BK1 ~ Ours (RoadTripTV fanfic)

By wolfess21

22K 541 247

Skye and Liv have been best friends with Rye and Andy since the beginning, they've seen the band from the beg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (prt 1)
Chapter 21 (prt 2)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (prt 1)
Chapter 23 (prt 2)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Skye and Liv meeting Mikey and Brook
Thursdays are what days?
Andy's Birthday!!!

Sick Boys

695 10 1
By wolfess21


So we were all ill. Sore throats, and colds and Brook was throwing up too. Blair had it too, we were all in bed dying when we heard Liv and Skye come in. They kinda live here really, Liv said "But think about it, we could live there."

"What in New York?" Skye replied, "are you insane, I was bad enough moving here."

Liv sighed "Don't reject it, be open minded, for me?"

"Fine...only cause you asked though and not until next year at least." Skye laughed as they came in, Liv's reply died on her lips as she looked at us all "Well...you all look sorry for yourselves."

I coughed "We're ill Liv."

"Brook love?" Skye said concerned as Brook came through and wrapped his arms around her, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead she said "You've got a fever sweetie,"

Liv giggled "Skye you're like a mother,"

"Shut up Livia," Skye laughed, Brook mumbled "I've been sick several times this morning Skye,"

She looked at him "Go to bed, whatever you have is worse than the boys."

"Take the sofa," Liv frowned moving so Brook could lie down.

Skye yelled "Blair? Are you ill too?"

"Not as bad as Brook," he croaked.

Skye sighed heavily "Jesus Christ boys, ok I'll see what I can rustle up."

"Mother in the making." Liv teased, "when are you having kids again?"

Skye looked at her "Bite me Foster,"

Liv laughed as she came over to me "How ya doing?"

"Throat hurts." I croak, smiling at me she climbed up and got in next to me, "c'mere Rye,"

She let me cuddle into her, which was really nice and sweet, Mikey got up "Skye..."

My eyes widened as he swayed, Andy looked at him he yelled "SKYE!"

She appeared looked at Mikey and just as he started to fall, darted forwards and caught him, groaning as he made her slam into the bed frame she said "Why'd you get up?"

"Drink." he croaked.

She looked at him "Get back into bed Mikey, I'm doing you all drinks."

"I need to help," he mumbled, she shook her head and gently coaxed him back into bed "Sleep."

She came through with mugs, she passed Andy his, Liv had mine, Mikey took his and she sat with Brook holding his. He was the baby of the band, he mumbled "Skye...I need."

He went to move, she passed him a bucket "Go on,"

He threw up, and from where I was it was hurting him, he groaned leaning against the sofa "Done..."

"Brook sip this, slowly ok." Skye said gently, he looked at her "Thank you,"

She smiled sympathetically "I've been there, Andy got sick ages ago and kept wanting cuddles, I was the one who got it, only worse. Throwing up everything, it hurts I know."

"You were the only one who gave me cuddles," Andy said, "speaking of which do I get cuddles this time?"

"When Brook's not as bad yes," she replied taking the bucket of sick, Liv ran her fingers through my hair "Have some, it'll help."

Sipping it, it felt so nice against my throat. Skye came back through placing the bucket down Brook said quietly "Would you hold me? Even though you could ill too?"

"I'll risk it," she chuckled going over to him, she slid in next to him and opening her arms he slid into them and she wrapped them around his waist. Wresting her head on his shoulder.

I whispered "Andy so wishes that was him."

"Yep," Liv giggled quietly glancing to see Andy pouting at Brook and Skye.

Brook said quietly "Hey Skye,"

"Yes?" she replied looking at him from her phone, he said "are you and Liv planning on moving to New York?"

Skye stilled, Liv chuckled "I want to, she doesn't. She has issues about leaving places,"

"I don't like moving," she whispered, "to a new place, where I only know Liv, it took Thursdays for her to get me to socialise. I just...people scare me. New people terrify me,"

Liv sighed "You're an introvert."

"I know," Skye whispered "but sometimes it gets lonely but I also don't want people spending time with me out of pity."

Brook said "They won't, you're an amazing person and best mate."

"You're only saying that cause your ill." she smiled, "but thank you, now try and sleep."

Brook shifted to look at her "Promise not to leave?"

"Leave where?" Skye frowned.

He looked at her "Leave me, your like my big sister, I need you."

"Hey Brook." Skye smiled taking his hand, "you got me as a sister forever,"

He smiled "Ok."

And he was out like a light curled up with her, Mikey said "You ok Skye?"

"Yeah," she sighed, "I'll be fine."

Liv said softly "Let her be guys, somethings are best left unspoken."

Skye closed her eyes tightly, resting her head on Brook's shoulder I watched as her shoulders shook. She was crying, but we had to ignore it, Andy croaked "Don't cry, it makes me sad."

"Andy..." Liv said softly shaking her head Skye moved and held onto Brook, who shifted again and said "Skye...was it something I said?"

"Go to sleep," she whispered, "I'll stop eventually."

Brook frowned looking up at her "I may feel and look like shit, but I'll still listen if you want to talk."

"No," she said softly, "I can't and won't I'm sorry, Liv only guesses and all she knows its to do with my past, my childhood. Sorry Brook,"

He looked at her sadly then said "Whatever or whoever is the cause of your pain, isn't worth it. You're never sad."

"No," she smiled faintly stroking his hair, "I just learned how to fake a smile."

Liv leaned her head on mine and said "I hate watching her like this, feeling powerless."

"Same." I replied.


Just gonna throw this out there, Skye and Andy are sooooo hard to write as best friends now that I've written the as more, like how?!?! Haha however I hope you enjoyed this xox

~ Chloe

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