Standing In The Rain *Baby Da...

بواسطة Morgan_Petty

41 2 0


Standing In The Rain *Baby Daddy* For ponyboysgirl1

41 2 0
بواسطة Morgan_Petty




Personality;Fun-loving but ready to kick ass if need be


Dis-Likes;People who are late,rudness,dumbasses,excuses



BackGround;Hard Mom brung guys home had 3 married but divorced now marreid to a army guy who drinks and beats on her and her mom, but mom just takes it so she and her mom move in with. Her mom gets better and gets her own place......

Crush:Harry From One Direction


"So what are we doing today?"You asked gazing at Morgen she shrugged "I don't know! I'm so bored!"She groaned you laughed and nodded in agreement "Why don't we go out to the movies or something?"You suggested she grinned "Great Idea! There are usually some cute guys there!"She cried bouncing off the bed you laughed and nodded again the two of you got up and you changed out of your pjs and into something cuter.

"How's this?"You asked turning around to show Morgen who grinned "Your gonna catch some eyes tonight"She teased you blushed and rolled your eyes "Your really into Harry aren't you?"She asked you shrugged "He's cute"You said she nodded in agreement "We better hurry and leave"You said she nodded and you got into her car and left for the movies which you got to not even ten minutes later,You got out and walked inside catching much attention whilst doing so like she said you got tickets to A random movie and headed to the snack bar then into the theatre. "What movie did we even pick?"You asked gazing over at Morgen in the seat next to your own she shrugged you both laughed softly and looked at the screen as the movie began on the screen in big bold letters Abduction was scrawled out you smiled "How long have you wanted to see this movie?"You asked looking at Morgen who was bouncing in her seat,She was obsessed with Taylor Lautner you had to admit hes pretty cute,but Harry topped that. "Shh! The movie is starting"You both heard some boys bickering in the seats behind yours,You glanced backwards,but it was hard to tell who it was because it was dark "I wonder if there cute"Morgen gushed you laughed and shook your head,You wouldn't admit it,but you were curious too. "Would you two get along!"You heard A voice command they were trying to be quiet about it,but the others were forcing them to be loud..There voices sounded familier,The accents especially..You shifted in your seat glancing at the boys who shut up when they noticed and looked at you "I'm sorry for my friends and I being rude"A voice muttered you laughed "No worries,I'm just shocked there are boys watching this movie"You stated they laughed one that you shared Morgen joined in turning in her seat as well "Good thing we chose the back huh"One of the boys said you nodded with a slight giggle. "I'm Dani,This is my friend Morgen"You said introducing her as well,You really wondered why there voices sounded familier "I'm Harry,These are my friends Zayne,Liam,Louis and Niall"The familier voice spoke,You were stunned silent for A moment before it hit you "One Direction?"You asked your mouth dropping slightly you heard them laugh "Yea,But don't tell nobody were trying to keep under cover"Harry said you blushed and nodded biting your lower lip,You were thankful that he couldn't see the blush on your cheeks. "What are you girls doing after the movie?"Zayne asked Morgen giggled "We were gonna head back to Dani's place"Morgen said hinting to A change of plans "Well,Would you two maybe like to hang out at the hotel?"Zayne asked you both looked at eachother then back at the boys and grinned "That sounds like fun!"You both chimed the boys laughed. And through out the movie you were talking with the boys and laughing A lot thankful that most people/girls that were in here were up front. Once the movie ended you stepped out of the dark theater and into the light Harry was so much cuter in person and his eyes were stuck to yours making you blush,but this time he saw it which made him smile,Morgen would have been teasing you,but she was to busy flirting with Niall to care. "Shall we?"Harry asked putting out his arm you blushed again,but nodded "We shall"You said linking your arm with his Niall and Morgen did the same and you all walked outside "What about the car?"Morgen asked "I'll get that"Zayne said you nodded and tossed him the keys he ran off with Louis to find the car you laughed and followed Harry to the car they were in you got into the front with Harry while the other three headed to the back. "So your fans?"Harry asked looking at you as he drove you giggled "Who isn't?"You asked he shrugged and smiled "True"He agreed making you laugh. The drive to the hotel he made you laugh and blush more then anybody in your life ever had,You had the excitement bubbling inside that you refused to let lose,It was amazing to meet One Direction specially Harry since the two of you kept on flirting Morgen was doing the same with Niall in the back seat making it weird for Liam who plugged in some headphones and was blasting his music the whole way there. Once Harry parked everyone got out of the car,Harry opened your door and helped you out by taking your hand in his you blushed as he closed the door behind you "Thanks"You said he grinned re-taking your hand in his "Anytime"He said with A wink you blushed and followed him into the building where the others had been waiting they had gotten there before you. You all piled into the elevator and went to the 4th floor and got out then headed down the hall to the 6th room on the right which Harry opened with A room key never once letting go of your hand you all walked into the room together. The hotel room was beautiful and really big there were 5 beds and A nice tv area plus the bathroom was bigger then any bathroom you had ever seen! "This room is amazing"You said Harry laughed "Yea,But some things in life are more amazing"He said you looked up and over to see him looking at you,You blushed.

