Forever Mine (Jastin)✔️

By blondemccann

62.3K 5.7K 5.5K

Sequel to --> Always mine They've had a long journey together from up to down. Now the future holds for them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Me and Justin
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Characters ask
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Characters answers
For the Zustin fans
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue (part 1)
Epilogue (part 2)
Epilogue (part 3)
Epilogue (part 4)
Epilogue (part 5)

Epilogue (part 6)

857 55 78
By blondemccann

Cailin & Drake : 18 years old.

Phoenix & Camila : 15 years old.


Drake's POV

Did you ever think about a person so much that you didn't even know anything about, just looking at her features makes you go weird. This has been happening to me ever since we were kids coming to our favorite coffee shop near our home, just having a quick snack before we go off to do our things.

"Could you stop staring? It's really not helping, like at all." Cailin glares at me drinking her coffee.

"Why don't you ever ask her?" I ask looking at the cashier that is smiling to the customers.

"I have way more important things to do."

"I know you're scared but this could be our chance-"

"Chance of what? Knowing about a person that we don't even know anything about? We don't even know who used their sperms? Justin or Jason." I scoffed hearing her say that.

"Look at me, it's so obvious who did it." I snap my fingers referring to Jason. I had the same blue eyes and blonde hair. "You have the same blue eyes as him as well and that lady looks just like you. She looks like your older sister- I mean look at her." I grab her shoulder making her look at her.

"S-stop it." She tenses up pushing my hand away.

"You know deep down you want to know your birth mother or your donor." She shakes her head clearing her throat.

"Are you done? Because I'm leaving."

"I'm gonna work here."


"I have a plan." I whisper looking at the time.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm gonna get to know her and maybe steal a hair or two." She gives me a straight face and not making any movement. "I have to know who was his baby mama."

"Dad's like super gay and is always talking trash about vaginas." I put my hands on the table thinking about my plan. "What if we were adopted?"

"Please stop talking you're not making any sense. I have so much futures of dad. Anyone who doesn't even know me knows it I'm not adopted plus something else came to my mind, we look nothing like each other but we're twins doesn't that ring a bell?" She looks down at the table thinking about my words.


"Think about it, there's so many clues to this and you still don't believe me." I sigh blowing some air out.

"Go a-ask her." She shakes a little waving me off.

"So you're actually interested." I tease poking her cheek.

"What if I am?" She crosses her arms being annoyed.

"Fine, I'll take a job here."

"No, I want you to talk to her like right now."

"What am I supposed to say? Hello are you the person who gave your eggs away to a gay couple?" I scoffed shaking my head.

"Not like that idiot, have manners."

"Sorry mom I forgot." She rolls her eyes looking at her watch.

"Shit, we're gonna be late for our first period if we don't get going."

"Yeah, yeah, just let me talk to the manager here." I get up walking towards the cashier having a slightly nervous feeling going over my body. "Hi." I look up seeing the brunette woman that we were talking about a minute ago looking at me. "Can I talk to the manager please?" I swallow trying not to look into her green eyes.

"You're looking at her." She smiles shrugging giving me a warm smile.

"Right, I wanted to know if I could apply for a job here? If it's available?" I lick my lips giving her a fake smile.

"I need someone for the night time, we are open 24/7." I take a step back looking at the ground thinking about this. If I was going to make this work I had to put everything in me in it. For the sake of me and my other half, it's not like dads would be any help anyways.

"Could I ask when does it start?"

"At 12 AM and you finish at 7 AM." I blew some air out thinking about my college classes, they were going to be over within a week so I didn't have to worry about those but still I need my beauty sleep, man.



"Yes or no?"

"Yeah, I'll do my best. This is actually-"

"Alright you start on Monday and don't be late or you're fired." I chuckle awkwardly rubbing my nose.

This was easy I didn't even need a Resume.

"Right." As I said that I walked up to Cailin with her giving me worried eyes.

"So did you get it?" I nodded, frowning putting my chin on her shoulder.

"What's up with the face?" She pulls me away looking at me.

"I'm supposed to work at night."

"Wow, good luck because you'll need it." She flips her hair taking my arm. "Did you sign anything?" I shake my head not remembering me doing something like that.

