried deeply in the trunk of the tree right next to the knives Raven and Jax had thrown earlier. He stared at the knife he had thrown dumbfounded that he was able to do something like that; it gave him a weird rush.

"So that's what it takes to get a reaction out of him" Jax said walking past them to retrieve the knives from the tree. Hunter was shaking profusely, a rush of adrenaline passing through him and it terrified him. For a minute he had imagined the tree was his father and he had wanted to kill him desperately.

"Hunter are you okay?" Raven asked distracting him from his thoughts.

"Yeah I just feel a little weird. A little sick actually" he admitted and she touched a hand to his shoulder.

"You did good today. Real good it took me a while longer to master throwing a knife but for you it seems like a natural skill and that could come in handy one day" she said and he nodded touching her hand and squeezing it.

"If you done cooing over him, there is a lot more to learn before the three days are up so I suggest we get too it" Jax said shoving the knife back into his hand then ordering him to do it again.


He continued to throw the knives multiple times but it was taking a toll on him. The sun had set hours ago and even though he didn't want anything to eat, his stomach was cramping and he was exhausted but he didn't want to disappoint Raven. She occasionally asked him if he was alright and he would nod or give her a timid smile.

"Second lesson is offense and defense. How to kill and defend yourself when you need to. You never know when your going to get a weakling or a fighter" Jax said grabbing a sharp knife from the bag and aiming it at him.

"In order to learn this properly, I want you to fight me" Jax said and Hunter's eyes widen in fear and he cast a glance in Raven's direction.

"Jax we didn't discuss this!" she yelled.

"Do you want him to learn or not!" he replied angrily then focused his attention on him.

"Come on Hunter show me what you got".

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