"Gosh this view!"Morgen chimed you both went to the window hands pressed to the glass and looked over the beautiful beach right across the street and the pool right below. This room this place it was the best you'd ever seen. You felt A hand on your lower back and gazed over to see Harry he was watching you stare out the window it made you blush. "What do you wanna do?"Liam asked falling back onto his bed you shrugged "Anything I guess"You muttered to busy looking into Harry's eyes to care. "How about we play truth or dare?"Morgen suggested everyone shrugged and took A random seat,You were sitting between Liam and Harry on the couch while the other spread out onto the beds and chairs. "Who first?"You asked "It was Morgens Idea,She should go first"Louis stated you nodded and everyone else agreed. "Truth or Dare....Niall"She called "Dare!"He deamed happily everyone laughed "I dare you to....Sing to us!"She demanded he laughed,but did as he was told after his dare he took his spot back on his bed and looked around for his victim. "Truth Or Dare,Dani?"He asked not pausing you thought for A minute "Dare!"You stated he grinned "I dare you to..spend the night here"He said you looked at him slightly shocked,but shrugged "Alrighty then"You said carelessly he smiled you looked at Harry who was grinning you blushed "Truth or dare Morgen?"You asked "Truth?"She asked you laughed "Is it true you have A HUGE crush on someone in this room?"You asked gazing at Niall She blushed and nodded her head you giggled and the boys ooed. "Truth or dare Harry"Morgen said he perked up and looked at her "Dare"He said she grinned "I dare you to let Dani share your bed for the night"She said your cheeks burned with color Harry's did the same,but he shrugged "Alright,Truth or Dare Liam"He said Liam gazed up from his ipod "Dare"He stated Harry nodded "I dare you to put water down Morgens shirt"Harry said Morgen shot up and glared,but Liam already had A cup of cold water and an evil grin you burst into A fit of laughter as she screamed when he poured the cold fluid into her once dry shirt. She glared "No worries,You can borrow A shirt of mine"Niall said with A small blush making her glare fade and her blush "Keep playing while I help Morgen"Niall said and both went to the closet "Truth or dare Louis?"Liam asked Louis shrugged "Dare"He said Liam grinned "I dare you to wrestle me!"Liam called pouncing onto Louis who fell onto the floor and off the couch his eyes showed shock as he fought back the two took over the floor and you were quick to retreat your legs onto the couch with A small squeek Harry laughed and pulled you A little closer making you blush instead of pulling away you leaned on him and let out A small yawn Morgen and Niall returned soon after the boys began fighting,but they got tired pretty quickly "Why don't we go to bed,Morgen can share Niall's bed and I'll share mine with Dani"Harry said everyone agreed and Harry grabbed your hand bringing you to his closer "You can wear some of my clothes to bed if you want?"He asked you blushed "Sure"You said and he got you something to wear before you both went to his bed and cuddled he wrapped his arms around you cuddling into you.


"Everyone wake up!"You heard A voice yell you groaned and slowly opened your eyes,You felt your body engulfed in warm arms and blushed when you noticed Harry was still holding you. "What is it?"Niall's voice demanded Liam and Louis laughed Zayne sighed "Breakfest time!"Louis cried you sat up pulling Harry with you who was still half Asleep. "Fine!,Just be silent already"Harry begged and they finally went silent "Morgen and I need to change first"You said Harry nodded and once the boys got up to get dressed Morgen pounced onto the bed with A grin "You two are super cute"She crooned you blushed "You and Niall are adorable"You chimed making her blush as well. Once the boys were done you got into the cars taking yours with you,Harry,You,Niall and Morgen were in yours and the other three were in there car. You drove to your house and you all got out and showed the boys inside who waited down stairs while you and Morgen ran to your room and showered up before finding something to wear.