"She probably thought you were not being serious." She laughs smacking my chest exiting the cafe and standing for the bus to come.

"I was actually very serious with her FYI." She rolls her eyes going inside the bus with me following her.

"I just hope by doing this we can get some answers out." She sits down on the seat looking at the window.



A week later

Exhausted, tried, sleepy and having my eyes burning like fried eggs. I just couldn't go any longer I felt like passing out any second and it only was only 3 AM. The minute I told dad I got a job he laughed at my face not believing me. I wouldn't either someone lazy as me getting a job like this. It's really out of this world if you ask me.

"Tried already?" A girl named Charlotte asked laughing at me. I quickly got up shaking my head.

"No way, I'm all good." I return a smile to her seeing her blushing a little. Oh god, she better not have a crush on me on the first day.

"Have you done this before?"

"No but you know I couldn't help noticing the manager not being here?"

"Oh she goes home at this hour."

"What...?" I slide on the ground pulling my hair. "You can't be serious."

"What's so special about her?" She kneels down towards me touching my shoulder I smack it away making her gasp.

"Don't touch me." I stand up groaning. How am I supposed to do this now? This wasn't going to work out at all.

"If you need her she'll be here in the morning-"

"Shut up! Damn, you're annoying!"

"What is wrong with you, I'm just trying to help you."

"I'm going through a lot right now and I totally believe you can't." I whisper putting my name tag on the table.

"You're quiting?" She asks in surprise.

"What does it look?" I walk out of the store not wasting anytime of mine in here anymore.


Next day

"Stop laughing it's not funny." I tell dad rolling my eyes at him.

"I told you, he wouldn't do it. I want my prize, Justin." He snaps his fingers towards him.

Ew I could just imagine what it would be...ew ew getting out of those thoughts.

"Drake?" I feel a pat on my knee, I look to see Cailin looking at me with worry in her eyes.

"I'll explain later." I whisper to her getting a look from Phoenix. I gave him a duck face in return.

"Don't make it suspicious." Cailin rubs my knee.

"So are you going back or not?" I suddenly hear dad speaking up.

"I'll think about it."

"Told you he won't do it." Dad teased me.

"Forget you two I'm going back to my job." I groan having enough of them, I get up going to walk away when he grabs my arm.

"At least excuse yourself." He holds it harder for me to answer quickly.

"Jason, don't be so harsh."

"May I be excused?" I ask him.

"You may."

"Whatever." Whispering under my breath hoping he didn't hear me.


"You're seriously going back?" I hear Cailin catching up to me on the sidewalk when I left.

"I need answers Cai, I'm just gonna do the easy way out."

"You can't be serious." She grabs my arm making me look at her.

"Look she'll easily say yes or no." I shrugged thinking this plan would work easily.

"What if she lies?" She crosses her arms looking behind me.

"Why would she lie?"

"Maybe it's her job?"

"You mean giving her eggs away? Do you know-"

"What are you guys talking about?" We suddenly hear Phoenix making both of us jump in panic.

"Sweetie, hi we were just talking about this new place we found." She horribly lies making me chuckle getting a punch in the stomach in return.

"What's it called?"

"None of your business-" I was cut off by another punch in the stomach by her.

"Talk one more time and next it's your balls." She glares then smiling at Phoenix.

"We're looking for something, and I best believe you should stay out of this baby brother." She rubs his curly hair.

"Are you guys looking for your birth mom?" We both freeze not knowing what to say in return.

"Don't worry no one knows expect for me." He grins showing a peace sign.

"H-how did you know?" She asks.

"Pretty simple, Drake talks in his sleep." From that I get another punch but this time even harder than those other two times.

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream falling on the ground.

"Pleaseeeee don't tell dads if they find out..."

"I won't but why don't you guys use your birth certificate? Isn't that way easier?" I get up rubbing my stomach thinking my plan is way better.

"I'm not taking a step into dads room, the last time I went there was to find something and it was condoms and that was three years ago. Plus I miserably failed because he caught me and I got to be a slave around the house for a whole month." They both give me a weird look. "What? I'm cheap!"

