VIXX Imagines -Discontinued-

By ChloeCookie165

190K 6.1K 1.2K

Cute,fluffy, and sometimes angsty oneshots, short imagines,text conversations and fanfictions between you and... More

Captured // N
New student // Ravi
Music School // Leo
Teacher // Hongbin
Art // Ken
Amusement Park // Hyuk
Boyfriend // N
Manager // VIXX
Make-up // Leo
Teacher // Ken
Music // Hongbin
Bad boy // Ravi
Basketball // Hongbin
Father // N
Eternity // Hyuk
Slaves // Leo
Slaves // Leo // pt. 2
Slaves // Leo // Pt. 3
Slaves // Leo // pt. 4
Slaves // Leo // End
Preview:Voodoo Doll
Voodoo Doll // N
Voodoo Doll part 2
Crush // Hyuk
Flirt // Hongbin
Bad boy // Leo
Brother // Hyuk
The cover-up
N(the cover-up)
Leo(The cover-up)
Ken(The cover-up)
Ravi(The cover-up)
Hongbin (The cover-up)
Hyuk(The cover-up)
The trainee // N
Make-up // Ken
VIXX as pets
Vixx as your brother
VIXX as your best friend
VIXX as classmates
VIXX as fathers
VIXX as a stalker
Cafe // Leo
VIXX in kindergarten
VIXX as your son
VIXX as boyfriend
VIXX as younger brothers
VIXX: Drunk
Vampire // VIXX
VIXX as boyfriends
Vampire // VIXX // pt. 2
Vampire // VIXX // pt. 3
VIXX as classmates
VIXX as fathers
VIXX as younger brothers
Servant // Hongbin
Twins // Hongbin × Ravi
Vampire // VIXX // End
VIXX as brothers(Hyung line)
Car ride // Leo
Sleeping // Ken
Drunk // VIXX
Lost // VIXX
Lost // VIXX // Pt. 2
Memory // Leo
Drabble: Hakyeon
Drabble: Taekwoon
Drabble: Jaehwan
Drabble: Wonshik
Drabble: Hongbin
Drabble: Sanghyuk
Short Imagines
Buddies // Hongbin
Senior // Leo
President // N
Silence // Neo
Lies // Hyukbin
Cheater // Raken
Couples // VIXX
Blood // Hongbin
Blind // Hakyeon
Winter // VIXX (A/N)
VIXX as brothers
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Carbon Copies // Hongbin
Arranged Marriage // Jungkook
The End
Volleyball // Hongbin
Dare // Wonshik
Heart break // Jaehwan
Revenge // Hongbin
Poison // Taekwoon
Shadow Puppets // Hakyeon × Hongbin
Valentines // Ravi
Wizard // Sanghyuk
VIXX as vampires
Guardian Demon // Sanghyuk
Heist // VIXX
Fake Date // Hakyeon // GA

VIXX as Dragons

1.2K 52 19
By ChloeCookie165


A middle sized dragon with sleek black scales and golden tips. This dragon is slim and long. Round beautiful eyes that seem to hold all the stars in the skies.

Despite being bigger than average, Hakyeon enjoys cuddling up to you. He would frequently push his head into the crook of your neck, as though begging you to pet him.

Hakyeon is a magical type who is able to read the different constellations and stars, predicting the near future. He enjoys sleeping under the stars where he feels comfortable and safe.

Hakyeon is a dragon that would accompany you, wherever you went. Trying to protect from any potential danger. Although he is not very strong, his prediction of the future has allowed you to escape from many dangers.


Placing your cup in the sink, you look down to see Hakyeon tugging on your pants.

"What's up, buddy?"

You ask as you crouch down. Hakyeon's eyes grow wide as he points outside, using his cute nose.

"You want to go outside?"

He nods quickly and you grin.

"Come on."

You stand up and walk towards the door. You swing it open to let him go outside. However, instead of running out like he usually does, he just sits there, looking at you. You raise an eyebrow, wondering what he's doing. He walks up to you and starts to tug on your pants again but this time, harder. It finally clicks and you let out a small laugh.