You both looked in the mirror happy with the outfits and hopped down the steps meeting the boys who looked at you two in awe. You both blushed and looked at them waiting for someone to speak "Ready to go?"Liam asked speaking up you both nodded and all left your house getting back into the car you headed to A small cafe and all piled in and you sat next to Harry and ordered something like everyone else had. You all talked and got to know each other better while you had your breakfest and drinks. After that the boys dropped you off at home you strayed with Harry as he walked you to the door "Don't forget me?"He asked you blushed "I couldn't even if I tried"You promised he smiled "Could I have your number?"He asked you giggled and nodded so the two of you traded numbers and he kissed your cheek softly before him and the others had to leave..You headed inside with Morgen and were both A bit sulky since they left,but not long after they left Harry began texting you saying that he missed you. You texted him for hours much like Morgen and Niall. It was about 2Am when you finally changed into your pjs and headed to sleep Morgen doing the same.

2 Weeks Later

It had been two weeks since you last saw Harry you two had been texting none-stop. "I can't wait until they come back"You sighed dreamily falling onto your bed Morgen giggled she had been texting Niall everyday and night she talked about nothing,but him. "Me either!"She crooned bouncing onto your bed landing next to you softly you smiled and closed your eyes taking A deep breath before clicking on the tv One Direction had an interview today and you wanted to watch it.

One Direction Pov

"So,Boys tell me about your most recent tour!"The girl said Harry chuckled remembering Dani and her beautiful face Niall looked distant while he thought back to Morgens amazing soulfull eyes. "Well,Christine we met some pretty chill girls on our last tour and these two bafoons fell for them"Zayne teased Harry and Niall glared at him "Oh? Some new girlfriends?"Christine asked The boys laughed "Nah,Maybe someday"Niall answered Christine laughed "Well,I'd love to meet them sometime"She said with A wink the two boys blushed "I thought you had A girlfriend Harry?"Christine asked looking at him he gazed at her as if he didn't want to talk about it "We aren't on speaking terms"Harry muttered his gaze drifting to the floor She frowned "That doesn't sound good"She said "Yes,Well that is all for today thanks to everyone for watching! Great to have One Direction on the show hope to do this again soon!"Christine chimmed the boys waved to the Camera and made funny faces before the camera was cut off and the boys got some water and walked away "Why do people ask about her?"Harry damned Niall sighed "Forget about it Harry it isn't worth it"Zayne said patting him on the back. "Let's just go"Liam said and the boys walked out and to the limo and headed back to the studio to work on there newest video.

You're Pov

You were still looking at the tv slightly shocked "I wonder what she did to him"Morgen said you nodded you had been thinking the same thing when your phone buzzed you answered it with A smile it was Harry. "Hey HarrBear!"You chimed he laughed "Hey,Dani Did you see it?"He asked you giggled "I saw it"You said he fidgited "When are you gonna be able to come back?"You asked "Soon"He promised you smiled knowing he was busy,but glad he was taking the time for you "I miss you"You admitted he was smiling now "I miss you too Dani"He said you blushed "See you soon,Bye"He chimed "Bye HarrBear"You crooned before hanging up you looked over to see Morgen she was staring at her phone texting Niall to busy texting to notice you getting off the bed. "I'm so bored,Let's play A game"You said she grinned and nodded so you two went to your basement and played games for hours and watched some movies before you ate something then headed to sleep.

When you woke up the next morning you thought back to the amazing dream you had about Harry he had swept you off your feet and you two had the most amazing date ever. That's all you could think about while you got out of bed and headed to the shower where you showered up and got ready for the day before going to your room and getting dressed and watched Morgen stumble into the bathroom to do what you had just done. Before she followed and got dressed just like you had moments before.