"Listen-" I push her out of my way walking to the coffee shop to get it over with.

"Drake don't do anything stupid!" I hear her yelling at me but it was too late. I was already inside and ready to burst out.

"Hello, can I talk to the manager?" I ask an Asian girl she nodded going inside a room in the back. I tapped my fingers getting a little nervous all of a sudden.

"This is it." I whisper under my breath seeing her coming out. Not really happy to see me.

"Didn't you quit?" I nodded.

"I-I need to talk to you alone, could I please take your time for a minute?" I swallow feeling a little red.

"Are you okay?" I fake laugh scratching my neck.

"All good."

"Okay then..." She comes out going outside and ready for me to talk. "Is it about your job because if you-"

"18 years ago did you sell your eggs to a gay couple?" I spill it out like it was nothing.

"Excuse me?" She asks getting uncomfortable taking a step back.

"Did you or did you not because this is very important to me." Her body shakes slightly and shakes her head.

"Why would I ever do that?"

"Because you look exactly like me." I suddenly hear Cailin's voice from behind seeing her shyly looking towards us.

"That wasn't the answer, Cailin." I whisper to her getting a quick glare. The woman looked speechless just looking at Cailin. I swear they both looked like twins but she was a bit older looking from her like an old version of her.

"I-I'm sorry I need to get back to my job." She was about to leave when I grab her arm pinning her against the wall.

"We just want the truth because it's been bugging me for years now." She sobs letting her tears down.

"I r-really need to go..." She hiccups pushing me away slowly.

"Fuck woman just say yes or no, It's that simple!" Cailin yells out loud as some people look our way.

"I-I..." with her face being like this I knew from the very beginning she was my birth mother but something was holding her back from telling us and we didn't know what that was.

"So I was right." I whisper pulling her into a hug with Cailin pulling me away.

"What are you doing? We're not even sure yet."

"I did sell my eggs, I needed the money for my mother because she was sick." She suddenly said frowning the tears still falling from her eyes.

"Well at least we know now, it's you for sure." Cailin smiles to her, she gives a weak smile in return.

"You look so much like him." She points to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Was his name Jackson? Jason? I don't know I remember his handsome face from the hospital, it's been years but I still remember it."

"Oh you mean Jason, yeah he's my dad." I chuckle not knowing really what to say.

"I'm sorry I gave you all of me and you didn't get anything from your dad. I'm not really that pretty." She frowns looking at Cailin then looking at the ground.

"If it wasn't for your beautiful self we wouldn't be here." Cailin grins telling her to look up.

"I can't be beside you. I signed a contract." She licks her lips putting her hands up.

"Mom? Are you in here?" We hear a boy with brunette and green eyes asking for her. We actually have a brother we didn't know about...

"I have to go."

"What's your name?" I quickly ask.

"Aren't you two supposed to be looking for jobs?" We feel a sudden push from our backs seeing dad standing very angrily. I heard a gasp seeing our birth mother looking down again with the boy curiously looking at us.

"What are you both doing?" We didn't answer.

"Jason?" The woman looked at him in shock.

"You...wait why are you near them?" She sobs going inside grabbing the boys hand as well.

"What's her name?" Cailin asks stepping in front of dad with me taking a step back.

"She's no one let's go home you have stuff to do."

"She's our birth mother." Dad ignored her and picks her up throwing her on his shoulder with me not moving an inch.

"Daddy put me down!"

"Drake let's go home now." I swallowed hard following his tracks.

"Shit head, say something you wanted to meet her." She tries to escape from him but it was no use.

"I did meet her and I really don't want to get in trouble so that's enough for me." I lie feeling my heart boiling from my chest.

"Dad please put me down!" He didn't listen but brought us home, scolding us to never go near her again and if we did he would never forgive us or have his trust or dad's ever again but he did tell us that she was our birth mother named Lauren.

"Why are you doing this?" Cailin cried out.

"Because dad never had any children of his own and if he finds out about this he'll feel pretty sad about it and alone so watch your step. I'm trying to make his life happy as his husband and I don't want anyone ruining it." We both nodded but just the second he left Cailin started crying and I pulled her into a hug.





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