" want me to go outside with you ."

Hakyeon growls, still tugging you along. You smile as you let him pull you outside. He lets go and runs over to a spot on the grass patch and sits down. You head over to him and lie down next to him. Gazing at the stars, you let out a small sigh. It was beautiful.

You felt your eyes widen as you saw a wave of shooting stars cross the night sky. You held your breath as you watched every single one of them pass by. Hakyeon lets out a small yelp as he stands above you. He suddenly plops himself down, his chin resting on your stomach.

You stifle a laugh as you look down at him. His round eyes stare at you adoringly and you can't help but smile. You gently pet his head and he purrs in delight.



A large, fluffy dragon with cloud-like feathers enveloping his large body. His eyes are small but can convey many emotions. His eyes are a dark blue, perfectly depicting the skies that he enjoys soaring through.

He enjoys soaring above the clouds, feeling the wind on his face. You frequently use this for travel but you have to make sure to bundle up as though it's winter because he enjoys flying so high that the temperature can drop to as low as -20°C.

Taekwoon is one of the few dragons responsible for thunderstorms. Whenever he gets mad or frustrated, he would fly among the clouds and cause the electricity to sky rocket.

He is solitary dragon that enjoys his own personal time. Although, he is always more than happy to spend time with you.


You toss and turn as the sounds of loud thunder echoed outside. Letting out a small moan, you peel the covers off. You grabbed a umbrella and walked outside. Tilting your head up, you could feel the electricity in the air, almost enveloping you in a hug.

You placed two finger between your lips and let out a loud whistle.


You feel your ears perk up as you hear the loud flapping of wings. A strong gust of wind pushes you back slightly as Taekwoon lands in front of you. Beckoning him over, you could see the anger in his eyes. His usually fierce features were enhanced and you let out a small sigh. He growls, causing thunder to roar.

He stomps over to you and you give him a small reassuring smile. You let go of the umbrella and envelope him in a big hug. You drag your hands through his thick feathers and give him a good rub.

"It'll be okay......Relax, I'm here now."

He whimpers before dropping down. You pat his head as you feel the electricity in the air die down. Suddenly, you no longer feel rain on your skin and you look up to see his large wings shielding you. You smile, burying your face in his feathers.

"Good boy."

Taekwoon relaxes because of your touch and the rain soon comes to a stop. He slowly moves away his wings and you laugh. You look down at your drenched clothes and sigh.

"I'll need to go change again......"

Taekwoon whimpers, apologetic and guilty. You simply smile at him before giving him a light tap on the face.

"It's not your fault."

He looks down at you before rubbing his feathers against you, trying to dry you. You let out a laugh as his soft feathers brushes against your face. You give him a light rub before stepping back.

"Thank you Taekwoon."



A small dragon with beautiful golden scales that sparkled. His large, golden eyes always seem to stare into your soul.

Jaehwan is a dragon that can read your emotions. Whenever you were feeling slightly sad, he would try his best to cheer you up. His presence alone would lift your spirits instantly.

Jaehwan is extremely chirpy and energetic. It's tiny wings would frequently be seen in motion as it flies everywhere.

If you were lucky enough to witness his sneeze, you would find it an amazing experience. Golden glitter would rain upon you, gently embracing you and granting you an extra 5 years to your lifespan.


You groan as you feel the stress starting to get to you. The boss was treating you like shit at work and the projects were starting to pile up. You decided to head to bed early and clear your mind from everything. As you lay in bed, you look up at the ceiling, hoping to clear your mind.

All of a sudden, you hear a small panting and you prop yourself up on the bed. Turning your head to the door, you see this small dragon hobbling towards you in a hurry. You can't help but stare in awe as he jumps onto your lap. Jaehwan whimpers as he notices the stress appear on your face.