You looked in the mirror happy with the outfit you had picked then turned to see Morgen checking herself out too,You laughed she just grinned. "Let's get something to eat"You said she agreed and you two went downstairs and to your car which you got in and turned on One Direction blared through the speakers causing you both to daze momentarily before you drove to the closest resturaunt for breakfest. "I wonder when they're gonna come back"Morgen said you nodded looking around you had an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach like something was off about the day,but you shrugged that feeling off and got back to your breakfest and ate it before you headed back to your place "What do you wanna do today?"She asked you shrugged "What is there to do?"You asked she thought for A moment,"Why don't we go to the beach it's nice out"She suggested you shrugged "Why not"You said so the two of you went to your room and both of you changed and grabbed what you needed before heading back to your car and to the beach where you found A nice parking spot.

You both looked around the beach there wasn't as many people as there usually was. You both found A nice clear spot and placed down your towels. You found it odd that there was a stage near by,but it wasn't anything new specially since it was the weekend people tended to have bands and such to party. "I wonder who is gonna be playing"Morgen muttered you shrugged and put on some sun tanning lotion before laying on your back and closing your eyes "Probably some lame band"You said she laughed and nodded in agreement "Probably" She said you smiled and both laid like that tanning for A half hour before turning over and tanning for another half hour "Wanna get some ice cream?"You asked She bounced up you laughed and got up with her help before you both walked over to the ice cream stand "Two Vanilla's please"You said and handed the guy A ten doller bill he nodded and got your ice cream handing them to you before he handed you back your change "Thanks"You said he nodded and you two left licking your ice cream back to your spots where you sat talking for A while,You had been there for 4 hours already and were tanning pretty well people was beginning to crowd the stage,but you both stayed away from it knowing how much damage would be done with everyone in one spot. "Wanna head out?"You asked looking at the growing crowd Morgen nodded and you both packed up and got ready to leave while you were walking off the beach you heard someone calling your name you looked around confused,but didn't see anything,but the big crowd you shrugged and began walking again before you were tackled to the ground you gasped and put your hands out making sure to block your face as your body hit the ground "Who the hell!?"You snapped "Sorry!"Came A familier voice as someone pushed themself off of you and pulled you up,You brushed yourself off watching the sand fall before you turned around and laughed softly. You saw Harry giving Zayne A noogie "Why'd you try and kill her?!"He demanded you giggled and pulled Harry off of him Harry smiled and turned to you wrapping his arms around you,You happily hugged him back he spun you in A small circle before everyone else tackled you and Morgen into A group hug. "Leaving already?"Liam asked with A frown you looked at Morgen who pouted you chuckled "I guess not"You said and you all piled back over and set down your towels the guys got swarmed with fans and took some pictures before everyone else was told to bug off in A nice way and you all ran into the water at the same time and started to splash eachother. You were watching Liam and Zayne chicken fight with Niall and Morgen and Louis trying to help Morgen and Niall win. You laughed until you felt someone grab your foot and pull you under you gasped and held your breath and slowly opened your eyes under the water to see Harry grinning you glared and pushed him under the water he smiled bigger and wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to him you rolled your eyes making him grin more. He winked and pushed his lips to yours catching you off guard,but you managed to kiss back and wrap your arms around him tangling them into his curly brown locks. When you two finally went up for air the others Cooed at how you two were locked in each others embrace you both blushed and sat back on land while the others fooled around "I have something to ask Dani"Harry admitted you looked at him as he played with your fingers "Yes?"You said he fidgeted "Will you be my girlfriend?"He asked you grinned and pounced on him kissing him A kiss that he returned "Is that A yes?"He asked you giggled and nodded and you both kissed again.

6 Months later

Things had been hard on your relationship with everyone trying to butt into it,but you refused to let them ruin it. Morgen and Niall were going through similer issues people trying to spread rumors and making things hard to work out. "Things are getting harder"You muttered to Morgen both of you were sitting on your bed "Yea,but it is worth it"She said you nodded agreeing with her. "I have A date planned tonight and I hope that it makes everything better"You said Morgen giggled knowing what you were talking about,You planned on showing him just how much you loved him. "Anyway I should get ready for tonight"You said she nodded and she left she was going on A date with Niall tonight anyway. You two had helped eachother weeks ago find the perfect outfit for the perfect date. You were gonna be cooking A home meal for him and dressing up very nice. You hoped it worked,but were kinda nervous at the same time. So you cleaned up and did the cooking first then you showered and got dressed and did your make up and everything else you had to do to get ready. Oufit Dinner

