Raining (Camren AU)

By msdrunkinlove

1.9K 116 89

I know some people who are fucked up. People who are so messed up in the head that when there is any sort of... More

Caskets & Counseling
The Interlude: Numb
Kicking the Bucket

The Aftermath: Hope

370 27 28
By msdrunkinlove

Zayn wasn't there when she woke up. It's unsurprising, and Camila didn't feel anymore or any less empty at his absence. She sat up in the hotel bed, stretching and yawning until she freezes, noticing a lone syringe sitting on the bedside table. She remembers begging Zayn for a hit last night, desperate to try anything that would make her emotions disappear. She's tried weed, cocaine, basically anything she can get her hands on, none of it makes the pain go away. She grabs the note sitting on the table next to the needle, reading it carefully.

Don't say I didn't warn you.
Be safe, love.
- Z

She thought it was nice of him to leave his number, but she didn't think she would need it, and she gathers her clothes scattered across the room, dressing and leaving the hotel. Luckily she had a little battery juice left on her phone to call an uber instead of calling Dinah, who shes been avoiding since she got out of the mental facility.

She makes it back to her apartment, surprised that she hasn't gotten kicked out because she has paid any rent on it in months. Camila sighs as she steps inside her small home, feeling the emptiness of grief rising in her chest. Usually, she would go smoke or take pills to get rid of the feeling, but her head was pounding, the straining hangover leaving the legacy of the shots she took the night before. She decided to sleep it off, taking a long nap before awaking three hours later, the midday light tickling her face in attempt to wake her.

Wake up, shower, kitchen table. She held the syringe in her hand, inspecting it with wonder, like it held the key to her freedom; not knowing how much it would actually shackle her for months later. Camila pricked the end of her finger with the needle, frowning at her blood as a tiny crimson drop leaked on the table. Camila was never one for harming herself, even though she thought about it many times, she could never bring the knife to her wrist. But now she couldn't deny how good that felt, the sting of the needle and the flush of fear, it was the rush before the high. The brunette took a deep breath before lining the tip of the needle with a throbbing vein in her arm, hesitating before pushing the plunge, gasping at the feeling of the drug entering her body. It was a blissful feeling like no other, a crippling wave of euphoria crashing through her, leaving her slumped in her seat. Minutes felt like seconds, she couldn't concentrate or speak, her heart racing in her chest.

Camila sat in that chair for hours, thinking about nothing and everything with no emotion, a dopey smile settled on her lips. That daze quickly turned into disappointment, when she was starting to sober up and nothing changed. Camila thought the drug was supposed to be a hallucinogen, but it was no more special then a good batch of heroine, Zayn must have over sold it to get her interested. Shrugging, the petite woman got up from the chair and moved to the fridge, making a small chicken dinner for herself while humming, the drug still leaving her in a relatively good mood.

Camila was almost done cooking when she heard her apartment door open, figuring it was Dinah coming to chew her out for ignoring her calls. The Latina froze in her place when her dead girlfriend walked through the door, a bright smile on her face when her green eyes landed on Camila.

"Hey babe, what are you cooking? You just told me to pick up the take out." Lauren walked into the kitchen, bags of fast food in her hands, and she sets them on the counter before turning to her discombobulated girlfriend.

"What's wrong baby? Did you not want Chinese anymore?" Lauren frowned in concern, cupping the smaller woman's cheek who continues to stare at her with wide eyes. Camila's jaw dropped as she felt Lauren's skin on hers, the soft comfort of her naturally cold skin, it was just like it had been when she was alive. She could smell her familiar scent; weed and vanilla air freshener. Everything was the same, it was like she was real, like she was here.

"Camz? You're making me worried, babe." Camila broke at the nickname, falling into Lauren's embrace, holding her tightly and digging her unkempt fingernails into the collar of her leather jacket.

"I-I just...I missed you..." The brunette sobs into her chest, her tears soaking Lauren's band t-shirt.

"I was only gone for like ten minutes babe. Are you sure you're okay?" Lauren mumbled into her hair, kissing her temple before looking down at the girl with tears streaking her cheeks, like raindrops rolling down a windowsill. She still looked so, so beautiful.

"I'm fine now, just promise you'll never leave me again...okay?" A hope-filled promise.

"Of course, I'll be here if you need me Camz. I'm always here for you."

The End

Author's Note: If you enjoyed this story, you should go check out my second Camren fanfiction "NU8MERS" for more heartbreaking and entertaining content.

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