You feel your stress disappear as he continues staring into your eyes. You smile, petting Jaehwan, enjoying the feeling of his soft scales. He starts to push his head further into your palm, causing you to let out a small laugh. He then simply lays there on your stomach, engulfing you in all these positive vibes and energy.

You let your entire body relax as Jaehwan rests on top of your stomach. You mimic his breathing pattern and you found yourself relaxing further. You were calm and peaceful.

All of a sudden, Jaehwan let out a small sneeze. Golden glitter rained upon your face and slowly covered the entire room. Jaehwan sniffles and you can't help but laugh.

"Bless you."

Jaehwan gives you a toothy grin, reminding you that his sneezes grant 5 years to your lifespan. You smile as you lightly pat his head.

"Or rather, bless me."


A large dragon that has many plants sprouting on his back that are essential for making potions. His scales mimic the look of tree bark. Wonshik's eyes are dark green, mimicing the look of some leaves.

Due to the plants growing on his back, Wonshik smells heavenly. The mixture of scents of all the different plants blend well and have a very calming effect.

Harvesting these plants do not hurt Wonshik. In fact, it is better to harvest it as otherwise, the plants would start to pile up, pushing the dragon down due to the weight.

You can easily tell Wonshik is happy as a small flower would sprout on his back. A small flower always sprouts when he sees you or when you stroke his head.

Wonshik is the epitomy of gentle giant. Despite being so big, he is always very nice and docile. He will always stay still as you climb his back to harvest the plants. He is very friendly and enjoys your company a lot. He is fiercely protective you and would fight anyone, despite being a gentle type, who dared to harm you.



You coo as you run outside.  The gentle giant jogs over to you and you grin at his happy face. He bends down and you immediately start to stroke his head. Dozens of flowers start sprouting on his back and you can't help but laugh. You give him one last pet and he crouches down.

Propping yourself up onto his back, you start searching for the plants you need. You gently pluck some of the flowers and plants, being careful not to pull too hard. Wonshik lets out a small yawn as you continue picking out everything you need.

Once you were done, you jumped off his back and grabbed the basket of full of plants. As you walked towards the door, you suddenly hear Wonshik groaning. Turning around, you see him crouched down, giving you puppy eyes.

"Do you want to watch me make potions?"

Wonshik immediately jumps up, nodding his head. You laugh, lightly patting his head.

"Wait here."

Jogging inside, you quickly grab the equipment necessary and bring it outside. Laying everything out, you start to read the ingredients out. Wonshik watches you with an attentive eye as you carefully place the plants in the flask. He goes from standing to sitting down in front of you. You put in the last plant and add the necessary solvent to melt everything together.

You start a fire using the portable bunsen burner and place the flask on top. You clap your hands together and smile.

"Now we wait."

You knew that the potion would take at least 3 hours to form so you assumed Wonshik would fall asleep whilst waiting. And, your assumption was right. As Wonshik watched the potion bubble, his eyes slowly started to droop and close. 2 hours passed and he falls asleep and you smile. You walk over to Wonshik and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Wonshik."



A medium sized dragon with beautiful, sleek features. His scales are a dark blue that seem to shimmer under the sun. Similar to the Hakyeon dragon, the Hongbin dragon's eyes seem to hold the entire universe.

He has long claws that he can retract. They are perfect for lock picking or untying impossibly tight knots. An extremely flexible dragon that can fit into extremely tight spaces. Perfect for sneaking around. He moves with no noise, startling you whenever he appears beside you. You frequently use this to travel through dangerous areas, undetected.

He is a rather mysterious dragon, not much known is about him. When you asked professionals about him, they always seem to shrug.

He would act aloof, but you knew that he was very protective of you. Whenever he feels bored, he would frequently cuddle with you and ask you to read him stories. He finds comfort in your warmth and embrace.


Snuggled on the couch, with a book in your hands, you find yourself immersed in the story. As you flip to the next page, you feel something in the air change. You swiftly turned around only to see Hongbin standing there with a confused look on his face.