Once everything was set up you were waiting by the door hoping it would ring soon.....It didn't though. It was another hour before the door bell rang you sprung up and opened the door to see Harry he looked solem you let him in "Why are you an hour late?"You asked he sighed softly "Sorry about being late Dani,There was A car wreck on the way here"He said your mouth dropped "Is anyone hurt?"You asked he shook his head "No,Thankfully"He said you smiled softly and laced your fingers with his "No worries,Let's eat"you said he smiled and handed you some flowers "You look beautiful"He crooned as you both went to the kitchen you blushed and placed the flowers in some water before you both sat down and ate,You had some small talk while doing so,but after that you cleaned up and brought out the desert A giant cupcake "This looks amazing,And dinner was amazing"He chimed you blushed again and thanked him before you both ate desert after that you were drying dishes while he washed them and you were playing around when he sprayed you with water you squeeled and threw the sponge at him and that turned into A water war in the end you were both soaked and brushing down your hair with A towel when Harry walked over to you and kissed you,You happily kissed back letting your eyes fall close and your body enter in the moment. Things got heated pretty quickly and this is what you had wanted in the first place,Any doubts you had left your mind the second his lips hit yours. Things seem to happen pretty quickly before you knew it you were both on the couch making out heavily his tongue in your mouth tangled with yours he was biting your lip softly and his hands were hanging all over your body tugging your clothes off slowly which is something you did in return letting the clothes hit the floor. His body was hot and sweaty just like your own as his lips collided with yours traveling every inch of skin they could get to leaving little bite marks that burned behind. Your legs were around his waist and he was holding you close and whispering sweet nothings in your ear making you bite your lip as he penetrated you making you his,You felt pain over come your body,but refused to scream and allowed him to pull you in and take claim over everything you had. Your bodys gleamed with sweat and your eyes twinkled with emotion as you kissed,Your bodies filled with pleasure and you both cried in ecstacy letting out each others names. After that you both cuddled on the couch with no clothes and covered with A blanket he was holding you tightly and you burried your face into his neck "I love you Dani"He crooned "I love you too Harry"You crooned he smiled and you two kissed one last time before you both fell asleep like that.

When you woke up the next morning Harry wasn't next to you,When you heard someone in the kitchen you assumed it was him so you got up and wrapped the blanket around your body and entered the kitchen to see Harry cooking it smelt amazing you smiled and stood next to him he turned to you and smiled kissing you lightly you kissed back, "I'm gonna shower..Wanna join me?"You teased he smirked and finished cooking then you both took A 'Shower' before getting out and getting dressed and went down to eat breakfest. Turned out Harry was an amazing cook "Breakfest is amazing"You crooned he smiled "I'm glad you like it"He said you blushed and both went to the couch and cuddled and watched A movie.

It had been over A month since your first time with Harry you spent A lot of time like that,but he had been on tour and would be for the next four months so when you found out the big news you didn't know how to tell him. "This is no joke"You said to Morgen who's mouth hung low when you told her. She sighed and hugged you,You leaned on her. "How do I tell him? He's gone for four months"You said she frowned "Your gonna have to,Maybe surprise him at A concert?"She asked you nodded "Sounds better then doing it over email or text.."You agreed she nodded so you ordered tickets offline and packed your things before heading onto the road and following the tour to there next concert which was being held 2 hours away. You were in the hotel getting ready for the concert taking deep breaths "How are you gonna do it?"Morgen asked you shrugged "Silently of course"You said before getting dressed.

