Let me Prove to You (Re-edite...

By xWinter_Angel

38.5K 392 163

Meet Kyle Crawford; he thinks a relationship is all about sex and exploring with different girls. Kyle has ne... More

Let me Prove to You
Chapter One
Chapter Two....First day of school
Chapter Three
Chapter Four...Friends Again for Now
Chapter Five...Can't Break a Promise
Chapter Six...The Romance Play Begins
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten...Dance Night
Chapter Eleven....Day before School
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen...Suddenly Not Feeling Well
Chapter Fourteen....Forever Starts Now
Fan Question!!

Chapter Nine....Opening Night

2K 18 6
By xWinter_Angel


Tonight is opening night for the play and well I'm not sure how Chloe's going to be. I mean in the play we have three fights, we dance, and we kiss twice. I can handle it because I love her and I feel bad for her seeing those pictures, but I'm not to sure about her. I shouldn't have let her march out of my apartment...I should have gone after her. But instead I spent half an hour burning the pictures after she left. 


Ok so tonight's opening night for the play. My father's coming and well I have to kiss Kyle, twice. Plus dance and have three fights with him. I'm feeling so nervous right now and I don't know if i want to do this. But I can't just bail on Mr. Payne on the night of the best romance play he's ever written. I guess I'd better go to school and go over some stuff.

I walked to school, thinking about stuff. My father was already there, talking with some other parents. I walked backstage and there was Kyle going over some of his lines and as I walked the other way, I saw him kissing a doll. I laughed and changed into my first outfit of the play. Then he walked behind me in the mirror and looked at his shirt "You nervous"

"No...because nothing is going to mean anything anymore" I replied.

"Look Chloe I burned the pictures....and I'm sorry" he said.

"Save it.." I said walking away to see Mr. Payne on the stage starting the show. He gave me the sign and I walked on the stage. The starting of the play was amazing with me and my friends at the movies and we first see Kyle. The play was amazing the rest of the way through. When me and Kyle danced and kissed for the first time, the audience cheered and clapped.

For the rest of the play I could see my father clapping whenever Kyle and I were the people talking. One person screamed out "Kiss her already!"

At the end of the play, everyone stood up and cheered. Kyle and I bowed and all the other people bowed as well. Then a hand shot up in the audience and Mr. Payne took the microphone "Yes"

"I have a question for Kyle and Chloe" said the women.

"Go ahead" said Kyle.

"Who do you guys like?" asked the women.

"Um I don't like anyone" I said looking at Kyle.

"What about you Kyle?" asked another person in the audience.

"I like this girl. She's the most amazing girl a guy could ever meet" he said grabbing the microphone "I used to be a player. But when I met her...that all changed. I wanted to stop being that and be something for her. When I'm around her, my world is lite on fire. And I don't feel like it's gravity holding me down, it's her. Also I know that when she's not around me, I feel like something has been ripped out of my heart. Then her smile, oh god her smile is the best thing in the whole world"

"What's this girl's name Kyle?" asked another women in the crowd.

"Um her name is...." he paused and looked at me "Chloe"

The audience all sighed and clapped, I ran off the stage. Just before leaving the room, Kyle started singing the song he had writen for me. The crowd was laughing, but I was froozen by the door. I stood there, smiling. Then I turned to face Kyle singing on the stage and making a fool of himself, then he stopped singing and spoke "Chloe will you give me a second chance to prove to you?" 

I covered my mouth and without saying anything just ran out of the drama room, my father following me. Kyle put the mic down and walked off of the stage, Mr. Payne closing the play curtins and ending the night and thanking everyone for coming. Then the theater lights were turned off and everyone left, even Kyle. 


Well I guess I'm going to the dance alone...I'm ok with that. I can just drink some punch, listen to music and sit around doing nothing. I'm ok with that...I don't have much of a life anymore so


I walked back to the Drama room, opening the door. It was empty and dark, but I walked up on stage. I looked around and slowly began singing, singing the song Kyle had writen for me. I couldn't get it out of my head now and well I guess it was something I enjoy. When I stopped singing I sat down on the stage and thought about some stuff. Then suddenly something clicked inside of me and I ran out of the school and back home, to count my money.

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