"You scared me......"

You murmur. Hongbin blinks before whimpering a small apology. He jogs away and you raise an eyebrow at his strange action. He soon comes jogging back with a soft blanket in his mouth. He swiftly jumps up onto the couch and makes his way over to you.

Using his claws, he covers you with the blanket. He jumps off the couch and runs off yet again. You watch as his tail disappears into the distance. A minute passes and Hongbin comes jogging back with a book snuggled in his mouth.

He then crawls underneath the blanket and cuddles next to you. He stares at you with his large eyes glistening and you laugh at his cute face. You pet him lightly on the head before wrapping one arm around him. Placing your own book aside, you take the book out of his mouth and start to flip the pages.

"You want me to read to you?"

He quickly nods his head and you smile.


Turning to the first page, you start to narrate the story and you can feel Hongbin relaxing in your arms. He lets out a small yawn as he places his head on your chest. His breathing starts to slow down as his large eyes flutter shut. Soon, his eyes are closed and he was peacefully sleeping in your arms.

You can't help but smile as you place the book aside. Placing a small kiss on his forehead, you lean back and start to fall asleep too.



A colossal dragon that breathes fire. His scales are a dark red with tips that are black, making it look like it had been burnt. His extremely large wings causes large gusts of winds but it is useful for traveling long distances and whilst carrying heavy equipment.

Sanghyuk is a solitary dragon but is fiercely protective of you and would snarl at anyone who got too close for comfort. He is usually serious and would do his job of protecting you well but sometimes he would show his mischievous side and pull pranks on you.

For this power, he eats a lot, causing your pocket to suffer. His one meal typically consists of 100kg of meat, a giant pool of water and three fruit trees as dessert.


"Sanghyuk, go find a suitable place to set up camp."

Sanghyuk stares at you, shaking his head. He lets out a small growl.

"I'll be fine. Nothing will happen to me. Just go and find a space for us to sleep."

Sanghyuk stares at you, and you give him a reassuring him. He eventually nods, flying away with his massive wings. You look around the forest and decide to gather some fruits to snack on.

Crouching down, you start to pick some berries in the bushes that you knew were edible.

"Hey there, I was wondering if you have got a map that I could use."

You look up to see a strange man approaching you. Rising to your feet, you quickly shake your head.

"Sorry I don't."

The guy smiles, still walking towards you.

"Then perhaps you could help me find my way to where I need to go."

You gulp as your grip on your bag tightens.

"I don't think I can help you."

As he continues to walk forward, you quickly turn around and sprint for you life. You could hear his footsteps running after you and you feel your heart pounding. You instantly regret asking Sanghyuk to find camp, thus leaving you alone.


You scream at the top of your lungs, praying that he could hear you. Within seconds, you could feel a gust of wind hit of your face as Sanghyuk lands in front of you.

Relief washes over your body and Sanghyuk notices the discomfort and fear on your face. He sees the strange man and immediately lets out a snarl.

The man stops in his tracks as he takes in the appearance of Sanghyuk.

Sanghyuk narrows his eyes, as though wondering why the man hadn't run away yet. He lets out a mighty roar, causing the leaves on the trees to quiver and shake. The man immediately starts to run away, sensing the danger in the air. You place a small hand on his side and silently thank him.

Sanghyuk looks down at you before shaking his head as though to say 'I told you so.' You snort, lightly hitting him.

"You were right. Thank you Sanghyuk."

He nudges you slightly and you roll your eyes.

"Fine, you can have one more fruit tree for dessert."

He howls, expressing his delight. You sigh. This was going to put another hole in your wallet.


If you guys had a pet dragon, what type would it be? Mine would be a rather big but slim dragon. Matte, black scales and large golden eyes. It would have a long tail but no wings. It would probably have the ability to control minds and is extremely stealthy as compared to being really strong. What about you guys?

I'm sorry for not updating as I still wish to concentrate on my studies! But I'll make sure to update often once my exams are over! Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine :D

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