After getting dressed you both headed down and to the car once you got into the car your hand went to your stomach rubbing it softly soothing the growing child. "I promise I will always be here"Morgen crooned you smiled and hugged her before going on your way to the concert hall when you got there lots of people recognized you and started talking to you or about you some good and some bad as usual. You shrugged off there whispers and stares and headed inside and to your spot. "Hey! Your Dani right?"Some girl asked approaching you and Morgen you turned and nodded "That's me"You said softly kind of unsure she grinned "It's great to meet the girl that's made Harry so happy"She said hugging you,You hesitated,but hugged back before pulling away you looked at her confused and she laughed. "I'm Gemma his sister!"She chimed you blushed A deep red embaressed that you didn't recognize her. "Well,It's great to meet you Gemma"You said shaking her hand she smiled "It is very amazing to meet you as well"She said "Would you like to come back stage with me,Your friend can come too"She suggested you smiled and nodded so you both followed her back stage she brought you to A door and paused momentarily before knocking when the door opened Harry smiled and hugged you tightly you happily hugged back trying not to cry when he finally pulled away you saw Niall run up to Morgen. "I'm so happy to see you,And I see you've met my sister"Harry said you nodded with A smile still trying not to cry "We have to go on stage soon,but you can watch from in here"He said gently tugging you into the room you giggled and hugged all the boys Morgen did the same you took A seat and everyone talked Harry had his arm around you and you were leaning on him while they talked. "I'll see you after the show"He teased kissing you before they all went on stage Gemma stayed back with you two and sat next to you "Alright what's wrong?"She asked glancing at you both you shyed away and let your gaze fall "Well.."You trailed off "Are you gonna break up with him?"She asked suddenly your mouth dropped "No! Never!"You cried she jumped from the sudden burst,but settled back down and took your hand in hers "Then what's wrong?"She asked you sighed "You can't tell Harry or any of the boys..But I'm..Pregnant"You muttered Gemma's mouth dropped "Is the baby Harry's?"She asked you nodded silently and she made an 'O' Face. She hugged you close "No worries then dear,I'll help you out,I will help Morgen distract the other boys so you can talk to Harry alone,Alright?"She asked you nodded and smile softly at her "Thanks Gemma"You said she grinned "Anything for my gonna be sister in law"She teased you blushed and Morgen laughed too. You all watched the show from the back and when it ended you met the boys at the door and hugged them all happily then Gemma suggested going out to get something to eat and everyone agreed and piled into the bus which stopped at A semi-nice resturaunt "Why don't we go over to this table and give Harry and Dani some private time"Gemma said dragging the boys and Morgen off you blushed and Harry laughed softly "She's sometimes crazy,but I love her"He said you smiled and both sat down and ordered something "So,How have things been? I've missed you"Harry said taking your hand in his and kissing it you smiled "They've been alright and I've missed you too Harry"You said that made his smile grow. "But there is something I need to tell you"You admitted his smile dropped and he frowned with worry in his eyes "Is something wrong?"He asked you sighed softly "I don't think so,But to you it might be"You said he nodded urging you to go on "Well,I found out something not that long ago..It's the reason I'm here tonight..Harry,I'm pregnant"You finally said his mouth dropped,He looked like he was trying to think this through his mouth opened then close A few times before he finally said something "Were gonna have A baby?"He asked you nodded worridly biting your bottom lip. He smiled "We'll get through this,And raise the best baby ever"He promised you blushed and smiled big You got up from your seat and hugged him tightly you both kissed then ate dinner happily before going back to the hotel which you were staying at the same one as them. You told the others together and they were happy for you both.

The months into the pregnancy were hard,but it was worth it. Harry was still going on tour and doing concerts you were on bed rest for the last 3 months the pregnancy was hard on your body,but Harry made sure that you had everything you needed. He massaged your back and shoulders when you were in pain. You were watching A movie with Morgen and Gemma who'd you become good friends with during all of this when your water broke they rushed you to the hospital and Gemma called the boys. It took 8 hours,but you had finally given birth to your little girl whom you named Jewel. Harry and the boys got there four hours later and the second Harry saw her he began crying and dropped to his knees and pulled out A small box which when he opened you saw A diamond ring "Marry Me?"He begged you smiled through tears "Yes"You cried and kissed deeply as he slid the ring onto your finger.

You were released from the hospital 3 days later and were put onto bed rest,Harry took A short break with the boys to take care of you and make sure you had everything you needed. A few months later you were back on your feel and planning your wedding with Harry. It took you 7 months to plan the wedding and in those months Niall asked Morgen to marry him and she of course said yes. On your wedding day you got dressed and looked in the mirror you looked amazing,Like A princess. You had found out 2 weeks ago that Morgen is pregnant. While walking down the isle you kept your eyes on Harry trying not to cry happy tears when you got there his hands took yours and held them tightly you both listened to the preacher and repeated what he said before he said to kiss the bride when that happened Harry kissed you deeply pressing his tongue into your mouth. After that there was A party then you left for your honeymoon which was in Hawaii you were there for 2 weeks when you came back you were A family and bought A house of your own Harry still works with the band and goes on tour,but makes time for you and his baby girl. You graduated college and did something you've always wanted to do.

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